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Idioma extranjero I

| Reto 4: Daily routines

¿Quién eres?
Nombre completo Juan Manuel Juárez Torres
Matrícula 23026398
Fecha de elaboración 13 February 2024
Nombre del asesor Berenice Espinosa Arroniz
My daily routine
1 Mi rutina diaria
Instrucción: completa la siguiente tabla, escribiendo en inglés, diez actividades que realizas
todos los días en casa y en el trabajo. Puedes hacer uso del presente simple en positivo o

 Oraciones afirmativas acerca de la rutina diaria:
o I wake up at 7:00 a.m. every morning.
o I have lunch with my co-workers.
 Oraciones negativas acerca de la rutina diaria:
o I don’t take my dog out for a walk.
o I don’t go to the gym
 Oraciones afirmativas sobre rutina diaria con el uso de do:
o I do the dishes.
o I do my hair.

My daily routine

Oraciones afirmativas Oraciones negativas Oraciones con el uso de do

1. I wake up early in the 1. I don't forget to prepare and 1. I do cherish spending
morning. eat lunch and dinner. quality time with my family.

2. I clean the house and do the 2.I don't arrive late at the 2. I do make it a point to
dishes. office arrive at the office on time.

3. I take short breaks to 3. I do take short breaks to

3. I don't stay up late
stretch and relax. recharge and stay productive.

4. I relax and unwind before 4. I don't skip breakfast for 4. I do promptly respond to
going to bed. myself and my family. emails and messages.

5. I check my schedule and 5. I don't leave my workspace 5. I do take proper lunch

plan my tasks for the day. disorganized breaks to refuel and refresh.
What do you use to do?
2 ¿Qué sueles hacer?
Instrucción: completa la siguiente tabla, escribiendo en inglés cinco actividades que tú, algún
amigo o miembro de tu familia suelen realizar todos los días en casa y en el trabajo.

 Oraciones acerca de lo que sueles hacer:
o I use to watch cartoons every morning before
o My dad uses to drive me to school everyday.
o My wife uses to pack my lunch.

Things they use to do

1. I use a hammer to drive nails into the wall.

2. My dad uses a computer to complete his assignments.

3. It's important to use sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun's rays.

4. We use public transportation to commute to work.

5. My Friends use a map to navigate through unfamiliar areas.

What can I do?
3 ¿Qué puedes hacer?
Instrucción: completa la siguiente tabla, escribiendo en inglés cinco actividades que tú, algún
amigo o miembro de tu familia son capaces de hacer.

 Oraciones afirmativas con el uso del auxiliar can:
o I can read a book in two days.
o She can dance very well.
o He can play soccer.
 Oraciones interrogativas con el uso del auxiliar can:
o Can they sing high notes?
o Can we make pizza?
o Can you drive your kids to school?

Oraciones afirmativas con can Oraciones interrogativas con can

1. She can speak three languages fluently. 1. Can he fix the car by himself?

2. Can you recommend a good restaurant in the

2. They can play the guitar very well.
3. I can swim across the entire lake without getting
3. Can she attend the meeting tomorrow morning?

4. We can solve this problem together. 4. Can he access the files from his home computer?

5. He can run a marathon in under three hours. 5. Can they play the piano?
Who would you like?
4 ¿Qué te gustaría?
Instrucción: completa la siguiente tabla, escribiendo en inglés cinco actividades que te gustaría
hacer y cinco que deberías hacer. Es obligatorio utilizar los auxiliary would y should.
NOTA: Puedes utilizar la forma positiva, negativa e interrogativa.

 Oraciones con el uso de would:
o I would love to go to Colombia next year.
o She would like a milkshake for breakfast.
o Would you mind if we are late?
o I wouldn't go to the middle east because it's dangerous.
o She wouldn't like that pink dress.
 Oraciones con el uso de should:
o You should take french classes before you go to France.
o I should go to bed before 10 p.m.
o He shouldn't be late for class.
o We shouldn't play video games for too long.

Oraciones con el uso de would

1. We would go for a walk in the park
2. I would travel around the world.
3. She would always help her friends.
4. They would come to the party.
5. My grandmother would bake cookies

Oraciones con el uso de should

1. She should apologize for her mistake.
2. You should eat more vegetables.
3. They should consider saving some money for emergencies.
4. You should work hard and stay focused on your goals.
5. We should leave early if we want to avoid traffic.

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