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Student’s Name Alberto

Gender and age Male, 31 years old
Nationality Spanish
Education High school- Industrial engineer
Language Level Intermediate
Motivation Extrinsic-Improve English for the company he works at,
communicate better with his English friends, be able to travel and
understand English and to understand films better.
Perceived Strengths Well with writing.
Perceived Pronunciation, speaking, vocabulary and listening

Learning He prefers Funny activities. Also prefers authentic material over

Preferences course books. Homework and revision is important to him.

Teacher’s Role To help Alberto communicate more effectively and pronounce

words better by the end of the course. To also include activities
that are funny and that suite all his interests while improving his
skill and vocabulary in L2

Topics of Interest Likes topics such as the environment, science, technology and
current affairs.


Name of the Teacher Name of the Student Level of the

Taylor Alberto Intermediate.

Syllabus Type:


Course Aims:
By the end of the course, the student will be better able to…

Alberto will be able to listen properly when spoken to, pronounce words better and clearly
when speaking to others and have more confidence around the work place.

pg. 1 lesson plan 150823

Course Rationale: (700 – 1000 words)

Here you need to include:

 why you have chosen this syllabus type

 why you have chosen the topic(s) covered
 why you have chosen this target language/skill
 the rationale behind the structure of the course, e.g. why is it in this order?
 how the course will meet the learner’s needs

The reason why I have chosen a Multi-Syllabus for this student is because he needs help in
multiple different areas and helps me to also have more of a variety of authentic materials
from different sources. I will also be able to play around with the activities depending on
the students’ progress throughout the course. Once the student has met their needs, I can
focus on the parts where he hasn’t fully improved at. Alberto will be able to tell me where
he wants to focus on and I can meet his needs as requested.

After reading the analysis of the student thoroughly, I have discovered that the student
wrote down what his needs and likes are which were around the environment, current
affairs, science, travel and technology. That is the reason as to why I have chosen these
topics. I want my student to stay focused during each lesson and enjoy it as well.

The target skills/language is are listening, speaking and pronunciation. The reason why I
have chosen the target language is because in the analysis the student clearly states what
he wants to improve in and this will be the main focus of the teacher to achieve his needs.
All the needs will be covered in the syllabus.

With the structure of the course, the teacher will be able see the student is interested and
engaging within all the areas (skills) that he wants to improve in. It is also structured in a
way of through the students rating of importance in the analysis where we first start
focusing and keep focus on what’s most important to the student.

Speaking and vocabulary: Small talk about travelling. By the end of this lesson my student
will have improved in their speaking and listening skills by having a conversation with T
about what they enjoy when travelling and where they’d love to travel when visiting
places. This allows the student to talk more that will assist him with his pronunciation
with is an important need to the student.

Listening and speaking, Listening to Professional terms in workplace: By the end of the
lesson the student will be able to pronounce common work-related terms better and
sound more professional. The student will expand their vocabulary after the syllabus and
impress their co-workers as well as their boss which would improve their confidence.
They will be able to improve by doing a gap filling activity for the teacher to investigate
the students understanding.

pg. 2 lesson plan 150823

By the end of the lesson the student will have improved his English by using more
professional terms at work and where to correct himself when he is speaking English. The
student will feel more confident when speaking to his boss and colleagues.

With the lesson around malaria in Africa, by the end of the lesson the student will be able
to have a basic, professional conversation with colleagues at work and feel more
confident. The student will also have a better understanding of the situation arising in
Africa. They will have to listen carefully to answer the CCQ’s on the paper for T to see if S

Speaking and vocabulary, Improve Science vocabulary: My student be introduced to new

vocabulary. My student loves technology and science, that’s why I chose this topic. My
student will gain a massive amount of knowledge and have learnt incredible words to use
among his colleagues which will boost his confidence tremendously.

Meeting the needs of the student is the main focus of teacher, keep in mind what the
student asked for (authentic and fun activities) be flexible with student’s syllabus and ask
the student at end of lesson what he liked, what he would like to focus more on, give him
homework that will motivate him while ensuring all the students skills needs are met.
Encouraging the student to ask for help when needed is very important. The student will
be able to pronounce and speak more fluently to his work colleagues and impress his
boss. The course will meet his by watching videos over and over again to gain an
understanding of how a conversation is made and how it should flow.

I will go over what is expected from student for homework given at the end of each lesson
so the student understands what is expected from him, doing homework and not
understanding what is expected from him can be frustrating and demotivating, this will
ensure free flow of the next lesson as student will be prepared and know what is
expected from him. From the students interview I can see he is very nervous / insecure
this will be why I will encourage him to speak a lot and feel more comfortable when
speaking in L2.

His previous teacher had bad pronunciation skills which also impacted the learner’s
pronunciation I will therefore be correcting him with mistakes at end of each lesson and
this will ensure that with a lot of speaking practice students’ pronunciation will improve
drastically. The student seems very motivated to enhance his skills in English which will
make the lessons a lot easier for teacher to help student.
The student will have my email address to ask any questions should he need any further
assistance or is not sure about an activity from homework I have given him to do. This will
ensure that the students needs have been met.

Words: 897

pg. 3 lesson plan 150823

Main Skills and Systems covered

Ho Main Skills Lesson Topic Materials used

ur and/or Systems Aim Give outline of materials or include the
Covered The URL.
will be
better able
Ho Speaking and The Travel  Worksheet regards to travel:
ur vocabulary: student
1 Use words about will be
travelling better 06/1339950045_travelling.png
able to
pronounc Gap filling activity
e and Give student a topic to represent a
using poster presentation.
new  10 new vocabulary words:
better in 1. Immigration
sentences 2.Excursion
Speaking( 6. Terminal
Fluency) 7. Departure
and 8.Emergency contact
vocabular 9. Condiments
y 10. souvenir
Ho Listening and The Profession  Video link:
ur speaking: student alism in a
2 Listening to will be work place
Professional able to
terms in know
 Professional terms:
workplace when to
1. Profitable
2. Prioritize
nal and
3. Efficient
able to
4. Optimize
use these
5. Innovate
words in
6. Utilize
7. Empower
8. Efficiency

 Work sheet:

Gap filling professional terms in

the correct sentences.

pg. 4 lesson plan 150823

Ho Speaking and By the Work  5 Professional Phrases to know
ur vocabulary: end of environme 1. I look forward to hearing from
3 Fluency- Use the nt role you soon.
professional work lesson play. 2. At your earliest convenience
terms when the 3. This is a great opportunity
speaking to student 4. Are there any written
others will be instructions?
able to 5. I'd go into a different direction.
speak  Worksheet
professio A rearranging activity where they
nally after rearrange the phrases used in a
doing the
To write and perform their own
role play
dialogue with the teacher regarding
and feel using professional terms in a work
confident environment.
Ho Listening and By the Current  Video’s to watch:
ur speaking: end of affairs of
4 Listening to the the Malaria in
current affairs in lesson Africa and
 Worksheet
African the vaccine.
student Answering short CCQs about the
will be current affairs in Africa along with the
able to following website to help:
nd and
about the
affairs of
malaria in
Ho Speaking(Pronun By the Rocket  New words:
ur ciation) and end of technology
1. Hybrid
5 vocabulary: the .
Improve Science lesson 2. Combustion
vocabulary the 3. Adhesive
student 4. propellant
will be 5. Alignment
able to 6. Caliber
understa 7. Retainer

pg. 5 lesson plan 150823

nd rocket 8. Birch
technolog 9. Canopy
y in 10. Tabulator
English  Worksheet
and speak
Gap filling,
sentence arrangement
Identifying misspelt words
y terms

5 Hour Course Plan

 Use varied and recognised lesson structures (e.g., PPP/listening structure/reading structure).
 Ensure this is in line with the plan you have in your Main Skills and Systems table above.

Warmer: Small talk and get the student to start talking and thinking in English. Ask the
student more about places where he has been and would like to go.
Presentation: With the meaning T will go through the list of the words and explain what
each word means. Regarding the form T will show S how the word is spelt and the structure
we use it in with a sentence. Along with the pronunciation T will use choral drilling with the
student to pronounce the words correctly
Practice: T will give out a gap filling activity and worksheet to test the student understanding
Production: T will give S a topic to represent a poster presentation to T when they are done.
The topic will be about a place they’d love to travel to.
Follow up: Ask the student how they felt about the lesson, do error corrections and explain
their homework.


Type a word document and email to T before next lesson

Name your favorite destinations,
What can you do there?
Why this destination is your favorite.
10 vocabulary words that you struggled understanding from video
(Listening structure)
Go through previous homework that was given
Warmer: Get student to start thinking in English by using small talk about topic
Lead in(pre-listening activity): Ask the student questions on what they think is happening
in the video and what they think is professional to use.
Pre-teach essential vocabulary: introduce student to the new vocabulary that will be used
within the videos and help them pronounce the word together.
General comprehension activity (Listening for gist): T will play the video links for the
student. Once the videos have been watched T will ask the student a series of gist

pg. 6 lesson plan 150823

Specific comprehension activity (Listening for specific information): T will provide the
student with a CCQ worksheet. While playing the video the student will have listen and
answer the CCQ’s being asked.
Follow up: Ask the student how they felt about the lesson, do error corrections and explain
their homework.
Ask the student to use word document to write all phrases he thinks is professional to use
in a workspace, where can they improve, what other phrases can they use and email
homework to before the next lesson.
(PPP Structure)
Go through previous lessons homework
Warmer: Let the student start thinking in English by using small talk about their homework
and the topic we are about to uncover with the previous lessons professional terms we
Presentation meaning: To introduce the student to new professional word phrases related
to work to be covered in the lesson along with each meaning of the word.
Presentation form: T will help student understand the form of each word and how to spell
it correct along with how to use it in a sentence correctly without making any mistakes.
Presentation Pronunciation: T will help student try to pronounce word correctly by using
choral drilling and phonetics.
Controlled practice: T will give the student a rearranging sentence worksheet where they
have more understanding of the words and can feel safe to practice them in different
sentences and structures.
Production: T will have a work related role-play session to see if the student understands
the usage of the words and pronounces the words correctly.
Cooler: Recapping the whole lesson and making sure, they understand the new vocabulary
taught by asking about their thoughts on the words.
Follow up: Ask the student how they felt about the lesson, do error corrections and explain
their homework.

1. Write a dialogue between him and someone in the workplace having a
professional conversation.
2. Send homework to

(Listening structure)
Go through previous homework that was given
Warmer: Get student to start thinking in English by using small talk about topic
Lead in(pre-listening activity): Ask the student questions on what they think is happening
in Africa with malaria and what they think could prevent malaria
Pre-teach essential vocabulary: introduce student to the new vocabulary that will be used
within the videos and help them pronounce the word together.
General comprehension activity (Listening for gist): T will play the video links for the
student. Once the videos have been watched T will ask the student a series of gist

pg. 7 lesson plan 150823

Specific comprehension activity (Listening for specific information): T will provide the
student with a CCQ worksheet. While playing the video the student will have listen and
answer the CCQ’s being asked.
Follow up: Ask the student how they felt about the lesson, do error corrections and explain
their homework.

1. Write a short story of 250 words about what the current affairs are in Africa regarding
2. Email work to

(PPP Structure)
Go through previous homework that was given.
Warmer: Introduce the student to a rocket environment, start making the student think in
English and getting their energy level raised.
Presentation meaning: To introduce the student to 10 new words related to work to be
covered in the lesson along with each meaning of the word.
Presentation form: T will help student understand the form of each word and how to spell
it correct along with how to use it in a sentence correctly.
Presentation Pronunciation: T will help student try to pronounce word correctly by using
drilling along with phonetic script.
Practice: T will give the student a worksheet with gap filling, sentence arrangement and
identifying misspelt words so that they have more understanding of the words and can feel
safe to practice them in different sentences and structures.
Production: T will have a work related role-play session to see if the student understands
the usage of the words and pronounces the words correctly.
Review and feedback: Recapping the whole lesson and making sure, they understand the
new vocabulary taught by asking about their thoughts on the words.Ask the student how
they felt about the lesson, do error corrections and explain their homework.
Give T 10 new vocabulary words you learnt while doing the task.
Try to explain what a rocket is and a simple explanation of how it works.
Email work to

pg. 8 lesson plan 150823

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