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Exploring Ethical Maturity: Fresh Perspectives on Matured Moral

In the realm of ethics, the concept of matured moral agency stands as a
testament to human development and ethical growth. This article seeks to offer unique
insights into the characteristics and development of matured moral agents, diverging
from traditional theories without explicitly referencing specific theorists.
Individualized Paths to Ethical Excellence:
While traditional theories often propose universal stages of moral development,
this article suggests that the journey towards ethical maturity is highly individualized. It
emphasizes that each person's path to becoming a matured moral agent is shaped by a
unique combination of experiences, values, and influences, challenging the notion of a
one-size-fits-all approach to moral development.
Holistic Understanding of Moral Competence:
In contrast to theories that focus primarily on cognitive reasoning, this article
advocates for a holistic understanding of moral competence. It suggests that matured
moral agents possess not only advanced cognitive abilities but also emotional
intelligence, empathy, and social skills, highlighting the interconnectedness of cognitive,
emotional, and social aspects of moral development.
Contextual Embeddedness of Ethical Decision-Making:
Rather than viewing ethical decision-making as a purely individual process, this
article emphasizes the contextual embeddedness of moral agency. It suggests that
ethical decisions are influenced by various contextual factors, including cultural norms,
social relationships, power dynamics, and situational constraints, underscoring the
importance of considering broader socio-cultural contexts in understanding ethical
Fluidity and Flexibility in Moral Reasoning:
While traditional theories often portray moral reasoning as progressing through
fixed stages, this article proposes a more fluid and flexible conception of moral
reasoning. It suggests that matured moral agents are capable of engaging in diverse
forms of moral reasoning, adapting their approach to different situations and contexts,
rather than adhering rigidly to a predetermined stage of moral development.
Emphasis on Relational Ethics and Community Values:
In addition to individual moral autonomy, this article highlights the importance of
relational ethics and community values in shaping ethical behavior. It suggests that
matured moral agents are attuned to the needs and perspectives of others, prioritize the
well-being of their communities, and actively engage in collective efforts to promote
justice and fairness, transcending a purely individualistic focus on moral autonomy.
In conclusion, this article sheds light on a nuanced understanding of ethical
maturity, diverging from traditional theories by emphasizing individualized paths to
excellence, a holistic view of moral competence, contextual embeddedness in decision-
making, fluidity in moral reasoning, and the importance of relational ethics and
community values. By recognizing the complexity and diversity of human experiences,
values, and influences, it offers valuable insights for ethical education and social change
efforts, advocating for a more comprehensive approach to moral development that
considers the interconnectedness of cognitive, emotional, and social dimensions.
The Ideas from AI article that not found in the 2 articles of MORAL
1. AI emphasize individualized paths to ethical excellence while WHO ONE IS and
MORAL DEVELOPMENT shows universal stages and factors of moral
 According to the AI, excellence is achieved through individual paths; this is
different from WHO ONE IS and MORAL DEVELOPMENT, which argue that
there are stages of moral development to be followed. WHO ONE IS is
focused on the influence of environmental and societal factors on the
individual. On the other hand, MORAL DEVELOPMENT is focused on moral
reasoning’s reasoning that is universal. According to AI, There are many ways
to be matured agent but in the WHO ONE IS and MORAL DEVELOPMENT’s
theories, it is more organized and more uniform in the sequence of moral
2. Relational principles and communal values are highly valued by the AI as crucial
components to ethical development.
 WHO ONE IS focuses on cultural and contextual factors , including social
relationships, in the development of moral beliefs and behaviors. This,
however, rarely discusses the ethical significance of these relationships or the
connection between moral behavior and community values. Furthermore,
while MORAL DEVELOPMENT focuses on personal moral reasoning and
decision-making, it also takes into consideration the importance of social
interactions and relationships. While social factors are considered, the
importance of relational ethics and community values on ethical development
is not focused.
3. Fluidity and Flexibility in Moral Reasoning
 MORAL DEVELOPMENT represents moral reasoning as moving through stages
that are specifically shaped, on the other hand, WHO ONE IS is concerned with
"what around us that influence us" of moral development . In contrast, the AI is
more going, being able to change what you think, and what is just depending on
the circumstances. You would act in a differently on whats happening. Its like
you are adjusting your action(right) of based on circumstance

Ideas from AI article that is similar or can be considered related to MORAL
1. They all possess complexity of becoming matured moral agent.
 Amidst of different approach, the three talks about the concept what are the
requisite to be a matured moral agent. The AI did mention about the human
experiences, so it is common sense that people will become older, in comparison
to the two, They are all about growing up and becoming more mature in how we
think about what's right and wrong. So, basically, it possess complexity as it
involves various factors, experiences, and influences that shape an individual's
moral development over time.
2. The three did mention about individual freedom
 All three sources recognize one’s freedom to act morally, even if their methods
are different, All three seem to accept responsibility for their actions and make
decisions based on what they consider to be ethical.
3. Importance of Social Relationships
 WHO ONE IS and MORAL DEVELOPMENT as well as the AI recognize the
significance of social relationships in moral development. While Kohlberg’s work
focuses on the individual and little on interpersonal processes or relational
aspects of one’s moral being particularly moral development, it also acknowledge
“socialization” in Kohlberg’s stages of moral development, including peers and
family members(This was tackle in level 1). Also, Reyes does indicate the role of
socialization processes and the importance of cultural influences generally, and
the AI specifically emphasizes relational ethics and the role community values
play on ethical conduct. Therefore, all the three propositions seem to suggest
that matured moral agent should be primarily concerned with the well-being of
their community and participate in joint efforts towards fairness and justices.
4. Recognition of Cultural Influence:
 The AI recognizes the influence of cultural norms and values behind ethical
development, just like “WHO ONE IS” and “MORAL DEVELOPMENT” . It
mention that the ethical decisions are formed within broad socio-cultural
environment. According to the MORAL DEVELOPMENT, cultural norms and
values may affect people’s moral reasoning. It can be find in the second level,
third stage while in WHO ONE IS, “who you is” is influenced by society—culture
is included in society.


All three sources, AI, WHO ONE IS, and MORAL DEVELOPMENT, are all about
ethical improvement and talks about way human morality develops naturally. they
recognize that moral behavior may be influenced by a variety of reasons, from personal
life experience to societal norms as well as from individual relationships to cognitive
processes.They seek to investigate the societal, emotional, and cognitive dimensions of
moral evolution and highlight their coherence. To support this, The AI states that
"Ethical decisions are influenced by various contextual factors, including cultural norms,
social relationships, power dynamics, and situational constraints." In WHO ONE IS, it
states that" Cultural norms and values play a significant role in shaping individuals'
ethical beliefs and behaviors while In MORAL DEVELOPMENT, it states "Individuals
progress through stages of moral reasoning as they develop cognitively and acquire a
deeper understanding of moral principles." Therefore, The more influenced the person
are, overtime, the more it may have ethical improvement. even though every source did
had different viewpoint and methodology, they are all focused on understanding of
growing morally and ethically.
In Addition, the AI, WHO ONE IS, and MORAL DEVELOPMENT talks about the
significance of moral development and ethical behavior in people and society. They
refer to the concepts of environmental care and ethical education as instruments of
cultivating values such as empathy, compassion, integrity, and social accountability.To
support this, in AI , it stated "By recognizing the complexity and diversity of human
experiences, values, and influences, it offers valuable insights for ethical education and
social change efforts."This says the importance of promoting moral development and
ethical conduct through ethical education and social change efforts. In WHO ONE IS, it
stated "Cultural norms and values play a significant role in shaping individuals' ethical
beliefs and behaviors," it implies that efforts to promote positive cultural norms can
contribute to ethical conduct. In this text, the importance of societal norms in shaping
ethical behavior is discussed, indicating the significance of promoting moral MORAL DEVELOPMENT, it suggests that individuals progress through
stages of moral reasoning as they develop cognitively, indicating the potential for
education and cognitive development to enhance moral reasoning skills.
To sum up, each of the three contributes a ethical development and guidance for
promoting ethical behavior diverse contexts, even though they have different way to
tackle it. it ultimately deepened moral development and motivate initiatives, creating a
more ethical world.

Exploring Ethical Maturity: Fresh Perspectives on Matured Moral
Synthesizing the discussion surrounding the AI, MORAL DEVELOPMENT and
WHO ME IS, a comprehensive understanding of moral development and ethical
behavior emerges.
the idea introduced in MORAL DEVELOPMENT is something I can relate to.
when I was young, I admit that I was a hardheaded child and was always scolded but
when I did something that I was not scolded for, I thought very highly of myself, as if
what I did was really right. in which can be connected to the first level of MORAL
ACTION. where I can say that what I am doing is right when there is no negative
consequences will happens to me or in moral development's term 'punishment'. as I
got older, especially when I went to high school, I could really say that my decisions in
an action were develop because my Moral decisions are based on whether my action
will gain approval, avoid disapproval, or promote harmony within my relationships to
other, it was based on my family, or what other people would tell me. At present, I can
say to myself that I am still at the second level of my moral development and don’t think
of myself as a matured moral agent, I believe in following laws for the greater good but
also think laws should change if they're unfair or violate basic human rights but whats
more weigh to me is that I want to be seen as good by others and care about
maintaining positive relationships. I believe I also have a own set of ethical principle
based on justice, equality and human dignity but its not to the point I am going against
society’s norm or laws, I follow rules to avoid upsetting others and to keep friendships
as well as in following laws and rules to keep society running smoothly. i feel like it's my
duty to obey authority figures and respect societal institutions.
Moreover, the idea introduced in WHO ME IS also relateable to me because i
believe i am a product of many forces and events that happened outside of my
choosing such as in physical and interpersonal, first, physical. When I was a child, my
brother and me moved frequently due to job opportunities, i had encounter many
communities and cultures, fostering an appreciation and adaptability. I can say that
These experiences have shaped my understanding of empathy and resilience, i learned
to build connections with individuals from different backgrounds. Second and lastly,
interpersonal.i grew up in a broken family,I had support but not to the extent like the
others had, I can say that this taught me a strong sense of compassion and
responsibility at a young age, as well as taught me valuable lessons about
understanding, and the importance of supporting loved ones through adversity.
Furthermore, despite of agreeing to the ideas of MORAL DEVELOPMENT and
WHO ME IS, I also agree with the AI in which it highlights that being a matured moral
agent should also possess emotional intelligence. Being a matured moral agent should
also requires a deep understanding of emotions because this allows us to recognize
and manage own emotions effectively, as well as understand and respond to the
emotions of others. For example,Resilience. People face ethical dilemmas or moral
challenges that require resilience and perseverance. Emotional intelligence equips us
with the ability to manage our emotions, and enabling people to uphold moral values
even in difficult circumstances. Also, Empathy. Emotional intelligence enables people to
empathize with others by understanding others emotions and perspectives. This
empathy allows matured moral agents to consider the impact of their actions on others
and make decisions that prioritize the well-being of those around them.
Finally,the bottom line of the three is a more ethical and morally base society in
which individual makes decisions in line with its principles and as well contributes
positively to community development. My idea is the same as all three because we can
create a more organized and fair world that treat others with respect and fairness and
practicing ethical morals. It leads to both ethical behavior and role morality, especially to
matured moral agent, which is significant because it leads to personal satisfaction,
develops a human’s positive relationships, contributes to the societal well-being, and
help other see the value of other perspectives and an efficient problem solver.

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