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Describe … (miêu tả một chủ đề bất kì)
+ People
+ Place
+ Object
+ Experience / time
● Thời gian: 1 min preparation + 2 mins presentation (max)
● Hình thức: trình bày theo các gợi ý có sẵn trong cue-card (thẻ gợi ý) / Hoặc
linh hoạt điều chỉnh các gợi ý theo sự sáng tạo và content riêng của bản
thân, miễn bám sát yêu cầu thời gian/ bố cục
Describe an interesting old person
You should say:
 Who the person was
 How you met that person
 Where you met him or her
 And explain why you find them interesting.

2/ BỐ CỤC: 3 phần
 Today, I would like to kick off by telling you about …
 When it comes to this topic, the very first person/ thing/ place/
time that springs to my mind / crosses my mind is …
+ To begin with, / First off
+ Moving on to …
+ To elaborate on …
+ In terms of … / Regarding …
Conclusion: To sum up, / In short,
→ Kỳ vọng về đối tượng vừa kể / feeling (cảm nghĩ)
1. Describe a childhood friend you still keep in touch with
You should say:
 Who he/she is
 Where and how you met each other
 What you often did together
 And explain why you still keep in touch with that person
2. Describe an interesting old person
You should say:
 Who the person was
 How you met that person
 Where you met him or her
 And explain why you find them interesting.
3. Describe a person you met at a party and you enjoyed talking with
You should say:
 What party it was
 Who this person is
 What you talked about
 And explain why you enjoyed talking with him/her
4. Describe a person who often helps other people
You should say:
 who the person is
 how you know him/her
 what he/she does to help people
 and explain how you feel about this person


a. Person’s name, relationship with that person, nói sơ về WHY YOU’RE
b. Physical description:
- Physical appearance: age, height, build (dáng vóc), hair, eyes →
ĐIỂM NỔI BẬT = tính từ
c. Personality traits: TÍNH TỪ: friendly, outgoing, intelligent, compassionate
→ Share anecdotes (giai thoại) / examples that illustrate these traits
d. Background and life experiences:
Person’s background: hometown, their education, and their career
→ Talk about significant life experiences, achievements or challenges
they faced.
e. Hobbies and Interests:
→ Mention the person's hobbies, interests, or passions.
→ Explain why these activities are important to them or how they
spend their leisure time
f. Personal anecdotes:
Personal stories / experiences you’ve had with this person → highlight
qualities or characteristics
g. Feelings/Thoughts about the person
→ Chi tiết: Why they are important to you or What impact they’ve had
on your life

Describe a childhood friend you still keep in touch with
You should say:
• Who he/she is
• Where and how you met each other
• What you often did together
• And explain why you still keep in touch with that person
- Đọc kỹ đề
- Chọn đối tượng mà mình muốn tả (đối tượng thứ 2)
+ A person you know well + detailed information
+ Suitable for 2-minute description
1 minute
- Thì: QUÁ KHỨ + hiện tại
- NOTE TỪ KHÓA (PHRASES / WORDS) + vocab theo chủ đề
- Who: name + she is my best friend since primary school. She is very pretty
with long black hair… (+tính từ chỉ ngoại hình)
- Where + how met: trả lời ngắn gọn
- What: kể những hoạt động + những kỉ niệm đáng nhớ với người đó
- Why: tại sao xa nhau → tại sao vẫn làm bạn (điểm chung, điều tích
cực, support mình ra sao) + giữ liên lạc bằng cách nào
⇒ CHỐT: mong đợi/kỳ vọng về mối quan hệ 2 người / cảm nhận gì đó về
người đó (nói ngắn gọn: 1-2 câu)


Describe a childhood friend you still keep in touch with
One of my cherished (yêu quý) childhood friends whom I still keep in touch with is An.
We first met when we were just five years old and attending the same kindergarten
class. Our friendship blossomed quickly (tình bạn nảy nở nhanh chóng), thanks to
our shared love for (cùng yêu thích) adventure and a common curiosity about the
world around us.

An has always been a bright and vivacious (hoạt bát/nhanh nhẹn - nữ) person with a
contagious enthusiasm for life. She has an infectious laugh that can brighten even
the gloomiest of days. As kids, we spent countless hours exploring the woods (rừng)
behind our houses, building forts, and pretending to be intrepid (=brave) explorers in
search of (= to search for) hidden treasures.
Throughout our school years, An and I remained inseparable (không thể tách rời). We
sat together in class, teamed up for group projects, and always had each other's backs
when it came to dealing with the challenges of growing up. Whether it was navigating
the complexities of middle school or surviving the drama of high school, we faced it all

As we transitioned into adulthood (=become adults), our paths diverged as we

pursued different career paths and educational opportunities. An became a talented
graphic designer, while I followed a career in writing and journalism. Despite our busy
lives and geographical distance, we've managed to keep our friendship alive.

We make it a point to (make sure sth happens) stay in touch regularly, whether
through phone calls, video chats, or occasional visits when our schedules align. Our
conversations often revolve around (=we often talk about) reminiscing (hồi tưởng)
about our childhood adventures, sharing updates about our lives, and offering
support during challenging times. An's unwavering support and encouragement
have been a source of strength for me, and I hope I've been the same for her.

To sum up, An is not just a childhood friend; she's a lifelong confidante (người bạn
tâm giao) and a reminder of the enduring power of genuine friendship.
Describe an interesting old person you have met
One of the most captivating (=interesting) older (elderly) individuals I've had the
pleasure of (có vinh hạnh) meeting is Mr. Jameson, whom I encountered during a visit
to a local historical museum. Mr. Jameson, at the time, was in his late 80s, with a man of
silvery white hair and a twinkle in his eye that hinted at a lifetime filled with stories
and adventures.

What struck me about Mr. Jameson was his deep passion for history and his
unwavering dedication to preserving the past. He volunteered at the museum several
days a week, serving as a docent and sharing his extensive knowledge with visitors like
me. His knowledge of local history was nothing short of astonishing, and he had a
unique ability to breathe life into dusty old artifacts and faded photographs.
During our conversation, Mr. Jameson impressed me with tales of his own
experiences growing up in the town, which painted a vivid picture of what life was like
in the area decades ago. He spoke of witnessing historic (=important) events,
meeting prominent (lỗi lạc) figures, and even his own adventures as a young man. His
stories had an incredible ability to transport me back in time, and I felt as if I were
reliving history through his eyes.

What made Mr. Jameson even more fascinating was his collection of personal
memorabilia, which he generously shared with museum visitors. He had letters,
photographs, and artifacts from various eras, all meticulously (tỉ mỉ) preserved and
accompanied by detailed explanations. Each item held a story, and Mr. Jameson was
a masterful storyteller who could make even the most obscure historical facts come to

Beyond his passion for history, Mr. Jameson had a youthful spirit that was
infectious. He had an irreverent sense of humor and an adventurous streak that was
undiminished by his age. He often talked about his plans to explore new places, try new
hobbies, and continue learning.

Meeting Mr. Jameson left a lasting impression on me. He reminded me of the

value of preserving and sharing our collective history and the importance of staying
curious and engaged throughout one's life. His vibrant personality and deep
connection to the past made him a true treasure, and I left that museum with a
newfound appreciation for the richness of human experiences, as told through the
stories of remarkable individuals like him.

Describe a person you met at a party and enjoyed talking with

At a recent party, I had the pleasure of meeting a fascinating person named Emily. She
stood out from the crowd with her vibrant energy and a warm, inviting smile that seemed
to light up the entire room. Our conversation was not only enjoyable but also left a
lasting impression on me.

Emily was a tall and elegant woman in her mid-30s, with an air of confidence and an
unmistakable charisma. What initially drew me to her was her engaging storytelling
ability. As we struck up a conversation over a shared interest in travel, she began to
regale me with tales of her adventures around the world. Her eyes sparkled with
enthusiasm as she recounted hiking in the Himalayas, exploring ancient ruins in Greece,
and wandering through bustling markets in Marrakech.

What made Emily's stories particularly captivating was her attention to detail and her
ability to convey the essence of each place she had visited. It was as if she transported
me to those far-off destinations with her vivid descriptions and colorful anecdotes. I could
almost taste the exotic foods, feel the rush of the mountain air, and hear the bustling
sounds of distant marketplaces.

Beyond her travel tales, Emily was an avid reader and a lover of art and culture. Our
conversation seamlessly transitioned from one topic to another, from discussing our
favorite books to debating the merits of different artistic movements. She had a deep
well of knowledge and a genuine curiosity about the world that made our conversation
both intellectually stimulating and enjoyable.

As the night wore on, I found myself drawn to Emily's positive outlook on life and her
zest for adventure. Our conversation flowed effortlessly, and I felt a sense of connection
that is often rare to find at social gatherings. Meeting her at that party was a delightful
surprise, and I left with a sense of gratitude for the chance to engage with such an
inspiring and engaging individual like Emily.

Describe a person who often helps others

One person who exemplifies a dedicated commitment to helping others is my friend,
Sarah. Sarah has always had a heart of gold and a strong sense of empathy that drives
her to assist those in need.

Physically, Sarah is unassuming, with a warm smile and a gentle demeanor. She doesn't
seek attention or recognition for her efforts, but her actions speak volumes about her
character. One of the most striking aspects of Sarah's personality is her unwavering
willingness to lend a hand, no matter the circumstances.
Sarah's generosity extends to various aspects of her life. She volunteers regularly at a
local homeless shelter, where she serves meals, organizes clothing drives, and spends
time chatting with those who come seeking assistance. She's known among the shelter's
staff and guests as someone who genuinely cares and listens, offering not just material
support but also emotional comfort.

Beyond her volunteer work, Sarah is always the first to offer help to friends and family.
Whether it's assisting with moving, providing a shoulder to lean on during tough times, or
offering to babysit for a neighbor in a pinch, Sarah is a constant source of support. Her
reliability and willingness to step up when needed make her a cherished presence in the
lives of those around her.

In her professional life, Sarah works in a field that allows her to make a positive impact
on others. She's a dedicated nurse who goes above and beyond her job description to
ensure her patients receive the best care possible. Her compassion shines through as
she interacts with patients, providing not only medical expertise but also emotional
support and comfort.

Sarah's commitment to helping others serves as a reminder of the profound impact one
person can have on their community and the lives of those they touch. She embodies
the spirit of selflessness and compassion, and her actions stand as a testament to the
power of empathy and generosity in making the world a more caring and compassionate

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