Glucose Practice Quiz

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Glucose Practice Quiz

1) Enter the glucose ranges

Gestational Diab

2) Hormones affecting glucose:

1- 5-
2- 6-
3- 7-
4- 8-

3) Diabeties symptoms/ Acidosis or alka (Increase or Decrease)

Ketones: Neg or Pos

4) Draw the hexokinase reaction. Measured at what #?

5) Describe the difference between Diab 1 and 2

6) Difference between Insipidus and Mellitus. Is there gluc in urine?

7) Impariment of gluc metabol is ______ ______ which body produces too much or too little
(circle one) ______(hormone).
8) eAG formula:

9) For every ___% of change in A1C, there is an approx. 28% change in eAG.

10) Gluc oxidase coupled reaction (2 step)

Gluc ox --- Gluc to ______to O2

11) Ketones on dipstick.

What color?
Acetoacetic Acid + __________

12) Are ketones Acidic or alkaline?

13) Insulin Processing -- C-Peptide. Produced in ________(body part) in _____(specific).

*Note: prepro insulin in cleaved in proinsulin/ The c-peptide is removed to make insulin.
Ratio: ___:___

14) Alpha : Beta Chains (how many of each)? Beta chain at which terminus?
15) In Gestational diab, babies are at risk for what disorder? (means big baby)

16) Name of baby test for galactosemia:


1) STORY TIME: Write the billi story. Where does it become water soluable?

2) T/F? Hemolysis causes Increased bili?

3) Bili tests (chem) *BONUS: differentiate OBS. Jaundance/ what test?

4) Bili specimen handling:

5) Conditions
Pre-Hepatic: Hepatic: Posthepatic:
7) Name of method that uses caffeine as accelerator.
______________________-____________ *Bonus: Name the Reagent_________________
Which is faster? Conjugated or Unconjugated?

8) Fill in box Increase/Decrease/Neutral. Include 1 assoc disease

Serum Urine

Disease Unconjugated Conjugated Unconjugated conjugated




1) Bun/Cre Ratio:

2) Ranges
Crea Ranges: Male:
Creat clearance Male:

3) Serum Crea levels reflects _____(organ) function.

4) Creat clearance and eGFR reflects GFR. What is GFR?

5) Creat clearance formula: what does it mean if it is low?

6) BUN accounts for ___-% of nonprotien excretion, while ___-% of urea is reabsorbed
by kidney.

7) Draw pathway. Begins with Protein, ends with Urea.

8) Renal Impairment:
Post Renal
9) Uric acid is the end product of __________ metabolism.

10) BUN signifies _______ impaired renal function. (increase or decrease)

11) A person on a high protein diet will have ________ BUN (increase or decrease).

12) which rises more rapidly? Crea or BUN

13) Name 4 diseases where Uric acid is increased. Think: GRLT

14) Colorimetric method: uric acid reduces pphosphotingstic acid to ____________

________. Measured spectrophotometrically.

15) Ammonia: hyperammonemia, advanced liver disease. Also known as _______

Syndrome. Also seen in Cirrhisis, viral hepatitis.

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