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SECOND EDITION ean ENGLISH FILE Workbook Wi ; i 2 = S eae == 2 _—— as at a OXFORD “Vy J 4 \y* American ENGLISH FILE Workbook Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden Paul Seligson den ee egal co-autarsof OXFORD Pal Selgson and clive oxenden English Fle Land English Fle2 UNIVERSITY PRESS Contents 4 A. Where are you fom? 43 A Howto. 6B Charlette's choice 45 B Being happy 8G Mandir. Clark and Perey 47 © Leamatanguage ina montht 10 | PRACTICAL ENGLISH Hotel problems 48 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Atthe pharmacy 1A Right ploce, wrong person 50 A Idon't know what todo! 15 _B_ Thestory behind the photo 2B ifsemething can go wrong, 15 C Onedark October avoning 54 C Youmustbemine 17 A Plans and éroame 56 A. What would you do? 19 B Letsmeet again 58 B I'vebeen afraid oft for years 21 C What's the word? 60 C Borntosing 23 | PRACTICAL ENGLISH Restaurert problems 2 [PRACTICAL ENGLISH Getting aicund 24 A Parents and teenagers 25 B Fashion and shopping 28 © Lostweekend 30 A Notime for anything 32 _B Superiative cites 24 © How much is too muck? sp | FRACTICALENGIISH The rang shoes 37 A Areyoua pessimist? 29 B Mnever forgot you © Themeaning of dreaming 6 6s o 6 a a 6 78 80 we A. Themothers of invention B Could do better CM. indecisive A Bad losers Bre youamorning person? C What a coincidence! BRACTICAL ENGLISH Tire to go home A. Strange but true! B Gossip is good for you The american English File quiz foe STUDY PINTS {ais SELF-ASSESSMENT CD-ROM Powerful lictoning and interactive ascocemont CD-ROM Your ichecker disc an the inside back cover of this Workbook includes: ‘+ AUDIO Download ALL of the audio Files forthe Listening and Pronunciation activities inthis Warkbook for on-the- sgolistoning practice + FILE TESTS Chock your progress by taking a cel ‘assessment test after you complete each File. Audios Wnen you see this symbol (TEITRED, go to theichecker discinthe back ofthis Workbook. Load the csc in yourcomputer, Click on the exercise for the File, Then use the media player to listen. You can transfer the audio te a mobile device frem the "audio folder on the disc. File test: At the end of every File, there sa test. To do the tost, load the Checker and select “Tests” Selact tha tost forthe File you have just finished. ‘Type your name and press “ENTER” ) === HUE 2 (Choose ‘AUDIO BANK.” 1, A—Where are you from? ‘Todays the first day of the rest of your life. Arenymous 1 GRAMMAR word order in questions a Pathe words in the parentheses into the correct place in the questions. 1 Where you born? (were) Wherewere yon borne 2 Dohave aay brothers or sisters? (you) 3. What college you goto? (do) 4 Whar languages you speak? (car) 5. Where yon study English before? (ic) 6 What kind of music do you licen? (¢) 7 How doyouexercise? (often) 8 Where did you last weekenel? (go) 1b Write questions in the. 1 Where doyougotecollege? (you/ goto college) 2 What 2 (you do lastnight) 3: What 2 (TV shows | your family | watch) 4 When ? (your birthday) 5 Where 2 (you from) 6 Where 2 (your friends / go / vacation las year) 7 What kind of books > (you read) 8 Why 2 (you /angry yesterday) aple present or past. 2 VOCABULARY common verb phrases ‘Match the verbs and nouns. beborn do listen to play read speak live watch ge 10 have OOOOo0O8 oo0) > 4 f 8 h i MTV, aTV show ina house, with friends two sisters, apet yoga, karate aan email, amagazine tothe movies,on vacation the guitar, baskerball foreign language, English dance music, R&B. in Toronto, in Canada 3 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds, the alphabet a Che the levier with a different vawel sound, a 5 oO T ™ c D b AUTRE Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the letters. © Underline the stressed syllables in these words, instrument basketball thirteen thirty college weekend mafgalzine sister language alddress u 4 SETH Listenand check. The listen again and repeat the words 4 SPELLING AND NUMBERS a Continue the series. nine, ten, eleven. fifteen, sixteen, sixty, seventy, nincty-eight, ninety-nine, six hundred, seven hundred, three hundred and fifty, four hundred, cone thousand, three thousand, ten thousand, twenty thousand, 1b GGG) Listen and write the words. parents 6 7 8 9 10 5 LISTENING a §GTERSD Listen to a conversation between two people ‘ata party. Why does Ben leave? 1b GGERED Listen again, Mark the sentences T (crue) or F (false) Sandra isa nurse, L Ben isadoctor, — Sandra likes dance music. _ ‘Sandra didn't goo the Muse concert, Sandra plays tennis, — Ben plays soccer. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. getintouch with (gct in totf wd) gotobed early (goo to bed ‘li have (sth) in common /heey mn 'kamon last weekend /lest ‘wikend spend time on (sth) /spond tarm an somewhere nice /samwor nas How often do you...? /hav ‘afn de yu/ What kind of (music)..? wot ‘kaind ov Where were you born? /wer ‘wor yu ‘born ‘A true friend is someone who is there for you when held rather be anywhere else. Len Wein, American comic book writer 1 GRAMMAR simple present a Write negative sentences. Yougerup early. You don't getupearly Itrains alot here. Welive ina house. play tennis. He has beard ‘They goto the gym. She writes a blog. 1b Complete the questions with do or does. 1 When_do you meet your friends? ‘your laptop have awebcam? weneed to leave? ‘your mother work from home? 4 3 Which websites you use most? 6 What time ‘your bestfriend like action movies? ‘your brother spendla lot of time on Facebook? © Complere the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box. not come earn get along. study invite not like lve prefer notsee share went work | am very different from my best friend, Tabitha. Tabitha 1_works as a nurse, and she? alot of money. ma student, and 1 ‘music in * college. * to be a music teacher Tabithas in a small house in the country, and | ® an apartment with some friends in the city. We often ¥ friends for dinner, but Tabitha She's really shy, so she” being with other people. 'm very extroverted, so i to be ina group. ia Tabitha much because she’s usually busy. But when we're together, we always” really well. Some people say that opposites attract, and for me and my bestfriend Tabitha, i's true. VOCABULARY describing people Appearance Complete the sentences. 1 Does your sister have brownreyes or bluceyes? 2 Tanya’sdad doesn’t have any hair. He's b 3. My best friend's hair-isn't ste Irs 4 Andy doesn’t shave, He hasa b anda 5 Youaren't st 6 When Jakewas young, hewas very th ‘ Dut now he's a litle oF 7 My hair isn't brow: not short, I'm m. h atall. think you're very And?'m Personality Complete the opposites. talkative quiet shy generous feiendly hardworking kind stupid Match the questions 1-6 with the answers -f. What did you look like when you were child? ‘What does your husband look like? a ‘What's your best friend like? Qo What does your sister look like? a What's George like? a ‘What were you like when youwereat school? T] She's tall and slim with long blond hair. He's very kind and hardworking, Thad shore curly haitvand fas overweight: He has short dark hair and a mustache, She's smart and really extroverted. Iwas very talkative and alittle lazy. 3 PRONUNCIATION final -s / -es a GEER Listen ——— with a different sound. {L @ 2 @ 4 he SS B hz! | hal ssete | wake | sonra | sora wots |ives [taows ans [icons [tac | iis rane” [tare Geese [enn 1b GGELAY Listen again and repeat the words drinks thes | goes | washes | misses © Underline the stressed syllable. 2 talkative 4 generous = 7 curly 2 extroverted 5 mustache «quiet 3 unfriendly 6 serious © overweight d QGEESD Listen and check, Then listen again and repeat the words. 4 READING ‘a Read the article. What happens on “Singles' Day” in Shanghai? cri oet Fn , in Shanghai Us | November 11 is “Singles Day” in Shanahai, and every year 2 dating ‘event takes place where all the single men and women of the city have the chance to meet.a partner. Last year, it nas so popular that the organizers had to close onine ragistration because there were no more places. Between 10,000 and 40.000 people attend the event every year. Its heldina district of Shanghai called Thames Town. At east 50 dating agencies tate part. They set up stands in the town hall with billboards displaying cards nith the height, birth date, education, and annualincome of thousands of cents. People who did not manage ‘to register forthe event organize their own unofficial dating system by wntting their names and phone numbers on pieces of paper and attaching them to the fence outside the town hall More people take part in“Singles Day” every year because of the ‘growing aumber of single aults in Shanghai. Inthe city, more than 24 percent of people over the age of 15 are unmarried b_ Read che article again, Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false) 1 The people who take partin “Singles’ Day" aren'tmarvied at Many people register for the event on the Internet. _ 3. Allof the dating events are in the town hall 4. People who don't register forthe event can't nd a partner on “Singles' Day.” 5 Every year, there are more single adults, in Shanghai © Underline five words you don'sknow. Check their meaning and pronunciation with a dictionary. 5 LISTENING REED Listen wa radio program about ‘online dating, How many people call the program? b AGERE Listen again and match the callers with the sentences A-E c A He [She doesn't have time for a soctal lif B He /She made a mistake. Het She gotengaged with she parmer he fche- secre D He She married someone who was married before E He She doesn't ike meeting new people F He/She is happily married now, but doesn’thave any children. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES: Learn these words and phrases. guy (oa partner ngle person ‘angl 'parsn smile smatl sociable be into (sth) feel like (doing something) “il atk souabl getalong well (with) /get goon adate /gou on 2 dett sense ofhumor (seas 2v ‘hyumar ‘A man paints with his brain ‘and not with his hands. ‘Michelangelo, talian peinter and sculptor Ve Mr. and Mrs. Clark and Percy » VOCABULARY clothes Complete the crossword. et oi BN ay ee a Au prepositions of place b Look at the painting, Complete the senrences with chese prepositions. “cntheleft in ‘between infrontof _nextte behind 1 There aremany people in the picture 2 There are some boats 3. There are two smallai th and man with an umbrella 4 A small gil ina whice dress is the womanin the middle ofthe painting. 5 Ablackdog is 2 GRAMMAR present continuous a Look atthe painting again, Read the museum guides description of it. Write the verbs in the present continuous. Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, 1664-86, Georges-Pierre Seurat, ‘As you can see, the sun'_ieshining in thispicture, and the people® (relax) by the Seine River in Paris, On the right of the picture, amanand a woman® (walk) their pets. On the left, @ man * Clie) fon the grass. He looks like he® (relax) In the middle of the picture, two girs * (sit down, What” {they / do)? Maybe they ‘ (wait) for some friends? Or maybe they? (watch) the other people? On the right, near the trees, there is another gir She © _____(play) with someone, but we cant see who its. b_ Complete the sentences with the simple present or present continuous form of the verbs in the box. rink drive Uke Ustan live rain sleep study wear work Sorry, can't hear you. ln listening to music. 1 2 Chatles always ro work, 3. “Shhh! Be quiet! The children : 4 Wecan't play tennis today. It 5 Fiona four cups of coffee every day. 6 We this picture very much, 7 My brother inthe music industry. 8 Kathy always jeans at home 9 They can't come to the movies because they for the exam tomorrow, 10 My parents in abighouse 3 PRONUNCIATION /2/ and /or/ a Write the words in the chart. attractive third cardigan skirt sweater bracelet prefer jacket necklace problem Tshirt world computer attractive bb AGIEFED Listenand check. Then listen agein and repeat the words, 4 LISTENING a §(RIEEED Listen to an advertisement for an art exhibition, What is special about the pictures? b ABTA Listenagain and answer the questions. 1 Whereis the David Hockney exhibition? 2. What was the first picture he drew on his iPhone? 3 Whar does he do with his flower pictures? 4 When isthe last day of the exhibition? 5. How much does the exhibition cost? USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES: Learn these wordsand phrases. feet tiv knee ini portrait 'p poster /poostar pregnant relationship rtlenfip vwnusual /sn'y lose together /Klovs 1'920>r 1 pregnant rm FILE. 1 CALLING RECEPTION 3 READING ‘Complece the conversation with a phrase fromthe box. a Read the advertisementand mark the or F (false. ent es T (true) thave a problem with the WiFi. Hlput you through torr 1 The Park Cenceal New York sin checenter ofthe city. 7. Sisendeonebady up eh, 2- Ie near major tourist attractions m sorry tobother you again ; There's a problem with the shower. S Teseery comtierable Besar 4 Allrooms have free Wi-Fi access. 5 ‘The hotel’ restaurant is noe very expensive. ‘A Hello, reception. 6 The hotel has a free parking lot B Hollo.* _Thisisroom 40, 7 The staffonly speaks English. ‘A. How can |help you? x i 7 pee tee Lea Oar Olan Ola aces) B Tenkve. eta us A Good morning, reception. (Our foctities and aaa B Hello. * This is room 402. foes sate Maw enlchyar + temon mel Be can't gete signal decroat doa A tmeorry,ma'am.* Se 8 Thanks. Garena) «+ room service 2 SOCIAL ENGLISH Sorter « gift shop ‘Complete the missing words in the conversat “Great loca “eee Lect hearth cy he Pek Centre Vr ika a okt eae eral al eames ne LAEa ee 7 as nelly Scie ecu eee ries Ee See ers SteciRg irom rosette ee maine ee tieae oa See yer aU eat orton er 3 A Willimmist__ sf within three blocks ofthe hotel, ee Tepe he tl tae et coms ae eee BA Siestopsium > wotytroa (sera elcome a tnvanare ie cae Bea cane ait aie omni mien sero | Serene ecgosy eee ot eae signi ara. = x WL laa) bistro’s oversized windows. Be sours Scio he carl ctiePrcre en the ideal hotel for tourists visting the city forthe first time. Our ‘ult-ingual stafFat the front desk i always happy to provide tour ‘assistance and answer any questions quests may have. 1b Underline five words you don'tknow. Use your dictionary to look up their promime’ jon and meaning, vacation is having nothing to do.end all day to do itn. Robert Orbea, American magician ond comedy writer 2 A—Right place, wrong person 1 VOCABULARY vacations a Write the phra 1 pease 2 GRAMMAR simple past: regular and £0 ‘ itregular verbs 3 flights onthe Internet 6 an & Write che simple past of these verbs in the correct column 5 skis argue begin arivo ack buy can choose 6 g0 aight cat fool invito ront soy stay sunbatho i Regular Irregular . argued. began. 9 onthe beach is ~ 10 go forthe weekend 'b Complete the sentences with an adjective. 1 Weloved our room. Iewas very comfortable. 2. The weather was warm ands every day. 3 There were alot of people everywhere. Iewas very 4 Weate very well: The Food was 'S The stafFarthe hotel was horrible. They were very nh and sometimes very rude. 1b Make the verbs negative. 1 We stayed at acamps Wedidn'tstay in ahotel 2 They bought postcards 6 There wasn't much in he apartment, Itwas ve b Iedidn’teven havea refrigerator, - ‘any souvenirs. 7 The other people on the trip were very 3 The people wens unfriendly. fr, We hope to meet some of them ery hep again in the future. 4 Isunbathed on the beach. 8 Thetown wasn Allthe houses by the pool had flowers on the balcony and were painted 5 Werented bikes. different colors. acon 9 Iewasel and we didn't seethe 6 Hespenta month in Bangkok sunatall aweekthere. 10 Our firse meal was so we didn't 7, Ouarwonn wanes cat atthe hotel again. very lean, ‘© Complete the texewith the simple past form of the verbs in the box. strive ask book cannot decide go(k2) look take want The vacation that wasn't Four years ago, we! decided _ to go away or the weekend. We 4 to gotoMexico,so we* abeautiful ‘epertment onfine. Aweek later, we* ataxi tothe airport. We® at the airportat two olock, and we e ‘to checkin. The woman atthe desk’ us for our passports. We® nour bags, but we * find them, Sowe” home! Read the texein e again. Complete the questions. 1 When did they decide tog away for the weekend? Four yearsago. 2. Where togo? Mexico. 3 How the apartment? They booked it online. 4 When atthe airport? Attwooelock 5 What ask for? She asked for their passports 6 Where. in the end? They went back home. 3 PRONUNCIATION -ed endings, irregular verbs a SERED Listen nde ye verb thar hasa differene-ed sound. 1 walked asked 2 argued — wanted staye 3 booked — started decided 4 arrived invited sunbathed 1b GGIPRED Listen again and repeat the words. © Write these irregular simple past forms in the correct circle, bought broke rang called came read sad sat caught rank drove made went ynote gave 4 GTZ Listen and check. Then listen ag: inand repeat the words. 4 LISTENING {GAD Listen to five speakers talking about ‘vacations they didn’t enjoy. Which speaker..? a. didn't havea very exciting weekend b wasnt with che people he / she wanted tobe with 1 chose a vacation destination because of the weather there went on vacation after relationship ended «© didn't feelwell when he she wason vacation —_ Speaker 4 Speaker 5 USEFUL WORDS: AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. atmosphere /ictmastir disaster /d'zestor hostels /hastlz complain /kam'plern enjoy anidsou flist (flor breakup "breik ap feel sorry for (somebody) ‘il ‘sari fr gowrong (goo ron Photographs are pictures taken to please ‘the family and bore the neighbors. Edmund Volkert, American sociologist 2B—the story behind the photo 1. GRAMMAR past continuous a Complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses in the past continuous. 1 You _were laughing (laugh) when I took the photo. zt (snow) when our plane landed. 3 We (not drive) fase when the accident happened. 4 What (he do) when his boss arrived? 5 Why (you | cry) atthe party? ot (Git) on the bus when I saw my boss, 7 They (live) in Brazil when their frsechild was born 8 He didn’t call you because hiscell phone (not work). 1b Write sentences with when. Use the simple past and past continous 1 They / argue /the waiter | boring /the check They were arguing when the waiter brought thecheck. 2 He [fall offhisbike | cycle / home 3. The children | play | video games the guests /arrive 4 We/have fabarbecue it/start /torain 5-1/Finish | my report my computer / crash ¢ Complete the story with the simple past or past continuous. Last summer." _went (go) to Los Angeles to stay with my cousin for a few weeks. One afternoon, we *_______ (have) lunchin a nice restaurant when my cousin” (get) a call on her cell phone and went outside to tat. While she 4 (peak) to her friend, | suddenly (notice) a men in a black hat who (Git) atthe next rable. tr was the actor Johnny Depp! He was alone, and” (decide) to teke my chance. Sol gotup and @ to his table. "Excuse me, could | have my phota taken with you?" | asked. He * (6ay) yos,s01 * (stop) a weitress vio" (pass) by and gave her my camera, She” (ate) the photo of me and johnny. thanked them both, and then | returned to my table. When my cousin ® back.t" (smile) “Why are you looking so happy?” she asked. “Ihad my photo taken with Johny Depp” “Johny Depp? Whereis he?” (come) “He's sitting over there. Look! She turned around to look and then started to laugh. “That's not johnny Depp!” 1, (ook) at the man in the black hat ~ he © (augh).too. 2 VOCABULARY at, in, on time ‘Complete the sentences with at, in, or on. Ioelock. the 20th century. Wednesday at 9:30 the Hotlock Thursday. Monday morning. 5 Inmost countries, banksand offices ae closed New Year's Day. 1 The results ofthe cletion were announced at 2 Cellphones were invented 3 heisleaving eveningand arriving 4 Wehave anexam 6 Thate driving ht, getting up early the ‘morning, and working the weekei 7 Steve Jobs wasborn 1955,and he died October 5, 2011 8 Wewentto Florida last winter, and we're going again the summer, probably the last wo weeks July. place ‘Complete the sentences with ain, or on Herooksome great photos at the part can't read abook the busor: car. Wevwantto put some shelves the wall thell oom, We're going to putalllour old books ing the shelves. 4 My family is from Brazil, bur we live New York, _ the 11th floor of a tall building 5 lmeeryou the bus stop. 6 Theadults sat chairsand the children sat thefloor. 7 They spent the morning the museum and then went forawalk, the park, 8 Please meetme noon, thelibrary by the front desk, PRONUNCIATION sentence stress (GELED Listen and repeat the dialogue. Copy the rhythm, A. Where were youat ten oelock last night? 8 Iwes at home. 8. What were you doing? 8 twas watching a movie 4 LISTENING a GGIERED Listen toa conversation between ‘Mate and Jenny abouta photo. Does jenny like the phoro? 1b SUETERED Listen again and choose the best answers 1 The photo shows. a. Matt's parents. >> Matt'saunt and uncle © Matt's grandparents 2 The phoro was taken a inthe spring » inthe summer € inthe fall 3. The man wanted wo wie, > some food © some jewelry. 4 The ocher people in the phoco were the man's, a neighbors b friends. © colleagues. 5 The manin the stall, a took the photo bb asked for more money forthe photo USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. democracy dimakrosi demonstration /demon'streifa election freedom hold hands ekg fridom ould hendz realize ‘isla ‘TV eereens ti ‘vi skrinz upload screen saver ‘skrin ‘setvar sploud/ ‘The driver is the most dangerous part of the car. Leo Cameion, French actor 7A —e)eteme l= 19 (Ole nolol-\el-\ (=a ites 1 GRAMMAR time sequencers and connectors a Grelothe correct words or phrases. "The summer /Gne surmmé®, decided to travel to Peru. flew toLima, and then traveledto tow near Machu Pichu to spend the night. The next day / AFterday, climbed the mountain to visit the monument. was ied “when / then I reached the top. “Sudden / Suddenly, | sawa man who wasin my English class back home. “Two minutes later / To minutes after, he came cover to speak to me, and he was just as surprised as Iwas. € after that /When, we decided to travel together. We hada «great summer, nd we continued seeing each other back home Infact, we got married two years later, and wernow have a beautiful eughter named Hannah 1} Look ateach group of sentences. Complete each sentence with so, because, but, or although 1a Lindaranto the train station because she was very late. b Linda was very late, she ran to the train station, e Linda ran to the train station, she was too late and she missed the train. ‘ve couldn't go out, we had a really good afternoon athome. bb Iewasraining ‘ve stayed athome. ¢ We stayed at home last Sunday it was raining 3 a Thetickets were really expensive, they ‘managed to sell chem all nan hour b theickets were really expensive, chey sold themallin an hour. © They sold the tickets quickly the concert was very popular. ce Rewrite the sentences using the words in parentheses, 1 Ididn't have any breakfast because I didn't have time, (so) Ididn’thave time, so Ldiditt have auy breakfast. 2 Thada great vacation in Egyptalthough I can’t speak Arabie. (but) Tean'espeak Arabic, 3 don't really like Ryan, but Lwent to lunch with him, (although) Iwent to lunch with Ryan 4 called the police because the door to my apartment ‘was open. (80) ‘The door to my apartment was open, 5. Jim has a lot of money, but he's really cheap, (alchough) Jim’s really cheap, 2 6 Mary couldn't find ber bag, so she canceled her credit cards. (because) Mary canceled her eredit cards VOCABULARY verb phrases Match the phrases. 1 Jake and Beth met a herto dinner. 2 He played Lb tocheratthedoon 3 Sheleft C1 c awonderful evening 4 Hewaired C1 d inzeate. 5 She gave Oe toanew restaurant. 6 He invited OD & theeafe very late. 7 Hetookher Og her favorite song. 8 Theyhad (1b himher phone number. Cover the right-hand column, Try to remember the sentences, 3 PRONUNCIATION word stress a Write the words in the chart, eleross after birthday ovelning invite porfect ‘agein although awful because restaurant second 1 Firsteylleble stressed ____after__ b (SP Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. 4 READING a Read the story. Number the paragraphs in the right order. A lucky escape Ten minutes tater, it began to rain. Soon, Liz found it hard to see out of the front windshield. There was a lot of water ton the road, 50 she drove more slowly. Although Liz was an experienced driver, she felt afraid. 1 An hour later, Firefighters cut Liz out of the car. She ‘went to the hospital, but the doctors sent her home because she didn’t have any serious injuries. Her head was fine and she only had a few cuts and Brulsas. Her son went to collect, the croceries from the car and gave the loaf of bread to his mother. Now, she is going to keap it as a souvenir. one day tast November, iz Douglas decided to go grocery shopping, She dove tothe supermarket and spent the morning doing her Weekly shopping. She paid for har Grocers, wert back tothe parking lt, and put the shopping bags on te backseat ofthe car. Then she started to anvenone Li However, Liz wes lucky. When she braked, a loaflofbread flew out of one of the shopping bags. The car turned over, and the loaf of bread landed between Li's head and the roof of the car It topped her head from hitting the ca roof. 1 suddenly, she tost control of the car. She saw a flephone poe infront of her and braked. She closed her eyes and hoped thet the airbags inthe car would inflate. Unfortunately, they aida’. Look at the highlight words. Whatdo you think they mean? Check with your dietionary, 5 LISTENING {GAG Listen toa radio program about people who had lucky escapes. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false) 1 Maureen Evason was on vacation when the accidenchappencd. if 2 She was in the hospital for four months. 3 Joseph Rabadue was sitting on the floor when the accident happened. 4 Thetruckhitthe TY. = 5. Barry McRoy was drinking coffee when the fight happened. = 6 The DVDw: jacket pocket. = USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. brake /breik perfect //porlikt asusual /o2 ‘yusuel erossthe street /kros 00 stil Bridge Street brid strit. happy ending “hep ‘enduy justin time /d5ast mn ‘tam madly in love /‘miedli wn Iv ‘until the last minute /on'tt| Oo lest ‘mmet Sar GIO rez Idlike to fly. Then | wouldn't have to waitin airport security ines. im Morris, American basebell player 1 GRAMMAR be going to (plans and precictions) a Complete the sentences with going to + a verb from the box. be book rot fly get miss need 1 He sgoingtomiss the my flight online. 5 That plane today. late, 1b Complete the dialogue with going to + the verbs. Jenny | Areyougoingto take _(yourtake| avacotion this summer? Philip. Yes, but* (we /not /g0)to the Caribbean. Gwe /e0) to Canada! Jenny Whon* (you / traven? Philip. in august. © (we /be) there for two weeks. Jenny What® (you/ do} white youre there? Philip * (we / stayin vancouver fora week, and then a (ve /rent) a cerend ‘sit the Canadien Rockies. Jonny * Toronto in august? Philip Idonttknow. But hope * {it /not / rain) too much! (8/69) sunny in rot sleep not stoy totheairport? eee a 71 we ina hotel acart VOCABULARY airports ‘Complete the text. Last summer | flew to New York ity with my husband to visit some friends, The flight left from ‘Terminal 1, so ry brother dropped us outside the building, We went inside and looked for the “2 upstairs t0°O We picked up our boarding passes at ‘Ch. Then we did some shopping. After that, we made our way othe‘ to board our plane, We hada good Fight, but we were very tires when we landed at JFK Airport. There was a long line at §P_ c “ they asked us aot of questions at immigration, Finally, we went to”B. ¢ to pik up curbags. We needed a this time because of al our suitcases. Nodody stoppec us at°C. _, so we went straight to 1p, ‘where our friends were waiting for us. to take us and PRONUNCIATION sentence stress and fast speech GEELD Listen and repeat. Copy the rhythm. 1 Ave shey going tomeet you arthe airport? 2 Ithink we're going we late. 3 rim not going ro forget my passport 4 What time areyou going wo arrive? Shes going wo take ihe elevator. READING Read the text. How many airports s Beijing going to have in 2020? Read thetextagain, Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false) 1 More than 54 million people use Atlanta International Airport each year. F Atlanta International isn’t going to be the busiese airporrin 202 3 Anew airport was built for the 2008 Olympic Ga 4 Beijing Capieal Airport is too small 5 Inthe furure, Beijing’: subway is going ta reach the new airport. 6 Thenewaieportis going ohave eight runways. Look at the highlighted words. What do you think they mean? Check with your dictionary. LISTENING sare Match the speakers with the places in the box. ‘Arrivels Baggage claim Checkin Customs Dialogue 1 Arrivals Dialogue 2 Dialogue 3 Dialogue Dialogue 5 ars 1 What did che man eat on the plane? 2 What's the gate number? 3 What's the friend's phone number? 4 What colors the suitcase? 5 What did che woman buy? Listen again and answer the questions. {S} Listen to five conversations atthe airport. The World's Biggest Airport ‘The worl’ busiest airport today's in the US. Nearly 54 million passengers pass through Hartsfield-Jackson. Atlanta international Airport every year. However, by the ‘end of the next decade, there's going to be anew airport ‘even bigger and busier than Atlanta, The new airport is going to be in the capital of China: Beijing. Bejing already has two airports. The first is Bejing Capital International Airport, where an extra terminal was built for the 2008 Olympic Games. The second is Beljing Nanyuan Airport, which is mainly used by military planes. Just over 73 milion passengers passed through Beling Capital Airport last year. making it the second busiest after Atlanta. But the current airport is not big enough for all the Chinese passengers who want to travel by plane. This iswhy the government is going to build a new one. The new airports going to be in the SUBUFD of Daxing, in ‘the south of che city. Daxing s about an hour's drive from the center of the city. The government is going to extend Bajing’s subway so that passengers can reach tore easily. There are also plans for a high-speed train line. The airports going to have eight runways for commercial flights, and a ninth runway for military use. This is going to make it the biggest and the busiest airport in the world, USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these wordsand phrases. dreams drimz/ board ‘bord facilities. /f2siatiz delayed ile paradise /psersdais free (Wi-FI) passenger /pwsondsor connecting flight security. ‘s'kyorati kalnektrn flat traveler /'trevalor ‘The future belongs to those who believe inthe beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt Bo} 5 Somer ge (oleie)ee11 1 GRAMMAR present continuous (future arrangements) a Complete the text with the present continuous form of the verbs in parentheses. “Hi, 1m Lisa, your guide, and Tim going o tell you about the arrangements for yourtrip toNew York City. We! restarting (sar?) our trip in about five minutes, so please make yourselves comfortable. We? (eive) you straight to the city —we? (not stop) for breakfast on the way. Wet (Gee) the popular Broadway show Wicked today. When wearrive, we® (rop) you off at Eighth Avenue and 46th Street. We® (not take) you to Fifth Avenue because the traffic istervible, We? (Grrive) at 1:36, s0 you have time for lunch or some shopping before the show begins. The bus deiver® (tay) ‘with the bus ll day, soit’s OK to leave your coatson the bus. We® (ick) you up near the theater after the show ends, We"® (eave) at 4:45 promptly, sodont be late. Now. any questions?” b Gite correct verb form. If both forms are 2 VOCABULARY verbs + prepositions possible, check (/) the sentence. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. ny raha ay reo 1 Icompletely agree _ with _ you. Er aurertmgolng t i geceina lost: 2 Were arriving Brazilat 6a.m. 2A Doyouhave any plans fortis weekend? 3 Tmworried ry flight because i's snowing. B Yos.Fmgoing toviskt /'m visiting ry grendparents 4 They're waiting Anna. She's ate onSunday. 5. She spends lot of money clothes BW Alin gore 0 Basten next weeks 6 twanttospeak my hos after lunch B Roaly?Doyouthinkite going tobe / i’ being cold? 7 Soral’s arriving the airport tonight. 4 Ay brotherhas ajpbinterviow in Tokyo. 8 Whardoyou think the government's proposal: 8 Oh Do you think he's going to get / he's getting ‘the job? 3 PRONUNCIATION sounding friendly 5 A What time's the train? a Number the dialogue in the correct order. IBAE7i15, Dontt worry. We aren't going to miss / erent 1 Would you like to go away for the weekend? nieree. What about next weekend? Whatare you doing then? 6 A Were goingon vacotionnext month. ‘Are you free this weekend? B Roaly? Where are you going to go/ are you going? — Hoveit! FE enroll gat 10 work? OK, Let’sgo tothe mountains the scenery is beautifull B lusually catch the bus, but tomorrow Fm going to Sorry, no. 'm working on Saturday. drive / I'm driving because the buses are on strike. Nothing, Next weekend Valove ro. 8 A Your sister ives too fast. = ; B iknow. |'m sure she's going to have / she’s having on —_Great. Do youlike walking accident ono dey. b GPR Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the sentences. Copy the rhythm, 4 READING a Read theadvertisement for a vacation. How many nights does the tour la ili ems eer) eee eee eo earey Ses eee eet) Prague @ ThetourstartsinProque,copitalafthe Czech Republic A free bus takes youfrom the airport to your hotel, where you spend three nights The price cludes 3 tur ote ‘ly, a ruse onthe Vitava River, avi to 3 spa resort anda performance atthe Laterna ‘Masika theater. From Prague you travel fist clase by taint your neat destination: enna Pet cca Vienna © ‘The Austrian capital has many spectacular monuments, which you can visit with the free 72-hour travel card that youreceve when you arive in Vienna. The price aso includes atour of the ity, Viennese coffee and cakes at the famous Hotel Sacher, and 3 performance atthe opera. After your three nights in Vienna you trevel first class by train to your final destination: Budepest ener ea: 1b Read theadvertisement again, Answer the questions with P (Prague), V (Vienna), or B (Budapest) In which city do customers...? 1 eravel free on publictransportation V 2 havea eraditional evening meal 3 goona boat trip - 4 listentoa concert 5 have a drinkand sweet snack 6 goto aplace to relax © Underline five words you don’t know. Use your dictionary to look up their ‘meaning and pronunciation, USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. (travel) arrangements still sul s'remdsmion both of us conference 'boo8 av a anfrans TAloveto jaxd ‘lav cw news /nuz’ for ages fr ‘exigr7 fix ifiks Howare things? perhaps (per'hieps haw ar 'Ouyz Budapest © You sper your last three nights in Budepest, the capital city of Hungary, where there are plenty of places to explore. The city is divided into two parts: the old historic city of Buda onthe hil, and the commercial city of Peston the other side ofthe Danube River. ‘The price includes atour of te city with a visit to the Hungerian. Parliament Building a typical Hungarian dinner, a performance of classical music, and the return trip From your hotel to the airport 5 LISTENING a §GTTEP Listen torwo people, Chrisand Dawn, talking about a vacation train trip. Which country is Dawn visiting? Is she going to eat and sleep onthe train? 1b GGAZEE Listen again and correct the sentences. 1 Dawnistakinga vacation tain trip on her own. witha friend ‘Charis went on. train trip when he was ehild, 3. Dawnis going on the train trip fora month. 4 Dawn's trip startsin Los Mochis. Dawn wants ro go to stores in Mazatlan, What is arebel? Aman who says no. ‘Albert Comus, French writer 3G=What’s the word? 1 GRAMMAR defining relative clauses 2 VOCABULARY expressions for paraphrasing: a Match the beginnings and ends of the sentences. like, for example, etc. 1 Thavsthehorel w Coruplene ite senrences for expisining woril, 2 Tneeda.cellphone ie, 1 cheap It's the opposite of generous. 3 Mymomisthe only person 2 cardigan It’sak of sweater. 4 Clove the plerure oO 3 smart — It’s to intelligent. 5 That busis the one Oo 4 slim I's thin, but it’s more polite. 6 Indioisthe Californian town [] 5 somenir Iss. you buy to remind you of 7 David Hockney isthe arise = your vacation 8 That's the restaurant oO 6 subathe Fore _you do this onthe beach 7 pilot tess Who flies a plane achat has good camera 8 campsite Wess you can sleep in tents. Jy chat my brother takes 10 work thar serves fresh fish, who remembers my birthday. 3 PRONUNCIATION pronunciation in who painted Mr. & Mrs, Clarke. adictionary a Match the words with their pronunciation. Use your a £ where we spent our honeymoon where chey have the Coachella Music Festival h dictionary. that is on the wall of your room. ~ ! L heard ba hold b Complete the sentences’ who, that, or where. tad a b. /bird/ 2 Dayou know theman who vesmext door? dguke wba 2 That’sthe gallery had the Leonardo ; da Vinci exhibition. quite te Pewasat 3 Are those the people are selling 3 shoes a ua their house? socks b ssoks 4 Doyou know a good restaurant , is open on Sunday night? HM 3. When you find something you want to buy on website, you pt icinyour shopping 4 You can make ap indifferent ways, e.g, asing your creditcard or Paypal 6 Whenyouare ready to buy something, you goto the ch 8 Youhave toenter yourd addreseso they can send your thingsto the correcr place 2 GRAMMAR present perfect or simple past? a Write sentences and questions with the present perfect. Use contractions where possible. 1 she J buy /a new jacket — She's bought anew jacket 1 bring | my {credit card[=) 3 Anna /goshoppingll 4 your sister {ever work /as amodel 2] you | wear /your new shire] 6 L/ever tell you/ about my vacation in Thailand |?) the mall / never be / so crowded [2] 8 I/never use /eBay b_ Complete the dialogues. Use the present perfect or simple past. 1A Have yon ever bought (you / ever / buy) any ciothes onthe internet? B Yes, have ‘A What — bury _ (you / buy)? B | _bouglt (buy) adiess fora wedding, butit didnt ft 2 a ___you ever setyarytring oneBay? B Yes. i A What (you sey? B Some Cbs. (not want) them anymore. BA (you/ever/ wear any expensive aneliy? B Na! aa (you/ eves (ose) your wallet? B Yes,l (eave}itina cart at the supermarket 5A (you/ ever /have) an argument with aselesperson? B Yes.I a (otheve) the receipt, sol (notcan) exchange a pair oFboots, 3 PRONUNCIATION cand ch §GERED Listen and Geld the word with a ‘different sound. te | Ke | ee pomed Ganiay 3 cutee ety root awe cea snake b AUTRE) Listen again and repeat the words. LISTENING Pichecker Jen to anews story. Whavis Westfield? SEED Listen again and answer the questions. 1 How long has taken to build Weseficld? Six.years. 2. How much did the shopping mallcost? 3 Howmany department stores and small stores are there? 4 How many cafes and restaurants are there? 5. How many people work at Westfield? 6 How can you got to Westfield? 7 What did the reporter want robuy? 8 Why didu'tthe reporter buy the thing she liked? USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these wordsand phrases. bride /orad fashion designer bridegeoom fin di'zarnas braudgrum high heels "har hil leather /‘edor wedding dress sew (sou) Wwediy dres bare feet /ber fit take off (your shoes) costume /kastum rerk af AG=(ost weekend 1 a ‘There arer’t enough days in the weekend. Rod Schmidt, American writer GRAMMAR something, anything, nothing, etc. 2 VOCABULARY adjectives ending in -ed Gielothe correct word. 1 We didnt do Gating nothing special at weekend 2 Doyou know anything / anyone about the meeting today? 3. There isn'ranywhere / nowhere ro go in the evenings. 4 He couldn't find his keys nowhere / anywhere. 5. We didn't know someone / anyone atthe party. 6 Daniethas something / anything to tell you, 7 Lealled you twice, bur anybody nobody answered 8 Weneedo find somewhere / anywhere to stay in Toronto, 9 Listen! I think somebody /anybody is upstairs. Look acthe picture. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 There isn’t anywhere to sit. E 2. The manon the right is eating somethii 3. Nobody is dancing, 4 There's nothing on the ground. 5 Someone is playing with the dog, 6 The man cooking doesn't have anything on his head. 7 There isn’t anybody in the swimming pool. 10 The dogs were very ex and -ing Complete the sentences with an adjective ending in -ad or-ing. rm reading really interesting book. 1 2. Going toa spa for the weekend is sor 3 Thismovieisreally b ‘Turn the TV off, 4 Helen's very d She'sjust lost her job. 5 Mycousinis very in__ inarchaeology. 6 Congratulations! Thar's really ex news, 7 The news right now is all very d 8 Wealways feel very r on vacation, 9 Mom, mb !Tdon'thave anything todo! tose uswhen wwe came home, 3 PRONUNCIATION é/, foo), /s/ SIEVE Listen and write the words in the chart. ‘anything clothes coat custemar dort dress friendy funny gloves goes home lunch never nothing photos Somathing sweater website —anything | clothes | customer _ §GIERTD Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words, 4 READING ‘b Underline five words you don’t know. Use your dictionary to look up their meaning a Complete the text with the activities ’ and pronunciation. Bake aloaf ofbread Organize yourshelves Clean your closet Play boarc games LISTENING Listen tosome podcasts Start blog Leermbowtojuggle Take some photos Listen to four people talking about Meotyournaighbors Veit atibrry their weekends. Where did they go? Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Ten free things Speaker to do on the Speslerat GERD Listen again. Which speaker...? cooked a meal Pine ites, peatenecitirenrsouresy saw some interesting exhibitions hadan argument woke up early as had bad weather 4 gave someone a surprise USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES: Learn these wordsand phrases. survey serve some activities you can encourage /u'karids) ifyou want impress. /im'pres! invent /n'vent lie about something) av Visita tbrary _. It doesn't cost anything to borrow a Tie down (la: ‘davn/ book, and there may be some DVDs you want to watch, do paperwork (du ‘pesparwark ‘Throw away any clothes you never press (che button) prs! wear, or give them to 2 charity. tellthetruth ‘tel > tru) Many websites have interesting elevator button /elavestar batn Interviews you can listen to for free. “as is a great way to spend time READING Read the text. Where could you. ..? 1 make atoy 2 try onadesigner bracelet 3 buy something for when you takea shower 4 getatemporary tattoo, FAQ Selwwarz Fifth Avenue Shopping Fifth Avenue is one of the most expensive shopping streets in the world, Most of the work's luxury boutiques are located here, Including Gucei, rads, Armani, and Carter, Tris also home to huge department stores Ike Lord & Taylor, Barneys, and Bergdort Goodman. Most stores are open daily from 1am. 7 pm, and start later en Sundays. Here are some of the most well known: FAO SCHWARZ ‘This world-famous toy store is popular with tourists and New Yorkers. The amazing Grand Hall has more than 20,000 colored lights. ‘There's also a giant danco-on piano keyboard and an enormous candy store. Big kids can have alot of fun in the do-it-yourself department, where they can even design their own dell. RICKY’S ‘This ultra-fashionable beauty store has been selling the latest ‘cosmetics, hair, and bath products for nearly two decades. Products range from the most expensive to the most ecological. so there’s something for everybody. Upstairs, check out the fun clothing and accessories. You can also get temporary henna tattoos. TIFFANY & CO. ‘This exclusive jewelry store has occupied its current location since 1940. Customers can admire the designer jewelry on the first floor before taking the elevator upstairs to choose an engageMent ring You can buy an elegant table, glass, and silverware on the fourth floor, and there are less pricey items on the third floor Read the text again, Match the ighlighted words to their meanings. the set of keys on. piano very expensive scarves belts, gloves, ete ‘anagreement to get married very big the activity of making thingsonyour own A pessimist is someone who is pleased with bad ‘experiences because they show he was right. Heine Ruhmann, German actor and movie director oy Sa Naemiolt) =) oles niiee 1 GRAMMAR wil / wor't (predictions) 2 VOCABULARY opposite verbs ‘Complete the dialogues with will J won't and averb Write the opposite verb in each space. Be careful—use from thelist. Use contractions. the correct verb form. rot remember fell not sell forget not win miss 1 arrive ‘You won't _leave _ontime, ib) 2 teach We're going 10 English in Canada, 3 fail ae: Idon'tthink he all ofhis exams. ‘A Imegoing clinting next weekend. Pecos 4 Push B Its very dangerous. You fall the door to open i 5 fix Pv iy glasses = 6 ‘A fmplaying in the tennis final tomorrow. apen, please? 8 The other layer very good. You 7 he’s goingto therace. 8 turnoff ‘Can you the light, please? =o) 9 get A tm going to sy allovenng. 1 ‘more than 50 emails yesterday. B tsanesteof tine. You amthing 10 lose Pavone. Ive some money! as £ 3 3 PRONUNCIATION 1, won't GTA Liscen and repeat. Capy the chychm, A ‘told Nick that's Jene'stirthxley on Frey. B Youknow Nick! He 1 rilearna lot. 2 Hell meet somebody NEW. 3 You'll havea good time. 4 She won't gettne job 5 ‘They Won't lend you the money. A timgoing to put my MP3 player on eBay 6 Wewon’t arrive ontime B testoo old. You it c= ‘A tim taking the 850 tin, B its leaving in ive minutes. You it. 4 READING 5 LISTENING a Read thehoroscopes forthismonth. Answerthe questions. area Latent conversation abeut horoscopes. What are Mact and Amy’s signs? Horoscopes AQUARIUS Jan 21-Feb 19 YouTTind love this month Youll meet someone new st work urhich willbe the start of something special The color red il bring you happiness. PISCES Feb 20—Mar 20 (Close family will be important this month, Try to spend more time with them, and they'll be very glad to see you, The color ‘green will bring you money. 1b GGERED Listen again and complete the sentences ARIES Mar 21-Apr 20 ‘with A (Amy) or M (Matt) You'T have tobe very careful with money the month and avoid 1 _A__belivesin horoscopes. buying any clothes. However, you'll get e nice surprise at the 2 doesn't believe in horoscopes. end ofthe month. he color bie wl bring youa surprise. 3 __ Bera peptleayaicwoueoae 4 ____isworried about the horoscope, hw 5 was born in January. ka Pee reetaand oe 6 horoseoy pe You'l have a very busy socalife this montht Your friends wll : aera vasa) be taking you cut all the time, and you'll make many new ones, : e . too The color orange will ring you success. USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES GEMINI May 22-June 21 Learn these words and phrases. YoU wor't have a very good month at work. Your bss will give optimise foptoms you some bad nens, but dont worry: you won'tbe unemployed. pessimist /pesennst Work hard and next month wl be Better. The color purple wl (1Vjseties irz be important serangee /streindy cheer up tj 4p CANCER June 22-July 22 eat fo) asa ‘This willbe 2 great month for going away! You'll win a vacation, peotaliyisot) Apeatx so have your passport ceady. Youll alo travel alot in your own Easobe tr Gaat country and youl visit some ol friends. The color yellow will Thopeso. (opp Hope not) ‘at ‘hoop sou bring you a fun surprise. I think so (opp Ion’ rhink so) 21 ‘819k soo Who will doalot of traveling this month? _Cancer 1 2. Who will have problems with their job? 3 Who won't go shopping? 4 Whose color will bring happiness? 5 Who will go out alorthis month? 1b Underline five words you don't know. Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation, \Vote for the man who promises least; | hell be the least disappointing. ‘Bemard Baruch, Americen politcal adviser 1 GRAMMAR will wor't (decisions, offers, Arethesesensencss promises (2, decisions), or promises) ate 1 Pildrive you home. oO 4 Write sentences using she plenaresand prompts, Use BPA coe stereo cll. Til Iwon' 3 Tiletyousome water. 4 Pithelpyouctean your room, ifyoulite, 5 Pithave thechocolirecake please. 6 Iwoneellyour parents. 2 VOCABULARY verb + back ‘Complete the sentences with these verbs. eat come give pay send take 1A Jeckealled while you were out. 8 Thanks.tll call him backina minute. 2 A Doyouwant to borrow some money? B Yes, please. you backnext week. 2. A Theperson you want to seeisnt here. She's at lunch, B That's OK.IML backlater. 4. A itsa really ice top, but t doesntefit me. B Dont worry itbackto the store and exchange it. 5 A Have you finished that book tlent you? B Yes. itbeck to you tomorrow. 6 A That toy caryou boughton the Intemet doesnt work. 8 It docer 2 t back, then, “AY, ——— 3 PRONUNCIATION word stress: 1 call you tomorrow Eworsyllablewvaths Tcallyoutomorrow. - oa ED Listen and underline the stressed syllables. 2 lend /you some money the words that are stressed on the second syllable. 3 have /the chicken 1 worry 2 decide ema ~—promise 4+ take your coat 3 prectice listen reper es 4 borrow forget «= iree 5 cumoff/ air-conditioning 5 sunbathe invite complain bff Listen and check. Then listenagain and 6 not /be late ‘repeat the words. 4 READING Read the text. What did Paul learn from his experience? An expensive lesson My name’s Paul, and this happened to me when I was visiting a friend in Paris | was getting off the Eurostar tain atthe Gare du Nord station when a man came up to me. He was wearing suit, and he looked very respectable. “Do you speak English?” he asked. He had a French accent, bur he aie he wasa banker from ‘Montreal in the French-speaking part of Canada. Then he told ime he had a problem. “P'm here in Paris with my wifeand our three children, and we don't have enough money fora hoeel. You see, my wife tied to get money from an ATM machine, but she coukin'c remember our PIN number, She used the wrong number thrce times, so the machine kept her care, Could you help me?” ‘wasnt sure, so [asked to see his passport. “My passport is with any wife, She w: with the children, We only need $100 for the night, and | promise I'll pay you back.” By this time the man was actually erying oI thought he was telling the truth agreed co lend him the money, nd [wroce down his name, «email address, and phone number in Moncreal. Then we went to ATM, and I gave him the money. He sail thank you, gave me «big hug, and lft. I never saw him or heard from him ever again, 1 knew his story wasn't completely true. Why did a banker have only one bank card? Why didn’t he tll me how he would pay me back? Were his wife and children really inthe eafe, ancl did they even exist? Bur I was tired and in a foreign country, and elt lke I had to help him. Lnow know to be very careful who I talk t0 when [arrive somewhere new! b_ Read che text. Number the sentences in the right order. 2 Paulwzote down the man'scontactinformation. b The man explained his problem. — € Theman’s wife had his passport. 4. Paylarrived in Pais 1 ¢ Paulasked forthe man's passport £ Aman started talking to him. = Pauldicn’ehear from the man, hy Paulgave the man some money. € Underline five words you don'e know. Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunciation. 5 LISTENING a (GEE Listen wo five speakers describing problems they have had abroad. What do. the speakers have in common? 1b GGEREY Listen again and match the speakers, ‘with the sentences. Speaker) _D Speaker? Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 A Next time, I'l check before Igo. B Illbuy my owniin che future. € Iwon' leranyone in another time. D-twon'tdoanyoneany favorsinrthe future: E [won't gocout with anyone I don't know again, USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES: Learn these words and phrases. hurt /hort previous /privios! relationship [rt lei extra-large order /‘ekstr9 lard ‘rdar ice cream sundae /ats krim ‘s\nder getengaged get ingerdsd getintouch get in ‘tat in their twenties /1n Dor ‘twentiz Only in our dreams are we free. ‘The rest of the time we need wages. Tetry Pratchett, British writer 6G=1he meaning of dreaming 1 GRAMMAR ‘review of verb forms: present, past, and future a Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Use contractions where possible. 1A Areyou going togo out tonight? (gocut) B No,lmreally tied. 'm_goingtogo_to bedeetly. (20) 2 AWhat tine you usually tobed? (go) B At10:30. Thont for anhour before Igoto sleep (read) 3A Doyou think the us tonight? (ind B No think they (lose) 4 A what you at midnight last night? (do) Bi TV. (watch) 5 A____youever that you were fying? (ream) B Nel! ever ‘that dream. (have) 6 A What. —yu Its § cclockin the merring! (4) B icantsleep so!__ eae) TA _you welt lestnight? (sees) B No,/ inthe middle of the right, andi couldn't go back to stoop. (wakeup) 8 A What time you tomorrow? (eave) Bim at 8 otlock. (go) 1b Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in parenthese: Use contractions where necessary. 7 : a= ‘What color are our dreams? "Do we dream (dream) in color or in black and white? People argued for many years about tis question and scientists (do) a lot of research about this question. One of these scientists is a psychologist who (work) at Dundee University. Her name is Eva Murzyn, and right now she (study) the effect of television on our dreams. Eve? just (publist) the results of her latest study. Sixty people ® (help) Eva with her research. They completed a questionnaire ané kepta diary of their dreams. She (choose) people who were either under 25 or over $5 Wiven Eva analyzed their diaries, she® (ciscover) that the younger people usuolly dreamed in color, whereas the older group often? (have) black-and-white dreams. Eva thinks that this is because the older group ® (Gee) TV shows in black and white when they were young, She believes that something happened to thei brains whilethey® (watch) TV at that time 2 VOCABULARY adjectives + prepositions 1 Sleping eight hours nights good (to yeu 2 She'sangry with at him because he Forgot her birthday. Los Angeesis famous to forts sunay weather Vimvery bain at drawing 4 5 Bi 6 8 ice to / at me today because I'm ina bad mood. en'cinterested about | in auto racing. le sister is afraid of | to big dogs. The new bossis very different of / from our old one. 3 PRONUNCIATION the letters ow a GGERED Listen and Girelo the word with a different sound, av. G0» om phone 1 brown Grow) how town 2 blow snow = new — show. 3 dorrew crowded shower towel 4 low throw window down SED Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. 4 LISTENING $C Listen toa radio program abourrecu dreams, Number thedreamsin the orderyou he: You are flying 1 Youare running. — Youcan'rescape You are lost. You are falling, b ATES Liscen again and match the interpretations rvith the dreams, Dream1 [2] a Youdontknow: Dream2 LJ b Youcantchangea difficule sation Dream3 EJ c Yourlife hasimproved in someway Dreama E] Youdon'twantyourlifeto change Dream [} e-¥eurdon-wanetefrcemprobie har coda with your life USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES: Learn these words and phrases. Flowers /flavore owl /avl psychoanalyst sarkou'senlist violin /varslin tened of /bi‘frartnd ov about ‘rim be successful i STD GSS FILES Hove your daughter, Jack. |love her more than anything. But frankly, sir, mallittle terrified of being your son-in-law. Greg in the movie Meet the Perents, 2000 1 GRAMMAR uses of the infi a Complete the sentences with the infinitive ofa verb from the lise. itive notdo find natfinish rent see not tell wash 1 John’s very polite, He offered _rowash the dishes after the meal. 2 Thanks for coming, We hope _ youagain soon. 3 She wasn’tenjoying the lasagna, so she decided 4 My boyfriend is unemployed. Heneeds, ajob. Mltellyou what shes anybody 6 Umsorry I shouted a you. Ulery 7 ‘They want to live together. They'te planning am aparcment. |, but please promise itagain, 1b Write sentences using the adjective and the correct form ofthe verb, [meet Hello! How _ nice tomect _ you. 2 difficult | talk Doyou find it 3 easy | buy Ws presents for my bestfriend. 4 important not say Wes the wrong thing, 5 great /hear Thanks for calling. Itwas 6 fun/ be es swith your family ind [invite Her parents were very him tomy mom? fromyou, 1 vert in che infinicive, © Complete the sentences He gave them some candy to say _ thank you. 1 2 They'retaking classes Chinese 3 Weealled the restaurant _ atable 4 Hetold usa joke uslaugh. 5 went roan ATM 6 Doyou use your phone photos 4. Complete the sentences with a question word from the listand the infinitive of the verb in parentheses. how howmary how much whet when where 1 Shegave me her address, butIdon'tknow — how to get there (get) 2. My brotheris always busy, s0 | dor’tknow him. (cal) 3 My mom asked me to ger some eggs, bur she didatt say (buy) 4 We'd like to travel around the world, but we don't know st. (G0) 5 She wants to go to college, but she doesn’t now (study) 6 Who'sgoingto be here for hinch? Hhave pasta, bur need toknow (make) 2 VOCABULARY verbs + infinitive ‘Complete the text with a verb from the list i the pasttense, forget try not want promise pretend leain offer plan stert need —_notromember Cherie wasn't happy athisjob, sohe? started _to-epply foranewjob Soon, one compary called him and * to.ive himin aninterview. Charie” total to besick. He told his boss that togotothe tocallhimlatertoask him Fis he* fhe had astomachache, and he * doctor's His boss* how he was. Charke was rally hoping to ger the job, sohe was alitie nervous. He todrive tothe interview, buttherewas a ot of traffic. In the end, he took the subway and wasverylate,and he® totum his cel phone off Unfortunately. itrang while he wasin the interview, but Charlie dirt answerit. However when his boss calle later, he? to actsck, The next morring,hisboss said, “Td liketo see you in my office” Charlie to apologize, buthis boss was very angry, and Charlie almost lost bis job. But he" tohis boss again animportant lesson: notte lie 3 PRONUNCIATION linking, weak form of to a Practice saying the sentences. 1 Wewanteoknow. They hoped sowin He promised to call She forgot to go. ifcinprtog omen Tearnedgoswinn. He started to cy. 1b GGFR Listen and repeat the sentences. 4 READING a Read thearticl. Is the writer generally positive or negative about mothers-in-law? The truth about mothers-in-law ‘Although ts men who tell jokes about ther, mothers-inlaw are usual less popular with their daughners-inlaw than with thelr son-in-law, A recent study of 42 maried coupes fund that two thirds of wis interviewed said that their mothers-in-law caused them "unhappiness and stress” compared wih 15 percent of the husbands There area number of reasons fr ths. Fst ofl theres the question of experience, Amotherin-aw has alesdy raised @ family of her own, so she feels that she has a lotof knoaledge ta pass on Inthissitation, is very efit forherto keep quiet However, when a daughter naw sa new mother she usually wants to find her own wo of doing things, She often interprets her mother-n-aw’s ace 35 criticism which can cause a confi. Secondly, there isthe case of the husband. Both women care for him, although each of them loves him ina different way. On the one hand, he is the mother-in-iaw's son, and she obviously wants the best for him. On the other hand, he is the wife's partner, and she wants him to support her. Both ‘woman can gat very upset if they see the man taking sices, and this cn cause an argument. However, mothers-in-law actually have @ lot to offer, despite their reputation for causing trouble. They are generally excellent babysitters, and they don't mind helping with the housework. As long as they have their own independent lives and help out only when needed, mathers-In-iaw can play avery useful role in any family. The important thing is that they should not get too involved in their sons’ and daughters’ relationships so that nobody feels bad. Read the article again and choose the best answer. 1 What did the study find out about mothers-in-law? 4 More men than women have prablems with them b- More men than women tell jokes about them © More wornen than men have problems with them. 2 Wharadvice do mothers-in-law try o give their daughters-in-law? a How totake care of their husband b How tobring up children. € How todo housework. 3 According to the article, which situation makes daughters-inclawangey? a When cheir husband agrees with his mother. 1b When cheir husband talks ro his mother © When their husband argues with his mother. 4 Which women make the best mothers-in-lawy? Those who are really close to their son. b Those who dont havea life of theic own. ‘Those who know when to offer help. Underline five words you don’t know. Use your dictionary to look up their meaning and pronunc LISTENING {ED Listen to a conversation between two people about a ban on mother-in-law jokes. Do they agree in the end? SEED Liscen again and complete the sentences with D (Dave) or J (Jane). 1 _D thinks the ban is ridiculous 2. __ thinks that the jokes are offensive 3 _thinksthat i's importaneto havea sense of humor, 4 makesa joke 5 thinks thatthe jokes don’t show respect for parents. 6 7 8 mentions a historical fact about mothers-in-law, quotes historical joke. saysthat the jokes are sexist, USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES. Learn these words and phrases. advice (od vats tactic /tuekuk greet (arit honest fanost absolutely di be punctual. /bi ‘pagkt{usl make conversation /metk kanv>r's shake (somebody's) hand fe ‘hzené) (make) the right jous /iebsalutli d'ifos pression. (De ‘rant unpre Happiness is when what you think, what you say, ‘and what you do are in harmony. Mahatma Ganati, Indian politcal teader & SSetetlateg gl-)0)0)\9 1 GRAMMAR uses of the gerund ¢ Complete the text with the -ing form of these verbs. AveeE ERE) dirk Give exercise getup go_-rmagine leave a Complete the sentences with the -ing form of aston) ree send sey is in basis the verbs in parentheses. 1 Thate__being (be) cold. Lfind it really depressing, 2 You spend woo long, (phy) video games. 3. Westopped (seudy) French because we didn’ like the classes 4 He's celebrating because he's Finished (write) his book. 5 Wtstarted (snow) during the night while we were asleep. 6 I'mbored. fel like (g0) for awalk, My parentshave bought house bya beach because they love (vim). 8 Ldon't mind (get) up early in the morning 9 Kathy really enjoys (listen) coher iPod. 10 Thebestthingabout (ake) thebusis {not drive) in busy traffic. b Match the sentence beginnings and endings. 1 Doyou ever dream of fq 2 Are you interested in Oo 3 Pleasedon'tleave without — C] 4 She isn't very good at Oo 5 Weendedtheereningty GC Tawalybeiaghinicie: C doing some part-time work? seeing you tonight. stopping work and retiring? thanking everybody for coming, saying goodbye to me. parking her father's car. What makes you feel good? Here are some more texts from our readers. 1 '_Writing — and then _ sending a funny email or text message tomy friends. And of course, * their faces when they read it 2 Irealilike* at ight when there's notraffic, 2 to my feverite music. feel completely free. 36 in bad on Suncay moreing and? ‘the newspaper. Then * verylate and®, my dog for along wa, 4 lerjoy"® tothe gymand realy" hard, and then arice cold drink folowedby along, hot shower. Theres nothing better. 5° off my computer atthe end ofthe day and i ‘work! Its the best moment ofthe day. love it! Complete the rext with che correct form of the verbs in parentheses (-ing form or infinitive) Reading the digital way Many ot usemholove \_eadiag_ (read) are changing gurhabits Today, alototus have decided (use) Beaders, and eo we've stopped » fou) traditional books E-readers have a number of advantages. They are very, easy‘___ (carry). so they are ideal for people who like * (travel). If you're abroad, and you don’t have anything (read), you don’t need. [look for) a bookstore that has books in your language ~ you can download it as a digital book. Inaddition to this, E-readers are very private, so you don't need * (how) people what you are reading, Finally, when you finish ? (read) book, you no longer have to find room foriton a bookshelf However there are some disadvantages, Some people say ‘heir eyes hurt if they spend a long time "= (Jock) atthe screen, Also, you have tobe careful (not lose) your E-reader or you'll lose all your books. In addition, if friend would like « (borrow) a book you've read, you can’t offer ® (end) itto them. With an B-reader, you ean only continue * (cead) as long as ‘he battery lasts so you have to remember" (take) your charger with you and you cant forget (Change) the battery 2 VOCABULARY verbs + gerund March the sentences 1-6 with a-f. He hates doing the housework. He feels ike going fora run. He doesn’t mind cookingall the meals. He's stopped playing basketball. He spends hours chatting online. He loves being with his friends. oo0o0008 He doesn’t do itanymore. Its OK for him to doit. He reatly doesn't ike it. He does ita lot He wants todo it now. He really likes it 3 PRONUNCIATION the letter i a Grcldthe word with adifferent sound. 1 miss skin with 2 twaffic nice kind size 3 habit finish imagine surprise 4 right give invite time 1b GBALEP Listen and check. Then listen again ‘and repeat the words. 4 LISTENING SEELEY Listen to five speakers talking about “when and where they sing How many of the speakers don't enjoy singing? 1b GGTRED Listen again and match che speakers, with sentences A-E, Speaker) Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker SpeakerS A He / She does alot of singing at work. B He She doesn't mind singing badly in front of other people € He Sheenjoyssinging at home: D He/She likes singing when he/she is traveling E He/She wasina choirat school USEFUL WORDS AND PHRASES Learn these words and phrases. soup (sup) leftovers leftouverz! a feel-good movie 9 ‘filgud ‘muvi as soon as 32 ‘sun 22) scales. /skeil7 breathe brid choir "kya high neves. ‘har novts magical “medsikl bargain "boron

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