Microsoft Window

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Window is operating system. It is master software which works as intermediary between computer
hardware & users of computer hardware. It controls internal operation of computer hardware and
provides the user interface. It is GUI in window each application is displayed in resizeable ovable window
on screen


Window is operating system, it does not need to started. It start when computer is put on. The first thing
that you see on screen is desktop, which like platfrom from where every application is launched and you
would return to it completing application. On desktop, there few icons which are must for all desktops
being used by Window are there are few which are optical and are created by users according to their

It is graphic presentation of window element. It are four types
1. Application= It mean software which are used to run various programs
2. Shortcut= It created by users. It used to open particular application
3. Disk Drive= It respresent drives of computer
4. Document= You can create graphical representation of any document


There are lot of things which can done from start button. For other you have to use either My computer
or Window explorer. You will see at bottom most left corner of desktop is start button. By clicking it you
can launch following options:
1. PROGRAM= Using it you can open every program/software/application that is installed in computer
2. DOCUMENTS= It gives you access to last 15 document opened
3. SETTINGS= It provides access to Control Panel, printers, taskbar,, folder menu, active desktop, window
update control
4. FIND= Using this can search for file&folder
5. HELP= It opens extensive window help system
6. RUN= It allows you to run particular dialog box
7. LOG OFF= It Log off system quickly so that you can log back on with different user profile
8. SHUT DOWN= It prepares computer to shut down or restarted


It is important because sometimes we spend many hours in front of screen. therefore, it is very
important to configure our desktop so that it can be most comfortable. Click with right mouse button
somewhere ther has no icons on desktop and select option properties from shortcut menu that is
displayed. The displayed properties window will appear where we can change configuration parameter


To change background or wallpaper, click on tab labeled Desktop and choose new background or
wallpaper from list that appears at bottom left corner. If you are not sure what background goes with
what name just highlight name and small respresntation of background will appear as it would as it
would on screen. Once background has been selected you can choose how it will appear by clicking on
position. Here are optios
1. CENTERED= The image will appear in center of screen with its real size
2. TILE= The image will appear with as many images as necessary to fill screen
3. STRETCH= The image will appear once taking up entire screen
It is also possible to have another image that does not appear on list background. Click on Browse... and
look for image you want as long as format is compatible. Once the image and type of view have been
selected click OK

To get screen saver, click on Screen Saver Tab and from Display Properties dialog box. From the list,
choose screen saver you like most. With preview you can see how it will look once in place. When you
move mouse or press a key the preview will end. You can modify time it takes for screen saver to appear
by adjusting time or wait. The settings button allows us to customize the image that is used as screen
saver. Dependig on image, properties we can change vary. Checking on resume, password protect you
can place password protection dis-allow someone else from working on your account. Once the screen
saver is engaged it will only allow you back to normal screen once you have entered correct user

How to customize window in Window XP. Click with right mouse button somewhere that has no icons on
desktop and select option properties from shortcut menu that is displayed. Displayed properties window
will appear where we can change configuration parameters. Selet tab labeled appearence on Display
Properties window. On Windows and Buttons list select style which you want then select one of schemes
offered to you from colour scheme list. In the Box Font size choose size of lettering that you like. Once all
changes are done click OK

It nothing more than a way to group different characteristices that affect appearence of window by
giving it name. This way we can change theme with single click. Select tab labeled themes on Display
roperties window. From theme list choose the theme you prefer. On bottom part you can see how it will
look. If you wish to save the chnages, select your favourite theme and click on save as., then name and
click OK


We can choose amount of colour with which our monitor will work. Depending on monitor and
graphices card, you can choose colours you like most. To choose colour quality you want, open colour
quality list and pick one you like. With Screen resolution we choose resolution. The resolution affects size
of image. Adjust screen area bar and size of screen will change. You can see preview above. Once you
have choose resolution you click oK


It is used to listen to music from CD, tune radio stations, play a video. You can watch movies on your
computer with help of Window Media Player. To run media player we click on shortcut icon that Window
creates when it is installed, we can also access it through Start menu by selecting all programs and then
clicking on Window Media Player

The window shown below is window that will appear with media player. The appearence can vary since
Window lets you customize it. To play a CD or songs that are saved to hard disk we need to select Now
Playing option, now click on File menu and select Open..., next look for songs that we want to listen to.
To choose serveral sonds, use CTRL key and then click Open. The selected files will appear on right side
of Window in list from. If you want to play CD it is not necessary to use File menu since media player will
automatically load songs on CD. If you want to listen to song on list simply double-click on it and it will
begin to play. The play order will be same order that songs appear on list to right. If you want to change
the order simply selected songs with left mouse button and drag the song to where you want it


We need to select Library tab. Click on playlists and then on new playlist... in dialog box that will appear
put name of list you want to create and click OK. Then click in my playlist to see that your new playlist


To add file to playlist select Libary tab since it should be in list of files that Libary has in order to add it.
From list select files you want and right click to select Add to playlist... option. This will show you dialog
box with playlist; select playlist you want add song or songs to and click OK. In same way we can add a
file to playlist, we can also delete it; to do select playlist and, from within that playlist, select file you
want to delete. Right click on it and select Delete from playlist. You can also delete it from library
selecting Delete from library

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