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Perlakuan Minggu Diameter_Batang (cm)

Mean K 1 0.720
2 0.720
3 0.714
4 0.726
5 0.735
6 0.727
P 1 0.686
2 0.712
3 0.714
4 0.718
5 0.741
6 0.709
O2 1 0.803
2 0.861
3 0.870
4 0.971
5 1.03
6 1.03
CO2 1 0.773
2 0.816
3 0.804
4 0.825
5 0.821
6 0.823
H2 1 0.867
2 0.928
3 0.931
4 0.973
5 0.958
6 0.957
N2 1 0.875
2 0.893
3 0.894
4 0.899
5 0.904
6 0.907
O3 1 0.920
2 0.953
3 0.955
4 0.959
5 0.958
6 0.963
Diameter_Batang (cm)

ANOVA - Diameter_Batang (cm)
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F p η² ω²

Overall model 2.777 11 0.2524 20.14 < .001

Perlakuan 2.595 6 0.4325 34.50 < .001 0.411 0.398
Minggu 0.182 5 0.0364 2.90 0.014 0.029 0.019
Residuals 3.535 282 0.0125


Assumption Checks
Homogeneity of Variances Tests
Statistic df df2 p

Levene's 0.800 41 252 0.803

Bartlett's 27.7 41 0.944

Note. Additional results provided by moretests

Normality tests
statistic p

Shapiro-Wilk 0.992 0.099

Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.0334 0.897
Anderson-Darling 0.517 0.188

Note. Additional results provided by moretests

Q-Q Plot

Post Hoc Tests

Post Hoc Comparisons - Perlakuan
95% Confidence
Mean ptukey pbonferroni Cohen's
Perlakuan Perlakuan SE df t Lower Upper
Difference d

K - P 0.01036 0.0244 282 0.424 1.000 1.000 0.0925 -0.3371 0.5221

- O2 -0.20360 0.0244 282 -8.333 < .001 < .001 -1.8184 -2.2736 -1.3632
- CO2 -0.08652 0.0244 282 -3.541 0.008 0.010 -0.7728 -1.2071 -0.3385
- H2 -0.21188 0.0244 282 -8.672 < .001 < .001 -1.8924 -2.3497 -1.4351
- N2 -0.17140 0.0244 282 -7.015 < .001 < .001 -1.5309 -1.9788 -1.0830
- O3 -0.22752 0.0244 282 -9.312 < .001 < .001 -2.0321 -2.4935 -1.5707
P - O2 -0.21395 0.0244 282 -8.757 < .001 < .001 -1.9109 -2.3687 -1.4531
- CO2 -0.09688 0.0244 282 -3.965 0.002 0.002 -0.8653 -1.3008 -0.4298
- H2 -0.22224 0.0244 282 -9.096 < .001 < .001 -1.9849 -2.4449 -1.5249
- N2 -0.18176 0.0244 282 -7.439 < .001 < .001 -1.6234 -2.0735 -1.1733
- O3 -0.23788 0.0244 282 -9.736 < .001 < .001 -2.1246 -2.5888 -1.6604
O2 - CO2 0.11707 0.0244 282 4.792 < .001 < .001 1.0456 0.6074 1.4838
- H2 -0.00829 0.0244 282 -0.339 1.000 1.000 -0.0740 -0.5036 0.3556
- N2 0.03219 0.0244 282 1.318 0.843 1.000 0.2875 -0.1427 0.7177
- O3 -0.02393 0.0244 282 -0.979 0.958 1.000 -0.2137 -0.6436 0.2162
CO2 - H2 -0.12536 0.0244 282 -5.131 < .001 < .001 -1.1196 -1.5591 -0.6802
- N2 -0.08488 0.0244 282 -3.474 0.011 0.012 -0.7581 -1.1922 -0.3240
- O3 -0.14100 0.0244 282 -5.771 < .001 < .001 -1.2593 -1.7014 -0.8173
H2 - N2 0.04048 0.0244 282 1.657 0.646 1.000 0.3615 -0.0691 0.7921
- O3 -0.01564 0.0244 282 -0.640 0.995 1.000 -0.1397 -0.5694 0.2900
N2 - O3 -0.05612 0.0244 282 -2.297 0.249 0.470 -0.5012 -0.9328 -0.0697

Note. Comparisons are based on estimated marginal means

Post Hoc Comparisons - Minggu
95% Confidence
Mean Cohen's
Minggu Minggu SE df t ptukey pbonferroni Lower Upper
Difference d

1 - 2 -0.03414 0.0226 282 -1.5094 0.659 1.000 -0.30494 -0.703 0.0935

- 3 -0.03390 0.0226 282 -1.4986 0.665 1.000 -0.30275 -0.701 0.0957
- 4 -0.06080 0.0226 282 -2.6877 0.081 0.114 -0.54299 -0.943 -0.1428
- 5 -0.07151 0.0226 282 -3.1613 0.021 0.026 -0.63868 -1.040 -0.2375
- 6 -0.06724 0.0226 282 -2.9728 0.037 0.048 -0.60059 -1.001 -0.1998
2 - 3 2.45e-4 0.0226 282 0.0108 1.000 1.000 0.00219 -0.395 0.3999
- 4 -0.02665 0.0226 282 -1.1783 0.847 1.000 -0.23805 -0.636 0.1601
- 5 -0.03737 0.0226 282 -1.6519 0.565 1.000 -0.33374 -0.732 0.0649
- 6 -0.03310 0.0226 282 -1.4634 0.688 1.000 -0.29565 -0.694 0.1028
3 - 4 -0.02690 0.0226 282 -1.1891 0.842 1.000 -0.24023 -0.638 0.1579
- 5 -0.03761 0.0226 282 -1.6628 0.558 1.000 -0.33593 -0.735 0.0627
- 6 -0.03335 0.0226 282 -1.4742 0.681 1.000 -0.29783 -0.696 0.1006
4 - 5 -0.01071 0.0226 282 -0.4737 0.997 1.000 -0.09569 -0.493 0.3021
- 6 -0.00645 0.0226 282 -0.2851 1.000 1.000 -0.05760 -0.455 0.3401
5 - 6 0.00427 0.0226 282 0.1886 1.000 1.000 0.03809 -0.360 0.4358

Note. Comparisons are based on estimated marginal means


Tukey HSD Grouping

Perlakuan means groups

O3 9.512857 a
H2 9.356429 a
O2 9.273571 a
N2 8.951667 a
CO2 8.102857 b
K 7.237619 c
P 7.134048 c

Minggu means groups

5 8.778980 a
6 8.736327 a
4 8.671837 ab
2 8.405306 ab
3 8.402857 ab
1 8.063878 b
Estimated Marginal Means

Estimated Marginal Means - Perlakuan

95% Confidence Interval
Perlakuan Mean SE Lower Upper

K 0.724 0.0173 0.690 0.758

P 0.713 0.0173 0.679 0.747
O2 0.927 0.0173 0.893 0.961
CO2 0.810 0.0173 0.776 0.844
H2 0.936 0.0173 0.902 0.970
N2 0.895 0.0173 0.861 0.929
O3 0.951 0.0173 0.917 0.985


Estimated Marginal Means - Minggu

95% Confidence Interval
Minggu Mean SE Lower Upper

1 0.806 0.0160 0.775 0.838

2 0.841 0.0160 0.809 0.872
3 0.840 0.0160 0.809 0.872
4 0.867 0.0160 0.836 0.899
5 0.878 0.0160 0.846 0.909
6 0.874 0.0160 0.842 0.905


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