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Session 9

We start the session with the group all rejoining to take on the ettin. Orimine
turns into a horse, and Senft climbs her back and rides over to join Puff, Emiko,
and Dawn. Puff charges through the dome and finds she can’t hear what’s
going on outside when she is in the dome. The rest of the group follow through
with Dawn and Emiko running ahead to kill an ettin. As they reach the halfway
point of the bridge, the hut door swings open, and an ettin comes out with a
drow and a few orcs. The Drow recognises Puff as Zoraya. After Puff says he’s
not Zoraya, Senft asks for the drow's name. He says he is Emir. Emir then tells
the ettin to attack the party, and the fight begins. The next 4 hours (real time) is
spent on a fight that lasts 1 minute and 18 seconds (in-game). The highlights of
the fight include; the viowbow being more aggressive towards Senft's enemies
than even Senft himself, Dawn doing an ebic transformation and getting a new
keychain, Sov getting tossed off the edge of the cliff within the first 6 seconds
of the fight, half the party being knocked unconscious at some point, Senft's
ebic crit, and Dawn killing the ettin while almost dead. After Emir sees he has
almost lost, he pleads for the party to let him live. They ask that he give them
his hand; he agrees, and they ask for both to which he refuses. Emiko wants his
sword, and he continues to refuse. He then calls upon an ally of his, and the
environment around the players goes black, and they meet their good friend the
owner who asks that as a favor, the party let Emir live. Puff says she is now
happy with losing the name Puff permanently and that the rest could do the
favor but she’ll kill Emir herself. The owner hearing this calls off the favor and
lets the party kill Emir and takes the name Puff for himself. Back towards Emir,
they all ready themselves to kill him, and he looks worried that the owner didn’t
protect him. He offers Zoraya a ring if she lets him go, and after some
negotiations, they agree that for his sword, the ring, two favours, and a promise
that he will help the party should they meet again, the party agree to spare him.
Emir kills the remaining orc and takes the group inside the hut. Emiko remains
outside and begins to cut off the Ettin’s heads. Inside they see Krogus who had
run into the hut during the fighting and didn’t help them just sitting and eating.
He offers them ale, but they rightfully angry at him refuse. Krogus then argues
with Senft a bit before realising the Viobow is made by his brother. In a panic,
he accuses the party of harming his brother since “he would never help a half-
breed.” They manage to explain to him that Sivrel hired them. Orimine annoyed
at Krogus joins Emiko outside. Emir meanwhile takes a ring and a picture out of

Session 9 1
a locked chest and hands it to Puff. On the picture is Puff stood next to and
hugging Derek the Dragonborn that Emiko had met previously. Puff asks Emir
about her family, and he reveals that she is from the Pyrroths. A wealthy family
in charge of an elite group of mercenaries who have a home base in
DragonsGrace. Dawn then asks Emir why he was attacking the village and after
some resistance Emir reveals he’s getting justice for his people. He tells the
party the villagers the group is protecting did vile things to his people and this
is revenge. Emir then leaves. The party regroups outside the hut and begins to
plan a way out. As they do, Senft feels a sharp pain coming from the marks on
his neck. He sees an elk leap in front of him, create a portal, and leap away
again. The rest of the party see magical energy come from Senfts neck to
create the portal. They all head through the portal except Dawn who stays back
long enough to see Sov who somehow survived the huge fall and battered,
bloodied, and bruised climbs back up and hops onto Dawn. Dawn enters the
portal and returns Sov to Emiko. The party’s arrival spooks the goblins who
‘opun’ the portal once again and let the two knights out. The party with the two
knights and Krogus begin to herd the animals back to Valthorren when they
hear crying in the woods. Zoraya manages to figure out that it’s a wolf cub and
begins running towards it. Orimine follows. They all reach a wolf cub with a
short sword clutched in its mouth overlooking and crying near a dead knight.
As eight other body’s are on the floor after the wolf killed them all. Orimine
calms the wolf down as Dawn grabs a note on the knight. The note tells that the
wolf Sif is special, more than just an ordinary wolf. There are people out to get
her and the knight asks that kind adventurers protect the wolf and take her to
Lyrune (formerly Lyruin in the lore I changed the name) the elven village for the
elves there to look at her. We leave the party as they arrive in Valthoren again
ready to rest after a tough fight. And preparing for the journey that follows.

Session 9 2

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