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ELECTRODE POTENTIAL For any electrode —» oxidiation potential E.,. = RP of cathode -R.P of anode E_, = RP. of cathode + O.P of anode E.,, is always a +ve quantity & Anode will be electrode of low R.P E®., = SRP of cathode - SRP of anode, Reduction potential 2 Greater the SRP value greater will be oxidising power. GIBBS FREE ENERGY CHANGE: AG = —nFE, ace nFE®, NERNST EQUATION : (Effect of concentration and temp of an emt of cel = AG=AG°+RTénQ (where Qis raection quotient) AG?=-RT ink, . RT Eat = ear ge 2 2.208RT, ai 10 Ea hp 090 0.0591 Esa Ete —q 109 (AL 208K) [At chemical equim eon 5 Bua =0 ° log K,, = teat 99 Kea = 9.0591 log Ke, Foran electrode M(s)/M _2300RT 1 eae "8 CONCENTRATION CELL : A cell in which both the electrods are made up of same material Eye im Forall concentration cell E,,,= 0. (a) Electrolyte Concentration Cell : & eg. Zn(8) /Zn?* (6, || Zn™(C,)/2n13) 2 og (b) Electrode Concentration Cell: y eg. PILHP, am) /H* (IM) Hi, (P, atm /Pt & = 9059 tog (| DIFFERENT TYPES OF ELECTRODES : 1. Metttationeciode Ms)M. ene om) wr EH 2 GasionElectrode ——_-PL/H,(Patm) /H* (XM) Pas? ‘as a reduction electrode Haq) +e —> 5H, (Paim B= E*- 00501 log 3. Onidation-sedution Electrode Pt/ Fe Fe sduction electrode Fe Fe E=E°- 0.0591 | fe") as aredicton electrode Fe +e —» Fe =€°- 00861 og Fes 4. MetakMetalinsolublesaltElecrode 69, AglAgO!, Cr as areduction electrode AgGi(s) + e* —> Ag(s) + Cr —Eersageiag * Ebr ipgciray ~ 0.0881 log [CH]. CALCULATION OF DIFFERENT THERMODYNAMICS FUNCTION OF CELL REACTION QO AG=-nF E,,, o (At costant pressure). ° ow) | [rl [Sr = temperate concen orem ottece Exasoreors ° Ap of cell reaction dH Cp= oF few ar aH) FE oa aT? Acp= nFT O ELECTROLYSIS (@ —K’,Ca®, Na’, Mg”, Als, Zn, Fe, HY, Cu, Ag’, Au a, Increasing order of deposition. (©) Similarly the anion which is strogner reducing agent(low value of SRP) is liberated first at the anode. 0}, NO;.OF, €F, BCI Inreacingorder af petion FARADAY'S LAW OF ELECTROLYSIS : First Law: wezq weZit lectrochemical equivalent of substance Second Law: w Wy _ We Wak B= eonstant Ee W _ ixtxcurrent efficiency factor E 96500 actual m 5 deposited/produced Theortical mass deposited/produced CONDITION FOR SIMULTANEOUS DEPOSITION OF Cu& Fe AT CATHODE CURRENT EFFICIENCY = 100 Ee joy — 20594 gg 1 ge ooset 4 og Gar = Eset ire log =o 219 oy fe pe a "00 Eo: Condition forthe simultaneous deposition of Cu & Fe on cathode. CONDUCTANCE: 1 Resistance ‘Specific conductance or conductivity : ‘Conductance = (Reciprocal of specific resistance) K = specific conductance Equivalent conductance : kx1000 a © = Nommality unit: -ohen cm eg Molar conductance : K>1000 "Mola unit: -ohm- em? mole specific conductance = conductance x = KOHLRAUSCH'S LAW Variation of 4/2, of a solution with concentration : () — Strongelectrotyte Ig = hy — Do (i) Weakelectrolytes: 2, deve me where Ais the molar conductivity 1, = No of cations obtained after dissociation per formula unit = No of anions obtained after dissociation per formula unit, APPLICATION OF KOHLRAUSCH LAW: 4. Calculation of, of weak electrolytes: Ry ocoom * Bacrooeny * Eager Ma 2 Tocaleulate degree of dlossociation ofa week lectrolye re . Ka= (1-0) 3. Solubility (S) of sparingly soluble sat &theirK,, 1000 Ae he = Sela K.=8 © IONIC MOBILITY: tis the distance travelled by the ion per second under the potential gradient of | volts per com. I's unitis mes *v" Absolute ionic mobility : We, 5 Ago RaFueG 29 =F ene v —> speed lonic Mobility 4 Wi} —poteniaigradient ‘Transport Number Ha tHe | Where t, = Transport Number of cation & t, = Transport Number of anion

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