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Nutrient Interactions and Toxicity

Thermally Oxidized Dietary Fats Increase the Susceptibility of Rat LDL to

Lipid Peroxidation but Not Their Uptake by Macrophages1
Klaus Eder,2 Uta Keller, Frank Hirche and Corinna Brandsch
Institute of Nutritional Sciences, Martin-Luther-University of Halle-Wittenberg, Emil-Abderhalden-Stra␤e 26,
D-06108 Halle/Saale, Germany

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of dietary oxidized fats on the lipoprotein profile
and the atherogenicity of LDL. Two experiments with male Sprague-Dawley rats were conducted. In Experiment 1,
diets with either fresh fat or oxidized fat, prepared by heating at temperatures of 50, 105 or 190°C, containing either
25 or 250 mg ␣-tocopherol equivalents/kg were used. In Experiment 2, diets with fresh or oxidized fat, heated at
a temperature of 55°C, containing 25 mg ␣-tocopherol equivalents/kg, were used. In Experiment 1, rats fed all
types of oxidized fats had higher concentrations of HDL cholesterol and lower ratios between plasma and HDL
cholesterol than rats fed the diet containing the fresh fat. As determined from the lag time, the susceptibility of LDL
to copper-induced lipid peroxidation was higher in rats fed oxidized fats heated at 105 or 190°C than in rats fed
the diets containing the fresh fat or the oxidized fat treated at 50°C, irrespective of the dietary vitamin E
concentration. However, in Experiment 2, the composition of LDL apolipoproteins and uptake of LDL by macro-
phages were not different between rats fed the fresh fat diet and those fed the oxidized fat diet. We conclude that
ingestion of oxidized fats does not adversely affect the lipoprotein profile in the rat model used, and does not cause
modifications of apolipoproteins that would lead to enhanced uptake of LDL via macrophage scavenger receptors.
J. Nutr. 133: 2830 –2837, 2003.

KEY WORDS: ● antioxidant status ● LDL ● oxidized fat ● rats

Thermally treated dietary fats, which are an important tween heated fat and oxidatively modified LDL seems reason-
source of fat in typical Western diets, contain increased con- able. Oxidized LDL appear to affect several steps of the athero-
centrations of a large number of lipid peroxidation products. It genic process. There is evidence that they play a role in the
has been shown that feeding thermally oxidized fats increases initiation of atherosclerotic lesions (7). A number of animal
the concentrations of lipid peroxidation products in tissues studies even suggested that atherosclerotic lesion development
(1,2). Accumulating evidence suggests that oxidized fats and is increased through intake of heated oil (8,9). Oxidatively
lipid oxidation products in the diet can also contribute to the modified LDL also promote atherosclerosis by chemoattraction
pathogenesis of atherosclerosis (3). When investigating possi- of monocytes and by stimulation of their adhesion to the
ble proatherogenic effects of thermally oxidized fat, the cho- endothelium and their retention in the intima (10,11). The
lesterol metabolism, particularly the concentrations of choles- differentiation of the monocytes to mature macrophages takes
terol in LDL and HDL, is of special interest. Elevated levels of place in the intima and is accompanied by the induction of
LDL cholesterol constitute a major risk factor for atheroscle- scavenger receptor expression. Because oxidatively modified
rotic diseases, whereas elevated levels of HDL have beneficial LDL have different apolipoprotein (apo)3 patterns, binding
effects. To date, little information exists concerning the effects and uptake by the strongly regulated LDL receptors in liver
of thermoxidized fats on the lipoprotein profile, and the ex- and peripheral organs, which is mediated by the apo B protein,
isting data are contradictory (4,5). One aim of this study, are no longer possible; instead LDL may be taken up in
therefore, was to investigate the effect of oxidized fats on the unrestricted ways by macrophage scavenger receptors in the
lipoprotein profile in rats. Dietary oxidized fats could also intima, leading to foam cell formation, a main constituent of
enhance oxidative modification of the LDL through their lipid atherosclerotic plaques (12). Another objective of this study,
peroxidation products. Studies by Penumetcha et al. (6) with therefore, was to determine whether oxidized fats induce ox-
intestinal cell lines suggested that oxidized fatty acids can be idative modification of LDL. To assess the susceptibility of
readily absorbed by the intestine, esterified into complex lipids LDL against lipid peroxidation, in the first experiment of this
and incorporated into lipoproteins. Hence, a relationship be- study, we conducted an in vitro oxidation assay by incubating
LDL of rats fed fresh or oxidized fats with copper ions. Because

Supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
2 3
To whom correspondence should be addressed. Abbreviations used: apo, apolipoprotein; DiI, 1,1⬘dioctadecyl-3,3,3⬘3⬘-tetra-
E-mail: methylindocarbocyanine perchlorate; POV, peroxide value.

0022-3166/03 $3.00 © 2003 American Society for Nutritional Sciences.

Manuscript received 13 May 2003. Initial review completed 1 June 2003. Revision accepted 19 June 2003.


the susceptibility of LDL against oxidation is strongly influ- TABLE 1

enced by their vitamin E concentration (13), we used diets
with either nutritionally adequate or excess vitamin E con- Composition of the basal diet used in Experiments 1 and 2
Component g/kg
Because the in vitro oxidation assay does not give informa-
tion about possible oxidative modification of LDL in vivo, in Casein 200
the second experiment of this study, we examined the apoli- Cornstarch 300
poprotein pattern of LDL and the uptake of LDL by macro- Sugar 298
phages via their LDL and scavenger receptors. Oxidatively Fat1 100
modified LDL differ in their apolipoprotein pattern from un- Cellulose 40
Mineral mixture2 40
modified LDL; as a consequence, they are taken up via scav- Vitamin mixture3 20
enger receptor mechanisms (10,12). If dietary oxidized fats DL methionine 2
provoked oxidative modification of LDL, we would expect an
increased uptake of LDL by scavenger receptors of macro- 1 See Materials and Methods.
phages. 2 Mineral mixture supplied the following (per kg diet): 10.0 g of
It has been shown that primary and secondary lipid peroxi- potassium sulfate, 9.8 g of calcium carbonate, 9.4 g of dicalcium
dation products exert different physiologic effects. Primary phosphate, 3.0 g of sodium chloride, 0.9 g of magnesium oxide, 160 mg
of ferrous sulfate hydrate, 51 mg of zinc oxide, 24 mg of manganese
lipid peroxidation products are highly toxic when adminis- oxide, 24 mg of copper sulfate pentahydrate, 0.32 mg of calcium iodate
tered parenterally but less toxic when given orally, probably and 0.33 mg of sodium selenite pentahydrate.
due to low digestibility (14,15). The formation of primary and 3 Vitamin mixture supplied the following (per kg diet): 1.34 mg of
secondary lipid peroxidation products during thermal treat- all-trans-retinol, 25 ␮g of cholecalciferol, 7.5 mg of menadion sodium
ment of oils depends on the conditions during heating. Treat- bisulfite, 5 mg of thiamine hydrochloride, 6 mg of riboflavine, 6 mg of
ing fats for a long period at low temperatures without catalysts pyridoxine hydrochloride, 15 mg of calcium pantothenate, 30 mg of
nicotinic acid, 2 mg of folic acid, 0.2 mg of biotin and 1000 mg of
produces mainly primary lipid peroxidation products such as choline chloride.
peroxides and hydroperoxides. Because the primary lipoxy
radical is unstable, fats treated at high temperatures or in the
presence of catalysts contain predominantly secondary lipid administered was 20% less than the amounts of identical diets
peroxidation products such as carbonyls or dimeric, trimeric, with fresh fats consumed ad libitum by rats in preliminary studies.
polymeric and cyclic fatty acids (16). To compare fats with The daily amount of diet was increased continuously during the
different concentrations of primary and secondary lipid per- experiment from 8.3 to 17.4 g (Experiment 1) and from 10.0 to
oxidation products in the first experiment, we used fats that 18.8 g (Experiment 2). Thus, all of the rats within one experiment
consumed identical amounts of diet. Water was freely available
were heated at different temperatures. from nipple drinkers. The experimental diets were fed for 9 wk in
Experiment 1 and for 8 wk in Experiment 2.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Preparation of the oxidized fats. In Experiment 1, a fresh fat
consisting of a mixture of sunflower oil and lard (31:69, wt/wt) and
Animals. Two experiments were carried out with male Sprague- three different types of oxidized fats consisting of mixtures of sun-
Dawley rats supplied by Charles River (Sulzfeld, Germany). In Ex- flower oil and lard (1:1, wt/wt) were used. The first type of oxidized
periment 1, rats (n ⫽ 80) with an initial body weight (⫾SD) of 103 fat was prepared by heating for 38 d at a temperature of 50°C; the
⫾ 7 g were assigned to eight groups of 10 rats each; in Experiment 2, second type of oxidized fat was prepared by heating for 81 h at a
rats (n ⫽ 20) with an initial body weight of 133 ⫾ 7 g were assigned temperature of 105°C; the third type of oxidized fat was prepared by
to two groups of 10 rats each. The animals were housed individually heating for 24 h at a temperature of 190°C. In Experiment 2, the fresh
in Macrolon cages in a room maintained at a temperature of 23°C fat consisted of a mixture of sunflower oil and lard (19:81, wt/wt). The
and 50 – 60% relative humidity with lighting from 0600 to 1800 h. oxidized fat used in Experiment 2 was prepared by heating a mixture
All experimental procedures described followed established guide- of sunflower oil and lard (1:1, wt/wt) at a temperature of 55°C for
lines for the care and handling of laboratory animals and were 49 d. For heat treatment, the fats were put into quartz glass beakers
approved by the council of Saxony-Anhalt. which were placed in a drying oven set at the intended temperature.
Diets. Semisynthetic diets were used (Table 1). The composi- Throughout the heating process, air was continuously bubbled
tion of the diets was identical in both experiments. The concentra- through the fats. This treatment caused a loss of PUFA, a complete
tion of fat was 100 g/kg. The diets contained sufficient amounts of loss of tocopherols and raised the concentrations of lipid peroxidation
minerals and vitamins based on recommendations by the AIN (17) products in the fats. We equalized the fatty acid composition of fresh
for rodent diets. The concentrations of vitamin E were selected in and oxidized fats within one experiment by varying the ratio of lard
accordance with the experimental design. to sunflower oil in the mixtures of the fresh fats. The extent of lipid
In Experiment 1, fats treated under various conditions were used peroxidation in the fat was estimated by assaying the peroxide value
(see below). The vitamin E concentrations of the diets were 25 vs. (POV) (18), concentration of TBARS (19), concentration of con-
250 mg ␣-tocopherol equivalents/kg diet. In Experiment 2, only the jugated dienes (20), acid values (18), the percentage of total polar
type of fat (fresh fat vs. oxidized fat, see below) was varied. The compounds (21) and the concentration of total carbonyls (22). To
vitamin E concentration in both diets was 25 mg ␣-tocopherol determine the concentrations of those lipid peroxidation products of
equivalents/kg diet. To adjust dietary vitamin E concentrations, we the dietary fats after they have been incorporated into the diets, the
analyzed the native concentrations of tocopherols in the fresh fats fats were extracted from the diets with a mixture of hexane and
and in the oxidized fats after the thermal treatment. With consider- isopropanol [3:2, v/v, according to (23)].
ation of the native tocopherol concentrations of the dietary fats, the Sample collection. After completion of the feeding periods, the
diets were supplemented individually with all-rac-␣-tocopheryl ace- rats were starved for 12 h and killed by decapitation under light
tate whose biopotency is ⬃67% that of ␣-tocopherol. anesthesia with diethyl ether. Blood was collected into EDTA-poly-
Diets were prepared by mixing the dry components with fat and ethylene tubes. Plasma were obtained by centrifugation of the blood
water and subsequent freeze-drying. The residual water content of (1800 ⫻ g, 10 min, 4°C). LDL, 1.006 ⬍ ␳ ⬍ 1.063 kg/L) and HDL,
the diet was ⬍5 g/100 g diet. In both experiments, diets were ␳ ⬎ 1.063 kg/L) were isolated by ultracentrifugation of plasma
administered in restricted amounts to standardize the diet intake. (Mikro-Ultrazentrifuge, Sorvall Products, Bad Homburg, Germany)
The rats were fed once daily at 0800 h. The amount of diet at 900,000 ⫻ g at 4°C for 3 h. In Experiment 1, an aliquot of the LDL
2832 EDER ET AL.

fraction was used immediately for studying the susceptibility to in Apolipoprotein analysis. The pattern of LDL apolipoproteins
vitro oxidation (see below). In Experiment 2, an aliquot of the LDL was assayed qualitatively by denaturing electrophoresis. The proteins
fraction was processed immediately for uptake studies using macro- were separated on a 6 –19% polyacrylamide gradient gel with 0.01 g/L
phages (see below). The remaining LDL, HDL and plasma were SDS. Gels were stained with silver nitrate according to Nesterenko
stored at a temperature of ⫺20°C until analysis. (32). The bands of apolipoproteins were identified by comparison
Analysis. Concentrations of cholesterol in plasma, LDL and with molecular weight standards and analyzed as digitized video
HDL were determined using enzymatic reagent kits (VWR Interna- pictures (apparatus and software from Syngene, Cambridge, UK).
tional, Darmstadt, Germany, Cat.-No. 1.14830). The fatty acid com- Statistical analysis. Results of Experiment 1 were analyzed by
position of dietary fats and LDL total lipids was determined by GC as two-way ANOVA, using fat type, vitamin E concentration as well as
described recently (24). Total lipids of fats and LDL samples were their interaction as factors. For significant F-values, individual means
extracted with a mixture of hexane/isopropanol (3:2, v/v). Concen- were compared by Fisher’s least significant difference test. Results of
trations of ␣-, ␤-, ␥- and ␦- tocopherol in dietary fats and LDL were Experiment 2 were compared by t test. Means were considered sig-
determined by HPLC using a Hewlett-Packard system (HP 1100; nificantly different at P ⬍ 0.05.
Waldbronn, Germany) according to Coors (25) with modifications
described recently (24).
LDL oxidation. LDL were dialyzed for 12 h at 4°C against PBS, RESULTS
pH 7.4, which was purged with nitrogen before use. The protein Characterization of the experimental fats. Within each
content was determined using the method of Bradford (26). The in experiment, the fatty acid composition was similar in the fresh
vitro oxidation was performed according to Esterbauer et al. (27) with fat and the oxidized fats (Table 2).
modifications. The protein concentration was adjusted to 0.05 g/L
Experiment 1. The fresh fat contained 202 mg ␣-tocoph-
with dialysis buffer. Oxidation was initiated by adding a freshly
prepared copper sulfate solution (final concentration 350 ␮mol/L). erol/kg; concentrations of other tocopherols were below the
The reaction took place in 96-well UV-plates (Greiner bio-one, detection limit of 1 mg/kg. In the dietary fats heated at 50 or
Frickenhausen, Germany) in a total volume of 200 ␮L. The kinetics 105°C, the concentrations of all tocopherols were ⬍1 mg/kg.
of LDL oxidation were determined by monitoring the change in The fat heated at 190°C contained 28 mg ␣-tocopherol/kg;
absorbance at 234 nm at room temperature with a microplate absor- concentrations of other tocopherols were ⬍1 mg/kg. Before
bance reader (SpectraFluor, Tecan, Crailsheim, Germany). From the inclusion in the diet, the POV of the oxidized fat treated at
kinetic profile of each probe, the lag time and rate of diene produc- 50°C was 500 times higher, that of oxidized fat treated at
tion during the propagation phase were determined. 105°C was nearly 100 times higher and that of oxidized fat
LDL uptake. LDL were labeled with the fluorochrome 1,1⬘di- treated at 190°C was 100% higher than that of the fresh fat.
octadecyl-3,3,3⬘3⬘-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI) The concentrations of TBARS of oxidized fats treated at 50,
according to Zouhair et al. (28) with modifications. Briefly, 1.2 mL of 105 and 190°C were 1000, 200 and 30 times higher, respec-
LDL (mean protein concentration, 437 mg/L) was mixed with 2 ␮L tively, than that of the fresh fat. The percentages of total polar
of a 100 mmol/L solution of ascorbic acid to prevent oxidation and 4
compounds were similar in all three types of oxidized fats. In
␮L of DiI in dimethyl sulfoxide (36 mmol/L). The mixture was
incubated for 6 h at 37°C in the dark, under nitrogen and gentle the fats treated at 50, 105 and 190°C, they were 19, 20 and 16
agitation. The DiI-labeled LDL were reisolated by ultracentrifugation times higher, respectively, than in the fresh fat. The acid
(415,000 ⫻ g, 1 h, 4°C) and dialyzed at 4°C for 12 h against PBS. values of the three oxidized fats were similar, and were 1.5–2.5
For uptake studies, the adherent growing murine monocyte-mac- times higher than that of the fresh fat. The concentrations of
rophage cell line, J774 A.1 (ACC 170; DSMZ, Braunschweig, Ger- total carbonyls were also similar in the three types of oxidized
many), was used. The cells were cultured in DMEM containing 10% fat, and were at least 14 times higher than in the fresh fat.
fetal bovine serum and 0.5% gentamicin in a CO2-incubator (5% After inclusion into the diet, the POV of oxidized fats treated
CO2 in air) at 37°C. J774 A.1 were seeded in 24-well plates and at 50, 105 and 190°C were 200, 50 and 8 times higher,
cultured until confluence was reached. On the day of the experiment, respectively, than that of the fresh fat. The TBARS levels rose
the medium was removed and cells were washed with serum-free even more sharply, with concentrations 2000, 200 and 20
DMEM. Thereafter, 200 ␮L serum-free DMEM containing 1 ␮g times higher in oxidized fats treated at 50, 105 and 190°C,
DiI-LDL was added to the cells and incubation was carried out for 2 h respectively, than in the fresh fat. The concentrations of
at 37°C. After incubation, the cells were washed twice with PBS and
conjugated dienes did not differ in oxidized fats treated at 50
lysed in 300 ␮L isopropanol. The lysates were centrifuged at 10,000
⫻ g for 5 min, and fluorescence was measured in the supernatant with and 105°C, and were ⬃100% higher than in the oxidized fat
the fluorescence detector of the HP 1100 (excitation wavelength: 520 treated at 190°C and 18 times higher than in the fresh fat
nm, emission wavelength: 580 nm). All incubations were replicated (Table 2).
8 times per animal. To determine the concentration of the bound Experiment 2. The fresh fat contained 90 mg ␣-tocoph-
LDL, the fluorescence intensity of the probes was expressed in rela- erol/kg; concentrations of other tocopherols were below the
tion to the fluorescence intensity of the DiI-LDL preparation used. detection limit of 1 mg/kg. In the oxidized fat, the concentra-
Cellular protein content was measured in the same samples of lysed tions of all tocopherols were ⬍1 mg/kg. The POV of the
cells according to Bradford (26). Uptake was expressed as ␮g LDL/mg oxidized fat was 200 times higher than that of the fresh fat. In
cell protein. The mean protein concentration of the cell monolayers the oxidized fat, the percentage of total polar compounds was
was 115 ␮g/well. To determine the specificity of the uptake, incuba- 18 times higher, the acid value was 4 times higher and the
tion of the cells was carried out in the presence and absence of concentration of total carbonyls was 19 times higher than in
polyinosinic acid (5 mg/L DMEM), which is a potent inhibitor of the fresh fat. After the oxidized fat was included in the diet, its
scavenger receptors (29,30), and in presence and absence of heparin
POV was 54 times higher than in the fresh fat and nearly
(80,000 U/L DMEM), which inhibits the LDL receptor–mediated
uptake of LDL (31). Specific uptake was calculated by subtracting 100% higher than before inclusion into the diet. The concen-
uptake in the presence of the inhibitors from uptake in the absence tration of TBARS was 2.2 times higher and the concentration
of the inhibitors, for both inhibitors separately. As a positive control of dienes was 16 times higher compared with the level in the
we used LDL oxidized in vitro by a 1-h incubation with 25 mmol/L fresh fat (Table 2).
copper sulfate at 37°C. Incubation of cells with these oxidized LDL in Diet intake and body weights of rats. The diet intake of
the presence of polyinosinic acid revealed 47% specific uptake via the the rats in each of the two experiments did not differ. In the
scavenger receptor. first experiment, food intake averaged 14.3 g/d over the entire

Characteristics of the dietary fats used in Experiments 1 and 2

Experiment 1 Experiment 2

Fresh fat Oxidized fat 1 Oxidized fat 2 Oxidized fat 3 Fresh fat Oxidized fat

Sunflower oil, g/100 g fat 31 50 50 50 19 50
Lard, g/100 g fat 69 50 50 50 81 50
Treatment, temperature, time None 50°C, 38 d 105°C, 81 h 190°C, 24 h None 55°C, 49 d
Major fatty acids, g/100 g fatty acids
16:0 19.2 17.4 17.8 17.5 22.5 20.9
18:0 11.5 9.8 10.4 10.2 13.8 12.8
18:1 35.6 36.9 35.6 34.7 35.5 36.4
18:2 (n-6) 26.1 26.9 26.6 27.2 20.6 20.2
18:3 (n-3) 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.8 0.2
Peroxidation products
Before inclusion in the diet
Peroxide value, mEq O2/kg 1.6 804 150 3.5 3.1 666
TBARS1, mmol/kg ⬍0.01 10.0 2.2 0.3 ND1 ND
Total polar compounds, % 2.2 43.7 46.8 37.6 3.2 53.0
Acid value, g KOH/kg 0.8 2.9 2.2 2.0 0.6 3.2
Total carbonyls, mmol/kg ⬍3 53.7 53.2 45.6 ⬍3 59.9
After inclusion in the diet
Peroxide value, mEq O2/kg 4.5 918 231 39 21 1159
TBARS, mmol/kg ⬍0.01 21.9 2.2 0.2 2.3 7.4
Conjugated dienes, mmol/kg 17 349 310 178 12 206

1 ND, not determined.

Plasma total, LDL and HDL cholesterol concentrations in rats fed either fresh fat or various types of oxidized fats with either 25 or
250 mg ␣-tocopherol equivalents/kg (Experiment 1) and rats fed fresh fat or oxidized fat with 25 mg ␣-tocopherol
equivalents/kg (Experiment 2)1

Fat time) Vitamin E Total LDL HDL Plasma/HDL

mg/kg diet mmol cholesterol/L plasma

Experiment 1
Fresh2 — 25 1.72b 0.63b 0.74b 2.33a
Fresh2 — 250 1.86ab 0.70b 0.73b 2.28a
Oxidized3 50°C, 38 d 25 1.56b 0.64b 0.85a 1.86b
Oxidized3 50°C, 38 d 250 1.66b 0.72b 0.90a 1.91b
Oxidized3 105°C, 81 h 25 1.74ab 0.76ab 0.89a 1.97b
Oxidized3 105°C, 81 h 250 1.98a 0.93a 0.91a 2.24a
Oxidized3 190°C, 24 h 25 1.71b 0.71b 0.90a 1.92b
Oxidized3 190°C, 24 h 250 1.84ab 0.86a 0.89a 2.05ab
Pooled SD 0.27 0.16 0.01 0.26
ANOVA (P-value)
Fat ⬍0.05 ⬍0.05 ⬍0.001 ⬍0.001
Vitamin E ⬍0.05 ⬍0.05 NS NS
Fat ⫻ vitamin E NS NS NS NS
Experiment 2
Fresh4 — 25 2.40 0.49 1.37 1.76
Oxidized3 55°C, 49 d 25 2.03 0.77 1.15 1.53
Pooled SD 0.30 0.41 0.37 0.20
t Test ⬍0.05 NS NS NS

1 Values are means, n ⫽ 10 for each treatment group in both experiments. Values in a column in Experiment 1 not sharing a letter differ, P ⬍ 0.05.
NS, not significant (P ⬎ 0.05).
2 Sunflower oil and lard (31:69, wt/wt).
3 Sunflower oil and lard (1:1, wt/wt).
4 Sunflower oil and lard (19:81, wt/wt).
2834 EDER ET AL.

Vitamin E concentrations, fatty acid composition, lag time and rate of diene production during copper-induced lipid peroxidation
in LDL of rats fed either fresh fat or various types of oxidized fats with either 25 or 250 mg ␣-tocopherol
equivalents/kg (Experiment 1)1

Oxidized fat 13 Oxidized fat 23 Oxidized fat 33 Results of ANOVA

Fat Treatment Fresh fat2 50°C, 38 d 105°C, 81 h 190°C, 24 h P-value
(temperature, time) Pooled Fat
Vitamin E 25 250 25 250 25 250 25 250 SD Fat Vitamin E ⫻ vitamin E

Vitamin E
LDL, ␮mol/mmol4 7.1c 26.4a 7.2c 24.8a 6.3c 21.3b 6.2c 20.6b 2.7 ⬍0.001 ⬍0.001 ⬍0.05
Fatty acids of LDL total
lipids, mol/100 mol
16:0 19.4b 20.4ab 21.1a 21.6a 20.7ab 20.4ab 19.5b 20.0b 1.2 ⬍0.005 NS NS
18:0 14.9 15.8 15.1 14.6 17.3 16.9 15.9 16.9 1.9 ⬍0.05 NS NS
18:1 16.1 13.0 17.7 16.5 15.4 12.8 15.1 13.9 3.7 NS ⬍0.05 NS
18:2 (n-6) 18.1a 18.0a 14.2b 14.5b 15.9b 15.6b 17.1a 16.6ab 1.6 ⬍0.001 NS NS
20:4 (n-6) 15.7b 20.2a 16.8b 20.6a 19.0ab 22.2a 21.1a 21.5a 2.9 ⬍0.005 ⬍0.001 NS
SFA 34.9b 36.5ab 36.6ab 36.5ab 38.3a 37.6a 35.7b 37.2ab 1.7 ⬍0.01 NS NS
PUFA 35.2b 39.3a 32.4c 36.6b 36.4b 39.2a 39.6a 39.5a 2.3 ⬍0.001 ⬍0.001 ⬍0.05
Lag time, min 21ab 29a 18ab 26a 15b 16b 16b 19ab 8.7 ⬍0.05 ⬍0.05 NS
Rate of oxidation, ␮mol
dienes/(min 䡠 g protein) 4.0a 3.2b 3.5ab 2.4bc 3.2b 2.1c 4.5a 2.7bc 0.8 ⬍0.05 ⬍0.05 NS

1 Values are means, n ⫽ 10 for each treatment group. Values in a column not sharing a letter differ, P ⬍ 0.05. NS, non significant (P ⬎ 0.05).
2 Sunflower oil and lard (31:69, wt/wt).
3 Sunflower oil and lard (1:1, wt/wt).
4 (Triglycerides ⫹ cholesterol).

period; in the second experiment it was 15 g/d. In Experiment concentrations of LDL cholesterol than those fed diets con-
1, final body weights differed significantly among the eight taining low vitamin E concentrations. In Experiment 2, the
groups. Rats fed diets containing low vitamin E concentrations LDL cholesterol concentration did not differ significantly be-
and oxidized fats heated at 50 or 190°C had lower final body tween the groups.
weights than those fed diets containing low vitamin E con- In Experiment 1, HDL cholesterol concentrations were
centrations and fresh fat or oxidized fat heated at 105°C (fresh influenced by the type of fat. Rats fed all types of oxidized fats
fat: 388 ⫾ 12 g; oxidized fat heated at 50°C: 364 ⫾ 12 g; had higher HDL cholesterol concentrations than those fed the
oxidized fat heated at 105°C: 376 ⫾ 13 g; oxidized fat heated fresh fat, independent of the dietary vitamin E concentration.
at 190°C: 362 ⫾ 16 g; means ⫾ SD, n ⫽ 10; P ⬍ 0.05). Within In Experiment 2, the HDL cholesterol concentrations did not
the groups of rats fed diets containing high vitamin E concen- differ significantly between the groups. In Experiment 1, the
trations, there was no effect of the dietary fat on the final body ratios between plasma cholesterol and HDL cholesterol were
weights (fresh fat: 378 ⫾ 18 g; oxidized fat heated at 50°C: 374 lower in all groups fed oxidized fats than in those fed fresh fat.
⫾ 11 g, oxidized fat heated at 105°C: 385 ⫾ 8 g, oxidized fat In Experiment 2, the ratio between plasma and HDL choles-
heated at 190°C: 382 ⫾ 12 g; means ⫾ SD, n ⫽ 10 for each terol did not differ between the two groups of rats.
group). In Experiment 2, final body weights did not differ Vitamin E concentration, fatty acid composition and cop-
between groups (fresh fat: 365 ⫾ 16 g; oxidized fat: 358 ⫾ 19 g; per-induced lipid peroxidation of LDL (Experiment 1). In
means ⫾ SD, n ⫽ 10). LDL, ␣-tocopherol was the only tocopherol that could be
Cholesterol concentrations in plasma, LDL and HDL. detected; the concentrations of other tocopherol isomers were
The concentrations of total cholesterol in plasma were signif- below the detection limit of 0.1 ␮mol/(mmol triglycerides
icantly influenced by the dietary fat, in Experiments 1 and 2, ⫹ cholesterol). There was a significant interaction between
and by the dietary vitamin E concentration in Experiment 1 the type of fat and the dietary vitamin E concentration on the
(Table 3). In Experiment 1, rats fed the oxidized fat heated at vitamin E concentrations in LDL (Table 4). Rats fed the high
50°C had lower concentrations of cholesterol in plasma than vitamin E diet with oxidized fat heated at 105 or 190°C had
those fed fresh fat or oxidized fat heated at 105 or 190°C. Rats lower vitamin E concentrations in LDL than those fed the diet
fed diets with high dietary vitamin E concentrations had with fresh fat or the diet with oxidized fat heated at 50°C.
higher concentrations of cholesterol in plasma than those fed Within the groups fed the low vitamin E diet, the vitamin E
diets with low vitamin E concentrations. In Experiment 2, rats concentration of LDL was not influenced by the dietary fat.
fed the oxidized fat had lower cholesterol concentrations in Rats fed diets with high vitamin E concentrations had dis-
plasma than those fed the fresh fat. tinctly higher concentrations of vitamin E in LDL than those
In Experiment 1, the LDL cholesterol concentrations were fed diets with low vitamin E concentrations.
significantly influenced by the dietary fat and by the dietary The effects of the dietary fat and the dietary vitamin E
vitamin E concentration. Rats fed oxidized fat heated at 50 or concentration on the fatty acid composition of LDL total
190°C had concentrations of LDL cholesterol similar to those lipids were small but significant. The largest effect was on the
fed fresh fat; rats fed oxidized fat heated at 105°C had higher amount of linoleic acid, which was lower in rats fed diets with
concentrations than those of all other groups. Rats fed diets the oxidized fat heated at 50 or 105°C than in those fed diets
containing high dietary vitamin E concentrations had higher with the fresh fat or diets with oxidized fat heated at 190°C.

Rats fed the diets with the oxidized fat heated at 50°C also had of secondary lipid peroxidation products were high in all
significantly lower amounts of total PUFA than those fed the oxidized fats used in this study. The observation that feeding
diets with fresh fat or fats heated at 105 or 190°C. The the oxidized fats had no marked effect on body weights of the
amounts of palmitic, stearic, oleic and arachidonic acid varied rats indicates that the fats used in these studies were moder-
less between rats fed the fresh fat diet and those fed the diets ately oxidized. However, heating of fats leads to decomposition
containing the three types of oxidized fat. of PUFA and therefore to changes in the fatty acid composi-
Lag times and rates of diene production during incubation tion. The dietary fatty acids influence the fatty acid composi-
of LDL with copper ions were significantly influenced by the tion of the LDL and therefore the susceptibility of LDL to
dietary fat and vitamin E concentration (Table 4). Rats fed oxidation (33). To avoid this kind of interference, the fatty
oxidized fat heated at 105 or 190°C had shorter lag times than acid composition of fresh and heated fats was standardized
those fed diets with fresh fat or oxidized fat heated at 50°C. within each experiment by combining different fats.
Rats fed diets with oxidized fats heated at 50 or 105°C had In the first experiment, we investigated the effect of oxi-
lower rates of diene production than those fed diets with fresh dized fat on the cholesterol concentrations in plasma and
fat or oxidized fat heated at 190°C. Rats fed diets with high lipoproteins. Only a few, rather conflicting data exist concern-
vitamin E concentrations had longer lag times and lower rates ing cholesterol concentrations in plasma of animals fed oxi-
of diene production than rats fed diets with low vitamin E dized fats. Recently, we found reduced concentrations of cho-
concentrations. lesterol in plasma and LDL in miniature pigs fed an oxidized
Macrophage uptake of DiI-labeled LDL (Experiment 2). fat (34). In rats fed oxidized fats, cholesterol concentrations in
The uptake of DiI-labeled LDL by macrophages was not in- plasma were not altered (4,35) or even increased (36) com-
fluenced by the dietary fat. The amounts of LDL taken up by pared with controls fed fresh fat. In this study, the only effect
the cells without inhibition did not differ in the two groups on the cholesterol concentrations in plasma was caused by the
(2.64 ⫾ 2.16 ␮g DiI-LDL/mg cell protein; mean ⫾ SD, n oxidized fat, which had the highest concentrations of primary
⫽ 20). The LDL taken up corresponded to ⬃17% of the added peroxidation products. This fat lowered plasma cholesterol,
LDL. The inhibition of the scavenger receptor mechanism by but had no effect on LDL cholesterol. We cannot yet explain
polyinosinic acid had no effect on the amount of LDL incor- why the two oxidized fats containing medium or low concen-
porated (2.58 ⫾ 2.10 ␮g DiI-LDL/mg cell protein; mean ⫾ SD, trations of primary lipid peroxidation products increased the
n ⫽ 20). Inhibition of the LDL receptor–mediated endocytosis concentration of LDL. However, the finding that feeding all
of LDL by heparin resulted in 57% less incorporated LDL, three oxidized fats used in Experiment 1 enhanced HDL cho-
independent of the dietary fat type (1.50 ⫾ 1.28 ␮g DiI- lesterol and decreased the plasma to HDL cholesterol ratio
LDL/mg cell protein; mean ⫾ SD, n ⫽ 20). shows that oxidized fats are not necessarily proatherogenic, at
Apolipoprotein composition of LDL (Experiment 2). The least when considering these variables. In studies with LDL
proportions of LDL apolipoproteins were not influenced by the receptor knock-out mice, dietary intake of oxidized fatty acids
dietary fat. The mean relative amounts of apolipoproteins were showed proatherogenic effects only when administered to-
(g/100 g): apo B 100: 12.1 ⫾ 1.6; apo B 48: 45.7 ⫾ 10.5; apo gether with cholesterol (37). Hence, an additional supply of
E: 42.2 ⫾ 9.6 (means ⫾ SD, n ⫽ 6). The mobility of the cholesterol seems to be crucial for a proatherogenic role of
apolipoproteins in the electrophoresis did not differ in the two oxidized fat. Intake of thermally oxidized fat in a low fat diet
groups. without cholesterol supplementation as used in our study likely
has no unfavorable effect on the cholesterol concentration or
DISCUSSION distribution in plasma.
The determination of the lag time before onset of lipid
In this study, we investigated the effect of thermally oxi- peroxidation during incubation of LDL with copper ions shows
dized fats on selected variables associated with the develop- that the dietary fats heated at 105 or 190°C increased the
ment of atherosclerosis, well aware of the fact that there are susceptibility of LDL to lipid peroxidation. The susceptibility
many other events involved in this complex process. When of LDL to lipid peroxidation depends mainly on their PUFA
investigating oxidized fats, special consideration must be given contents and their concentrations of antioxidants (27). Be-
to the lipid peroxidation products formed during the heating cause the percentages of total PUFA in LDL total lipids were
process. The characterization of thermally treated fats is very not different between rats fed the fats heated at 105°C or
difficult because the treatment generates a large number of 190°C and the rats fed the fresh fat, we assume that the
different products, which are partly unstable and decompose increased susceptibility of LDL to lipid peroxidation of rats fed
during heating and storage. To provide a rough estimate, we the heated fats was due to their lower concentrations of
determined the POV, the concentrations of conjugated dienes, vitamin E. Other studies also demonstrated that dietary oxi-
TBARS and carbonyls and the percentage of total polar com- dized fats enhance the consumption of vitamin E and decrease
pounds. For the POV and the concentrations of dienes and vitamin E concentrations in tissues and lipoproteins (2,35).
TBARS, we found that diets with fats heated at low temper- The findings that the oxidized fat heated at 50°C, which had
atures over a long period contained high concentrations of the highest POV and TBARS concentrations, does not reduce
primary lipid peroxidation products. The fat heated at medium vitamin E concentrations in LDL and the lag time during
temperatures had medium concentrations and the fat heated at oxidation compared with the fresh fat suggest that primary
high temperature had the lowest concentrations of primary lipid peroxidation products do not increase the susceptibility
lipid peroxidation products. This might be due to the fact that of LDL to oxidation. The lower rate of diene production in the
the unstable peroxidation products decompose during expo- LDL of rats fed oxidized fats heated at 50 or 105°C compared
sure to high temperatures in volatile components, which are with rats fed fresh fat or oxidized fat heated at 190°C might be
stripped from the fat by air. The percentages of polar com- due in part to lesser amounts of linoleic acid in the LDL.
pounds were similar in all heated fats and much higher than in Supplementation of the diet with high vitamin E concen-
fresh fat. Because these compounds are formed during later trations prolonged the lag time of LDL, which was expected
stages of lipid peroxidation, we assume that the concentrations and described earlier (13,38). The protective effect of vitamin
2836 EDER ET AL.

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