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Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) – Teacher Leader Project

Revised January 2024
The ILP should be completed with Mentor input. Complete blue cells prior to classroom implementation. Complete orange cells after
POP Cycle is completed. Cells will expand as needed. When submitting completed ILP to instructor, please include copies of all
instructional resources, including Google Survey used for assessment of audience satisfaction.
Section 1: New Teacher Information
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level

Joseph Mora-Mendoza josephmora6@csu.fullerto History/Social Studies 6,7,8
Mentor Email School/District Date
Ginger Geftakys CSUF Mentor 2/27/2024
Section 2: CSTP Focus
Identify 2-3 CSTP elements in which you are at least at the applying level for ILP focus. Use most recent CSTP Assessment. Identify
both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2. See example.
Emerging, Exploring, Applying, Integrating, Innovating

Rating Description
CSTP Element Initial
T– T - Supports students to initiate critical thinking through independently developing
1.5 Integrating questions, posing problems and reflecting on multiple perspectives
S – Applying
problem S - Students respond to questions and problems posed by the teacher and begin to pose
solving, and and solve problems of their own related to the content
curriculum to T - Integrates knowledge of curriculum and resources to organize and adjust instruction within and
T – Exploring across subject matter and grade-levels (K-8th) to extend student understanding.
3.3 student
understanding S – Applying
of the subject S - Students across all grade-levels (K-8th) will use curriculum and resources to extend their learning.
goals and T - Supports student learning and colleagues by aligning personal goals with school and district
engaging in goals.
continuous and T – Exploring
6.2 purposeful S – Applying S - Students at all grade-levels at my site (K-8th) engage and interact with social studies curriculum to
meet school-wide goal of having an integrated social studies curriculum to be in the Spanish
growth and
development Language.

Section 3: Teacher Leader Inquiry Focus and Planning

Project Title Inquiry Question Project Objective(s)
What are the most effective
1. Explore key concepts and themes
Professional Development Workshop: Enhancing Social strategies and resources for
within the social studies
Studies Curriculum Implementation integrating diverse perspectives and
culturally relevant content into social
studies curriculum, and how can 2. Identify effective teaching
teachers be better supported strategies to engage students and
through professional development to promote critical thinking in social
implement these practices? studies.
3. Utilize a variety of instructional
resources to enhance social studies
How Project Fits into
Audience for Project Professional Goals and/or How Audience Satisfaction will be
(Who Participates/Who Benefits) Department/School/District Assessed
As a K-8th dual-language public
charter school, we have a After the professional development is
school-wide goal of providing a safe delivered, the participants will be assessed
space for the Spanish language. via Google Form survey. The questionnaire
K-8th teachers are the targeted audience and will benefit Another major goal is to have as will ask them what they learned, what they
since each teacher, regardless of grade-level, incorporates much cross-grade collaboration as would like to know more about, sign-up
social studies at least once a week. possible. SInce all grade levels are opportunity for a 1-1 session, question on
required to teach social studies, a how I can improve my presentation skills.
professional development led by the What do you want to include in curriculum
only social studies subject teacher, as a result of the PD?
me, will help meet that need.
Special Emphasis: Teacher Leader Model Standards and NBPTS Core Propositions
Identify at least one standard (NBPTS, ISTE C, Teacher Leader Model Standards) that is the special emphasis focus of your project.
Explain how these standards will be incorporated. You may add more than 1 if you wish
Special Emphasis Focus How Special Emphasis will be Incorporated

The special emphasis will be incorporated via professional development.

The special emphasis focus for this project revolves
Holding this kind of PD for other grade-level teachers could cover a range of
around NBPTS Social Studies–History Standard VII:
subjects, including curriculum development, assessment practices,
Professional Growth
integration of technology, and culturally responsive teaching strategies.

Inquiry Implementation Plan

Analyze Discuss Results
Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Results with Mentor
Milestone 4 Milestone 5
PD on how to
Identify name and PD on how to have
PD on current social studies “bring history
date for activities. restorative circles Google Form
curriculum TCI History alive to life” with Final meeting
during social Survey
(overview) blank/large
studies class time.
chart paper
3/27/24 4/10/24 4/10/24 4/17/24 5/1/24
Provide 1-2 sentence The inquiry question of the teacher leader project is focused on identifying effective strategies and
summary of your resources for integrating diverse perspectives and culturally relevant content into social studies curriculum,
teacher leader while also exploring methods to better support teachers through tailored professional development to
project. successfully implement these practices in their classrooms.
The process for analyzing the effectiveness of the leadership role involves administering a Google Form
Summarize process survey to assess participants' comprehension and satisfaction with the professional development. The
for analyzing survey will inquire about their learning outcomes, areas for further exploration, interest in one-on-one
effectiveness of sessions, and feedback on presentation skills improvement. Additionally, participants will be asked to
leadership role. suggest additions to the curriculum resulting from the professional development to gauge its impact on
curriculum enhancement.
Section 4: Inquiry Research and Exploration
Research/Professional Learning (Identify two articles that have informed inquiry focus. Provide title, URL or citation, and statement
of what was learned.)
Title: "Engaging Students in Social Studies: What
Works and Why" Title: "Teaching Strategies for the Social Studies: Inquiry, Valuing Evidence,
URL: and Learning from the Past" URL:
What was learned: This article explores various
teaching strategies to effectively engage students in What was learned: This article delves into the significance of inquiry-based
social studies, including inquiry-based learning, teaching methods and the importance of valuing evidence in social studies
project-based learning, and utilizing primary instruction. It highlights the effectiveness of techniques such as Socratic
sources. It emphasizes the importance of questioning, historical empathy, and utilizing multimedia resources to
incorporating real-world connections and enhance students' critical thinking skills and deepen their understanding of
student-centered approaches to promote active historical events and concepts.
learning and critical thinking.
Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed similar leadership roles OR the status of the issue at
department/school/district level.)
Mr. Gonzalez (middle school Spanish teacher)
recognized the importance of inquiry-based
learning highlighted in the articles. They
Mrs. Hernandez focused on leveraging multimedia resources, as suggested in
incorporated this approach by structuring their
the articles, to enrich social studies instruction. They integrated
social studies lessons around thought-provoking
documentaries, virtual field trips, and interactive online simulations into
questions, encouraging students to investigate
their lessons to provide students with diverse perspectives and immersive
historical events and perspectives independently.
learning experiences. By incorporating these resources, Mrs. Hernandez
By fostering a classroom environment that
observed heightened student interest and comprehension, indicating a more
promotes curiosity and critical thinking,Mr.
engaging and effective approach to teaching social studies.
Gonzalez observed increased student engagement
and deeper understanding of key concepts within
the social studies curriculum.
Section 5: Results and Reflection
Revised Suggestions for Moving
CSTP Element Initial Rating Evidence/Rational for Rating
Rating Forward
Promoting To move to INNOVATING level:
critical Consider how to increase
thinking Teacher asked questions of analysis and complexity of task beyond a
through evaluation. single lesson so that there are
T – Applying Integrating
1.5 inquiry, Students answered questions that included continuing opportunities for
S – Exploring S -
problem all levels of Bloom’s. Students created their students to engage in inquiry
solving, own math problems. in complex problem. How
and could you extend lesson into
reflection PBL?
T- Utilizing a variety of resources and To move towards an innovating
approaches (Using TCI Curriculum, Chart paper level and incorporate
curriculum to activities, Restorative circles) keeps instruction Project-Based Learning (PBL)
facilitate dynamic and engaging for students. When while addressing CSTP 3.3, which
T – Exploring Integrating
3.3 student students are actively involved in their learning focuses on organizing curriculum
understanding S – Applying S-
through hands-on activities, multimedia to facilitate student
of the subject Integrating
resources, and other interactive materials, they understanding of the subject
are more likely to be motivated and invested in matter, consider the following
their education. This engagement contributes strategies: Long-Term Project
to a positive learning environment where Design: Instead of focusing on
students are eager to extend their isolated lessons, Teachers should
understanding. design a long-term PBL project
that spans several weeks or
S- Integration of curriculum and resources months. This project should
facilitates a comprehensive learning experience center around a complex problem
for students. It enables them to explore topics or question relevant to the
from various angles, utilizing different materials curriculum, allowing students to
and approaches. This fosters a deeper engage in sustained inquiry and
understanding of the subject matter and exploration.
encourages critical thinking skills as students
engage with diverse resources.
T- teacher prompts students to critically analyze
historical events and perspectives, challenging To move towards an innovating
them to consider multiple viewpoints and level while addressing CSTP 6.2,
Establishing interpretations. This encourages students to which emphasizes establishing
professional think critically about the complexities of history professional goals and engaging in
goals and and the impact of historical events on continuous professional growth
engaging in T–
individuals and communities. and development. For the PBL
continuous and T – Exploring Integrating
6.2 purposeful Planning and Design: teachers
S – Applying S-
professional S- Restorative circles provide an opportunity for should use student knowledge to
growth and students to address conflicts or tensions that plan and design a PBL project that
development may arise in the classroom related to historical extends beyond a single lesson
topics. The teacher facilitates constructive and addresses a complex problem
dialogue and helps students explore ways to relevant to your curriculum and
heal past harms and build understanding and students' interests.
Special Emphasis (Teacher Leader Model Standards or NBPTS Core Propositions
Key Learnings and New Skills/Knowledge Contribution to
Product(s) Generated
Developed by Teacher Others/Department/School/District
Deep Understanding of Social Studies Concepts and
Themes: I have delved deeply into the key concepts
1. Professional Development 1. Professional Development Session on
and themes within the social studies curriculum,
Session on Current Social Studies Current Social Studies Curriculum: TCI
gaining a nuanced understanding of historical events,
Curriculum: TCI History Alive History Alive (Overview)
cultural phenomena, political systems, economic
(VIDEO Overview)
principles, and societal structures.
- Contribution to Others: Provides
- Objective: To provide educators with valuable insights and
Effective Teaching Strategies: I have explored and
educators with an overview and resources to enhance their teaching
applied various teaching strategies tailored to
in-depth understanding of the TCI practices, ultimately benefiting their
engage my students and foster critical thinking in
History Alive curriculum, its key students' learning experiences.
social studies. This includes implementing
features, and how it aligns with
inquiry-based learning, facilitating cooperative
current social studies standards. - Contribution to School: Enhances
activities, organizing simulations, orchestrating
the quality and consistency of social
debates, and integrating multimedia presentations.
studies instruction across grade levels,
contributing to a cohesive and rigorous
Differentiation: I have developed skills in
2. Professional Development academic program.
differentiating instruction to accommodate the
Session on How to "Bring History
diverse needs of my students in the social studies
to Life" with Blank/Large Chart
classroom. This involves adapting lesson plans,
Paper (VIDEO) 2. Professional Development Session on
providing additional support or resources for
How to "Bring History to Life" with
struggling learners, and offering enrichment
- Objective: To equip educators Blank/Large Chart Paper
opportunities for advanced students.
with strategies for creating
interactive and visually engaging - Contribution to Others: Empowers
Utilization of Instructional Resources: I have become
learning experiences using blank educators with creative and engaging
adept at utilizing a wide array of instructional
resources to enrich social studies instruction. These or large chart paper in the social teaching strategies that can be shared
resources include textbooks, primary sources, studies classroom. and adapted across subject areas.
documentaries, online databases, educational
websites, guest speakers, field trips, and multimedia 3. Professional Development - Contribution to School: Enriches the
materials. Session on How to Have learning environment by incorporating
Restorative Circles During Social interactive and hands-on activities that
Studies Class Time (VIDEO) cater to diverse learning styles and
Powerpoint Presentation preferences.
- Objective: To introduce
educators to the concept of
restorative circles and 3. Professional Development Session on
demonstrate how they can be How to Have Restorative Circles During
effectively implemented in the Social Studies Class Time
social studies classroom to build
community, address conflicts, - Contribution to Others: Provides
and promote social-emotional educators with valuable tools and
learning. techniques for building positive
relationships, resolving conflicts, and
supporting students' social-emotional

- Contribution to School: Enhances

the school's overall climate by
promoting restorative approaches to
discipline and social interactions,
leading to improved student behavior
and morale.

Mentor Feedback
The Mentor should Identify strengths and areas of improvement in each of the following areas.
The resources Mr. Mora designed for this social studies curriculum
Effectiveness of resources designed by the
andouts, are highly effective. All the activities are applicable to any SS
Candidate, including presentation, notes, handouts,
unit, effectively engaging students in historical and current event
and other resources.
All aspects of the project are effective and interesting! They require
Effectiveness of Overall Project students to think in divergent ways, respect world cultures, and apply
the lessons learned in their own historical context.
Any group of ss educators would benefit from learning and
Value of project for audience. implementing all resources and activities designed and assembled by
Mr. Mora. The TCI World Alive curriculum is a terrific resource.
Outstanding work by Mr. Mora! To complete the Restorative Circle
Overall feedback. activity, a live session should be recorded and made available for
teachers (with the necessary parent permissions granted.)
Action Items (some may not be applicable)
Curriculum Design:
For curriculum In shaping future curriculum designs, I will rely on the inquiry question of the teacher leader project as my
design, lesson guiding principle. I will focus on identifying and implementing effective strategies and resources for
planning, integrating diverse perspectives and culturally relevant content into social studies education. This will
assessment planning involve meticulously selecting topics, materials, and activities that authentically represent the diverse
tapestry of human experiences. My commitment to ongoing evaluation will ensure that my curriculum
continually evolves to meet the needs of my students, fostering an inclusive learning environment where
they can engage critically with diverse cultural viewpoints.

Lesson Planning:
Looking ahead, the inquiry question will guide my lesson planning endeavors as I strive to create dynamic
and inclusive learning experiences. Each lesson will present an opportunity for me to explore diverse
perspectives and cultural relevance in depth. By aligning lesson topics and activities with the overarching
goals outlined in the inquiry question, I will cultivate classrooms that celebrate diversity and foster empathy.
Through literature, multimedia presentations, and interactive discussions, I will provide my students with
meaningful encounters with various cultures and viewpoints. Additionally, assessment will play a pivotal role
in my future lesson planning efforts, allowing me to gauge students' understanding of diverse perspectives
and their ability to critically analyze cultural content.

Assessment Planning:
Looking to the future, assessment planning will be integral to my teaching practice as I seek to measure
students' mastery of curriculum objectives related to diverse perspectives and culturally relevant content.
Grounded in the inquiry question, my assessments will be designed to evaluate students' comprehension of
key concepts and their capacity to engage thoughtfully with cultural material. I will craft assessments that go
beyond mere memorization, requiring students to apply their knowledge in meaningful ways. By analyzing
assessment data, I will gain insights into students' learning progress and identify areas for further
development. Moreover, assessment data will serve as a valuable tool for refining my instruction and
providing tailored support to my colleagues as they endeavor to implement effective practices in their

In my classroom practice, I will lean on the inquiry question of the teacher leader project to shape my
curriculum design. I'll focus on identifying and implementing strategies and resources that effectively
integrate diverse perspectives and culturally relevant content into our social studies education. This means
For classroom
carefully selecting topics, materials, and activities that authentically represent the diverse tapestry of
human experiences. I'll ensure that my curriculum fosters an inclusive learning environment where students
can engage critically with various cultural viewpoints, continuously refining it based on student needs and
In my approach to curriculum design, particularly for teaching English learners, students with special needs,
For teaching English and those facing other instructional challenges, the inquiry question remains central. I will prioritize
learners, students identifying and implementing strategies and resources that cater to diverse learning needs and
with special needs, backgrounds. This entails selecting topics, materials, and activities that are not only culturally relevant but
and students with also accessible and adaptable. My curriculum will be designed to provide multiple entry points and support
other instructional mechanisms, ensuring that all students can engage meaningfully with the content. Continual assessment
challenges and reflection will guide adjustments to the curriculum, ensuring that it remains responsive to the evolving
needs of my diverse learners.
In planning for future professional development, the inquiry question of the teacher leader project will
serve as a cornerstone for enhancing curriculum design practices. By focusing on identifying effective
strategies and resources for integrating diverse perspectives and culturally relevant content into social
For future
studies education, professional development sessions will empower educators to refine their curriculum
design skills. Through collaborative workshops, educators will explore best practices, engage in hands-on
activities, and examine case studies to deepen their understanding of inclusive curriculum design principles.
Additionally, opportunities for peer feedback and reflection will be provided to encourage ongoing growth
and refinement in curriculum design approaches.
In supporting others within my department, school, or district with lesson planning, I will prioritize creating
For supporting opportunities for collaboration and professional growth. Through peer observation, co-planning sessions,
others/department/ and professional learning communities, educators will have the chance to exchange ideas, share best
school/district practices, and receive feedback on their lesson plans. I will facilitate workshops and training sessions
focused on aligning lesson plans with the goals outlined in the inquiry question and implementing effective
instructional strategies for diverse learners. By fostering a culture of collaboration and shared learning, I will
empower educators to create inclusive and engaging learning experiences for all students.
Other Notes and Comments
1. Professional Development Session on Current Social Studies Curriculum: TCI History Alive (VIDEO Overview)
2. Professional Development Session on How to "Bring History to Life" with Blank/Large Chart Paper (VIDEO)
3. Professional Development Session on How to Have Restorative Circles During Social Studies Class Time (VIDEO)
4. Powerpoint Presentation

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