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Pengaruh faktor biotik (gulma) terhadap pertumbuahan

dan proses fisiologi tanaman

1. Competition for nutrients–
• Weeds uptake more nutrients than many crop plants like
• Amaranthus sp. accumulates over 3% N on dry weight basis and is termed as
• Achyranths aspera, ‘P’ accumulates over 1.5% P2O5
• Chenopodium sp & Portulaca sp. are ‘K’ lovers with over 1.3% K2O in dry matter
• Wheat crop association, weeds are more responsive to nitrogen and utilisation
more applied nitrogen then the main crop like the nitrogen uptake by Echinochloa
crusgalli is more than rice.
• Soil became nitrogen deficient due to huge removal of nitrogen by weeds which is
very high removal of soil nitrogen by weeds than our main crop.
2. Competition for moisture
• Transpiration of weeds is more than our main crop to produce same amount of dry mater
it is because of weeds are more adaptive to ecosystem hence vegetative growth is more
of weeds in comparison to our man crop that is why weeds transpiration is more than
main crop.
• When large number of weeds infestation is in our field, huge amount of moisture
transpired by weeds and remain little amount of water when our crop recharge at
reproductive stage for example critical stage of plant.
• Water use efficiency of C4 plants are more hence produces more biomass per unit of
water while cyanodon dectilon has twice water transpiration rate comparison to parallel
• Example – Chenopodium album uses 550 mm while wheat uses 479 mm water.
3. Competition for light
• Vegetative growth of weeds are very high compare to our crop so weeds covers
more area and absorb more radiation to form biomass.
• Light is very important factor in the formation of food by weeds and crops if
nutrient and moisture uptake are high of weeds then our main crop hence became
ahead of crop.
• As earlier we discussed about more nutrient and moisture update due to this
growth of weeds becomes more and increases shade on land where our main crop
is planted, due to shade area radiation cannot reach to the crap to benefit it.
4. Competition for Carbonn dioxide
• of weeds utilizers more carbon dioxide and increases rapid growth then C3 type of
The effects are not solely due to competition
for resources but rather are a result of how
weeds alter the developmental and
physiological processes of crops.
“The tight time course in this study provided the opportunity to identify early
signaling processes involved in the detection and response of maize to weeds.
Additionally…this is the first study focused on the response of maize root tissue
specifically to belowground weed-generated signals.”

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