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Spoken English
Use of 'MODALS'
Can, Could, Managed to, May, Might,
Should, Must, Ought to, Used to, Would

Denotes ability of Present & Future.

(वर्तमान/ भववष्य की क्षमर्ा दर्ातर्ा है।)

Positive Sentence Subject + Can + Vb.f + Object.

Negative Sentence Subject + Cannot (can't) + Vb.f + Object.

Interrogative Sentence Can + Subject + Vb.f + Object?

Can + Subject + not + Vb.f + Object?
Can't + Subject + Vb.f + Object?

1. मैं आज आ सकर्ा हूँ।

2. हम रार् में घर से नही ीं वनकल सकर्े हैं।

3. मैं र्ेज नही ीं वलख सकर्ा।

4. मैं र्ेज नही ीं दौड़ सकर्ा।

5. क्या र्ुम इसे साफ-साफ draw कर सकर्े हो?


6. लोग अब ये 59 Apps का प्रयोग नही ीं कर सकर्े हैं।

7. मैं र्ुम्हें साफ-साफ सुन सकर्ा हूँ।

8. हम इस वबमारी को हल्के रूप में नही ीं ले सकर्े हैं।

9. क्या र्ुम इस बक्से को उठा सकर्े हो?

10. आप न्यायपावलका के खखलाफ नही ीं बोल सकर्े हो।

Answers 9

1. I can come today.

2. We cannot go out of home at night.
3. I cannot write fast.
4. I cannot run fast.
5. Can you draw it/this clearly?
6. People cannot use these 59 Apps now.
7. I can hear you clearly.
8. We cannot take this disease lightly.
9. Can you lift this box?
10. You cannot say against the Judiciary.

1. Can I become an IAS Officer? 1. Trust - ववश्वास करना

2. Revenge - बदला
2. I cannot help you today.
3. I can't wash the dishes.
4. We cannot go there due to Corona.
5. Can I trust you?
6. I can do whatever I want.
7. I cannot study because of internet problem.
8. I cannot take revenge.

1. Pluck - र्ोड़ना (नोच कर)

9. You cannot pluck the flowers.
2. Survive - वजींदा रहना
10. Can you come to meet me tonight? 3. Ignore - नजरअींदाज करना
4. Hygiene - साफ-सफाई
11. We cannot survive without water and air.
5. Conduct - सींचावलर् करना

12. We can't ignore hygiene now. 6. Roam - घूमना (इधर-उधर)

13. The university cannot conduct any exam this year.

14. We cannot roam here and there without mask.

15. Can I send my videos to you?


Denotes ability of Past.

(भूर्काल की क्षमर्ा को दर्ातर्ा है।)

Positive Sentence Sub + Could + Vb.f + Object.

Negative Sentence Sub + Could not (Couldn't) + Vb.f + Object.

Interrogative Sentence Could + Sub + Vb.f + Object?

Could + Sub + not + Vb.f + Object?
Couldn't + Sub + Vb.f + Object?

1. मैं कल नही ीं आ सका।

2. मैं 7 बजे नही ीं उठ पाया।

3. मैं बहुर् र्ेज दौड़ सकर्ा था।

4. मैं र्ुम्हारी मदद नही ीं कर सका।

5. वह अपनी जान नही ीं बचा पाया।


6. वह lockdown में रार्न का जुगाड़ नही ीं कर पाया।

7. हमारी सरकार community spread पर अींकुर् नही ीं लगा पाई।

8. मैं गैस वसलेंडर नही ीं उठा सका।

9. पहले लोग फोन के वबना रह लेर्े थे।

10. मैं र्ुम्हारी सहायर्ा नही ीं कर सका।

Answers 20

1. I could not come yesterday.

2. I could not get up at 7 O'clock.
3. I could run very fast.
4. I could not help you.
5. He could not save his live.
6. He could not arrange ration in lockdown.
7. Our government could not check community spread.
8. I could not lift the gas cylinder.
9. Earlier people could live without a phone.
10. I could not help you.

1. Clear - पास होना

1. I could not sleep alone.
2. Attend - उपखथथर् होना
2. He could not clear the SSC exam. 3. Conduct - सींचवलर् होना
4. Focus - ध्यान दे ना
3. She couldn't live without him. 5. Studies - पढ़ाई

4. I couldn't study in the night.

5. I could not attend the class yesterday.

6. BCCI could not conduct IPL.

7. I could not focus on my studies.


8. The Judiciary could not save them.

9. I could not visit the Red fort.
10. I could not wake up early.
11. I could not sleep well.
12. She could not save her father.
13. We could not control community spread.
1. Emergency - आपार्काल
14. Sushant could not overcome depression. 2. Wake up - जागना
3. Overcome - उबरना
15. I could not celebrate Diwali last year. 4. Depression - अवसाद
5. Celebrate - मनाना (उत्सव,
त्यौहार इत्यावद)
Mixed Sentences of Can & Could 26

1. र्ुम्हे नौकरी वमल सकर्ी है। र्ुम्हें पहले नही ीं वमल पाई थी।

2. र्ुम यहाूँ नही ीं ठहर सकर्े हो। मुझे अनुमवर् नही ीं वमल पायी।

3. क्या मुझे PDF वमल सकर्ी है ? कल मैं Class नही ीं ले पाया।

4. र्ुम Offline नही ीं पढ़ सकर्े हो। हम Offline Class नही ीं चला सकर्े है। पहले हम ऐसी
classes चला सकर्े थे।

5. डॉक्टर उसकी जान नही ीं बचा पाया। हम उस डॉक्टर पर भरोसा नही ीं कर सकर्े है।
Answers (Mixed Sentences of Can & Could) Next

1. You can get a job. You could not get earlier.

2. You cannot stay here. I could not get the permission.

3. Can I get the PDF? I could not attend the class yesterday.

4. You cannot study offline. We cannot conduct/run offline classes. Earlier

we could conduct/run such classes.

5. The doctor could not save his life. We cannot trust that doctor.
Managed to Next

Managed to Vb.f का प्रयोग उन कायों के वलए होर्ा है वजनको करने में हम सफल रहे। 'Managed

to Vb.f' के थथान पर was/were + able to + Vb.f का भी प्रयोग वकया जा सकर्ा है। ये वसफत past के

सकारात्मक वाक्योीं के वलए प्रयुक्त होर्े हैं। नकरात्मक वाक्योीं में could not/ was या were unable

to का प्रयोग होर्ा है।


Subject + managed to Vb.f / was या were able to + Vb.f + object.

Was he, she, it, name, singular एवीं I के साथ

Were you, we, they एवीं plural के साथ


1. मैं समय से पहुूँचने में सफल रहा।

2. हम सुरवक्षर् घर पहुूँचने में सफल रहें।

3. मैं पापा को मनाने में सफल रहा।

4. र्ुम अच्छा प्रदर्तन करने में सफल रहे।

5. सरकार कोरोना को control करने में सफल रही।


6. मैं वबमार था वफर भी सभी exams दे ने में सफल रहा।

7. वह बहुर् कमजोर थी। वफर भी वह ट्र े न र्क पैदल चलने में सक्षम रही।

8. वह बाधाओीं से उबरने में कामयाब रहा।

9. वह अपने बच्ोीं को वर्वक्षर् करने में कामयाब रहा।

10. मैं अपनी समस्याओीं को हल करने में सफल रहा।

Answers 35

1. I managed to reach on time. Or I was able to reach on time.

2. We managed to reach home safely. Or We were able to reach home safely.
3. I managed to convince papa. Or I was able to convince my father.
4. You managed to perform well. Or you were able to perform well.
5. The government managed to control Corona. Or the government was able to
control Corona.
6. I was ill still I managed to take all the exams. Or I was ill still I was able to take
all the exams.
7. She was weak still she managed to walk up to the train. Or she was able to walk
up to the train.
8. He managed to overcome the obstacles. Or He was able to overcome the
9. He managed to educate his children in a good school. Or he was able to educate
his children.
10. I managed to sort out/ solve my problems. Or I was able to sort out/ solve my

1. I managed to overcome all the difficulties of my life.

2. I managed to reach the examination centre.

3. Somehow, I managed to play till the end of the innings.

4. I am not good at grammar still I managed to speak survival English.

5. I managed to earn my livelihood even in lockdown.

6. Team India managed to win the World Cup.

1. Somehow - वकसी र्रह से
7. Somehow, I managed to pass the exam. 2. Survival - वजींदा रहने लायक
3. livelihood - आजीववका

8. I managed to complete my homework in just 1. Maintain - बनाये रखना

two days. 2. Conduct - सींचालन करना
3. Recession - मींदी
9. He managed to maintain his physical fitness. 4. Migrants - प्रवासी
10. CBSC managed to conduct the exams even in 5. Survive - वजींदा रहना/वट्के रहना
lockdown. 6. Potholes - गड् ढ़े
7. Dim - फीका, कम (रोर्नी में)
11. He managed to save his job in recession too.
12. The migrants managed to reach their village.
13. He managed to cover 500 kilometres on foot.
14. People managed to survive three months
without job.
15. She managed to see the potholes though the
light was dim.
Should / Must / Ought to Next

• सलाह दे ने • अत्यन्त जरूरी • नैवर्क सलाह के वलए (बोलचाल की भाषा में

के वलए सलाह के वलए Ought to का प्रयोग सामान्यर्ः नही ीं होर्ा है )


Positive Sentence/ (सकारात्मक वाक्य)

Subject + Should/ must/ ought to + Vb.f. + object.

Negative Sentence/ (नकारात्मक वाक्य)

Subject + Should not/ must not/ ought to not + Vb.f. + object.

Interrogative Sentence / (प्रश्नसूचक वाक्य)

Should / must + Subject + Vb.f. + Object?

1. हमें ट्र ै वफक वनयमोीं का पालन करना चावहए।

2. र्ुम्हें मेहनर् करनी चावहए।

3. आप को मेरी परे र्ानी समझनी चावहए।

4. उसे अपना ध्यान रखना चावहए।

5. पापा को अपने वलए भी कुछ खरीदनी चावहए।


6. लोगोीं को अपनी वजम्मेदारी समझनी चावहए।

7. र्ुम्हें पी कर गाड़ी नही ीं चलानी चावहए।

8. क्या हमें उसका ददत नही ीं समझना चावहए?

9. र्ुम्हें कोरोना test के वलए जरूर जाना चावहए।

10. क्या मुझे अपना ववषय change कर लेना चावहए?

Answers 46

1. We must follow/obey the traffic rules.

2. You should work hard.
3. You must understand my problem.
4. He should take care of himself.
5. Papa should buy something for himself too.
6. People must understand their responsibility.
7. You must not drink and drive.
8. Should we not understand his pain?
9. You must go for Corona test.
10. Should I change my subject?

1. She should learn manners.

2. We must attend the class regularly.

Manners — वर्ष्टाचार/ र्रीके
3. We must not go out in lockdown.
Regularly — वनयवमर् रूप से

4. We must respect our parents. Empower — सर्क्त/ मजबूर् बनाना

At least — कम से कम
5. We must empower our nation.

6. We must wash our hands for at least 20 seconds.

7. The government must solve the problem of unemployment.

8. People must wear mask. Wear — पहनना
9. We must speak in English.
Border — सरहद
10. Our government must solve the border
disputes immediately. Dispute — झगड़ा/वववाद
11. We ought to obey our teachers. Immediately — र्ुरींर्
12. We must use sanitizers. Obey — बार् मानना
13. She should introspect. Introspect — आत्मवनरीक्षण
14. The police must investigate the case
Impartially — वनष्पक्ष रूप से
15. The PM must find some way out of this Some way out of — बाहर
difficult situation. वनकलने का कोई रास्ता
Difficult — मुखिल

मैं अब कुछ नही ीं कर सकर्ा हूँ। मैं उसे बार-बार नही ीं मना सकर्ा। मैं उसे र्सल्ली दे सकर्ा हूँ वक मैं उसे

खुर् रख सकर्ा हूँ लेवकन उसे मुझे पर ववश्वास करना चावहए। उसे अपना वनणतय बार-बार पररववर्तर् नही ीं

करना चावहए। मैं अपने मार्ा-वपर्ा को राजी करने में कामयाब रहा लेवकन उसे भी अपने पररजन को राजी

करना चावहए। मैं ये नही ीं कर सकर्ा। मैं उसके मार्ा-वपर्ा से बार् नही ीं कर सकर्ा। ये उसको करना

चावहए। हमें समझना चावहए वक हम अब कदम पीछे नही ीं हट्ा सकर्े । अब हम अपना वनणत य बदल नही ीं
Answers (Translate into English) 55

I cannot do anything now. I cannot convince her again and again. I can assure

her that I can keep her happy but she should trust in me. She should not

change her decision again and again. I managed to convince my parents but she

should also convince her relatives I cannot do this. I cannot talk to her parents.

She should do this. We should understand that we cannot step back. Now we

cannot change our decision.

May/ Might Next

सम्भावना व्यक्त सम्भावना कम हो र्ो May

करर्ा है। के थथान पर Might का
प्रयोग होगा।

1. आज रार् र्ायद बाररर् होगी।

2. र्ुम र्ायद ये महत्त्वपूणत points भूल जाओीं।

3. वे आज र्ायद यहाूँ आ जाए।

4. उसे र्ायद basic चीजें भी समझ में न आये।


5. र्ुम्हें र्ायद ये महसूस हो वक ये मेरी गलर्ी है।

6. वह ददत से उबर भी सकर्ा है और नही ीं भी।

7. लोग र्ुम्हें गलर् समझ सकर्े हैं।

8. परीक्षा अगले महीने हो सकर्ी है।

9. एक सुबह ये Virus र्ायद गायब हो जाए।

10. ये हालार् र्ायद सालोीं-साल र्क जारी रहे।

Answers 60

1. It may rain tonight.

2. You may/might forget these important points.
3. They might/may come here today.
4. He may might not understand the basic things too.
5. You may feel that I am at fault.
6. He may or may not overcome the pain.
7. People may misunderstand you.
8. Exam may take place next month.
9. One morning, this virus may disappear.
10. This condition may continue for years.

जहाूँ भी सींभावना कम दर्ातना हो May को Might बना दे ।


1. She may take class tonight.

Mentally - मानवसक रूप से
2. He may be mentally sick. Lift - हट्ा दे ना/उठा ले ना

3. The NDA Exam may take place in October.

4. The government might lift the lockdown completely.

5. I may take the Civil Services Exam in 2023.

6. India may defeat China in the war.

7. She may be mad.

8. India may launch COVID-19 Vaccine soon.


9. The price of petrol may come down after lockdown.

10. This year, both the UPSC and the SSC may change their calendars.

11. This pandemic may stay for the whole year.

12. Online classes may harm our eyes.

13. China may not cross the border in future.

14. We may go to Shimla the next year.

15. The government may not take the problem of unemployment seriously.
Use of Modals in Past Next

Past में Modals के Use र्ो same होींगे बस वाक्य Past के हो जाएीं गे और structure पररववर्त र् होगा। Past के
वाक्योीं में Can, Will & Shall का प्रयोग ना करें । इनका Past Form Could, Would व Should होर्ा हैं ।


Subject + Modal + have + V3


1. र्ुम्हें अपनी सेहर् का ध्यान रखना चावहए था।

2. र्ुम्हें ट्र े न में नही ीं सोना चावहए था।

3. डाक्टर उसे बचा सकर्ा था।

4. र्ुम्हें वनदे र्ोीं को ठीक से पढ़ना चावहए था।

Use of Modals in Past Next

5. र्ुम्हें परीक्षा की र्ैयारी ठीक से करनी चावहए थी।

6. र्ुम प्रथम आ सकर्े थे।

7. चीन को वाइरस को गींभीरर्ा से लेना चावहए था।

8. डोनाल्ड ट्र म्प को चेर्ाववनयोीं को गींभीरर्ा से लेना चावहए था।

9. नेपाल को नये मानवचत्र के साथ नही ीं आना चावहए था।

10. र्ुम र्ायद अपनी वजींदगी पररववर्तर् कर लेर्े पर र्ुम मेहनर् नही ीं कर पाए।
Use of Modals in Past Next

11. सरकार को अीं र्रात ष्टरीय उड़ानोीं पर फरवरी में प्रवर्बन्ध लगा दे ना चावहए था।

12. र्ुम्हें अपने गुस्से पर काबू रखना चावहए था पर र्ुम नही ीं रख पाए।

13. वबहार सरकार को कोववड-19 और बाढ़ के वजह से मौर्ोीं पर काबू पाना चावहए था।

14. उत्तर प्रदे र् सरकार को परीक्षा करानी नही ीं चावहए थी।

15. अमरीका को जापान पर 1945 में परमाणु बम नही ीं वगरानी चावहए थी।
Use of Modals in Past Next

16. र्ुम मुझे सूवचर् कर सकर्े थे।

17. पुवलर् आसानी से चोर को वगरफ्तार कर सकर्ी थी।

18. लोगो ने र्ायद र्ुम्हें पहचान वलया होगा।

19. उसने र्ायद दवा अवधक मात्रा में ले ली होगी।

20. वकसी ने र्ायद पुवलस को गलर् जानकारी दे दी होगी।

Answers Next

1. You should have taken care of your health.

2. You should not have slept in the train.
3. The doctor could have saved him.
4. You must have read the instructions carefully.
5. You must have prepared for the exam.
6. You could have come first.
7. China must have taken this virus seriously.
8. Donald Trump must have taken the warnings seriously.
9. Nepal must not have come with a new map.
10. You might have changed your life but you could not work hard.
Answers Next

11. The government must have discontinued international flights in February.

12. You should have controlled your anger but you couldn't.
13. The Bihar government must have checked/ controlled deaths caused by
Covid-19 and flood.
14. The government of Uttar Pradesh must not have conducted the exam.
15. America must not have dropped Nuclear bomb on Japan in 1945.
16. You could have informed me.
17. The police could have arrested the thief easily.
18. People might have recognized you.
19. He might have taken overdose of medicine.
20. Someone might have given wrong information to the police.
May/ Would/ Could for Requests 69

Could का प्रयोग औपचाररक वनवेदन के वलए होर्ा है और

'May' का प्रयोग सम्मान के साथ
would का प्रयोग ववनम्रर्ा के साथ वनवेदन करने के वलए।
वनवेदन करने के वलए प्रयुक्त होर्ा है। (For formal request, we use 'Could' and for
polite request, we use 'would'.)
1. क्या मैं अींदर आ सकर्ा हूँ , Sir ?
1. क्या मैं Mr. Sharma से बार् कर सकर्ा
2. क्या मैं यहाूँ बैठ सकर्ा हूँ ? हूँ ?

3. क्या मैं आप का कलम इस्ते माल कर 2. क्या आप मेरे सामान का ध्यान रखेंगे?
3. क्या आप मुझे Manager से connect कर
सकर्ा हूँ ?
दें गे?
4. पापा, क्या मैं आप से कुछ पूछ सकर्ा हूँ ? 4. क्या आप ये letters मेरे वलए type कर

5. क्या मैं आप का नाम जान सकर्ा हूँ ? दोगी?

नोट्ः ये सभी वाक्य प्रश्नात्मक रूप में है व वनवेदन है। 5. क्या आप चाय या कॉफी लेना पसींद करें गे?
May/ Would/ Could for Requests Next

Answers ('May') Answers (Could)

1. Could I talk to Mr. Sharma?
1. May I come in, Sir?
2. Would you take care of my
2. May I sit here? luggage?
3. Could you connect me to the
3. May I use your pen?
4. Papa, may I ask you 4. Could you type these letters
something? for me?
5. Would you like to take/have
5. May I know your name? tea or coffee?

1. Could I take your bike?

2. Would you mind closing the window?
3. Papa, would you buy a phone for me?
4. Would you like to have something?
5. Would you go to his room?
6. Would you mind switching on the fan?
7. Could you take your respective seats?
8. Ma'am could you give us some more words?
9. Could you show me your passport?
10. Would you drop me at the airport?

1. May I use your phone?

2. Mom, may I go to watch a movie with my friends?
3. May I attend your class?
4. May I help you?
5. May I ask you some questions?
6. May I go to bed/ hit the sack? (क्या मैं सोने जा सकर्ा हूँ ?)
7. May I go home now?
8. May I talk to you?
9. May I go to market?
10. May I dance with you?
May Next

• May Optative वाक्योीं में भी प्रयुक्त होर्े हैं । Optative वाक्य इच्छा एवीं मनोकामना व्यक्त करर्ा है ।
• Optative वाक्य May से र्ुरू होर्ा है ।

1. र्ुम अपनी वजींदगी में कामयाब हो। 6. भगवान करें , ये महामारी जल्द खत्म हो।
7. भगवान करें , उसे वैसे ही मौर् जल्द वमले जैसे
2. र्ुम्हें लम्बी उम्र वमले। के वो लायक है।
8. भगवान करें , र्ु म वजींदगी के हर क्षेत्र में
3. र्ुम वदन दु नी रार् चौगुनी र्रक्की करो। कामयाब हो।
9. भगवान करें , उसकी आत्मा को र्ाींवर् वमले।
4. भगवान र्ुम्हें आवर्तवाद दे ।
10. भगवान करें , र्ु म्हें अपनी मेहनर् का फल
5. र्ुम भाड़/नकत में जाओ।
Answers Next

1. May you succeed in your life.

2. May you live long. / May god give you long life.
3. May you progress by leaps and bounds.
4. May god bless you. Or God bless you.
5. May you go to hell. Or, Go to hell.
6. May this pandemic finish/end soon.
7. May he meet his fate soon.
8. May you succeed in every sphere of life.
9. May his soul rest in peace.
10. May you reap the fruits of your hard work.

1. May she recover from the illness soon.

2. May you become an IAS Officer soon.
3. May you get a government job soon.
4. May god give him a peaceful life.
5. May she be always happy and safe.
6. May you get what you deserve.
7. May she overcome this heartache.
8. May you get married soon.
9. May you become a mother soon.
10. May he overcome his problems.
Used To Next

To express Past Routine.

(भूर्काल के Routine कायो के वलए)

Structure – Subject + used to + Vb.f + obj

1. मैं बस से स्कूल जाया करर्ा था।

2. मैं इस पाकत में खेला करर्ा था।

3. ये गली र्ाींर् हुआ करर्ी थी।

4. लोग मीलो पैदल चला करर्े थे।

5. लोग ज्यादा र्ारीररक काम वकया करर्े थे।

Used To Next

6. मेरे वपर्ा मुझे बहुर् डाींट्ा करर्े थे।

7. वह हर मींगलवार मींवदर जाया करर्ी थी।

8. मेरी माीं सुबह 5 बजे उठा करर्ी थी लेवकन मैं दे र से उठा करर्ा था।

9. लोग ज्यादा अींधववश्वासी हुआ करर्े थे।

10. वकसान अपने खेर्ोीं को बैलोीं से जोर्ा करर्े थे।


11. मैं पैदल कॉलेज जाया करर्ी थी।

12. मैं उससे रोज वमला करर्ा था।

13. वह बचपन में फुट्बॉल खेला करर्ा था।

14. मैं रोज व्यायाम वकया करर्ा था।

15. जब मैं स्कूल में था र्ो 5 बजे सुबह उठा करर्ा था।

16. मैं रोज सुबह गुनगुना पानी वपया करर्ा था।

17. मैं हर रोज gym जाया करर्ा था।

18. मैं रोज अखबार पढ़ा करर्ा था।

19. मैं उससे नफरर् वकया करर्ी रही।

20. मैं द्वारका में रहा करर्ी थी।

Answers 80

1. I used to go to school by bus.

2. I used to play in this park.
3. This lane used to be/remain quiet.
4. People used to walk for miles.
5. People used to do physical work more.
6. My father used to scold me a lot.
7. She used to go to temple every Tuesday.
8. My mother used to get up at 5 in the morning but I used to get up late.
9. People used to be more superstitious earlier.
10. Farmers used to plough their fields by bullocks.
Answers Next

11. I used to go to college on foot.

12. I used to meet him daily.
13. He used to play football in childhood.
14. I used to exercise daily.
15. I used to get up at 5 am when I was in school.
16. I used to drink lukewarm water every morning.
17. I used to go to gym every day.
18. I used to read the newspaper every day.
19. I used to hate him.
20. I used to live in Dwarka.
Would 82

Wish Earnest wish

(इच्छा) (र्ीव्र इच्छा)

Would like Would love

(To express desire with respect)

1. I would like to meet the principal.

2. I would like to talk to you.
3. I would love to see you in police uniform.
4. I would like to have tea.
5. She would love to meet Sachin Tendukar.
Would 83

Polite Request

Would + Subject + Verb + Obj ? Would + Subject + mind + V1 + ing + Obj ?

Would you help me?

Would you take the seat here?

Would you mind opening the window?

Would you mind closing the door?


1. मुझे र्ुम्हें वकसी अच्छे पद पर दे खना बहुर् अच्छा लगेगा।

2. मैं मैनेजर से वनजी र्ौर पर बार् करना चाहुूँगी।

3. मैं अपना रूम बदलना चाहुूँगी।

4. सर, मैं अपनी सलाह दे ना चाहुूँगी।

5. मुझे बहुर् अच्छा लगेगा अगर मैं अपने पसींदीदा अवभनेर्ा से वमल सकूूँ र्ो।

6. क्या आप चाय लेंगें?

7. क्या आप मेरे साथ सीट् बदल लेगें?

8. क्या र्ुम पौधोीं को पानी दे दोगे?

9. क्या आज रार् का खाना मेरे साथ खाने में बुरा र्ो नही ीं मानोगे?

10. क्या आप मेरे साथ डॉक्टर के पास चलोगे?


11. क्या र्ुम मेरे कुत्तोीं को घुमा दोगे?

12. क्या आप मुझे ये साड़ी कुछ और रीं गो में वदखा दोगे?

13. क्या र्ुम दरवाजा की वचट्वकनी बींद कर दोगे?

14. क्या आप इसको दु बारा समझा दें गी मैंम?

15. क्या आप मुझे अपनी उम्र बर्ाने में बुरा र्ो नही ीं मानोगे?
Would - Answer 87

1. I would love to see you as an Inspector.

2. I would like to talk to the manager personally.
3. I would like to change my room.
4. Sir, I would like to make my suggestion.
5. I would love to meet my favourite actor.
6. Would you take tea?
7. Would you exchange the seat with me?
8. Would you water the plants?
9. Would you mind dining with me tonight?
10. Would you accompany/ come with me to the doctor?
11. Would you walk my dogs?
12. Would you show me this saree in some other colours?
13. Would you bolt the door.
14. Ma'am would you explain this again?
15. Would you mind telling me your age?
Paragraph 88

हमें अपने मार्ा-वपर्ा का सम्मान करना चावहए और उनका कहना मानना चावहए। वपर्ा हमारा बेहर्र
मागतदर्त न कर सकर्े हैं क्योींवक अपने अनुभव से वे लोगो को बेहर्र समझ सकर्े हैं। लोग हमें ठग सकर्े
हैं लेवकन उनकी पैनी नज़र से नही ीं बच सकर्े हैं। हमारे मार्ा-वपर्ा एक सींर्ोषपूणत जीवन जीने में
कामयाब रहे अर्ः वे हमें भी कुछ अच्छे और उपयोगी सलाह दे सकर्े हैं । हमें अपने बड़ो का भी आदर
करना चावहए और हम उनके मागतदर्तन में एक सफल व्यखक्त बन सकर्े हैं।

We must respect our parents and obey them. Our father can guide us better
because with his experience, he can understand people better. People can cheat
us but cannot escape his sharp eyes. Our parents managed to live a satisfactory
life hence they can give us some good and useful advice. We must respect our
elders too and we can become a successful person under their guidance.

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