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1 A hasty /ˈheɪ.sti/ (adj) : vội vàng,hấp tấp,nóng nảy

B nasty /ˈnɑː.sti/ (adj) : thô lỗ,xấu xa,bạo lực
C tasty /ˈteɪ.sti/ (adj) : ngon,hấp dẫn (đồ ăn)
D wastage /ˈweɪ.stɪdʒ/ (n) :sự lãng phí
3 A homonym /ˈhɑː.mə.nɪm/ (n,C) : từ đồng âm khác nghĩa
B dishonesty /dɪˈsɑː.nə.sti/ (n) :sự không trung thực
C honorable /ˈɑː.nɚ.ə.bəl/ (adj) :danh giá
D hourly /ˈaʊə.li/ (adj,adv) :hàng giờ
4 A slaughter /ˈslɔː.tər/ , /ˈslɑː.t̬ɚ/ (n):sự sát sinh,sự tàn sát
(v):tàn sát
* In sports and other competitions, to slaughter is to defeat easily
B draught /drɑːft/ , /dræft/ (n) :luồng hơi lạnh,sự uống 1 hơi,lượng nước rẽ
*draughts(n):cờ đam
C naughty /ˈnɔː.ti/ , /ˈnɑː.t̬i/ (adj):nghịch ngợm
D plaudit /ˈplɔː.dɪt/ , /ˈplɑː.dɪt/ noun [ C usually plural ] formal=praise
5 A whistle /ˈwɪs.əl/ (v):thì thầm,hót,thổi sáo-còi,rít(gió),réo [ I + adv/prep ]
eg:She heard the wind whistling through the trees and the howl of a distant wolf.
B thirst /θɜːst/ (n) :sự khát
 a strong wish: He's always had a thirst for adventure.

C skirt /skɜːt/ (n):chân váy

D reptile /ˈrep.taɪl/ (n,C):loài bò sát

6 A adventure /ədˈven.tʃər/ :chuyến phiêu lưu
B advantage /ədˈvɑːn.tɪdʒ/:lợi ích
C advertise /ˈæd.və.taɪz/:(v)quảng cáo
D addition /əˈdɪʃ.ən/:tính cộng
7 A chain /tʃeɪn/(n):chuỗi,dây xích
B entertain /entəˈtein/(v):ấp ủ,giải trí,tiếp đãi
C bargain /ba:gin/ (n) món hời,(v) trả giá
D complain /kəmˈpleɪn/ :(v) phàn vàn
8 A naked /ˈneɪ.kɪd/
B coughed /t/
C halted (n):sự tạm dừng,ga tàu xe
call a halt to sth=to prevent something from continuing
D sacred /ˈseɪ.krɪd/ (adj):thiêng liêng
9 A pleased /t/
B closed /t/
C raised /d/
D embarassed /ɪmˈbær.əst/
10 A assist /s/
B must /s/
C island /0/
D mist /s/(n):mưa phùn


1 2 3 4
jeopadize,recipe,communis creative,invalid,extravagan preferential,elasticity misunderstand,
m, t, , tuberculosis
politics diametre,geneticsist,tattoo accidental,gurantee, nevertheless
economics,coinside cinematographe



1. 1.sollution
2. hurts
3. on account of=because of
4. celibate:độc thân immaculate:trong trắng,hoàn hảo,chu đáo
5. flight
6. feat: something difficult needing a lot of skill, strength, courage, etc. to achieve it; an act that
shows skill, strength, or bravery
–acrobat:a person who entertains people by doing difficult and skilful physical things, such as
walking along a high wire
-deed:an intentional act, especially a very bad or very good one; a legal document that is an
official record of an agreement or official proof that someone owns land or a building
-exploit: to use something in a way that helps you; to use someone or something unfairly for
your own advantage
7. skeptical about:hoài nghi
8. sense
9. immaginative
10. approximated

1. endlessly
2. unreliability
3. satisfying
4. enthusiastic about:nhiệt tình
5. purify
6. downpour=rain
7. imprisonment
8. foretell
9. misused
10. timely


1. hadn’t been
2. had been killed
3. had moved,came
4. are being layed lay off:sa thải
5. smoking,not taking
6. stopped
7. doesn’t allow,to read,found,was reading,ignored
8. will be
9. look,have forgotten,happened
10. smoked
11. was seen,wore

1. The singer had very little moeny when he died, which was contrary to everyone's thought
2. The last time John cut his hair is about six month ago
3. Despite his both broken legs, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded

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