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Name: Devron Scale

Grade: 11 Williams
School: Irwin High School
Subject: Physical Education
Candidate Number: 1621
Territory: Jamaica
Teacher: Mr. SandCroff & Mrs. Nicole Dias
Title: Coach

As part of the School Based Assessment for Physical Education,this assessment will briefly
explain the responsibility, roles, duties, and the importance of a basketball coach. It will
also explain the rules and types of clothes that a basketball coach wears. I hope you enjoy
it, thank you.

Firstly, I would like to thank my wonderful teachers Mr. Sand Croff and Mrs. Nicole Dias
for taking the time and effort for making this practical a successful. I would like to take
this opportunity to say special thanks to my mother and my team members who without
them this wouldn’t happen and to say has their coach I am very proud of my team and of
opposing teams for making the competition a successful one. And warm special thanks to
the principal who granted us permission to play the match.

Table of Contents
. Cover page……………………………………………………………………Page 1
. Introduction…………………………………………………………………..Page 2
. Acknowledgement…………………………………………………………....Page 3
. What is a basketball coach………………………………………………….Page 4
. What is the role of a basketball coach……………………………………….Page 5
. What are the duties and responsibilities of coach of basketball coach…….Page 6
. What are FIVE (5) roles of a basketball coach…………………………...….Page 7
. What is the importance of a basketball coach………………………………...Page 8
. What is the most important role of a basketball coach………………………..Page 9
. What are types of clothes does a basketball coach wear……………………....Page 10
. Some pictures of a role of a basketball coach………………………………….Page 11

What is a Basketball coach?

A coach is a person involved in the direction, instruction, and training of the operations. Of
a team or individual sports people.

What is the role of a basketball coach?

Basketball coaching is the act of directing and strategizing behavior of a basketball team or
individual basketball player. Coaches also have the responsibility to improve their team by
player development, strategy, and in- game management. Coaches also teach and inspire
their team to be their best.

What are the duties and responsibilities of a basketball coach?

. Coach’s 9 legal duties.
. Plan the activity property.
. Provide proper instruction.
. Provide adequate and proper equipment.
. Match your athletes according to size, physical M.
. Evaluate athletes for injury and incapacity.

What are FIVE (5) rules of a coach in basketball?

. Motivate “Coaching is not how much you known”
. Focus “Setting a goal is not the main thing”
. Execute
. Advice
. Develop

What is the importance of a basketball coach?

Basketball coaching typically encompasses the improvement of individual and team
offensive and defensive skills, as overall physical conditioning. Coaches also have the
responsibility to improve their team through player development, strategy and in- game

What is the most important role of a basketball coach?

Coaches promote physical, Psychological and social benefits for athletes and encourage
sport participation. Coaches plan, teach, assess and adapt in order to conduct quality sport
practices and prepare for competition.

What are the types of clothes does a basketball coach wears?

Coaches wear suits because they’ve always worn suits Pat Riley wore Armani, Chuck Daly
Wore Hugo Boss. Both where heavy NBA clothing influencers Jay Wright is the 10 liege
basketballs to suited royalty.


Taking a picture with the team before the match

This is my tactical plan


House Master
Irwin High School
Grandville P.O
Montego Bay
St. James
2ndDecember 2019
Dear Sir/Madam
The 11 Physical Education class will be hosting a Basketball competition for our
School Based Assessment (SBA). We would like your permission to allow the 7graders to
participate in this competition for it to be a success. There will be prizes for the 1 st, 2nd and
3rdplace winners along with the joy of being crown champions. We look forward to making
this competition to be a success

Yours Sincerely
Devron Scale
Event Director

Irwin High School
Grandville P.O
Montego Bay
St. James
2nd December 2019
Dear Sir/Madam
The 11 Physical Education class will be hosting a Basketball competition for our School
Based Assessment (SBA). We would like your permission to allow the 7graders to
participate in this competition for it to be a success. There will be prizes for the 1 st, 2nd and
3rd place winners along with the joy of being crown champions. We look forward to making
this competition to be a success

Yours Sincerely
Devron Scale
Event Director

School Nurse
Irwin High School
Grandville P.O
Montego Bay
St. James
2nd December 2019
Dear Sir/Madam
The 11 Physical Education class will be hosting a Basketball competition for our School
Based Assessment (SBA). We would like your permission to allow the 7graders to
participate in this competition for it to be a success. There will be prizes for the 1 st, 2nd and
3rd place winners along with the joy of being crown champions. We look forward to making
this competition to be a success

Yours Sincerely
Devron Scale
Event Director

Reflection 1
Before the competition started, I felt nervous and a little pressure knowing that I have always
kept my team’s members focused and to know their A-game. But it was not easy putting
competition together and having everybody’s cooperation. However, it got better as time
progressed. Due to the fact my classmates were cooperative in some points but will manage to
get the competition to be a successful one.

My Report
On the 30th of October 2021 I was assigned to be one of two basketball coaches for the semi-
finals and finals of the competition. Along with me was Zahair Hines me has the coach and
assistant coach has you can see in the pictures showing us encouraging our teams' members to
stay focused and to give good fight with the opposing team during the match but our team
becomes the winners of the and congrats them for their hard work and a good play to the
opposing team.

Reflection 2
After finishing the SBA, I felt a sense of relief. It all turned out to be a success. We all had fun
and had great experiences. Being a basketball coach has taught me how to be more alert and
responsible for taking on each task. I am very satisfied with the outcome of the competition.

Presentation Ceremony Pictures


Pictures taken with me and assistant for presentation ceremony.



● Coach: A person who is involved in the direction, instruction and training of the
operations of sports teams or individual sports people.

● Assistant Coach: Support the head or main coach, ensure that equipment and
facilities are maintained, perform administrative duties.

● Referee: An official who watches a game or match closely to ensure that three
rules are adhered to and (in some sports) to arbitrate on matters arising from the

● Basketball Equipment: Sports equipment used in playing basketball Example:

basketball, basketball game hoops etc.

● Shot clock: This refers to the timing device that displays a countdown of the time
within which the team possessing the ball must attempt a field goal.

● Basketball Court: A concrete area outside on which a game of basketball is


The laws of basketball

The role and responsibilities of a basketball coach


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