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Diagnosis of Skeletal Injury

in the Sport H orse

Kathryn B. Wulster, VMD

 Horse  MRI  Standing CT  Cone beam  Subchondral bone injury

 Imaging modalities have variable sensitivity and specificity to detect skeletal injury, which
often occurs in a discipline-specific pattern.
 Increased knowledge from advanced imaging (computed tomography/magnetic reso-
nance) is improving the ability to detect corresponding changes on radiographs.
 Nontraditional radiographic projections can be used in the field to improve recognition of
bone injury.
 MRI remains the gold standard for whole joint organ evaluation, but notable differences
are present between high- and low-field magnets for evaluation of cartilage and subchon-
dral and trabecular bone lesions.
 Standing computed tomography is a novel technique that requires refinement, particularly
for cone beam imaging, but there is increased availability in both academia and private


With the exception of acute fracture secondary to a monotonic episode of supraphy-

siologic loading, skeletal injury in the sport horse is typically a manifestation of stress-
induced overload injury secondary to cyclical loading.1–3 The subchondral bone is a
commonly affected region with the location of injury dependent on discipline.4–9 Oste-
oarthritis is a common sequela, which may become performance limiting.10,11 Stress
fractures of equine long bones (eg, tibia, humerus) occur due to an analogous process
of cyclical loading similar to humans.12–15 Both subchondral and cortical cyclical
loading can lead to catastrophic failure of the affected bone, a consequence most
commonly seen in the Thoroughbred racehorse.4,15,16
Diagnosis of bone injury relies on recognition of pathophysiologic changes to
bone that occur in the limb as it responds to stress according to Wolff’s law, namely
modeling and remodeling. These initially adaptive responses occur at predictable

Department of Clinical Studies, New Bolton Center, School of Veterinary Medicine, University
of Pennsylvania, 382 West Street Road, Kennett Square, PA 19348, USA
E-mail address: kwulster@upenn.edu

Vet Clin Equine 34 (2018) 193–213

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cveq.2018.04.014 vetequine.theclinics.com
0749-0739/18/ª 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
194 Wulster

locations depending on the discipline performed by the horse and affect diarthrodial
joints, various long bones, and tendon and ligament entheses.17–21 This adaptive
response is often referred to as a repetitive stress response. The point at which
adaptive changes to bone become pathologic is influenced by numerous factors,
intrinsic, such as genetics, age, and size, as well as extrinsic, such as discipline,
footing, training schedule, and exercise intensity.9,22,23 Repetitive stress injuries
follow discipline-specific patterns that mirror the location of the repetitive
stress response.17,24–26 With some exceptions, the distinction between adaptive
response and pathologic condition can be unclear and should be based on the pres-
ence of clinical lameness with corroboration of imaging findings and response to
diagnostic analgesia, where appropriate, as opposed to diagnostic imaging findings
The appearance of bone injury on any particular diagnostic imaging modality
is dependent on what the image represents and is predominantly qualitative.
For instance, computed tomography (CT) reflects tissue density relative to water,29
whereas nuclear scintigraphy of bone reflects osteoblastic activity.10,30–33
For certain modalities, the degree of bone change can be quantified.34–36
Some modalities represent only morphologic changes, such as radiography and
CT, whereas others reflect physiologic changes (nuclear scintigraphy and PET).
MRI is unique in that it provides both morphologic and physiologic information.
Representing only a snapshot of a dynamic and changing pathophysiologic pro-
cess, all imaging modalities have benefits and drawbacks, and they tend to com-
plement each rather than make any imaging modality obsolete.37 Emerging
technologies and research are focusing on the early recognition of subchondral
bone and cartilage injury, allowing for more specific diagnoses and targeted
The various manifestations of skeletal injury as identified using radiography, scintig-
raphy/Positron emission tomography (PET), CT, and MRI are described.

Radiography remains the mainstay for diagnosis of skeletal injury in the sport horse
because of its affordability, portability, and ease of use for the sport horse practitioner.
Radiography is a planar (2-dimensional [2D]) imaging modality that reflects 5 radio-
graphic opacities determined by tissue atomic number, thickness, overlap with other
tissues, angulation of the x-ray beam, and tissue homogeneity. The main limitations
of radiography include superimposition, lack of direct visualization of cartilage,
and the relatively large (30%–50%) degree of bone change required before lesion
Diagnosis of bone injury on radiographs includes direct fracture visualization, but
is otherwise inferred from secondary changes that are associated with whole organ
dysfunction leading to degenerative joint disease. Such radiographic changes
include thickening and increased opacity of the subchondral and surrounding
trabecular bone, subchondral osteolysis, periarticular new bone formation, and joint
space narrowing. Increased radiopacity is commonly referred to as sclerosis,
although strictly speaking sclerosis reflects bone strength, which cannot be evalu-
ated with any imaging modality. Loss of cartilage can be inferred from decreased
joint space, but this depends on proper positioning and is typically only recognized
in advanced stages of disease. Thus, radiographs are insensitive, but reasonably
specific for bone injury in the sport horse.
Repetitive stress injuries routinely diagnosed with radiographs include, but are
not limited to, complete and incomplete fractures of the third metacarpal/
Diagnosis of Skeletal Injury in the Sport Horse 195

metatarsal condyles, osteochondral fragmentation (“chip fractures”), sagittal frac-

tures of the proximal phalanx, wing fractures of the distal phalanx, slab fractures
of the carpal and tarsal bones, and proximal sesamoid bone fractures. Compared
to overt fracture, subchondral osteolytic lesions are a more subtle radiographic
manifestation of subchondral bone injury, but can be associated with severe lame-
ness. The lesions are often found in sites susceptible to fracture, such as the para-
sagittal groove of the metacarpal/tarsal condyles of the Thoroughbred racehorse.
Lesions of the dorsomedial metacarpal/tarsal condyle and proximal phalanx
sagittal groove are manifestations of subchondral osteolysis in the non-racing sport
horse. Damage to the navicular bone as part of a multi-injury complex involving the
podotrochlear apparatus structures, including flexor cortical lysis, has also been
hypothesized to be due to repetitive trauma, although there is no current consensus
for the cause of this disease, and injury to the navicular bone may in fact be a com-
mon manifestation of several etiopathologies.44 Some of these pathologic condi-
tions can also occur as acute monotonic events and are not exclusively a
sequela of repetitive trauma.
For both repetitive trauma and monotonic injuries, it is prudent to repeat a
radiographic study at 10 to 14 days if initial radiographs of a suspected region
of skeletal injury do not demonstrate an abnormality. Lesion visualization after
this time period is attributable to early osteoclastic activity, which increases the
conspicuity of radiolucent lesions (Fig. 1). Early periosteal reaction may also be
present at this stage if an occult fracture (eg, radius, proximal phalanx) is
Because CT and MRI have become increasing accessible to sport horse practi-
tioners, radiographic techniques have improved to highlight commonly affected areas
that correspond to pathologic regions identified with advanced imaging. Nonstandard
projections that can be used to interrogate specific regions of pathologic condition
include, but are not limited to, the following:

Fig. 1. Dorsopalmar (A) and flexed dorsopalmar (B) radiographs of the right metacarpopha-
langeal joint of a 3-year-old Thoroughbred racehorse with acute right forelimb lameness
that improved following diagnostic analgesia (low 4 point) taken 14 days apart. Medial is
to the right. A radiolucent, incomplete fracture plane is identified within the lateral para-
sagittal groove (arrow) on the follow-up radiographs (B), but is not identified on the initial
study (A).
196 Wulster

 Flexed dorsopalmar projection of the metacarpophalangeal/metatarsophalan-

geal joints to demonstrate palmar/plantar unicortical fracture
 Flexed dorsoproximal-dorsodistal oblique projection of the dorsal third meta-
carpal condyle (Fig. 2)
 Variable angle dorsoproximal-palmarodistal oblique projections to highlight
proximal phalanx sagittal groove lucencies (Fig. 3)
 Variable angle dorsomedial-plantarolateral oblique projections of the central or
third tarsal bone to demonstrate slab fractures
 Variable angle palmaroproximal-palmarodistal oblique (navicular skyline) projec-
tion to highlight the distal border of the navicular flexor cortex (Figs. 4 and 5)
 The cranio 5 disto10 lateral-caudoproximomedial oblique (flexed lateral obli-
que) is a view that isolates the medial femoral condyle
Evaluation of cartilage with radiography continues to be limited and requires
contrast arthrography except in cases of advanced disease.

Fig. 2. Positioning and projection angle to obtain the dorsoproximal-dorsodistal oblique pro-
jection of the dorsal aspect of the third metacarpal condyle. The medial aspect of the dorsal
condyle is radiopaque relative to the lateral aspect, which was considered a normal adaptive
response to training in this sound middle-aged warmblood jumper (A). Same projection high-
lighting an ovoid region of radiolucency ovoid region of radiolucency (white arrow) and
irregular margination of the dorsomedial aspect of the right third metacarpal condyle in a
middle-aged warmblood with lameness localized by intra-articular analgesia of the fetlock
joint (B). (From Drs Laura Faulkner, Christopher Miller, and Sarah Puchalski. Originally pre-
sented at the 2017 AAEP Convention “Diagnosis of subchondral bone injury of the fetlock
joint in sport horses using field radiography”; with permission.)
Diagnosis of Skeletal Injury in the Sport Horse 197

Fig. 3. Variable angle (0 –30 –45 ) dorsoproximal-palmarodistal oblique projections of

a normal metacarpophalangeal joint (A). Variable angle: 0 (B), 30 (C), 45 (D) dorsoprox-
imal-palmarodistal oblique projections demonstrating variability in appearance of a horse
with subchondral bone trauma/fissure fracture (parallel lesion configuration) of the sagittal
groove with lameness localized by perineural analgesia (low 4 point). (From Drs Laura Faulk-
ner, Christopher Miller, and Sarah Puchalski. Originally presented at the 2017 AAEP Conven-
tion “Diagnosis of subchondral bone injury of the fetlock joint in sport horses using field
radiography”; with permission.)

As a highly sensitive and noninvasive modality, nuclear scintigraphy remains a useful
tool in the diagnosis of musculoskeletal injury of the sport horse. Image production in
scintigraphy relies on gamma-ray emission from a metastable radionuclide that is
captured by a gamma camera following intravenous administration of the parent
radionuclide, but is limited to planar (2D) images with inherently poor spatial resolu-
tion.45 Lesions reflect the degree of radiopharmaceutical uptake in bone and are typi-
cally visualized as increased density of black pixels on a white background, although
other displays are also used and may even improve sensitivity for lesion detection.46
Comparison between right and left symmetry and knowledge of normal uptake pat-
terns based on discipline is imperative for interpretation.
198 Wulster

Fig. 4. Variable angle palmaroproximal-palmarodistal oblique projections (55 –35 ) of the

navicular bone highlighting the proximal and distal aspects of the flexor cortex, respectively
(A, B). (Data from Johnson SA, Barrett MF, Frisbie DD. Effect of additional palmaropoximal-
palmarodistal oblique projections on the accuracy of detection and characterization of
equine flexor cortical lysis. Vet Radiol Ultrasound, 2018.)

Fig. 5. Dorsal and sagittal MRIs demonstrating a focal defect (white arrows) within the
distal aspect of the navicular flexor cortex on midline (A, B, respectively). Corresponding
radiographic images at variable projection angles (55–45–35) highlighting the proximal,
mid, and distal aspects of the navicular flexor cortex, respectively (C–E). An ovoid radiolu-
cent lesion (arrowhead) is visualized best on the 35 projection and corresponds to the
erosion identified on MRI. (Courtesy of Sherry A. Johnson, Myra F. Barrett, and David D. Frisbie,
Fort Collins, Colorado; with permission.)
Diagnosis of Skeletal Injury in the Sport Horse 199

Numerous intravenously administered radioisotopes are available for nuclear imag-

ing, but the most common isotope used for skeletal scintigraphy in the horse is
technetium-99m linked to a phosphonate radiopharmaceutical (eg, methylene
diphosphonate [MDP]) because of its high degree of incorporation into bone, specif-
ically by binding to hydroxyapatite crystal in proportion to regional blood flow and
osteoblastic activity.10,47–49 As osteoblastic activity can be increased in pathologic
and nonpathologic processes, increased radiopharmaceutical uptake is not synony-
mous with lameness-causing injury and knowledge of normal radiopharmaceutical
uptake patterns is crucial for accurate diagnosis35,50–57 (Fig. 6). False negative find-
ings can also occur and are dependent on the timing of the study relative to the initial

Fig. 6. Nuclear scintigraphic examination of a 3-year-old Thoroughbred racehorse with right

hind limb lameness localized to the distal limb via perineural diagnostic analgesia. Focal,
intense, increased radiopharmaceutical uptake (black arrow) is present within the region
of the right medial femoral condyle. Radiography confirmed a clinically silent osseous cyst-
like lesion. The cause of lameness, oblique distal sesamoidean ligament desmopathy, was
identified with MRI.
200 Wulster

injury, the thickness of overlying soft tissues, and the specific region of bone affected.
For instance, subchondral lysis tends to have more intense uptake compared with
osteophytosis.58 Some body parts require advanced disease before visualization,
whereas others, such as osteoarthritis of the distal interphalangeal joint and carpus,
can produce negative results even in the presence of severe disease.59–61
The high metabolic rate and bone turnover of Thoroughbred and Standardbred
racehorses as well as their propensity for repetitive stress injury and fracture make
this an ideal tool in these populations to avoid potentially catastrophic exacerbation
of injury. For nonracing sport horses, nuclear scintigraphy is useful in horses that
are behaviorally refractory to diagnostic analgesia, horses that have pain localized
to the proximal limb or axial skeleton, those in which diagnostic analgesia has failed
to localize the lameness to the distal limb, and those with nebulous signs of poor per-
formance. The general quality and overall appearance of normal radiopharmaceutical
uptake in young, athletic versus mature, athletic versus unathletic horses are markedly
different because of decreased metabolic turnover of mature horses and those with
larger muscle mass, such as heavy-bodied warmbloods, and result in somewhat
discipline-specific radiopharmaceutical uptake patterns.62

Positron Emission Tomography

Recently, successful incorporation of PET in equine imaging has been described.63,64
A bone-specific radiotracer, 18F-sodium fluoride (18F-NaF), is absorbed into exposed
hydroxyapatite crystal, and accurately quantifiable uptake is measured producing
tomographic (3-dimensional [3D]) data over a period of 15 minutes (per area) approx-
imately 45 minutes following radiotracer injection. This mechanism of uptake is similar
to bone scintigraphy with 99mTc MDP, but produces superior images because of
higher inherent spatial resolution, lack of superimposition of anatomic structures,
and coregistration with cross-sectional modalities that provide morphologic informa-
tion (CT, MRI). Currently, the main drawback of PET is the need for general anesthesia,
particularly to limit radiation exposure of imaging personnel. Studies in both equine
and human medicine have used PET to identify lesions in patients with localized
pain that other modalities have failed to identify.64,65

Magnetic Resonance
Whole organ scoring using MR is considered the gold standard for joint evaluation in hu-
man medicine because it allows for evaluation of bone, cartilage, and periarticular tis-
sues without the use of ionizing radiation.66,67 MR is a cross-sectional (3D) imaging
modality that maps signal from the relaxation of magnetically excited water and fat pro-
tons, which are manipulated with radiofrequency pulses and is the most complicated,
nuanced, and time consuming of the available imaging modalities, in terms of both im-
age acquisition and interpretation. The type, number, and timing of the pulses, called a
sequence, determine the type of tissue that is highlighted in the image. Images are ac-
quired in various planes, and with the exception of 3D sequences, must be obtained
sequentially in multiple planes, leading to prolonged scan time relative to other modal-
ities. Abnormal tissue will have altered signal reflective of its physiologic status, and
interpretation is based on knowledge of normal tissue appearance on each sequence.
Bone detail is not as clearly visualized on MR because of the lower spatial resolution
relative to CT, but MR provides superior contrast resolution and physiologic informa-
tion that CT does not. The sequences used in equine musculoskeletal imaging are
similar to those used in human medicine (eg, short tau inversion recover [STIR], fat-
saturated T2-weighted fast spin echo), with emphasis on detection of high fluid signal
within the subchondral and regional trabecular bone by marrow fat-suppression
Diagnosis of Skeletal Injury in the Sport Horse 201

techniques because this high signal is associated with lameness, cartilage damage,
and osseous cystlike lesion formation.21,68–74 Historically, the terms “bone edema,”
“bone bruise,” and “bone contusion” have been used to describe bone marrow with
abnormally high fluid signal. However, numerous studies have demonstrated that
the histologic composition of such lesions is variable and associated with different
pathologic processes. Osteonecrosis, fat necrosis, fibrosis, edema, and hemorrhage
can all result in high fluid signal, and thus, the more generic term “high fluid signal” is
recommended.75 Similar to other modalities, bone lesions on MR imaging often exhibit
discipline-specific patterns.9,26,68
In human medicine, high intraosseous fluid signal can persist despite resolution of
clinical signs.76–78 Persistent high intraosseous fluid signal has also been demon-
strated by Holowinski and colleagues,79 in equine cases, but this may be site depen-
dent and has not been thoroughly investigated in the horse. Some studies have
demonstrated that the resolution of high fluid signal on MR is correlated with resolution
of lameness.70,79 Inconveniently, high intraosseous fluid signal can also be identified in
sound horses, which may represent physiologic stress remodeling. The distal aspect
of the middle phalanx tends to be overrepresented in this respect80,81 (Fig. 7).
Depending on the timing of imaging relative to the onset of lameness, initial MR exam-
ination may not reveal a cause of lameness, in which case recheck MRI may demon-
strate high fluid signal several months after initial injury (Fig. 8).
Low-field magnets (<0.3 T) provide a highly accessible and relatively affordable
means to evaluate distal limb musculoskeletal injury without the need for general
anesthesia, which is particularly beneficial for the competitive sport horse. However,
bone lesion identification is superior with high-field (>1.0 T) magnets because of the
higher spatial resolution, signal-to-noise ratio, diagnostic confidence, and decreased
motion artifact. Although false positives and negatives can occur at either field
strengths, both are more common at lower-field strengths.82–84

Fig. 7. Sagittal (A) and transverse (B) STIR images of the distal right forefoot of an 8-year-old
warmblood equitation horse. The patient was presented for unilateral left forelimb lame-
ness localized with palmar digital perineural analgesia that did not result in subsequent
right forelimb lameness. Marked distal (arrowhead) and moderate proximal (arrow) high
fluid signals are identified within the dorsal aspect of the right fore middle phalanx, which
was attributed to physiologic stress remodeling. Distal interphalangeal joint effusion and sy-
novial proliferation were also identified.
202 Wulster

Fig. 8. (A) Sagittal STIR image of the left forefoot of a 10-year-old warmblood show
jumper obtained 2 months after the onset of acute left forelimb lameness localized
to the proximal interphalangeal joint. A cause for lameness referable to the proximal
interphalangeal joint was not identified. Moderate distal interphalangeal joint effusion
is present. (B) Recheck MR at 4 months due to persistent lameness localized to the
proximal interphalangeal joint. Marked intraosseous fluid signal (arrow) is now identi-
fied within the dorsal, distal aspect of the proximal phalanx. The distal interphalangeal
effusion has progressed.

Cartilage Imaging
Because subchondral bone and cartilage injury are intimately associated, a discussion
of skeletal injury would be incomplete without at least a brief discussion of cartilage im-
aging. Injury to or degeneration of subchondral bone is commonly associated with
regional cartilage abnormalities and vice versa (Fig. 9). Injury to either tissue can lead

Fig. 9. Dorsal (A) and transverse (B) 3D spoiled gradient recalled echo images of the right
metacarpophalangeal joint. Medial is to the left. Focal irregularity and altered signal inten-
sity of the cartilage signal of the medial metacarpal condyle are identified (arrowheads).
The adjacent subchondral bone exhibits heterogeneous hyperintense signal surrounded
by hypointense trabecular bone (arrow). Subchondral bone thickening and trabecular hypo-
intensity are also present within the proximomedial aspect of the proximal phalanx in (A).
Diagnosis of Skeletal Injury in the Sport Horse 203

to injury of the other, with subsequent development or progression of osteoarthritis.

However, identification of cartilage damage remains a diagnostic challenge with no
consensus on an ideal sequence for consistent and early identification, although spoiled
gradient recalled echo sequences are commonly noted in both the human and the
equine literature.38,85 In human medicine, higher magnet field strength is associated
with higher sensitivity, accuracy, and confidence scores for detecting cartilage
injury.39,40,86 Low-field magnets may identify articular cartilage damage in joints with
relatively thick cartilage, such as the distal interphalangeal joint, but the diagnosis of
articular cartilage damage on low-field MR is typically reliant on inference from adjacent
subchondral bone damage.87 Semiquantitative and quantitative measures to evaluate
cartilage are also available, but are beyond the scope of this article.41,42

Computed Tomography
Computed tomography (CT) is a cross-sectional (3D) imaging modality that uses
ionizing radiation to display morphologic information based on tissue radioden-
sity.29,88 Data are acquired by measuring the degree of x-ray attenuation as an
x-ray beam passes through tissues at different angles. Pixel grayscale values called
CT numbers are then assigned based on the attenuation and are based on the
average radiodensity of a small volume of tissue. In order to standardize CT
numbers between various machines, the attenuation values are compared with
the radiodensity of distilled water and referred to as Hounsfield units. Because
the tissue data are acquired as a volume, images can be reconstructed in multiple
planes following a single scan of the region of interest.
Similar to radiographs, evaluation of skeletal injury on CT consists of identification of
secondary changes to bone, as evidenced by increased subchondral and trabecular
attenuation (density), decreased attenuation of subchondral bone (eg, subchondral lysis,
osseous cystlike lesions) that may or may not communicate with the articular surface or
be surrounded by hyperattenuating bone, irregular subchondral margination, loss of
normal trabecular pattern, free osseous fragments, periarticular new bone formation,
and increased size and number of vascular channels. Evaluation of bone injury on CT
has several advantages compared with radiographs, including lack of superimposition
of anatomic structures and increased sensitivity to changes in bone density due to higher
contrast resolution.89–92 CT is considered the gold standard for evaluation of skeletal
injury/trauma in humans, particularly in regions of complex anatomy, such as the skull,
with numerous human and veterinary studies demonstrating benefits of improved diag-
nostic confidence and surgical planning due to its higher spatial resolution relative to
MR.92–95 Evaluation of bone density or attenuation can be evaluated both qualitatively
and quantitatively using K2HPO4 (mg/mL) calibrated Hounsfield units and peripheral
CT.3,96–98 The main drawbacks of CT include a lack of information about bone physiology
and relatively poor soft tissue contrast resolution, although the latter can be mitigated
with intra-arterial contrast techniques.99,100 Cartilage cannot be directly visualized with
CT, but inferred using arthrography. Normal cartilage will create a smooth band of hypo-
attenuation with relatively uniform thickness between the hyperattenuating subchondral
bone and contrast medium. Subtle changes in margination and shape of the contrast as
well as loss of separation between subchondral bone and contrast material indicate carti-
lage thinning, fibrillation, and/or partial thickness defects.101–103 Until recently, the need
for general anesthesia and fixed annular scanner geometry was the major limiting factor
in the routine use of CT the diagnosis of skeletal injury in sport horses.
Given the large amount of radiation typically used in conventional CT imaging,
approximately 50 times the dose of a radiographic study, as well as the preponder-
ance of scatter in all CT imaging, monitoring exposure of imaging personnel restraining
204 Wulster

horses for standing CT is of vital importance. Radiation safety measures should be

implemented based on the principle of ALARA (“as low as reasonably achievable”)
with the stationing of horse handlers as far as possible from the radiation source.

Conventional (Fan Beam) Computed Tomography

Conventional CT uses a fan-shaped x-ray beam that rotates around a patient. A multi-
element detector directly opposite and synced to the x-ray source records how the
x-ray energy is attenuated as it passes through various portions of the patient. The de-
tector provides superior contrast resolution because of the narrow beam geometry and
absorption of scatter between the detector elements via thin lead septa. This informa-
tion is then compiled to create volumetric data about the imaged tissue and is recon-
structed as a set of contiguous 2D slices, typically in a transverse/axial plane. Both
anisotropic and isotropic volume data can be acquired, although the latter typically re-
quires a higher patient dose. The subject is advanced through the CT scanner while the
tube and detector rapidly rotate. This helical acquisition allows for rapid data acquisition
of large sections of the body in a relatively short period of time (eg, a 16-slice CT scanner
can image a 40-cm area of interest in <30 seconds). The rapid scan time limits motion
artifact. If present, motion is typically limited to a small portion of the study if the motion
is transient. Fan beam CT is considered the gold standard for CT imaging.
Modifications to a conventional CT scanner has allowed for imaging of the standing
equine head and cranial cervical spine.98 A separate unit developed from a modified
quantitative CT scanner was used to successfully image the distal limb, but was labor
intensive and limited to tractable animals because of safety concerns.99 More
recently, a fan beam system with a relatively large gantry based on an airport security
scanner (Asto CT, LLC, Madison, WI, USA) has been proposed to simultaneously im-
age the distal forelimbs or distal hind limbs, although clinical case results and radiation
safety data from this system are not yet available.

Cone Beam Computed Tomography

Introduced in human medicine in the early 2000s with worldwide availability beginning
in the 2010s, cone beam CT is most commonly used in dental, breast, and extremity
imaging.104,105 Isotropic volume data are acquired from a high number of 2D x-ray
projections that are acquired in a circular orbit around a region of interest. The images
can be constructed in any plane, although the sagittal and dorsal planes tend to be of
the highest diagnostic quality. Unlike conventional CT, cone beam CT is not limited by
a fixed annulus geometry.
Image quality of cone beam CT is heavily influenced by scatter and motion. Many
cone beam systems claim lower radiation doses relative to fan beam CT, but in or-
der to image thick body parts and obtain image quality similar to that of fan beam
systems, the patient dose is similar or sometimes greater with the cone beam sys-
tem.106,107 In addition, the issue of motion correction in cone beam CT is not a trivial
one, because motion during any point in the scan will affect the image quality of the
entire study. The issue of motion applies to macroscopic motion as well as imper-
ceptible motion from breathing.
The use of cone beam CT for equine musculoskeletal imaging is in its infancy, but
2 systems are used routinely at several university and private practice hospitals
to perform standing imaging in the horse. Both systems use proprietary reconstruction
algorithms that use a combination of filtered back projection and iterative
One system (Pegaso CT; Epica, San Clemente, CA, USA) has a fixed annular geom-
etry with a large gantry (120 cm), capable of imaging from the skull to the caudal
Diagnosis of Skeletal Injury in the Sport Horse 205

cervical spine. Image acquisition takes 45 to 90 seconds. Imaging of the distal limb
requires the horse to be placed in lateral recumbency under general anesthesia.
A second system (4DDI Equine; Equimagine, Holbrook, NY, USA) uses a high-
output x-ray tube and large (43 cm  43 cm) indirect flat panel detector mounted
to synced car-manufacturing robotic arms (ABB Group, Zurich, Switzerland). This sys-
tem is capable of imaging from the skull to the cervicothoracic junction as well as from
the foot to the mid-radius and distal tibia in the standing horse rotating a minimum of
190 (180 1 beam angle) around the region of interest. The system requires an elab-
orate motion correction system based on tracking of reflective markers affixed to the
region of interest (Vicon, Oxford, UK) (Fig. 10). The lack of fixed geometry for this sys-
tem gives more flexibility in the image acquisition, but path geometry is still limited by
the combination of the shape of the equine body and robotic arms.
Standing cone beam CT has several significant limitations that are inherent to the
technology, including a high degree of scatter, which leads to decreased contrast.
Even with using high-contrast techniques (eg, low kilovolt peak), the images do not
have the contrast resolution of conventional fan beam images. In addition to scatter,
cone beam images are plagued with artifacts. Artifacts refer to structures visualized in
the reconstructed data that are not truly present in the patient. Although the artifacts
can be due to a variety of causes, most cone beam artifacts manifest as a streaklike
appearance oriented along projection lines.108 When acquired in the standing horse,
even visually imperceptible motion renders the studies unreadable without motion
correction (Fig. 11). Some investigators report that the spatial resolution of cone
beam images is superior to fan beam. Although diagnostic value decreases with
increasing slice thickness, the absolute slice thickness for ideal image interpretation
and the clinical utility of achieving a slice thickness less than 0.625 mm is currently un-
known.106 Finally, the accuracy of measuring Hounsfield units for cone beam systems
is variable and is best performed by direct measurement with a hydroxyapatite (or
bone density equivalent) phantom compared with pixel grayscale values, as Houns-
field unit calculations based on effective energy calculations are inaccurate. For
some systems, even the use of a known bone density phantom will produce inaccu-
rate Hounsfield units because of system-dependent inherent nonuniformity of the
reconstruction algorithm or nonuniformity due to artifacts.

Fig. 10. Standing cone beam CT linked to robotic arms (A). The detector (arrow) is fixed to the
robot on the left. The x-ray tube (arrowhead) is fixed to the robot on the right. A plastic cuff
with reflective markers is present on the lateral aspect of the right metatarsophalangeal joint.
In the upper right corner (asterisk), the motion correction cameras are visible. Close-up image
(B) of the detector, motion correction cuff and markers, and the detector. (Courtesy of the
New Bolton Center/University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; with permission.)
206 Wulster

Fig. 11. Transverse standing cone beam CT of the metacarpophalangeal joint of a 3-year-
old Thoroughbred racehorse with lameness localized to the fetlock region. No appreciable
patient motion was noted during the scan. Lateral is to the left. The study was recon-
structed without motion correction (A) and considered nondiagnostic; numerous streak ar-
tifacts are identified. Following reconstruction with motion correction, an incomplete
unicortical fracture/fissure of the lateral parasagittal groove is identified with surrounding
sclerosis (arrow) (B). Recumbent fan beam CT image (C) of the metacarpophalangeal joint
reformatted at approximately the same level as in (B). Although the image quality is supe-
rior in (C), the lesion location, morphology, and size are similar between the 2 modalities.
This lesion was not identified on survey radiographs, including the flexed dorsopalmar ob-
lique projection.

Despite these limitations and the fact that cone beam images have lower contrast
resolution compared with conventional CT, early data suggest that clinically significant
lesions are detected on cone beam CT that are not apparent on radiographs. Clinically
significant lesions have been demonstrated in both racehorses (see Fig. 11) and sport
horses (Fig. 12), although the former are more frequently evaluated.

Fig. 12. Dorsal (A) standing cone beam image of an 8-year-old warmblood hunter with
lameness localized to the proximal interphalangeal joint. Medial is to the right. Radiographs
revealed only mild dorsal osteophytosis of the proximal interphalangeal joint. Standing CT
demonstrated a proximomedial subchondral lesion (arrow) with hyperattenuating sur-
rounding subchondral and trabecular bone (arrowheads). The corresponding transverse im-
age (B) demonstrates the linear shape of the subchondral defect (arrow) and dorsal
periarticular new bone formation (arrowheads). Medial is to the right; dorsal is to the
top of the image.
Diagnosis of Skeletal Injury in the Sport Horse 207


Knowledge of the pathophysiology of skeletal injury and imaging in the sport horse is
rapidly advancing. Each imaging modality provides useful clinical information pro-
vided judicious patient selection. Although advanced imaging early in the course of
lameness may be indicated in some cases, it should not be a replacement for more
cost-effective and straightforward modalities, such as radiography. Interpretation of
musculoskeletal injury for all imaging modalities requires consideration of the patient’s
presenting complaint, lameness grade, results of diagnostic analgesia, and correlation
with other imaging modalities.


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