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Individual assignment
Class: E-BDB4 - K64

Ha Noi - 4/2024
Name : Đinh Trường Sơn
Student ID : 11225616
Class: EBDB 4

"Who am I?" It’s a hard question. It may sound like a big deal, but my approach to life has
mostly been of throwing caution to the wind and seeing where it leads. I've always been all
about embracing every new experience and soaking up all the strange and amazing things that
come along with it, from the day I entered this world till today.
I kind of want to think of myself as a bunch of distinct "me's" rolled into one, rather than
this one set thing. I feel like I'm a constantly changing collage composed of all the interesting
things I've encountered, convictions I've held, and nuggets of knowledge I've learned.
Furthermore, what do you know? That's fine with me. I accept that there isn't a
universally applicable solution to the question "Who am I?"Sincerely, this is a lot more
enjoyable. I become somewhat of a chameleon, morphing and evolving according to the
So, yes, I'm just along for the journey, but some people would get anxious about
discovering who they are and where they're heading. I think I'm doing okay as long as I'm
willing to roll with the punches and open to new experiences. See, it's all about the journey in
life. Hey, I'm just glad to be traveling with you.


To truly consider and respond to this question, though, I had to ask myself what my true
selves have been and will be in various contexts.
Upon hearing the question "Who am I?" for the first time, my thoughts instantly traveled
back in time to the chaotic days of my youth. Oh, how times have changed! I was the epitome
of an extrovert when I was younger, constantly chatting up people and making friends before
you could say "Hi."
Thinking back, school was a hoot. The girls thought I was the strangers, but the guys?
Well, In my mind at that time, they were the truth! Looking back, it's a happy and weird
But what really gets my heart racing is reminiscing about my days when I went to
secondary school. I saw her, my best friend, also my first love. Although the way you two
met each other was kind of weird, the thing placed after the meeting was a broken pencil, it
was one of the most beautiful memories I've had. However, that is not the end. Micro-kites,
skyline paddy fields, childhood games, hot summer afternoons with loud noises. It's been a
long time, but it's still true.
Furthermore, what do you know? Every one of those experiences? They did more for me
than just pass the time; they shaped me in ways that I'm still learning about. They made me
into the gregarious butterfly I used to be, an exuberant ball of energy that adults found
difficult to control. However, in retrospect, I wouldn't trade those recollections for anything.
They were the ones that shaped me into the mysterious person I attempt to portray to you
when I go back in time in my imagination.
CHAPTER 2: Navigation of Growing Up: From Childhood Dreams to Realities
It's like traveling across a vast and uncharted territory to get from a carefree childhood to
the complexity of "adulthood." I find myself revisiting the stages that brought me from
youth's innocence to growing up's problems as I think back on my own journey.
During those formative years, life seemed like an unending playground with countless
chances for exploration and learning. I delighted in the excitement of meeting new people,
playing competitive games, and appreciating the endless wonders of the universe. Every day
was an exciting journey full with humor, creativity, and limitless possibilities.
But beneath the veneer of my perfect life, I started to realize the harsh truths. The once-
vibrant landscape of my youth was thrown in shadows by the pressures of academic
accomplishment, social expectations, and the quest of success.
I started to doubt the core of who I was and who I wanted to become during this turbulent
time. My youthful carefreeness appeared to elude me more and more, giving way to a rising
sense of disenchantment and insecurity. I grappled with the inherent ambiguities of identity
and purpose, trying to reconcile the romanticized illusions of success and pleasure with the
hard realities of adult life.
My family and friends helped me to get out of that mess. Since then I have become much
more aware of my surroundings. I knew I was a more immature child than my peers, so it
took me much longer to find my joy, my true passion. By perseverance and perseverance, I
have earned recognition from others, and comfort from my heart.
I am reminded of the innate beauty and resiliency of the human spirit as I proceed along
the twisting path of personal growth and self-discovery. Every obstacle I face and every
victory I achieve points to the depth of the human experience and helps me have a better
grasp of who I am and who I want to be.
Bold ideas in adversity
Even though I was in high school, my low self-esteem stuck to me. The new school with
the new people made me even more isolated. And at that time, I realized that bold ideas were
a great tool for me to get through this.
I had those ideas when I went fishing in the field all night. I looked up at the sky and
wished I could see them clearly. I spent two weeks working on my own telescope. And I saw
them, the beauty of stars, that somebody can't see. Then, the pressures inside me seemed to
just disappear, leaving me just the questions I thought I'd never really want to look at the
universe. I felt like a scientist, finding a joy in the greatness of the universe. Or when I
invented "Pharaoh's Snake" before the menarage of friends and teachers. Those crazy ideas
got me more excited than ever.
My days were filled with meaning and fulfillment when friends complimented and
encouraged me on my crafts. It was like a lighthouse in the dark. For a brief while, I felt as
though I had discovered a place where self-expression was unrestricted and creativity was
king among the chaos.
However, I had to leave the passions behind to prepare for the most important test of my
life. I would almost throw it away just to focus on this opportunity. Exams were approaching,
and the pressure of expectations was pressing down on me, requiring my complete focus and
By the time I got the message, I had actually matripped at the National Economics
University, which I had always aspired to. By then the pressures I would carry over for a year
were gone. I spent the last two summers living with my aunt in the mountains, where I could
fulfiii my incredible plans. However, it was also my last crazy ideas
I'm carrying the lessons I've learned from my prior struggles with me as I start this new
chapter of my journey. Even in the face of hardship, I'm determined to embrace the beauty of
creativity and self-expression, despite the likely difficult path ahead. True fulfillment can
only be found in pursuing passion and sincerity, which motivates me to keep going for my

A new chapter of life opens up

A new path has opened, I realize I need to change. I have to let go of the low self-esteem I
had in the past, I have to be stronger. In the eyes of my significant other, I embodied strength
and reliability, a steadfast presence to lean on in times of need.
I found a kaleidoscope of feelings and viewpoints fighting for my attention and
comprehension in the solitude of my thoughts. It seemed like I was removing the layers from
my being and revealing the complexities of who I really was. Despite my best efforts, I was
unable to provide a clear definition of who I was.
I experienced liberation—a sense of freedom in realizing that I was not limited to any one
version of myself—when I accepted the complex nature of who I am. Rather, I had the liberty
to delve into the diverse aspects of my identity, accepting the inconsistencies and nuance that
shaped my identity. And so I continued my trip, keeping an open mind and an open heart as I
navigated the ever changing terrain of self-discovery. I discovered my actual self in the
never-ending dance of becoming—a soul with limitless potential that is constantly changing
and expanding.
I discovered that I was rising to the occasion, welcoming fresh experiences, and seizing the
chances that presented themselves. Although balancing obligations and controlling my time
occasionally became an enormous undertaking, I found solace in the fact that my life was
complex. I enthusiastically accepted the responsibility, understanding that it would be a
springboard to a better life.
This is about finding freedom within discipline, not about being an inflexible social justice
fighter. It's about having an abundantly experienced life and continuously learning new things
about the world and myself. Possibly above all, it's about getting to know amazing people
whose lives inspire me to think back on my own path, share my own story, and broaden my
perspective on the world and myself.

Me? Who am I? I write my own story, I write my own symphony, and I am the director of
my own destiny. I am only one thread in the vast tapestry of life, but it is woven together with
innumerable others to produce a work of art that is unmatched in beauty.
I am the culmination of all of my experiences, a tapestry made of joy and sorrow, victories
and setbacks. I am the gregarious youngster who welcomed the world, the reflective
adolescent figuring out the nuances of puberty, and the newly arrived adult discovering
balance in the midst of life.
I feel a sense of excitement for the symphony that awaits me as I stand at the edge of the
unknown. Every note is a potential tune, every chord an opportunity for personal
development and expression. And even though the path may seem overwhelming at times, I
find comfort in the understanding that I have the ability to control my own fate.
That is me. This is my orchestra. And this is just the start.

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