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Level Ability Example of language taught at this level CEFR (Common European Framework of
Beginner Knows no English numbers, days, basic gree�ngs, the verb 'to <A1
be' (I am, you are etc)
False beginner Has encountered English, but has very limited “holiday English” – <A1
ability to speak basic phrases
A coffee, please. Thank you.
Elementary Can form very basic phrases; limited ability forms of be: I am happy, she is clever A1
Pre-intermediate Knows the basic structures of the language; has clothes (e.g. blouse), past tense, A2
a wider range of vocabulary compara�ves, func�onal language (e.g. in a
rela�onship), and structures such as the
present perfect tense.
Intermediate Able to tackle more complex structures but may Phrasal verbs: hang up, pick up, check out B1
s�ll struggle to form these correctly

Upper-intermediate Extended ability and knowledge of structures Condi�onals: If I were you, I would go to the B2
doctor. Past: Used to/get used to.
Advanced Much more accurate use of structures and Inversion: Li�le did she know he was about C1
more depth in their use and understanding to propose!
Proficiency Near na�ve speaker level All idioma�c language: I can’t remember off C2
the top of my head, and giving your opinion
in an argument.


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