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Lime Soda Process

Name:-Srishti Singh
Sap id:-1000020947
Submitted to:-
Dr. Anita Bhatia
In this method, soluble calcium und magnesium
salts in water are chemically converted into
insoluble compounds like calcium carbonate
CaCO3 and magnesium hydroxide Mg(OH)2 by
adding calculated amount of lime Ca(OH)2 and
soda Na2CO3 to it. So precipitates are filtered off.
*Generally there are two types of lime-soda
(a) Cold-Lime Soda Process
(b) Hot-Lime Soda Process
Cold Lime Soda Process
In this process a calculated quantity of
Ca(OH)2 (lime) and Na2CO3 (soda) are mixed
with water at room temperature and added to the
hard water. The following reactions takes place
depending on the nature of hardness The
precipitates CaCO3 and Mg(OH)2 are very fine
and forms sludge like precipitates in the boiler
water and are difficult to remove because it does
not settle easily making it difficult to filter and the
removal process. Finally reduces the efficiency of
the boiler. Therefore, it is essential to add small
amount of coagulant (such as Alum etc.) which
entraps the fine particles .
Hot Lime Soda Process
In this process, water is treated with softening
chemicals like soda and lime at a temperature of 80 °C
and 150C. This process is operated at a temperature
close to the boiling point of the solution. Therefore the
reaction proceeds faster, the softening capacity of the
process is increased many-fold, the precipitate and
sludge formed settle down rapidly and hence no
coagulants are required. Much of the dissolved gases
like CO2 and air are driven out of water Viscosity of
softened water is lower, therefore filtration of water
becomes much easier. This process produces water of
comparatively lower residual hardness of 15 to 30ppm.
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Applications of Lime Soda Process
• Municipal Water Treatment - The lime soda process is widely used in
municipal water treatment plants to soften and purify drinking water.
• Industrial Water Treatment - It is also employed in industrial settings,
such as boiler feed water treatment and process water purification.
• Wastewater Treatment - The lime soda process can be used to remove
hardness and other contaminants from industrial and municipal
• Cooling Tower Water Treatment - The process helps to prevent scaling
and corrosion in cooling tower water systems, improving efficiency
and reducing maintenance.

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