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assets in this difficult time posed by the

How Should Banks Estimate COVID-19 pandemic situation. A longer
historical data on delinquency rates can
Their Expected Loan Loss be used for this purpose. Since the loan
assets on initial recognition have to be
Provisions to Survive in classified into three stages depending on
their credit-quality maintaining data as
Difficult Times? per days past due buckets would facili-
tate better estimations and forecasting
of probability of default (PD) of a loan for
Arindam Bandyopadhyay each stage. This will enable the banks to
accurately estimate their future credit

This article explains how banks s part of its continuous efforts to provisioning requirements while con-
can use their forward-looking improve financial stability as well ducting credit planning.
as to ensure uniform practices of
internal credit risk estimates and Impairment Model
accounting globally, the International
apply on loan cash flows over Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and The International Financial Reporting
different time horizons and assess Financial Accounting Standards Board Standards (IFRS) 9 introduces a new
the impact on loss provisions. (FASB) issued a guidance on how to rec- impairment model that requires the rec-
ognise and measure financial instruments. ognition of expected credit losses on all
Such an estimate based on
Required in more than 100 countries, all financial assets at an amortised cost or
longer historical data will enable financial entities must incorporate a new at a fair value through other comprehen-
the banks to better foresee expected credit loss model and adhere sive income (other than equity instru-
the uncertainty pertaining to to new accounting standards within the ments), lease receivables, certain loan
next few years. The new accounting commitments, and financial guarantee
repayment status of their loans
standards aim to simplify and strengthen contracts. The expected credit loss must
and make loss provisions in a risk measurement and the reporting of also consider forward-looking informa-
more proactive manner. financial instruments in an efficient and tion to recognise impairment allowan-
forward-looking manner. To address the ces earlier in the lifecycle of a product.
“too little, too late” problem arising from The IFRS 9 recommends a three-stage
the incurred loss model, the new account- approach to impairment as follows:
ing standards necessitate a “forward-look- Stage 1—the recognition of a 12-month
ing” impairment model for the estimation ECL, that is, the portion of lifetime ECLs
of loss provision by commercial banks. from default events that are expected
This forward-looking approach requires within 12 months of the reporting date,
banks to update and recognise expected if credit risk has not increased signifi-
credit loss (ECL) for financial assets from cantly since initial recognition;
the initial acquisition or origination date. Stage 2—lifetime ECLs for financial in-
In the view of rising stress on banks due struments for which credit risk has in-
to poor-quality loans and falling profita- creased significantly since initial recog-
bility, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has nition; and
postponed the adoption of the standards Stage 3—lifetime ECLs for financial in-
by Indian banks. However, sooner or later struments that are credit impaired.
the banks have to mandatorily adopt this Twelve-month ECLs are the portion of
standard to better deal with the uncer- the lifetime ECLs that results from default
tainty. Banks that have better data man- events that are possible within the next
agement systems and a prudent risk in- 12 months weighted by the probability of
ternal risk culture have been using these that default occurring. At initial recogni-
three risk drivers as per internal estima- tion, a 12-month ECL is provided for. At
tion models to measure loss provisions as the next reporting date, ECL will be clas-
well as capital requirement for credit risk. sified into the lifetime category, that is,
Arindam Bandyopadhyay (arindam@ The purpose of this article is to explain the losses that might occur in the whole is an associate professor at the how ECL-based provisioning would benefit life of the asset if there is a significant
National Institute of Bank Management, Pune.
the banks to manage the impairment of increase in the credit risk of the account.
Economic & Political Weekly EPW MAy 28, 2022 vol lVii no 22 13

Finally, if the account becomes impaired and 30 days past due for retail exposure with the definition used for internal credit
or non-performing, it is categorised as on the reporting date for SICR. risk management purpose.
stage 3 and lifetime ECL is calculated for it. It can be estimated in many ways: inc- Table 1 presents an example of the re-
The IFRS 9 defines lifetime ECLs as rease in cumulative probability of default payment schedule of a term loan with
those that result from all possible default above a threshold, movement of rating the corresponding conditional PDs, the
events over the expected life of a finan- from super grade low investment grade, 12-month and lifetime ECLs.
cial instrument (that is, an entity needs worsening of rating or behavioural score Effective interest rate (EIR) is the rate
to estimate the risk of a default occur- changes can be considered as triggers. that exactly discounts estimated future
ring on the financial instrument during For example, statistically significant cha- cash payments or receipts through the
its expected life). They would be esti- nge in PD, benchmark relative change in expected life, or when appropriate, a
mated based on the present value of all PD (say a 20% increase), etc. shorter period of the financial asset or
cash shortfalls over the remaining expe- financial liability to the gross carrying
cted life of the financial asset, that is, the Expected Credit Loss Estimation amount of a financial asset or to the
difference between the contractual cash The ECL calculation method for both amortised cost of a financial liability.
flows that are due to an entity under the stages 1 and 2 accounts is based on de- The calculation of EIR includes all fees,
contract and the cash flows that the rived PD, loss given default (LGD), and transaction costs, and all other premi-
holder expects to receive. exposure at default (EAD). ums or discounts that are directly rela-
Significant increase in credit risk Expected credit loss at the borrower level ted to the acquisition of financial assets
(SICR) is another concept introduced in is calculated by using the following formula: on the book of an entity.
the standards. This is the basis on which ELi = PDi × LGDi × EADi … (1) The cumulative PDs are obtained from
accounts are classified into either of the where EL is expected loss. The term PD is marginal probability of default (MPDs) that
three stages. SICR is not defined by the the probability of default over the life- are derived from a yearly rating migra-
standard; banks will have to use their time of the asset (cumulative probability tion study (transition matrix). In this
own knowledge and experience in judg- of default) if lifetime ECL is calculated. exercise, this has been estimated using
ing what will be a significant increase in For the 12-month ECL, PD will the proba- historical data through a static cohort
credit risk. Otherwise, they can apply bility that the account defaults within analysis, which is followed by leading
the RBI’s backstop measure that uses 60 next 12 months. EAD is the adjusted exp- credit rating agencies (CRAs).
days past due to non-retail exposures osure at default. It shows the total Table 2 provides estimates for condi-
Table 1: Calculation of Expected Credit Loss amount that the bank has lent to the tional PD, which has been used in esti-
Panel 1A borrower adjusted for some haircut. LGD mation of ECL using EAD cash flows report-
Interest rate 10% is the loss given default of the asset, ed in Table 1 Panel C.
Upfront fees 0.0% which is the amount the bank might not The conditional PD for each period is
Limit $1,000 recover out of the entire exposure. conditioned on the fact that the borrow-
Tenor 5 years
Each entity should define their own er has not defaulted in the previous pe-
Current drawdown 70% p a UGD 1 year 60%
definition of default (for example, 90 days riod and defaults in the current period.
UGD 1 is a one-year usage given default for the loan exposure.
Source: Compiled by the author. past due), which should be consistent Thus, in the second year, conditional
marginal PD is estimated as:
Panel 1B: Original Loan Schedule
Original Loan Schedule =1.59% × (1-1.27%) = 1.57%.
Year Loan Cash Flows Principal Repayment Principal Balance O/S Begin Interest Repayment Exposure at Default Similarly, in the third year, conditional
0 -700.0 marginal PD for the same BBB borrower
1 70 0 700.0 70 770.00 would be: = 2.76% × (1-1.59%) = 2.72%.
2 88 0 880.0 88 968.00
The survival benefit is passed to the
3 95.2 0 952.0 95.2 1,047.20
borrower to derive credit risk for each
4 98.08 0 980.8 98.08 1,078.88
yearly cash flow.
5 1,091.6 992.3 992.3 99.232 1,091.55
Effective interest rate = 10%. Table 2: Conditional PD, Marginal PD, and
Source: Compiled by the author. Cumulative PD (%)
Rating: BBB
Panel 1C: Expected Loss Estimation Details Using Cash Flows Time Horizon Marginal One-year PD MPD CPD
If Default EAD = Year-wise Marginal One-year LGD (= PV of Cash Year-wise PV of Net Year-wise Prob PV of Year-wise Prob Conditioned on Previous Survival
Takes Place in PV of Gross Loss Conditional PD Rec/ EAD) Loss = EAD*LGD Weighted Net Loss Weighted Net Loss
1 1.27 1.27 1.27
Year (CNPD) Up to Year of Default
2 1.57 1.59 2.84
1 770.00 1.27% 40% 308.00 3.91 3.56
3 2.72 2.76 5.52
2 968.00 1.57% 40% 387.20 6.08 5.02 4 1.24 1.27 6.72
3 1,047.20 2.72% 40% 418.88 11.37 8.54 5 1.25 1.27 7.90
4 1,078.88 1.24% 40% 431.55 5.33 3.64 Source: The author’s own compilation.
5 1,091.55 1.25% 40% 436.62 5.46 3.39
The cumulative PD is estimated from
historically obtained marginal PDs (MPDs)
Note that the Borrower’s Credit Rating = BBB.
Source: Compiled by the author. using the following expression:
14 MAy 28, 2022 vol lVii no 22 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

CPD(n)=d (1)+d(2)×(1-d(1))+d(3) Ultimately, we obtain lifetime ECL (for provision. Portfolio segmentation into
×(1-d(1))×(1-d(2))+….+d(n)(1-d(n)) … (2) stage 2) using conditional PDs estimated accounts which will be assessed at indi-
For example, cumulative probability as $24.15. For stage 1, one-year ECL is es- vidual level and accounts that will be as-
of default in the second year (CPD2) is es- timated as $3.56. This has been further sessed as part of a homogeneous credit
timated as: summarised in Table 3. risk group also provides more risk-sensitive
= 1.27%+(1-1.27%)*1.59%=2.84% In Table 3, it is important to note that and granular ECL estimates.
In the same manner, CPD in the third the discounting for ECL based on amor-
year (CPD3) can be obtained by using the tising EAD is crucial in the analysis of ECL Estimation for Marketable
expression: loan loss provisioning, which should also Instruments—Corporate Bonds
=2.84%+(1-1.27%)*(1-1.59%)*2.76% be applied for the exposure of each bor- In Table 4, we have demonstrated the
Similarly, CPD in the fourth year rower, especially those in stage 2. This ECL estimation based on cash flow obt-
(CPD4) is estimated as: will lead to a reduction in the lifetime ained from a portfolio of bond instru-
=5.52%+(1-1.27%)*(1-1.59%)*(1-2.76%)* ECL provisioning amounts and will actu- ments. A CDS spread method has been
1.27% =6.72% ally benefit the banks. used to estimate the 12-month as well as
In this case, we have used equation 2 The difference between the 12-month lifetime PDs and based on that, stage 1
which is used by CRAs. and lifetime ECLs depends on many fac- and stage 2 ECLs in dollar amount have
It is interesting to note that in many tors, including the loan’s contractual ma- been estimated.
default study reports, CRAs publish their turity and “lifetime” as well as how de- The risk-neutral default probability is
cumulative PDs for different time hori- fault risks (PDs), recovery values (LGDs) implied from the CDS spread using the
zons. From these CPDs, one can obtain and exposures (EADs) are expected to following expression:
forward-looking conditional marginal PDs evolve over the life of a loan.
CPDt = 1-e^(-S × t/(1-R)) … (4)
directly using the following expression. Annual cash flow projections can be
Conditional marginal PDn constructed from the principal and inte- where S is the flat credit default swap
= 1-{(1-CPDn)/(1-CPDn-1)} … (3) rest repayment schedules provided by (CDS) spread and R is the recovery rate.
where n is the number of years. the bank (since PD is annual). It has been Similarly, 1-R is the LGD. The expression t
This forward-looking PD is a pure his- observed that bank can save ECL provi- represents time. In India, instead of a CDS
torical view. However, one can adjust sion mainly for stage 2 accounts if they spread, a bond market spread can be used
macroeconomic factors through regres- are able to track year-wise cash flows and to estimate PDs for corporate borrowers.
sions or by using the Z-index approach to apply conditional PDs instead of simply Accordingly, using the above expre-
link PD with macroeconomic scenarios. using cumulative PDs on current outstand- ssion, one can estimate cumulative PD for
It is important to note that, alternatively, ing for estimation of their ECL-based the first year, which is also the 12-month
one can use the matrix multiplication Table 3: Estimate ECL Comparison—Stage 1 PD = 1-EXP ((-0.50%×1)/(60%)).
method to derive cumulative PDs and con- versus Stage 2 (in $ amount) Similarly, for the second year also,
ditional PDs for the estimation of ECL. One Year ECL (3.56) CPD2 can be estimated using figures
In the Ind AS 109 prescribed method- Lifetime ECL provision amount (24.15) reported in Table 4.
Figures are in parenthesis since this will be used for loss
ology for ECL computation, the 12-month provision.
One can use forward rates by tracking
ECL for stage 1 accounts multiplies the Source: The author’s own compilation. bond spreads from the yield curve to
estimated EAD with the one-year PD and
Table 4: ECL Estimation for Bond Instrument Based on CDS Spread
LGD. We have assumed 40% LGD for the Bond Instrument Units in thousand $
loan pool. The estimated EAD is the sum Time (Years) 1 2 3 4 5
of the principal balance outstanding and Coupon 50 50 50 50 50
interest accrued if the customer defaults Capital repayment 1,000
on that loan account at the end of the year. Cash flows 50 50 50 50 1,050
Effective interest rate (EIR) 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%
This has been shown in Table 1 Panel C.
DF (EIR) 0.95 0.91 0.86 0.82 0.78
The lifetime ECL for stage 2 accounts EAD 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050
first estimates the expected loss on the CDS spread 0.50% 0.60% 0.70% 0.80% 0.90%
account for each future year of potential LGD (estimated from market value calculation) 60% 60% 60% 60% 60%
default during the loan lifetime by mul- Cumulative default prob 0.83% 1.98% 3.44% 5.19% 7.23%
tiplying each future year’s EAD with the Cumulative survival prob 99.17% 98.02% 96.56% 94.81% 92.77%
one-year marginal conditional PD and Periodic PD (conditional marginal PDs) 0.83% 1.150% 1.459% 1.754% 2.032%
LGD. Each future year’s EAD is estimated PD×LGD 0.50% 0.69% 0.88% 1.05% 1.22%
EAD 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050
as the sum of principal balance out-
Expected loss per period 5.25 7.25 9.19 11.05 12.80
standing and interest accrued if the cus-
Expected loss per period (discounted at EIR) 5.00 6.57 7.94 9.09 10.03
tomer defaults on the loan in the middle Lifetime expected loss (discounted) 38.64
of that year. Each future year’s expected 12M expected loss 5.00
loss is then discounted using the EIR. Source: The author’s own compilation.

Economic & Political Weekly EPW MAy 28, 2022 vol lVii no 22 15

estimate the 12-month PD as well as life- the bank’s term loans need to be culled restructured exposure, and if there have
time PD for different maturities. out. For non-fund-based exposures, app- been no overdue in the last two to three
One can clearly check the difference ropriate credit conversion factors need quarters, the account can be upgraded
between the lifetime ECL and 12-month to be applied. For stage 2 classification to stage 1. Such risk-based analysis will
ECL as reported in Table 4. The diffe- loans, banks can choose the criteria that enable the banks to maintain their risk
rence is quite significant. However, if we if days past due is more than 60 days, appetite and sustain their lending busi-
do not consider five-year cash flow and then the term loan is in stage 2, else in ness even in difficult times.
directly estimate ECL from by multiply- stage 1. Banks can also choose other in-
ing one-year EAD with five-year cumula- ternally set criteria. References
tive PD, the lifetime expected loss amo- Early detection of a significant increase Bandyopadhyay, A (2019): “The Accuracy of Agency
unt will be greater (without discount- in credit risk may incentivise the bank to Ratings,” Economic & Political Weekly, Vol LIV,
No 36, pp 15–17.
ing). Hence, cash flow-based ECL is a bring back those accounts to standard Hamilton, D H (2002): “Historical Corporate Rat-
better method. category and shred their further non- ing Migration, Default and Recovery Rates,”
Credit Ratings: Methodologies, Rationale and
performing asset burdens. Banks may
Default Risk, Michael K Ong (ed), Chapter 2,
Concluding Discussions consider classifying restructured ac- London: Risk Publisher.
For the purpose of Ind AS 109 ECL com- counts as stage 2 for a certain number of Mukherjee, S and S Maji (2017): “Credit Risk Mod-
elling Challenges in IFRS 9,” Prajnan, Vol XLV,
putation for loan portfolios, banks should reporting periods (say for one or two No 4, pp 383–404.
actually follow the discounted proba- quarters) post restructuring and hold Moodys (2006): “Measuring Corporate Default
bility weighted cash flow-based EAD lifetime ECL provisions for such accounts. Rates,” November.
Roy, S (2018): “Expected Credit Loss Estimation:
method and multiply with the derived Banks will have to take an internal policy Embedding the Forecasts of Future Economic
12-month PD for stage 1 and lifetime PD decision with regard to when they will re- Conditions as per IFRS 9 Guideline,” Prajnan,
for stage 2 accounts to more precisely es- vert a restructured exposure in stage 2 Vol 46, No 2, pp 185–94.
Saunders, A and M M Cornett (2008): Financial
timate their loan provisions. For this, to stage 1 classification. This can be Institutions Management: A Risk Management
loan-level cash flow data associated with based on monitoring the repayments on Approach, New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

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