Roberto Ugarte Benitez - 6.1.1 Reading Mooney - Fracking2011 - Scientificamerican1111-80

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Chris Mooney is a host of the Point

of Inquiry podcast (www.pointofinquiry.

org) and author of three books, including
The Republican War on Science.



Fracturing a deep shale layer one time to release natural gas

might pose little risk to drinking-water supplies,
but doing so repeatedly could be problematic
By Chris Mooney

IS FRACKING POLLUTING OUR DRINKING WATER? fracking, accused of infusing toxic chem- gas. Only recently, however, has the
The debate has become harsh, and sci- icals and gas into drinking-water sup- technique been combined with a newer
entists are speaking out. plies in various states, is guilty as charged. technology called directional, or hori-
Anthony Ingraffea, an engineering The answer lies at the center of escalat- zontal, drilling—the ability to turn a
professor at Cornell University and an ing controversy in New York State, Penn- downward-plodding drill bit as much as
expert on the controversial technique to sylvania, Texas and Colorado, as well as 90 degrees and continue drilling within
drill natural gas, has had much to say, Australia, France and Canada. the layer, parallel to the ground surface,
especially since he attended a March The basic technique of “hydraulic for thousands of additional feet. The re-
meeting in Arlington, Va., hosted by the fracturing” has been used in conven- sult has been a veritable Gas Rush. Se-
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. tional-style wells since the late 1940s. questered layers of methane-rich shale
There he met scientists from top gas and When a vertical well shaft hits a layer of have suddenly become accessible. The
drilling companies: Devon Energy, Ches- shale, chemically treated water and sand U.S. is estimated to have 827 trillion cu-
apeake, Halliburton. All had assembled are blasted down at high pressure to bic feet of this “unconventional” shale
to help the agency determine whether crack open the rock and liberate natural gas within reach—enough to last for de-


If fracking is defined as a single fracture risk for contaminating drinking water tamination has already been found. ly prove whether fracking is safe or not.
of deep shale, that action might be be- may rise. If fracking is defined as the en- Advanced tests, such as putting tracer Some regulators are not waiting for bet-
nign. When multiple “fracks” are done in tire industrial operation, including drill- chemicals down a well to see if they re- ter science; they are moving toward al-
multiple, adjacent wells, however, the ing and the storage of wastewater, con- appear in drinking water, could ultimate- lowing fracking on an even wider scale.

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Crack it: Drillers bore down to a shale layer that can be 5,000
feet deep or more, then turn and continue horizontally as much as
another 5,000 feet. The drill bit is retracted (bottom diagrams, left);
water, sand and chemicals are pumped down the well to fracture
the rock (center), releasing gas that flows back up with the fluid
(right). The tainted wastewater is held in surface ponds or tanks.

Illustrations by Don Foley November 2011, 81

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cades—although industry e-mails pub- companies access to 85 percent of the lowed to store flowback water, and runoff
lished by the New York Times in June sug- state’s portion of the Marcellus and Utica precautions must be made.
gest the resource may be more difficult Shale formations. Fracking would not be All these processes can cause accidents.
and expensive to extract than companies allowed in the New York City or Syracuse “This is not a risk-free industry,” explains
have been claiming. watersheds, because those water supplies Terry Engelder, a hydraulic fracturing ex-
The chief hurdle is that unlike frack- are unfiltered between source and citizen. pert at Pennsylvania State University who
ing of vertical wells, horizontal fracking The department based its go-ahead on has generally been a proponent of the pro-
requires enormous volumes of water and reviews of various studies and says it cess but has occasionally criticized compa-
chemicals. Huge ponds or tanks are also plans to tightly regulate any drilling nies involved. Indeed, a series of New York
needed to store the chemically laden work. The actions essentially replace a Times exposés have documented the possi-
“flowback water” that comes back up the previous statewide ban on fracking, de- ble contamination of major Pennsylvania
hole after wells have been fractured. spite the fact that the EPA is only midway river basins such as the Susquehanna and
As Ingraffea sat in the room, he through a major safety study due in pre- Delaware because of inadequate handling
watched industry scientists dismiss the liminary form in late 2012. The depart- of flowback water. In Pennsylvania, house-
idea that fracking has caused polluted ment, unwilling to wait for the EPA’s sci- hold taps have gone foul or lit on fire, and
water wells and flammable kitchen fau- ence, was set to issue its final regulations companies have been cited and fined. Most
cets. After all, the logic goes, the shale lay- in October, open to public comment until recently, the state’s Department of Envi-
ers can be a mile or more deep, separated early December. ronmental Protection fined Chesapeake al-
from shallow aquifers by thousands of The push to drill in New York before most $1 million for contaminating 16 fami-
feet of rock—precisely why they have the EPA’s results are ready is forcing ex- lies’ water wells with methane as a result of
been so difficult to tap until now. Frack- perts to try to determine which charges improper drilling practices.
ing may be powerful, but it’s not that against fracking hold some weight and These kinds of impacts can be blamed
powerful—not enough to blow open new which need new research to address. The on fracking if the term refers to the whole
fissures through that much rock, con- answers to this deeply confused issue ul- industrial process—but not necessarily if
necting horizontal well bores (called “lat- timately depend on competing defini- it means just the underground water blast
erals”) to groundwater near the surface. tions of “fracking.” that fractures the rock after the drilling is
“I saw beautiful PowerPoint slides de- If fracking is taken to refer to the entire done. Even the people most steeped in the
picting what they think is actually hap- process of unconventional gas drilling issues can differ on this basic matter.
pening,” says Ingraffea, who previously from start to finish, it is already guilty of “There’s a real vulnerability in having
worked with the global gas supply compa- some serious infractions. The massive in- chemicals at these kinds of volumes out
ny Schlumberger but has emerged as a dustrial endeavor demands a staggering there, but it’s more an industrial kind of
leading scientific critic of the gas rush. “In two to four million gallons of water for a threat, rather than a threat from fracking
every one, the presenter concluded it was single lateral, as well as 15,000 to 60,000 itself,” argues Val Washington, a former
highly improbable.” Yet, Ingraffea ex- gallons of chemicals; multiply those quan- deputy commissioner of New York’s De-
plains, these analyses considered only sin- tities by the number of wells drilled at one partment of Environmental Conservation.
gle “fracks”—one water blast, in one later- site. Transporting the liquids involves But Cornell’s Ingraffea sees it differently:
al, one time. To maximize access to the gas, fleets of tanker trucks and large storage “I just wish the industry would stop play-
however, companies may drill a dozen or containers. ing the game of ‘fracking doesn’t cause
more vertical wells, closely spaced, at a Then the flowback water has to be the contamination.’ You’ve got to drill to
single site. They may frack the lateral for managed; up to 75 percent of what is frack. It’s a matter of semantics and defi-
each well in multiple segments and per- blasted down comes back up. It is laden nition that they’re hiding behind.”
haps multiple times. not only with a cocktail of chemicals— To show that fracking as industry de-
“You’ve got three spatial dimensions used to help the fracking fluid flow, to fines it is the problem, you have to exam-
and time” to consider, Ingraffea says. He protect the pipe and kill bacteria, and ine the alleged threat that is simultane-
doubts a single lateral frack can connect many other purposes—but often with ra- ously the most publicized and yet the
the shale layers to the surface. Still, he dioactive materials and salts from the un- most uncertain—the idea that water
adds, “if you look at the problem as I just derground layers. This toxic water must blasts deep underground can directly
described it, I think the probabilities go be stored on-site and later transported to contaminate drinking water, by creating
up. How much? I don’t know.” treatment plants or reused. Most compa- unexpected pathways for gas or liquid to
nies use open-air pits dug into the ground. travel between deep shale and shallow
Guilt by Definition Many states require the bottoms of the groundwater.
the scientists and regulators now trying pits to be lined with synthetic materials to
to answer this complex question have ar- prevent leakage. Some also require the Concrete Culprit
rived a little late. We could have used their pits to be a sufficient distance from sur- to see how complex this issue is, consider
research before fracking became a big con- face water. The problem is that even when an EPA enforcement action in 2010 against
troversy. The technique is the cause of po- proper precautions are taken, pit linings Range Resources, a Fort Worth–based gas
litical conflict in New York, where the De- can tear, and in heavy rains the pits can company that plumbs sites in Texas’s
partment of Environmental Conservation overflow. Under the proposed New York famed Barnett Shale. The EPA claimed that
recently unveiled a plan to give drilling rules, only watertight tanks will be al- two residential drinking-water wells near

82 Scientific American, November 2011

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c o m p l i c at i o n s

Risks to Drinking Water

Once a drill pad and wastewater pond are established, a driller may which happened in Pennsylvania in September because of flooding
sink a dozen wells or more to fully tap the shale gas. Three spots by Tropical Storm Lee. Concrete that encases the vertical pipe can
may have the greatest potential to contaminate groundwater. crack (inset, left), and new fissures opened by the fracking can con-
Chemical-laden wastewater ponds can leak or overflow (center), nect to natural fissures or old wells (inset, right).


Groundwater Chemicals Drinking-water well

can leak into

Hidden Routes Upward

Methane New fissures opened by pressurized
or tainted fracking fluid can connect to un-
water known natural fissures or old gas
Crack in
concrete wells abandoned and covered years
casing ago, providing an unforeseen path-
way for methane or chemicals to
flow up to groundwater.

Broken Seal
Concrete surrounds the steel gas Old,
pipe to prevent methane or chemi- abandoned
cally laden water from flowing up gas well
from below and seeping into the
environs. But poor cementing can Natural fissures
create cracks or voids that open
a pathway for contamination.
New fissures
from fracking


November 2011, 83

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two of the company’s gas wells were con-
taminated with methane of deep, “ther-
mogenic” origin. That kind of gas origi-
nates in shale layers, unlike “biogenic”
methane, which is produced by microbes
in pockets closer to the surface, where
aquifers typically are. The EPA also
claimed that one of the wells contained
chemicals sometimes used in fracking—
such as benzene—and was delivering
flammable water.
The EPA ordered the company to pro-
vide clean water to the injured parties, to
determine if any other nearby wells were
contaminated, and to take other steps.
Range Resources fought back strongly—
disputing in court the claim that it bore Tough sell: Strict regulations might be key to winning over citizens who fear unsafe
any responsibility, noting the “long hori- drilling practices, such as demonstrators in Albany, N.Y., who supported a state ban.
zontal and vertical distances” involved. As
of mid-September, the legal battle was in
a U.S. Court of Appeals. Crucially, howev- industry has strived to improve its prac- gas migration is described in a recent pa-
er, even if the EPA is correct that Range tices, the problem may not be fully fixable. per by Jackson and his colleagues in the
Resources is at fault, that does not mean “A significant percentage of cement jobs Proceedings of the National Academy of
fracking deep in the ground caused the will fail,” Ingraffea says. “It will always be Sciences USA. It holds something for en-
problem. The agency asked the company that way. It just goes with the territory.” vironmentalists and industrialists alike.
to determine which “gas flow pathways” Contamination because of bad ce- When the hotly debated paper came out,
were involved—and many are possible. menting has been a long-standing prob- as Jackson jokes, the responses ranged
Gas could have migrated all the way up lem in traditional vertical wells, which from “you saved my life” to “get a life.”
from the fracked shale through some un- were fracked at times, too. According to Jackson’s team analyzed samples from
known route. Or a faulty cement job on former DEC deputy commissioner Wash- more than 60 private drinking-water wells
the vertical part of the well, much closer ington, “we’ve got a lot of wells in western overlying the Marcellus Shale in north-
to the surface, could have done the trick. New York that have been producing oil eastern Pennsylvania and the Utica Shale
Faulty cementing is the leading sus- and gas for decades. And fracking was the in upstate New York. Methane existed in 51
pect in possible sources of contamination, way to get the gas out of these really hard of the wells, but wells closer to drilling
and by industry’s definition it is not part shales; that has been going on for maybe sites contained considerably more of it.
of fracking. On the way down, any well 20 years.” What is different now with hor- Chemical analyses determined that much
has to pass through the near-surface lay- izontal drilling, she says, is that “because of the methane was of the deep, thermo-
ers that contain groundwater, and it could of the depths of the gas and the combina- genic kind rather than the biogenic kind of
also pass through unknown pockets of tion of fracking and directional drilling, microbes nearer the surface.
gas. Drillers fill the gap between the gas instead of 80,000 gallons of water it is None of the samples contained frack-
pipe and the wall of the hole with con- now millions of gallons per fracking oper- ing fluids, however, or salty brines consis-
crete so that buoyant gas cannot rise up ation,” with the big increase in chemicals tent with deep shale layers. Jackson there-
along the outside of the pipe and possibly that go along with it. fore thinks the likeliest cause of the con-
seep into groundwater. A casing failure tamination was faulty cementing and
might also allow the chemical flowback Unsafe at Any Depth? casing of wells. He notes another possibili-
water, propelled by the pressure released poor cementing accounts for a number of ty: fracking may create at least some
when the shale is cracked, to leak out. groundwater contamination cases from cracks that extend upward in rock beyond
Cementing is the obvious “weak link,” unconventional gas drilling—including the the horizontal shale layer itself. If so, those
according to Anthony Gorody, a hydroge- $1-million Chesapeake violation. “Methane cracks could link up with other preexisting
ologist and consultant to gas companies migration is a problem in some areas. fissures or openings, allowing gas to travel
who has been a defender of fracking. Oth- That’s absolutely correct,” Engelder says. far upward. Northeastern Pennsylvania
er scientists emphatically agree. “If you do The question is whether any other causes and upstate New York are “riddled with
a poor job of installing the well casing, exist. If the groundwater problem really old abandoned wells,” Jackson observes.
you potentially open a pathway for the turns on cementing, you might argue that “And decades ago people didn’t case wells,
stuff to flow out,” explains ecologist and fracking as industry defines it gets a pass, and they didn’t plug wells when they were
water resource expert Robert B. Jackson and tougher regulations are needed to finished. Imagine this Swiss cheese of
Mike Groll AP Photo

of Duke University’s Nicholas School of scrutinize companies as they drill—pre- boreholes going down thousands of feet—
the Environment. Although many regula- cisely what New York State now proposes. we don’t know where they are.”
tions govern well cementing and although The most intriguing work on possible Yet if methane is getting into drinking

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water because of unconventional gas drill- More Science, Too Late? at the University of Wyoming’s Enhanced
ing, why aren’t the fracking chemicals? implicating or absolving fracking, no mat- Oil Recovery Institute, has another sug-
Here Jackson and Engelder can only hy- ter how it is defined, will require more gestion for sorting out the fracking puzzle:
pothesize. When methane is first released data. That’s where the EPA study comes in. make companies put an easily identifiable
from the rock, enough initial pressure ex- The agency is examining a variety of ways chemical tracer into their proprietary
ists to drive water and chemicals back up in which drilling could contaminate water fracking fluid mixture. If it turns up where
the hole. That flow subsides rather quick- supplies—from unlined and leaky storage it’s not supposed to, that would be a smok-
ly, however. Thereafter, although gas has pits, to faulty well cementing, to the possi- ing gun. Thyne says introducing a tracer
enough buoyancy to move vertically, the ble communication of deep fractures with would be “relatively easy,” although he
water does not. the surface. The EPA will examine five al- adds that “in general, industry does not
Still, if hydraulic fractures could con- leged cases of groundwater contamination view this suggestion favorably.” The EPA
nect with preexisting fissures or old wells, to determine the cause, including two in says it is “considering” the use of tracers.
the chemicals could pose a groundwater Pennsylvania. The agency will also moni- The agency also says that much of the in-
risk. Fracking “out of zone” can happen. tor future drilling activities from start to formation it has received about the chemi-
Kevin Fisher, an engineer who works for finish at two additional sites. It will also cals used in fracking has been claimed as
Pinnacle Technologies, a Halliburton Ser- use computer modeling to simulate what is “confidential business information” by the
vice firm, examined thousands of fractures going on deep underground, where no one companies involved, and therefore the EPA
in horizontal wells in the Barnett and Mar- can watch. has not made it available to the public.
cellus Shale formations, using microseis- Ingraffea’s advice is to develop a pow- Legislation could change that situation.
mic monitoring equipment to measure erful model that can iterate a scenario of Study by the EPA and others may bring
their extent. Fisher found that the most multiple wells, multiple fracks, and gas clarity to complex, conflicting claims. But
extreme fractures in the Marcellus Shale and liquid movements within a cubic mile new insight may come too late. Fracking
were nearly 2,000 feet in vertical length. of rock—over several weeks of drilling. “has never been investigated thoroughly,”
That still leaves a buffer, “a very good “You’re going to need really big supercom- says Amy Mall, a senior policy analyst with
physical separation between hydraulic puters,” he says, to determine the possibil- the Natural Resources Defense Council.
fracture tops and water aquifers,” accord- ity of contamination. “You show me that, “It’s a big experiment without any actual
ing to Fisher. and I’ll tell you where I stand between solid scientific parameters guiding the ex-
Other engineers read the same kind of ‘snowball’s chance in hell’ and ‘it’s hap- periment.” Yet New York seems convinced
evidence differently. In British Columbia, pening every day.’ ” At a minimum, In- that tight regulations will be enough to
Canada, regulators catalogued 19 separate graffea says, such models would reveal protect its citizens.
incidents of “fracture communication”— “circumstances in which gas migration is Residents opposed to fracking in New
new wells that ended up connecting with more possible, more plausible, than other York, Pennsylvania and other states display
other wells in ways that were not expect- situations.” a common lawn sign: the word “FRACK” in
ed. In one case, the communication oc- That kind of model may be difficult to white letters against a black background,
curred between wells that were more than find. The current standard used in aca- with a red circle and line through the word.
2,000 feet apart. As the British Columbia demia to simulate underground reser- The irony is, although it is very possible
Oil and Gas Commission warned opera- voirs—and the one that the EPA plans to that gas companies have been guilty of
tors, “Fracture propagation via large scale use—is called Tough 2, but Ingraffea says it carelessness in how they drill wells and
hydraulic fracturing operations has prov- is not “commercial-grade.” Big corpora- dispose of waste, fracking technology itself
en difficult to predict.” The agency added tions use their own models, and in his view may be exonerated. The yard signs would
that fracture lengths might extend farther “the best and the brightest in terms of peo- be wrong, yet the fears would be right.
than anticipated because of weaknesses in ple, software, instrumentation and data
the overlying rock layers. are all in the hands of the operators and more to explore
None of this constitutes evidence that the service companies.” Ingraffea worries
Methane Contamination of Drinking Water Accom­
fracturing a horizontal shale layer has di- that Tough 2 “would have a tough time
panying Gas-Well Drilling and Hydraulic Fracturing. 
rectly polluted an aquifer. EPA administra- handling all the faults and joints and frac- Stephen G. Osborn et al. in Proceedings of the National
tor Lisa Jackson recently stated that no ture propagation” in detail fine enough to Academy of Sciences USA, Vol. 108, No. 20, pages 8172–8176;
such case has been documented, although determine whether a discrete new path- May 17, 2010.
she added that “there are investigations way for unwanted flow would emerge. Environmental Protection Agency Draft Plan to Study
the Potential Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing on Drink­
ongoing.” Absence of evidence is not evi- In the meantime, Gorody and Jackson ing Water Resources. EPA, February 2011. Available at
dence of absence, however; each site is agree that the EPA should monitor chem-
different. The New York Times and the istry in drinking-water wells before and Revised Draft Supplemental Generic Environmental
Environmental Working Group recently after drilling begins at new sites. Chemi- Impact Statement on the Oil, Gas and Solution Min­
ing Regulatory Program. New York State Department
revealed an alleged contamination case cals found only after drilling starts would of Environmental Conservation, September 2011. www.
from 1984, which suggested that a fracked significantly weaken the common indus-
well in West Virginia may have intersect- try argument that water was naturally SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ONLINE
ed with an old, abandoned well nearby, contaminated before drilling arrived but For the latest news on fracking,
leading to drinking-water pollution. In- that the residents just didn’t notice. see
dustry contests the validity of the case. Geoffrey Thyne, a petroleum geologist

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