Project Pass-It Reflection

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Project PASS-IT Reflection

Kaylee Engle

Project PASS-IT Reflection

My experiences as a Project PASS-IT scholar have provided me with important skills and

knowledge that will allow me to better support students and improve educational outcomes. In

particular, I have experienced growth in the five Project PASS-IT competencies: 1) Data-based

Decision Making, 2), Evidence-based Academic Practices, 3) Evidence-based Social/Behavior

Practices, 4) Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Supports, and 5) Consultation and

Collaboration. Some of the experiences that have contributed to my growth include classes,

podcast and book studies, and professional development opportunities, such as our Summer

Institute sessions. I found the opportunities to collaborate with other graduate students in the

fields of school psychology and special education especially impactful, as this granted me the

opportunity to learn from the experiences and perspectives of others. In addition, through the

interdisciplinary approach, I developed a greater understanding of the challenges that special

education teachers face in their career and how I can better support these professionals in my

future career as a school psychologist. These experiences will allow me to better collaborate with

other school professionals to support students.

In addition, I have gained relevant knowledge and skills through shared Project PASS-IT

coursework. For instance, through completion of SPED 590 (Workshop in Special Education), I

have developed skills in collecting, analyzing, and graphing data, as well as in selecting

evidence-based interventions and adjusting academic programming based on this information.

Much of our class time was spent presenting data and discussing possible solutions to problems

that arose in our work with K-12 students, which helped me to better understand how educational

decisions should be made. In addition, through discussions with other school psychology and

special education graduate students, I was able to practice using data-based decision-making

skills as part of a team. As a result of this course, I believe that I will be better able to advocate

for the use of data-based decision making when working with other school staff and educators, as

well as demonstrate how this process should be conducted. In addition, PSYC 720 (Academic

Problem Solving) provided me with many opportunities to develop skills related to the selection

and implementation of evidence-based academic practices. These skills will be very important in

my future career, as school psychologists have an ethical and professional obligation to promote

evidence-based academic practices and interventions. Finally, through SPED 646 (Advanced

Instructional Methods for Learning Disabilities), I learned about instructional practices that

might be used by special education teachers. Several assignments required us to conduct mock

reading or math lessons with other PASS-IT scholars, which allowed me to practice

incorporating elements of explicit instruction into lessons. This allowed me to gain a better

understanding of the process of planning a lesson and provided me with skills that I can use in

my future career to assist teachers in using evidence-based instructional strategies and practices.

I believe that my experience as a Project PASS-IT scholar has prepared me to be a more

effective school psychologist. The interdisciplinary aspect of this program has been especially

beneficial. Collaborating with other graduate students provided me with broader perspectives and

enhanced my problem-solving abilities. I also developed skills related to working with students

and families from diverse populations, as well as a greater understanding of my own cultural

background. These skills will be invaluable as a school psychologist, and I look forward to using

all I have learned during my time as a PASS-IT scholar in my future career.

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