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Name of the institution: Escuela de Lenguas UNACH

Name of the student-teacher: Silvia Daniela Cruz Peralta.
Hannia Naomi Solís Guillén.
Class profile
Group: A
Number of students: 20 students
English level: 4º
General objective: Teachers need to teach Students new vocabulary and practice it, using the four skills for
improve their English knowledge.
Specific objectives: We have to teach vocabulary about holidays and special occasions and they have to talk about

Anticipated problems: _________________

Materials: Markers, flashcards, paper, text book
1 2 The teachers have The teachers talk about them and ask for the names of the Ts-Ss
minuts Greetings to present to the students, then, teachers have to present the topic that they´re Ss-Ts
Studesnts. going to talk.
2 8 Ask for the Create a conversation between the students about the all Ts-Ss
minuts Warm Up students about celebrations and ask for their favorite holiday and the Ss-Ss
their favorite celebrations in Mexico.

3 10 Teach vocabulary. The teachers were going to talk about the different celebrations Ts-Ss
minuts Presentation. and holidays in Mexico and teach the different vocubulary that
exist in each one

4 10 They have to read a Teachers going to give to each student a paper with a text Individual.
minuts Reading. text. about differents holidays and they have to read in scilence, next Ss-Ss
they have to make a teams (For this, the teachers we are going
to give numbers to each students and they have to meet with
other person who has the same number).
5 10 They have to make Teachers going to give to each team a piece of paper and the Working
minuts Writing. a type of students have to write a key words about their holiday, (they group.
presentation. have to choose one holiday thay they want talk about) next
they have to stick the paper on the wall.
6 10 They have to Then were going to play a Hot potato and the person who loses Ss-Ss
minuts Speaking. present their has to present the paper (with the team) in front of the group Working
paper. but using only key words, they dont have mentioned the group.
7 10 The students have All teams has to present and everybody needs to pay attention Ss-Ss
minuts Listening. to pay attention. to the teams and the rest of the group have to guess what
holiday they´re talking about

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