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Archives of Medical Research 36 (2005) 689–696

Global Warming and Infectious Disease
Atul A. Khasnis and Mary D. Nettleman
Department of Medicine, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
Received for publication March 29, 2005; accepted April 1, 2005 (ARCMED-D-05-00117).

Global warming has serious implications for all aspects of human life, including infectious
diseases. The effect of global warming depends on the complex interaction between the
human host population and the causative infectious agent. From the human standpoint,
changes in the environment may trigger human migration, causing disease patterns to
shift. Crop failures and famine may reduce host resistance to infections. Disease
transmission may be enhanced through the scarcity and contamination of potable water
sources. Importantly, significant economic and political stresses may damage the existing
public health infrastructure, leaving mankind poorly prepared for unexpected epidemics.
Global warming will certainly affect the abundance and distribution of disease vectors.
Altitudes that are currently too cool to sustain vectors will become more conducive to
them. Some vector populations may expand into new geographic areas, whereas others
may disappear. Malaria, dengue, plague, and viruses causing encephalitic syndromes are
among the many vector-borne diseases likely to be affected. Some models suggest that
vector-borne diseases will become more common as the earth warms, although caution
is needed in interpreting these predictions. Clearly, global warming will cause changes
in the epidemiology of infectious diseases. The ability of mankind to react or adapt
is dependent upon the magnitude and speed of the change. The outcome will also depend on
our ability to recognize epidemics early, to contain them effectively, to provide appropriate
treatment, and to commit resources to prevention and research. 쑖 2005 IMSS. Published
by Elsevier Inc.
Key Words: Global warming, Infectious diseases, Climate.

“In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments; global rainfall patterns, changes to plant and animal popula-
there are only consequences” tions, and serious health effects. Infectious diseases are
—Robert Green Ingersoll global entities that depend dynamically on the interaction
between the population and the existing regional climate.
Thus, global warming may result in a considerable shift of
Introduction the spectrum of infectious diseases. This review will intro-
The Swedish chemist, Svante Arrhenius, first predicted duce the basic concepts of global warming, focus on the
global warming in 1896 (1). Since then, it has been a hotly presently available literature regarding the impact of climatic
debated topic among scientists, politicians and environmen- changes on human health and infectious disease, and present
tal experts alike. Global warming is a gradual process that a possible picture of the things to come. The available litera-
threatens to have serious consequences over time, including ture about the future of global warming is a compendium
elevated sea levels, crop failure and famine, changes in of intelligent and logical guesswork based on experience
with previous climatic trends and mathematical models of
future climatic change. Lastly, some experts believe that
global warming is not as malevolent as it is commonly
Address reprint requests to: Mary D. Nettleman, M.D., Department of
Medicine, Michigan State University, Tower B, B427 Clinical CTR, East
thought to be and might actually have beneficial aspects.
Lansing, MI 48824-1313. Phone: ⫹5170 432-9124; E-mail: nettlem2@ This viewpoint will also be explored in the course of the review.

0188-4409/05 $–see front matter. Copyright 쑖 2005 IMSS. Published by Elsevier Inc.
d o i : 1 0 .1 0 16 / j . a rc m e d .2 00 5 .0 3 .0 41
690 Khasnis and Nettleman / Archives of Medical Research 36 (2005) 689–696

Global Warming—The Concept and Consequences precipitation has increased by about 1% during the past
century. The EPA also noted a 5–10% increase in precipita-
The concept of global warming requires a basic understand-
tion over the U.S. and a 10–15% increase in rainfall over the
ing of the greenhouse effect. Solar radiation passes through
northern tier states and southern Canada over the last century.
the atmosphere and is absorbed at the Earth’s surface. This
The main domain of this precipitation increase was eastern
heat is lost from the earth’s surface as infra-red radiation.
Canada and the adjacent northern regions of the U.S. (8).
The infra-red radiation cannot escape the atmosphere as
Increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases are likely to
easily as the solar radiation enters. Some of it is trapped
accelerate the rate of this potentially detrimental climate
by a number of gases which act similar to the glass in a
greenhouse—heat can enter but cannot exit—resulting in
Rising temperatures are likely to continue. It is predicted
the Greenhouse Effect. The mathematician and scientist,
that the average global surface temperature could rise
Jean Baptiste Fourier, first coined the term greenhouse
0.6–2.5⬚C in the next 50 years, and 1.4⬚ to 5.8⬚C by the year
effect in 1827 (2). In nature, the greenhouse effect is responsi-
2100 (9). The effect on precipitation and soil moisture is un-
ble for elevating the Earth’s temperature, making it possible
certain. Initially, evaporation will likely increase, resulting
for life to thrive.
in increased average global precipitation. However, the dis-
Greenhouse gases (3) include carbon dioxide, methane,
tribution of rainfall may become more erratic, leading to
nitrous oxide, hydrocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulfur
hexafluoride. Carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are focal areas of flood and drought. If increases in temperature
naturally occurring, whereas hydrocarbons (hydrofluoro- are sustained, it is also possible that soil moisture may
carbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexa- be permanently lost from some areas. Some experts from
fluoride (SF6) and their derivatives are generated artificially. Stanford University have challenged this prediction as they
HFCs and PFCs are the most heat absorbent. Methane observed an increase in soil moisture under conditions of
and nitrous oxide absorb more heat per molecule than carbon increased temperature (10). They hypothesize that the in-
dioxide. Nature’s defense against many of these greenhouse creased temperature results in early death of plants such as
gases is a sink, which is a reservoir that takes up a chemical grasses and wildflowers, thus reducing the surface area for
product from another part of the cycle. Soil and trees act as evaporation. This reduced evaporation results in increased
natural sinks absorbing hundreds of billions of tons of carbon soil moisture. Frozen soil moisture has also been used to
in the form of CO2 (3). Needless to say, activities such estimate the growing season in forests and estimating their
as uncontrolled deforestation enhance global warming and efficiency as carbon sinks. Sea levels are predicted to rise
could ultimately court an environmental disaster. 2 ft along most of the U.S. coast.
Population size and global warming are related because
human activities increase production of greenhouse gases.
This effect culminates in global warming. The observed rise Impact of Climate on Public Health
in global temperature over the 20th century was 0.3⬚ to 0.6⬚C
and this rise is predicted to accelerate (4). The warmest It is impossible to quantify the exact risk posed by climate
years in descending order were 1987, 1988, 1983, and change. With particular reference to infectious diseases,
1980 (5). the impact depends on the complex interaction between the
To explore long-term trends in global temperatures, human host population and the causative infectious agent.
Easterling et al. (6) analyzed monthly averaged maximum Important human factors include crowding, food scarcity,
and minimum temperatures and the DTR (diurnal tempera- poverty, and local environmental decline. Some health ef-
ture range) at 5400 observing stations around the world. Each fects of climate change may result from indirect impacts on
time series from each station was subjected independently to natural ecosystems. For example, altered climatic conditions
homogeneity analyses and adjustments according to recently can change the habitats of vectors such as mosquitoes or
developed techniques. The observed trend for maximum rats and affect the parasites they carry. Changing the abun-
temperature was an increase of ⫹0.82⬚C per 100 years, for dance and geographic range of carriers and parasites could
minimum temperature was an increase of ⫹1.79⬚C per 100 shift the seasonal occurrence of many infectious diseases
years; the DTR trend was an increase of ⫺0.79⬚C per and cause them to spread.
100 years. They explained the positive and negative DTR The effect of global warming depends heavily on the
trends as having resulted from daily minimum temperature ability of humans and public health systems to adapt. Human
increasing at a faster rate and decreasing at a slower rate than migration and economic stresses from climate variability
the daily maximum temperature, respectively. Jones et al. could threaten human settlement and seriously overwhelm
(7) also examined rural-station temperature data for Euro- the public health infrastructure. This scenario might be
pean parts of the Soviet Union, eastern Australia and eastern worsened further by malnutrition due to crop failure. Facing
China and reported similar observations. this complex threat makes interdisciplinary cooperation
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency among health professionals, climatologists, environmental
(EPA), the sea level has risen 6–8 in. globally and worldwide biologists and social scientists imperative to understand and
Global Warming 691

effectively manage this threat that could result from to adequate supplies of safe water (14), and 2.4 billion people
global warming. do not have access to adequate sanitation (15). Adjusting
Renewed understanding of linkages between public to new shortages and/or implementing measures to ensure
health and global life-support systems is emerging in the supply under global warming will impose a heavy burden
literature (11). New collaborative efforts can confront these on the already stressed national exchequer of developing
tough challenges through advances in preventive medicine. countries. Various approaches to reduce the potential scarcity
In much of the world, the current increasing life expectancy of water systems as a result of climate change include poli-
is likely to be blunted by increased difficulty in accessing cies to eliminate profiteering, efficient management of avail-
basic requirements such as sanitation and potable water. The able water, improved technology, integrated agriculture
direct and indirect impacts of climate change on human policies, and urban planning and management. At the na-
health have a considerable toll on life, resources (natural and tional and regional level, integrated water resource manage-
financial) and working manpower. Altered environmental ment should be prioritized. It is also important that the quality
influences would also mean courting environmental disasters of conserved water be maintained.
such as famines and floods. It known that non-vector-borne Water is a core substance used for cooking, dissolution
infectious diseases—such as salmonellosis, cholera, and gi- and plain consumption. The infectious disease consequences
ardiasis—can thrive under these circumstances (12). Thus, of contaminated water can be significant. Childhood diarrhea
the impact of climate change depends on several factors. Al- is already a major cause of premature mortality around the
though exact predictions are impossible, there are significant globe (16). Epidemics of cholera, typhoid, and similar dis-
areas of concern throughout the world (Table 1) (13). eases can be expected if the quality of water deteriorates. It
is interesting to note, however, that effective water purifica-
tion and storage attempts at the household level are superior to
attempts at decontaminating water at its source. Gundry
et al. (17) reviewed observational studies investigating this
Water is a basic necessity and its availability is of paramount relationship, as well as studies of home water treatment and
importance. Currently, 1.1 billion people do not have access storage interventions. For cholera, a clear relationship was

Table 1. Major potential health impact of global warming

Continent Major potential health impact

Africa Reduced arable land and increase in extreme weather leading to malnutrition and overcrowding
Increase in vector-borne disease, especially malaria with potential increase childhood mortality
Increase in water-borne diseases, with potential increase in childhood mortality from diarrhea
Diversion of limited health resources to cope with new stresses with resulting decreased attention paid to existing diseases
such as HIV
Arctic and polar areas Indigenous peoples lose traditional sources of food as migration patterns change and ice retreats
Loss of polar ice affects global coastlines
Cooling of currents that now maintain temperate climates in Europe and North America
Australasia Increased heat-stress mortality
Increase in selected vector-borne diseases such as dengue and malaria
Loss of coastline and fishing sources
Increase in water-borne diseases, especially in impoverished areas
Reduced air quality resulting in respiratory diseases
Europe Increased heat-stress mortality
Reduced air quality resulting in respiratory diseases
Potential expansion of vector-borne diseases such as encephalitis
Small Island States Potential to introduce/expand cholera, dengue
Loss of coastal land
Changes in fish populations resulting in malnutrition
Latin America Potential increase in vector-borne diseases, including Chagas’ disease and malaria
Potential expansion of water-borne diseases including cholera
Increase in air pollution and high concentrations of ground level ozone resulting in respiratory diseases
North America Increased biting season for vectors and associated increase risk of vector-borne diseases such as encephalitis
Reduced air quality and increased respiratory diseases
Loss of coastline, increased extreme weather events resulting in diversion of economic resources away from existing public
health efforts
Temperate Asia Potential expansion of vector habitat including malaria-bearing mosquitoes and schistosome-spreading snails
Increase in water-borne diseases, especially in impoverished areas
Reduced air quality increasing respiratory diseases
692 Khasnis and Nettleman / Archives of Medical Research 36 (2005) 689–696

found with contaminated water. Home water treatment and reduce arable land (due to increasing sea levels) as well
storage interventions were also found to reduce cholera. For as making presently available land more hostile to crop
general diarrhea, no clear relationship was found with point- cultivation. In the face of a growing population, this would
of-use water quality, although interventions significantly re- amount to lesser availability of food and under-nutrition.
duced the incidence of diarrhea. However, they emphasized Climate change could also affect food production, with
the simultaneous need for improved public education about concentrated decline in low-latitude regions where food
water sanitation. Esrey et al. (18) reviewed 144 water and insecurity often already exists, including Africa, the Middle
sanitation interventions conducted in various developing East and India (23,24). Estimates of hunger risk based on
countries and in the U.S. to look at the effect improved water assumptions about future population growth, international
supply and sanitation facilities had on ascariasis, diarrhea, trade and agricultural technology have not yet factored in
dracunculiasis, hookworm infection, schistosomiasis, and extreme weather events (24) or increases in agricultural pests
trachoma. They showed that improved water supply and san- and pathogens (25).
itation result in substantial reductions in morbidity from
diarrhea (26%), ascariasis (29%), guinea worm infection
(78%), schistosomiasis (77%), trachoma (27%) and a Human Migration
median reduction of 65% in diarrhea-specific mortality and
Through its adverse effect on the environment, population
55% in general child mortality. They recommended that
growth is a significant cause of the increase in the number
nearby water supply and hygienic practices be integrated
of environmental refugees. The United Nations estimates
into water supply and health programs.
that as a result of continuing migration, 65% of the world
population, including 61% of the population in developing
Food regions, will live in cities by the year 2025 (26). As cities
grow, other environments shrink. This problem will be
Currently, 800 million people are malnourished (19). As the
greatly inflated if global warming causes sea levels to
world’s population increases, food consumption is expected
rise, encroaching on vast areas of land. Population shifts
to double over the next few decades. Increased demands for
could occur within a country, or as international or interconti-
food have indirectly exacerbated global warming risks. Prob-
nental fluxes. Such mass movements can potentially impede
lems associated with intensifying production on land already
attempts to achieve stable human development. Unexpected
in use are becoming increasingly evident (20). Expanding
human migration can stress unprepared health infrastructure
the amount of cultivable land is an option for increasing total
especially in the face of a new illness native to the migrant
crop production but could lead to increased competition for
population. Human migration has been a major source of
land, strain on natural resources, increased greenhouse gases,
epidemics throughout history resulting in spread of many
and reduced natural sinks of carbon as a result of ensuing
diseases such as plague and smallpox.
Acute inhabitation disturbances lead to temporary living
The main direct effects of global warming will be through
arrangements such as refugee camps and shelters, which
changes in temperature, precipitation, length of growing
provide ideal grounds for the emergence and spread of infec-
season, and timing of extreme or critical events relative to
tions. The common factors inevitably surrounding temporary
crop development, as well as through changes in atmospheric
living arrangements are crowding, inadequate sanitation,
CO2 concentration (which may have a beneficial effect on
limited access to medical care, deficient clean water and
the growth of many crop types) (21,22). Middle to high
food, mixed strata population and inadequate and ineffective
latitudes may experience increased productivity, whereas the
barriers from vectors and animals (27). Complex ecological
tropics and subtropics are likely to face decline in yields.
interactions result from several factors working in unison
The livelihoods of farmers and pastoral peoples, who make
or in tandem. Rural to urban migration can inject localized
up a large portion of rural populations in some regions, could
infection into a large vulnerable host population. Such health
be negatively affected. Regionally decreased rainfall is likely
perturbations can be the last straw for the health infrastruc-
to compromise agricultural production significantly. Adapta-
ture in overcrowded and rapidly growing cities, leading to a
tion options include changes in crops and crop varieties,
serious breakdown in public health measures and facilitating
biotechnically or genetically developed new crop varie-
establishment of newly introduced infections (28).
ties, changes in planting and reaping schedules, and im-
proved water and irrigation systems availability and
development. Other factors influencing the vulnerability of
Vector-Borne Diseases
agricultural production are per capita income, the fraction
of economy that is dependent on agriculture and preexisting Global climate change will affect disease vectors, which in
land conditions. turn may alter the current patterns of vector-borne diseases
Malnutrition is an important vulnerability factor for infec- (29). The most common vectors, arthropods, are cold-
tious disease. As stated above, global warming is predicted to blooded, meaning that their internal temperature is greatly
Global Warming 693

Table 2. Factors affecting arthropod-borne diseases

Vector factors Host factors

Size of vector population Size of host population

Proportion of vectors carrying disease Susceptibility of existing hosts
Biting rate Migration/creation of new susceptible hosts
Availability/requirement for intermediate host Degree to which the host enters the vector environment
Ability of vector to survive the disease Mortality rate caused by the disease
Lifespan/mortality rate of the vector Potential for prolonged immunity
Efficiency of transmission of the disease via the arthropod bite Availability/efficacy of vector control measures
Sustainability and renewal of infected vector population Availability of disease control measures

affected by the temperature of their environment. The inci- health resources. Control of malaria includes vector manage-
dence of arthropod-borne diseases will depend on both ment and disease therapy. Vectors can be reduced through
vector and host factors (Table 2) (28). Climate may affect all the use of insecticides that are applied to individuals or their
of these factors to some extent but will have its most direct environment. History has shown that mosquitoes can become
effect on the size of the vector population. Malaria, dengue, tolerant to potent environmental insecticides and that
plague, and viruses causing encephalitic syndromes are some products will have unforeseen consequences for other
among the many vector-borne diseases that may be affected. wildlife. Personal measures may also be taken including
The effect of global warming on malaria has been actively using insect repellants, room sprays, and screens on win-
debated. In modern times, we tend to think of malaria as dows. Impregnated bed netting has been shown to be an ef-
a tropical disease. However, malaria has existed in many fective means of reducing malarial transmission. For the poor,
temperate areas of the world (30). Outbreaks have occurred as especially in developing countries, the cost of these personal
far north as the Arctic Circle and the disease has flourished protective measures is often prohibitive (36).
in much of Europe and North America. European visitors Malaria control is extremely difficult. The oldest method
to the New World found malaria already firmly established. of vector control—drainage—still remains the most cost
In Europe, cases of malaria persisted throughout the Little Ice effective particularly in areas with high population and low
Age, a period of intensely cold winters and cool summers water resources (37). There are studies to show that simple
that began in 1564 (30). The mosquito vectors that carried the measures such as irrigation control can control malaria
parasite in these temperate climates still exist. Yet, malaria spread (38,39). The progression of aquatic stages of develop-
has almost vanished from developed countries. Clearly, the ment of the Anopheline vector is accelerated under condi-
reason for the dramatic decrease in cases of malaria is not tions of increased temperature with optimal larval
climatologic. Rather, the change is attributed to better mos- development at 28⬚C and optimal adult development be-
quito control measures, and more effective antimalarials. Un- tween 28⬚ and 32⬚C (40) Thus, global warming provides
fortunately, mosquitoes have become alarmingly resistant to conditions conducive to the spread of malaria.
control measures and drug-resistant malaria is spreading. Malaria transmission is influenced by climate. Clearly,
Malaria cases have been on the rise (31). We cannot rely transmission does not occur in climates where mosquitoes
on the measure of the past to provide a safe haven for us cannot survive. Warm, moist climates are most conducive
in the future. Moreover, the lack of malaria in developed to mosquito propagation and survival. The breeding habitat
countries is sustained in part by the lack of infected human of the Anopheles vector is water. Anopheles mosquitoes are
hosts. Mosquitoes rarely encounter an infected host and so found most commonly in deciduous and mixed forests as
rarely acquire the parasite. Will global warming reverse well as around human habitation (41). Mosquito larvae are
these trends? found in small pools of water. Factors affecting larval breed-
The situation and the risk are most dire in developing ing include quantity of food, density of larvae and salinity
countries. Malaria is currently concentrated in areas of pov- of the surrounding medium (42). The eggs are laid singly on
erty (32), with 90% of cases occurring in Africa. (33). Ap- the water surface film and can survive winter weather resil-
proximately 40% of the world’s population lives in a iently. The progression of aquatic stages of development
malarious area (34). In Africa, there are 300–500 million of the Anopheline vector is accelerated under conditions of
cases of malaria annually, with 1.5–2.7 million deaths (33). increased temperature with optimal larval development at
Up to 90% of the African deaths occur in children under 28⬚C and optimal adult development between 28⬚ and 32⬚C
the age of 5 years. In contrast, about 1500 cases of malaria (40). Malaria transmission cannot occur below 16⬚C or above
occur each year in the U.S., almost all of which are imported, 33⬚C as sporogony cannot occur. The ideal conditions for
with 0 to 12 deaths per year (35). transmission are high humidity and environmental tempera-
In many ways, our current inability to control malaria tures between 20⬚ and 30⬚C. Rates of transmission also
is a reflection of the uneven distribution of global public depend on the number of times the infected mosquito bites
694 Khasnis and Nettleman / Archives of Medical Research 36 (2005) 689–696

the host and the duration of the mosquito lifespan, both of Panel for Climate Change. In the scenarios, atmospheric
which are influenced by temperature (37). Thus, global carbon dioxide increased by 47, 98, and 126% by the year
warming provides conditions conducive to the spread of 2100. Using these estimates, the number of person-months
malaria. of exposure to the mosquito vector increased by 16, 23,
In holoendemic or hyperendemic areas, childhood mortal- and 28% for each scenario, respectively. The increase was
ity from malaria is high. Over time, the population develops predominately attributable to vector exposure at higher alti-
premunition immunity that allows parasite inhabitation but tudes than currently. Ethiopia, Zimbabwe and South Africa
protects against infection. This is not the case where malaria experienced the largest projected changes. There was little
occurs seasonally, implying that spread of malaria to non- latitudinal spread into new territories.
endemic or unexposed regions of the world as a consequence Increasing precipitation is not always favorable for mos-
of climatic change can have severe impact on the vulnera- quitoes. Torrential rains may wash away breeding sites and
ble population. Human migration will also bring infected drought may eliminate the small pools of water favored by
persons into contact with uninfected mosquitoes and subse- the mosquitoes for their eggs. On the other hand, drought
quently will expose non-immune hosts to newly infected in very wet areas may slow rapid streams and create pools
mosquitoes. of stagnant water (45).
Deforestation, human migration and agricultural practices Global warming may also bring famine and drought,
have a serious impact on malarial transmission. Urban ma- leaving populations more susceptible to disease. Early
laria has become an increasing health concern in many coun- models to predict malaria rates in the 1920s were based on
tries (41). Crowding of humans in dwellings is associated rainfall and prices of wheat (50). When food was scarce,
with increased indoor mosquito concentrations (43). the price of wheat increased, making price a surrogate for
Humans, after all, are a source of food for mosquitoes. crop failure and malnutrition.
Many global warming scenarios include an increase in Finally, unforeseen factors may also influence malaria.
the frequency and intensity of the El Niño phenomenon (44). The availability of an effective vaccine, better insecticides,
The El Niño Southern Oscillation is heralded by warm water or more effective antimalarials would each reduce the preva-
flowing off the coast of Peru and Ecuador. It is caused in lence of the disease. Breakdowns in existing public health
part by pressure differences in the air over the Pacific measures would increase cases of malaria. The balance be-
Ocean. Although beginning in the Pacific, the climatic effects
tween these factors may be more important than global cli-
of El Niño are global. Storms, heavy rain, regional drought,
mate (52).
and warm temperatures are more frequent during El Niño
Dengue is an important mosquito-borne disease affecting
(45). El Niño seasons have been associated with outbreaks
humans and is transmitted by Aedes aegypti. This mosquito
of malaria in many areas (46,47). However, the association
is well adapted to the urban environment and successfully
is not constant and outbreaks have been regionally limited.
breeds in containers where water is allowed to accumulate,
It is important to point out that El Niño is a short-term
such as discarded cans, bottles, plastic containers and tires.
climate change and that global warming implies a prolonged
Aedes mosquitoes thrive in warmer environments but not
change. Thus, it is hazardous to extrapolate the effects of
in dry environments. Thus, the effect of global warming
El Niño to predict the overall results of global climate change
on diseases like dengue depends on both precipitation and
(48). However, El Niño events are predicted to become
more common and more severe with global warming, and temperature (53,54). Vezzani et al. (55) studied the breeding
it appears likely that this will facilitate local epidemics of of Aedes mosquitoes in Buenos Aires, Argentina. They noted
malaria. highest abundances in breeding after several months with
From the standpoint of malaria, the effect of global warm- mean temperatures above 20⬚C and accumulated rainfalls
ing will be felt most in areas that are currently on the edges above 150 mm. A sharp decline in egg laying was observed
of the range of infected mosquitoes (49). For example, ma- when monthly mean temperature declined to 16.5⬚C, and no
laria has been shown to march up mountains in response to eggs were found below 14.8⬚C. As with malaria, changes
wetter, warmer weather (50,51). Altitudes that were once in the incidence of dengue appear strongly related to non-
safe from mosquitoes will be at risk for epidemics. Tanser climatological factors. For example, there is a dramatic dif-
and colleagues (33) developed a model to predict the effect ference in the incidence of dengue along the Mexican⫺U.S.
of global warming on exposure to the mosquito vector for border. States south of the border have a 500-fold increased
malaria in Africa. The model was based on the historical incidence of disease compared with those just north of the
associate of rainfall and temperature readings from 1920 to border (48). Thus, climate appears to be only one factor in
1980 in Africa. Population estimates were overlaid on top transmission of the disease.
of regional temperatures and were assumed to remain con- West Nile fever is another emerging viral infectious dis-
stant. The model was validated using existing mosquito sur- ease and is transmitted by Culex mosquito species. Its habitat
veys. Three potential global warming scenarios were is usually near swamps, ponds and other bodies of stag-
considered, based on estimates from the Intergovernmental nant water, waterways, parks, golf courses, undeveloped
Global Warming 695

wood lots, and temporary wetlands in densely populated resi- has significant potential to intensify selected infectious dis-
dential areas (56). Although the life span of the mosquito eases. Climatic effects are predicted to include crowding,
diminishes with excessive temperatures, viral maturation famine, water contamination, human migration, and alter-
rates increase with temperature. It has been suggested that, ations in vector ecology, all of which increase infectious
as a result of climate change, there could be a northward diseases. We have dealt with these problems in the past with
shift in western equine and St. Louis encephalitis, with the varying success. Global warming will also cause economic
disappearance of the former in southern endemic regions strain that may divert public health resources from existing
(57). infections. Through planning and research, we can mitigate
Other vectors will be affected to different extents. Models the health effects of global warming. Through policy, poli-
to predict tick populations have also shown that arid condi- tics, and global cooperation, we may reduce the environmen-
tions decrease tick populations. However, epidemics of tick- tal problems that cause global warming.
borne diseases such as Lyme disease have not been associ-
ated with climate change (58). As stated above, it is possible
that global warming will bring stronger or more frequent El
Niño events. This will be to the advantage of some vectors.
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