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Theme: Timeless Elegance: A Journey Through the Ages

Scene 1: Opening Prayer

MC: Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and dear students, let us begin this joyous occasion with a prayer.
Please rise as we invite________________________________ to lead us in prayer.

Scene 2: National Anthem

MC: Thank you, ___________________________, for that heartfelt prayer. Now, please remain standing as we honor our
beloved nation with the singing of our National Anthem.

Scene 3: Welcome Remarks

MC: Now, let us hear some welcoming remarks. Please welcome ________________________________ to the stage.

Scene 4: Grand Entrance of the Royal Court

In the grand kingdom of RTSNHS, the highly anticipated coronation of the new king and queen has come. The entire
kingdom is abuzz with excitement to witness the stunning king and queen.

As the sun beams, the magnificent castle gates swung open to welcome the arrival of the 24 pairs of esteemed guests.
Each pair represented a different region of the kingdom, bringing with them their unique customs and traditions. The
guests were dressed in their finest attire, adorned with jewels and intricate designs, as they made their way towards the
castle entrance.

The first pair to arrive was from the northern region of the kingdom. They were known for their bravery and resilience,
and their arrival is greeted with cheers and applause. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son
and daughter of ________

The second pair, hailing from the eastern region, brought with them a sense of elegance and grace, captivating everyone
with their enchanting presence. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son and daughter of

The third pair, representing the western region, showcased their love for music and dance, filling the air with melodies
that echoed through the castle walls.

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son and daughter of ________

The fourth pair, from the southern region, brought a burst of color and energy, their vibrant costumes catching the eye
of everyone around.

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son and daughter of ________

From the central region came a pair of scholars, known for their wisdom and knowledge.

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son and daughter of ________
The coastal region brought a pair of skilled fishermen, showcasing the abundance of the kingdom's seas.

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son and daughter of ________

The mountain region arrived with a pair of skilled climbers, symbolizing the kingdom's strength and resilience.

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son and daughter of ________

And of course, let us all welcome the gentlemen and courtiers of the Kingdom of RTSNHS starting off with:

The Royal Advisors who guide us with their wisdom, Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son
and daughter of ________

The Royal Historian, who secure and preserve our rich history, Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ ,
the son and daughter of ________ .

Next, we have the Royal Artist whose creativity and artistry bring aesthetic and beauty to our kingdom, Ladies and
gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son and daughter of ________

Next, the Royal Musician, whose musicality and harmonious melodies bring joy to our kingdom, Ladies and gentlemen,
Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son and daughter of ________

Next, the Royal Scientist, whose innovations made known around the globe, Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ &
Ms. _________ , the son and daughter of ________

Next, the Royal Inventor, whose current digital Artificial Intelligence reaches the universe, Ladies and gentlemen, Mr.
_________ & Ms. _________ , the son and daughter of ________

The Royal Philanthropists who use their wealth and resources to make a positive impact on society by supporting
charitable causes and organizations. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son and daughter of

The Royal Humanitarians who are dedicated to promoting human welfare and alleviating suffering, often by providing
aid and assistance to those in need, especially in times of crisis or disaster. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms.
_________ , the son and daughter of ________

The Royal Athletes who have achieved great success in their chosen sport and represents their country or team with
honor and distinction. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son and daughter of ________
The Royal Coaches who guide and train individuals or teams to achieve their full potential in sports, academics, or any
other area of expertise. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son and daughter of ________

The Royal Environmentalists who are passionate advocate for the protection and preservation of the environment,
working towards sustainable practices and raising awareness about environmental issues. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr.
_________ & Ms. _________ , the son and daughter of ________

The Royal Gardeners who are expert in gardening and landscaping, responsible for creating and maintaining beautiful
gardens and outdoor spaces. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son and daughter of

The Royal Chefs who prepare exquisite meals for royalty and other distinguished guests, showcasing creativity and
exceptional taste. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son and daughter of ________

The Royal Food Critics who evaluate and review restaurants and culinary experiences, offering insights and
recommendations. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son and daughter of ________

The Royal Poets who use poetry to express emotions, thoughts, and experiences, often capturing the essence of beauty
and the human condition. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son and daughter of ________

The Royal Writers who create captivating stories, novels, or non-fiction works, using their words to entertain, educate,
or inspire readers. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son and daughter of ________

The Royal Diplomats who engage in diplomatic negotiations and fosters positive relationships between nations,
promoting peace, cooperation, and understanding. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son
and daughter of ________

The Royal Ambassadors who represent their country abroad, strengthening diplomatic ties, promoting cultural
exchange, and advocating for their nation's interests. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son
and daughter of ________

The Royal Educators who impart knowledge, skills, and values to students, shaping their intellectual and personal
development. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son and daughter of ________

The Royal Mentors who provide support, advice, and encouragement to others, helping them navigate challenges and
achieve personal growth. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son and daughter of ________

The Royal Healers who provide medical care and support to those in need, promoting physical and emotional well-being.
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son and daughter of ________

The Royal Nurses who specialize in patient care, providing medical assistance, comfort, and support in various
healthcare settings. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son and daughter of ________

The Royal Dreamers who dare to dream big, pursuing their aspirations and inspiring others to do the same. Ladies and
gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son and daughter of ________

The Royal Visionary who has a clear vision for the future and works towards creating positive change in their field or
society. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. _________ & Ms. _________ , the son and daughter of ________
And now, Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and honored attendees, please direct your attention to the grand
entrance as we prepare for a truly majestic moment. Today, we have the great privilege of welcoming two extraordinary
individuals who embody grace, wisdom, and nobility. Please join me in giving a resounding applause as we welcome the
King and Queen of RTSNHS for SY 2023-24.

Please rise and join me in giving the warmest welcome to our esteemed King and Queen! Let us honor their presence
with a thunderous applause that echoes throughout the halls, as we express our deepest gratitude and admiration for
their leadership and devotion.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that I present to you the King and Queen of Ramon Torres Sagasa
National High School His Majesty King Fritz Fernandez and Her Majesty Queen Princess Zhiana B. Anticosa.

(While marching The MCs read the symbolism:

The King, a symbol of strength, leadership, and unwavering dedication to his people. His unwavering commitment to the
welfare and prosperity of the kingdom has earned him the admiration and respect of all. With a heart as noble as his
crown, he stands tall as the embodiment of honor and integrity.

And now, the Queen, a beacon of grace, compassion, and timeless beauty. Her unwavering devotion to her kingdom and
its people is truly inspiring. With her charm and charisma, she brings warmth and kindness to all those she encounters.
Her elegance and poise are matched only by her unwavering dedication to serving her people.

Together, the King and Queen represent the epitome of royalty, embodying the values and traditions that have shaped
their kingdom for generations. Their presence here today is a testament to their commitment to unity, progress, and the
well-being of their beloved kingdom.

Scene 5: Intermission - Grade 7 Honors the King and Queen

MC: Let's take a moment to honor our newly crowned King and Queen with a special performance
from our talented Grade 12 students. They have prepared a heartfelt tribute to celebrate their reign.

Scene 6: Message from the Barangay Captain

MC: We are honored to have with us today, the esteemed Barangay Captain, Hon. Noel T. Valenzuela.
Let us welcome him to share a few words with us.

Scene 7: Pinning of Sashes to the Royal Court

MC: It is now time for a symbolic gesture of honor and recognition. We invite_________________________
to pin the sashes to the members of the Royal Court, symbolizing their official roles and

Scene 8: Intermission - Grade ___ Honors the King and Queen

MC: Let's continue the celebration with another special performance dedicated to our King and
Queen. Our talented Grade ____ students have prepared a mesmerizing act to pay tribute to their
leadership and grace.
Scene 9: Farewell Walk of the 2022 King and Queen

MC: As we bid farewell to our outgoing King and Queen, let us take a moment to appreciate their
dedication and leadership. Please welcome ___________________________________________[Name of
Outgoing King and Queen] as they take their farewell walk.

Scene 10: Crowning of the New King and Queen

MC: And now, the moment we've all been waiting for. It is time to crown the new King and Queen of
RTSNHS. Please welcome [Name of Crown Bearer] as they present the crowns to our newly crowned
King and Queen.

Scene 11: Proclamation

MC: It is our great pleasure to join with us, _________________ to officially proclaim our king and queen.

Thank your, sir Ranie O. Nepales

Scene 12: Intermission - Grade ___ to ___ Honors the King and Queen

MC: Let's continue the celebration by honoring our King and Queen with a special performance from
our talented Grade ___, ____, ____ and ___ students. They have prepared a captivating act to express
their admiration and respect.

Scene 13: Royal Dance

MC: It's time for a royal celebration! The newly crowned King and Queen will now grace us with their
presence on the dance floor. Let us enjoy their elegant and enchanting royal dance.

Scene 14: Raffle Draw

MC: Our celebration wouldn't be complete without an extraordinary giving of gifts. All ears here as we
continue with the raffle draw.

Scene 15: Closing Remarks

MC: As we come to the end of this grand celebration, let us express our gratitude to everyone who
made this event possible. Please welcome _____________________________ to deliver the closing remarks.

The end.

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