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Individual Attitudes toward Corruption

PA-Demographic Information:
 Under18
 18-25
 26-35
 36-45
 46-55
 56+
 Male
 Female
 Other/Prefer not to say
Educational Background:
 High School or less
 Some College/Associate's Degree
 Bachelor's Degree
 Master's Degree
 Doctorate/Professional degree
 Student
 Employed (Specify industry)
 Unemployed
 Retired
1. What is corruption? (Choose one)
- When someone does something wrong for money
- When someone takes something that doesn't belong to them
- When people don't follow the rules
2. How much corruption do you think there is in our area? (Choose one)
- A little
- Some
- A lot
3. Have you ever personally experienced corruption?
- Yes
- No
- If no, have you witnessed corruption happening around you?
- Yes
- No
4. Does our government do enough to stop corruption?
- Yes
- No
5. Does our government tell us the truth about corruption?
- Yes
- No
6. How informed do you feel about corruption and its consequences?
- Very informed
- Somewhat informed
- Neutral
- Not very informed
- Not informed at all
7. Do you think education can play a role in reducing corruption?
- Yes, significantly
- Yes, to some extent
- No
8. individual play an important role to stop corruption?
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Neutral
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
9. cultural norms influence attitudes towards corruption?
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Neutral
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
10. societal attitudes towards corruption affect individual behavior?
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Neutral
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
11. Do you believe that corruption is a significant problem in our society?
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
12. Do you think corruption negatively affects economic development?
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
13. Would you report an instance of corruption if you witnessed it?
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
14. Do you believe that corruption can be justified in certain situations?
a. Strongly Agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree
15. Do you agree with the necessity of taking measures to combat corruption in our
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

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