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Current Graph – Data Dashboard

Graphs are stated below according to their relevance to each other. The arrangement of the graph is
from left to right (above), then left to right (below), according to the sequence of statements on
graph below.

 Change all axis labels named ‘class’ to ‘wine’ and the corresponding ticks to “A, B, C”
 Remove all average cards.
 Include a card containing the total no. of wine data
 Add a class distribution graph of the wines present in dataset. Title (class distribution of wines).
Axis – ‘no. of observations’
 Title for alcohol content graph is “Alcohol Content of Wines”. Its content should be changed to
average instead of sum. Axis labels – ‘alcoholic strength’
 Hue and Intensity graph title – “Color and Depth of Wines”. Axis (x or y) label – ‘color-depth
 ‘Apple-like-acidity levels in Wines’ for the Malic Acid title.
 For the flavonoids, etc. graph, title is “Compounds influencing wine’s color, flavor and feel”. Axis
ticks labels should be – compound levels. Name for legends (Flavanoids, Nonflavanoid Phenols,
 Proanthocyanins by class – “Wine tannins. “ Axis label - wine tannins.

Information Dashboard

 In a card – ‘’13% “, with the description or title – Average alcohol content in Italy wine.
 In a visualization, set ticks to low, medium and high for intensity instead of numbers, while use
color name for hue (e.g. white, magenta, ruby, red, violet…). Determine where in the
visualization is the average intensity of 0.5 and average hue of 0.96. Title for it would be “Typical
color and richness of wines in Italy”
 Pie Chart of Phenolic components of each class. Phenols is the combination of flavanoids and
nonflavonoid phenols. Better to create three separate pie chart for wine A, B, and C to see the
difference of phenol components distribution, but put them in a single group.
 Aggregate in a column chart or clustered chart the average of alcohol, malic acid, phenols,
proanthocyanins and intensity. Kamo na bahala sa title…

Insight Dashboard

 Create a three images of wine – representing the three types of wine. Each graph of image of
wine must contain all the components mentioned previously. The title could be “Different
qualities of wine in Italy, which is yours?”

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