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Developmental Psychology - Study of how behavior changes over the lifespan

2. Gene-environment interaction - Situation in which the effects of genes depend on the

environment in which they are expressed

3. Nature vs. Nurture - Individuals with genetic predisposition seek out and create

environments that permit the expression of predispositions

4. Gene Expression - Activation or deactivation of genes by environmental experiences

throughout development

5. Cross-sectional Design - Research method comparing different groups of people at

one point in time to examine age-related differences.

6. Cohort Effect - Impact of being part of a particular generation or cohort, leading to

shared experiences or characteristics.

7. Longitudinal Design - Research method following the same group of individuals over

an extended period to observe changes over time.

8. Post hoc Fallacy - Mistaken belief that because one event follows another, the first

event caused the second.

9. Zygote - Cell formed by the union of two gametes, typically a sperm and an egg,

marking the beginning of prenatal development.

10. Blastocyst - Stage of prenatal development characterized by a hollow ball of cells,

which implants into the uterine wall.

11. Teratogen - environmental factor that can exert a negative impact on prenatal


12. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome - a condition in a child that results from alcohol exposure

during the mother's pregnancy

13. Primary Sex Characteristics - The reproductive organs/physical attributes that one is

born with
14. Secondary Sex Characteristics - The reproductive organs/physical attributes that

develop during puberty

15. Menarche - Onset of menstruation

16. Spermarche - Male’s first ejaculation

17. Menopause - Cessation of menstruation, marking the end of a woman’s reproductive


18. Cognitive Development - Study of how thinking, problem-solving, and understanding

change over the course of a person's life.

19. Assimilation - Process of incorporating new information into existing cognitive schemas

or frameworks.

20. Accommodation - Process of modifying existing cognitive schemas or creating new

ones to incorporate new information.

21. Scaffolding - Supportive assistance provided by a more knowledgeable individual to

help a learner achieve a higher level of understanding or skill.

22. Zone of Proximal Development - Range of tasks that a learner can perform with

assistance but cannot yet perform independently.

23. Theory of Mind - Understanding that others have beliefs, desires, and intentions that

may differ from one's own.

24. Stranger Anxiety - Fear or wariness of unfamiliar people, often observed in infants

around 6 to 8 months of age.

25. Temperament - Innate behavioral and emotional characteristics that are relatively stable

across situations and over time.

26. Attachment - Emotional bond formed between an infant and their primary caregiver,

typically the mother.

27. Average Expectable Environment - Environment providing basic needs and typical

experiences necessary for healthy development.

28. Gender Identity - an individual’s sense of being male or female

29. Gender Role - Societies ascribed behaviors tied to gender

30. Psychosocial Crisis - Critical conflicts or challenges faced at different stages of life

according to Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory.

31. Emerging Adulthood - Developmental stage between adolescence and full adulthood,

characterized by exploration and identity formation.

32. Mid-life Crisis - Period of psychological stress typically occurring in middle adulthood,

often involving reevaluation of one's life and goals.

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