Unit 8 Sentences

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Freshman Unit 8 - Sentences - Completed: February 13, 9:08:54 AM CST Unique ID: 427026649
Word Sentence Correct* Incorrect* Answer
Some people misinterpret his ASSURANCE as being egotistical, but I
ASSURANCE 82% 18% Right!
know he is full of the self-confidence needed for the job.
The fugitive ended up in a(n) ASYLUM that offered him protection from
ASYLUM 93% 7% Right!
the police.
When her grandmother passed away, all her friends felt it was
CONSOLE 92% 8% Right!
important to CONSOLE her by offering comforting hugs.
When a cat is placed in a dark room, its pupils DILATE to a very large
DILATE 97% 3% Right!
size so more light can enter the eye.
He rummaged through the junkyard but only found DROSS and not his
DROSS 93% 7% Right!
priceless Faberge Egg that was accidentally thrown away.
The HD television craze began to DWINDLE when blue ray came out
DWINDLE 86% 14% Wrong
and everyone wanted it.
During the funeral, the FLIPPANT boy made some smart-alecky
FLIPPANT 88% 12% Wrong
comment that got him kicked out of the room.
If you're a foreign diplomat visiting the United States, you have
IMMUNITY IMMUNITY from getting a speeding ticket, so you can speed all you 91% 9% Right!
After the shopping cart incident, the principal had to INSTITUTE a no-
INSTITUTE 88% 12% Wrong
racing-shopping-carts-in-school rule for the entire student body.
People always pick you last for sports because your inability to throw a
LIABILITY 91% 9% Right!
ball makes you a(n) LIABILITY for the entire team.
I found it PREPOSTEROUS that old Miss Maid, the history teacher,
PREPOSTEROUS was dating a freshman and I was right because it was just an ugly 91% 9% Right!
The PUGNACIOUS boy was always getting into fights with other
PUGNACIOUS children until he came back from military school. Now he only gets into 90% 10% Right!
fights with adults who can hold their own.
Some RABID fans of Scrabble spend every free moment either
RABID 84% 16% Right!
studying or playing the game, which is a tad much enthusiasm for me.
REALM Theories of gravity fall into the REALM of physics studies. 92% 8% Right!
I was so tired after my hike across the Sahara desert that I needed to
REJUVENATE 94% 6% Right!
REJUVENATE myself by drinking a large root beer float.
After I worked my tail off for this lady, she made it a point to
REMUNERATE REMUNERATE me well for my work by giving me a gold nugget that 90% 10% Right!
must have been worth thousands!
The flu caused the number of band member playing at halftime to
SPARSE become SPARSE so we had one drummer and two clarinets put on a 86% 14% Wrong
Many people said that he was a person of STERLING character after
STERLING 86% 14% Wrong
donating all his winnings to orphanages across the country.
Despite our warnings about the Blair Witch, she had to VENTURE into
VENTURE 95% 5% Right!
the forest and videotape everything.
The cult had begun to WARP poor Frederick's mind into thinking that
WARP 88% 12% Right!
an alien ship was going to free him from all misery and doubt.
p g g y
* the percentage of students who answered this correctly or incorrectly

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