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J.Z. Shah Arts & H.P.

Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat

Ability Enhancement Course: English Proficiency and Life Skills-I
Text: English and Soft Skills by S.P.Dhanavel
Prof. Ritu Agarwal ( PhD)
Short Answer Questions from Understanding the Story
Assertive Skills : The Verger by Somerset Maugham
• Please note that only Multiple choice questions will be asked
from this section and from grammar section
Main points
The story “ The Verger “ by Somerset Maugham opens with a Christening ceremony in
St. Peter’s Neville Square church which had got over and the verger Albert Edward
Foreman was still in his gown. He kept his new gown for funerals and weddings. At present
he had worn his second best gown. When he took the gown off while going home he had
the feeling of being insufficiently clad.

In his 16 years of job as a verger there, he never threw the old gowns but neatly wrapped
them in brown paper and lay in the bottom drawers of the wardrobe in his bedroom. In this
church a vicar had been recently appointed who was a red faced energetic man in the early
forties. Albert thought the vicar wanted to have his finger in every pie. The vicar had come
from East End.

Vicar walked down the aisle and called Foreman into the vestry. The two church wardens
were also waiting which surprised the verger. There the verger thought of his life as to how
he had started as a page-boy in the household of a merchant prince. How he rose by due
degrees from the position of fourth to first footman. Then how he had been a single-handed
butler to a widowed peeress. He remembered how he worked as a butler with two men
under him in the house of a retired ambassador. Verger was a tall, spare man, grave and
dignified. He looked like an actor from the old school who specialized in duke’s parts. He
had tact, firmness and assurance. His character was unimpeachable, but he could neither
read nor write.

When verger was told this, he felt no sense of embarrassment. He admitted that he knew
how to manage without reading and that since his wife is a scholar and if he wants to write
a letter, she writes for him. However, the vicar declared that at a church like St. Peter’s
Neville Square, we cannot have a verger who can neither read nor write. The church
wardens said, “We ‘ll give you three months and if at the end of that time you cannot read
and write I’m afraid you’ll have to go.”

The verger, however, was adamant and submitted his resignation. Deep in his sad thoughts,
he took a wrong turning. Though Albert Edward was a non-smoker and a total abstainer,
he liked a glass of beer with his dinner and when he was tired, he enjoyed a cigarette. It
occurred to Albert Edward that a cigarette could give him comfort at that moment. Since
he did not have a cigarette, he looked for a shop where he could buy a packet of Gold
Flakes. It was a long street but there was not a single shop where he could buy cigarettes.
Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 1 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.
An idea struck him. He thought strange things come to you when you least expect it. Next
day he went along the same street where there was no shop of cigarette. Found a little shop
to let that looked as though it would exactly suit him. After 24 hours, he took that shop.
Albert Edward set up a new business as a tobacconist and newsagent. Albert Edward did
very well. IN the course of ten years he acquired no less than ten shops. Albert Edward
visited all his ten shops in London on Monday, collected the week’s takings and took them
to the bank.

One morning when Albert Edward was paying in a bundle of notes and a heavy bag of
silver, the cashier told him that the manager would like to see him. The manager informed
Albert that he had 30,000 pounds as deposit in the bank and that he should invest it. The
manager said that he would make a list of gilt edged securities which would bring him a
better rate of interest. Albert was troubled but the manager said that he would do everything
for him. The manager then requested Albert Edward to come next time and sign the
transfers. However, Albert Edward asked how he would know what he was signing. The
manager was taken aback when he came to know that Albert Edward could not read nor
write. “ I never had the opportunity to learn to read or write until it was too late and then
somehow I wouldn’t . I got obstinate like.” The manager was so surprised that he jumped
up from his chair

He said that it was the most extraordinary thing he had ever heard.The manager stared at
him as though he was a prehistoric monster.He shockingly asked him how he had built this
important business and amassed a fortune of 30000 pounds without being able to read or
write.“ Good God ,man, what would you be now if you had been able to read or write?”“ I
can tell you that sir,” said Foreman , a little smile on his still aristocratic features. I’d be
verger of St. Peter’s , Neville Square.”

Learning Skills : Three Questions by Leo Tolstoy

Main Points:

The story “Three Questions” by Leo Tolstoy is about a King who thought that if he knew
the right time to begin everything ,Who were the right people to listen to and What was the
most important thing to do he would never fail. So he announced a reward to anyone who
would answer.

To the first question What was the right time for action? Some said plan in advance a
table of days , months and years and must live strictly according to it. Some said attend to
all that was going on and then do what was needful. Some said it is important to have a
Council of wise men and some said to know the right time magicians need to be consulted.
To the second question Who were the right and most necessary people? Some said the
King needed the most were his councilllors. Some said the king needed priests. Some said
the king needed doctors. Some said the king needed warriors . To the third question What
was the most important thing to do/occupation? Some said the most important thing was
science. Some said the skill in warfare was most imp. Some said religious worship was
most imp.

King decided to consult the hermit as all the answers were different. King put on simple
clothes, dismounted from his horse and left his bodyguard and went alone. Hermit at that

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 2 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.
time was digging the ground. Hermit greeted the king but went on digging. Hermit was
frail and weak. King asked the three questions, but hermit did not reply. Hermit went on
digging the ground. The king offered to take the spade and dig to which the hermit agreed.
The king went on digging and after digging two beds he again asked the question but hermit
did not reply. By evening the king went on digging and in anger said, “ I came to you wise
man for an answer to my questions. If you can give me none, tell me so, and I will return

At that point of time a bearded man came running out of the wood. Man had a large wound
in his stomach. The king bandaged, washed the wound and rebandaged till the blood
stopped. At last the man revived and the king laid him on the bed inside the hut. King was
exhausted and tired by late evening that he slept all through the short summer night. He
forgot all about it in the morning.

On seeing the king awake, the bearded wounded man said, “Forgive me!” The King said:
“I do not know you, and have nothing to forgive you for.” The bearded man confessed that
he knew the king. He was the king’s enemy. He wanted to take revenge as the king had
executed his brother and seized his property. He wanted to kill the king on his way back to
the palace. Came out of the ambush as the king did not return for many days. The King’s
bodyguard saw him and wounded him. “I wished to kill you but you saved my life.”

The king then forgave his enemy and asked the hermit for the last time the answers to his
three questions. Hermit then replied .“ If you had not pitied my weakness yesterday, and
had not dug those beds for me, but had gone your way, that man would have attacked you
and you would have repented.” “So the most important time was when you were digging
the beds”. “I was the most important man”. “To do me good was your most important
business”.“ When that man ran to us, “The most important time was when you were
attending to him , for if you had not bound up his wounds he would have died without
having made peace with you”. “He was the most important man”. “What you did for him
was the most important business”.

In his concluding statement the hermit said that “There is only one time that is important –
NOW! It is the most important time because it is the only time when we have power”.
“The most important man is he with whom you are, for no man knows whether he will ever
have dealings with anyone else”. “The most important affair is , to do good , because for
that purpose alone was man sent into this life.!”

Adaptability Skills: Senor Payroll by W.E. Barrett

Main Points:

In the story “Señor Payroll” by William E. Barrett we have the theme of control, power,
determination, connection and acceptance. Senor payroll is a story of a gas plant which has
employed a group of expert stokers who are Mexicans. The laborers at a gas plant use all
means to evade company rules and withdraw their money as they please.

W.E. Barrett and his coworker Larry manage the payroll at a gas plant. They are below
everyone at the company except the Mexican laborers. Among these, the stokers are the
highest up the chain, because their job of shoveling coal into tiny doors for eight hours.

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 3 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.
The company paid them twice a month on 5th and 20th. To a Mexican it was absurd as they
could not hoard money beyond three to four days as it was considered to be a miser. So
they would ask for advance every 3 to 4 days. They worked for 8 hours shift.

The company one day sent a notice that there were too many abuses of advance against
wage privilege. No advance would be given to employees except in case of emergency.
The notice was posted on the notice board; Juan Gracia came and asked for advance. He
was shown the notice. Other stokers Pete Mendoza and Franciso Gonzales also came for
advance and Larry explained them the new notice/rule of the company.

The next morning stokers came up with a request for advance on medical emergency
grounds. The next day Juan Gracias wife was practically dying, Peter Mendonza’s mother
would hardly last the day and so for these emergency reasons they were paid advances.
Workers had created fake emergency reasons to get advances.

After a week a new notice came up. It said that no employee will be paid in advance in
the middle/in-between except for those who resign and leave the job. The employees
came to know about it. The next morning Juan and other workers resigned and left the
company and the best stokers Mendoza, Obregon, Ayala and Ortez also resigned. The
stokers were the best men for the work and could not be replaced. Everyday Larry and the
narrator had a line of resigning stokers and another line of stokers waiting to be hired. After
leaving the job the stokers came back to be rehired. Since the company needed the stokers,
they were hired again.

The paperwork at the office became very complicated. The downtown office was in chaos
and thus issued another notice. The next order from the office came. It meant hereafter no
employee who resigned could be rehired in the next 30 days. However, all workers
resigned, got the money and came back again to be hired this time stating a new and
different name. Since they mentioned a new name, they were hired. Within a week the
company payroll read like the history of Latin America. All familiar faces with unfamiliar

Juan changed his name to Manual Hernandez, Gonzalez’s new name was Carrera and Ayala
became Smith. Three days later the resigning started. There was again a chaos.

The next day orders were called back and prominent stokers went to office and were pointed
to board saying ‘No rules anymore.’ The end is very exciting as the company understood
the situation and admitted its defeat as they could not control the Mexican workers with
their rules. The workers simply said “Si, Senores.”

Non-verbal Communication Skills:A Real Good Smile by Bill Naughton

Main Points :The story “A Real Good Smile” by Bill Naughton is a simple story which
highlights the importance of honesty and non-verbal communication skills.

The boy was in trouble because he had no job. He was out of work even after completing his
school. He was in disgrace and ashamed as he felt everyone talked about him behind his back.
He was ashamed to show his face to people on the street.

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 4 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.
The five stages of career growth in the locomotive shed are that one would start as a dirt wiper,
then in few years become a greaser, after a long time become an oiler and greaser, and learn to
be a fire man and stoke up the engine of the train and if one was lucky become an engine driver
by the age of fifty.

It was difficult to get a job at the locomotive shed because this job in those days was considered
to be that of royalty and it needed a lot of influence to get a job there.

Alf Agar gave good tips to Billy. First, he said that he should ask for the job himself. Second,
he said he should not put his hands in his pockets while talking. Third, he should keep his head
back and chin in. Fourth was that he should speak in a loud, clear voice. Finally, he suggested
that he should have a really good smile.

Alf emphasized that Billy should give a real good smile because Mr Bidwell who was the
owner of the locomotive shed could not bear the sight of a miserable lad. He said that boss Mr
Bidwell did not like those who were not happy at their work. He told him that his whole future
depended on that smile.

Near the mental home Billy decided to rehearse for the interview on his own. He flung back
his shoulders, swung his arms, and went marching up to the stump with a big smile on his face.
He spoke to himself that he had come for a job and that he would not take ‘NO’ for an answer.
Then he noticed that a gardener was watching him. Gardener told Billy to go and get his
uniform first because then he could use a lad on that job. Billy ran away from there.

In front of the sweeper up Billy performed extremely well. He put up a big smile. In a loud
voice wished him good morning. He told him that he could start working from that very minute.
He mistook the sweeper for Mr Bidwell and so later his heart sank.

Billy behaved in a nervous manner in front of Mr Bidwell. He mumbled. He could not speak
clearly. He kept his hands in his pocket and did not straighten himself. He simply asked if he
wanted any lads. However, when Mr Bidwell refused, Billy outrageously declined to take any

Billy joined Jimmy Ackers at the spinning mill because he thought that now there was no
chance of him getting a job in a locomotive shed. He knew he had spoken his mind.

At the end Alf Agar informed Billy that M r Bidwell wanted him to join the locomotive shed
from the next day. He said that he had liked the way he spoke and that he admires honesty.

The two career choices open to Billy were that of working in a spinning mill and another of
working in a locomotive shed. He finally chose to work in a locomotive shed because it had
better prospects.

In the story it is emphasized that a job seeker should be honest, should be good mannered,
should have excellent communication skills and should be confident and should have a pleasing

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 5 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.
Short Answer Questions from Thinking about Soft Skills and Soft Skills at Work Place

Assertive Skills
1.What is assertiveness?

Assertiveness means standing up for one’s personal rights and with confidence- expressing
thoughts, feelings and beliefs in direct, honest and appropriate ways. Assertive individuals
are able to get their point across without upsetting others or becoming upset themselves.
They are not afraid to say ‘NO’.

2. How is assertiveness different from aggression?

Aggression refers to achieving one’s goals unmindful of how others suffer whereas
assertiveness means the ability to express opinions or desires strongly and with confidence,
so that people take notice.

3. What are the characteristics of an assertive person?

An assertive person has high self-esteem, is confident, maintains eye contact and is honest.
They disagree respectfully. They respect the opinions of others. Assertive people are good
listeners. They are problem solvers and can arrive at a compromise.

4. Why do employers prefer assertive candidates?

Employers prefer assertive candidates because assertive people are not afraid of failures or
of making mistakes, They are active at trying out new strategies at work. They will be more
actively involved in the workings of the organization. They stand up and express their point
of view but they also are able to compromise.

5. What are the reasons for the mismatch between education and employment?

The main reason for the mismatch between education and employment is that education
does not match the job skills required in the market. The emphasis of education is only on
theoretical knowledge whereas in employment practical knowledge is necessary. Graduates
have degrees but lack the hands-on experience needed for technical roles.

6. What personal qualities can help you achieve assertive behaviour?

Personal qualities which can help achieve assertive behaviors are:

1. Personal communication style

2. Control over emotions
3. Understand and accept differences
4. Speak simply and directly
5. Exercise the power of “ I”
6. Stay Calm

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 6 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.
7.Many great people did not have the advantage of a good education. Benjamin Franklin,
Thomas Alva Edison, Henry Ford, Srinivas Ramanujan and Dhirubhai Ambani are well known
examples. What qualities and characteristics help these people achieve greatness in their chosen

The characteristics which help great people achieve greatness are:

1. Leadership quality
2. Self-confidence and self-belief
3. Aspiration
4. Decisive
5. Engaging
6. Friendly
7. Goal oriented
8. Humble
9. Emotional intelligence
10. Learns from the journey.

Learning Skills
1.Why is it important to update one’s knowledge and Skills?

It is important to update one’s knowledge and skills because it helps one to adapt to
unexpected changes in life. It helps in improving career prospects. Such people become a
better investment for the company. One does not feel left behind. It helps the person to
remain valuable and relevant. It boosts self-confidence. It helps in getting new ideas. When
one has updated knowledge, the perspective towards work changes.

2. What are the different sources you can use to acquire knowledge?

The different sources which we can use to acquire knowledge are 1) life experience, 2)
social customs and traditions, 3) authority, 4) deductive and inductive reasoning, 5)
scientific method, 6) social inquiry method7. Intuition

The Indian epistemological tradition comprises six important sources of knowledge. They
are: perception (pratyaksa), inference (anumana), verbal testimony (Sabda), comparison
(upamana), presupposition (arthapatti) and non- apprehension (anupalabdhi).

3. What motivates some people to study & learn even when there is no need to do so?

Some people are motivated to study and learn even when there is no need is because they
have interest in a topic or subject, they may have a desire to impress in a specific subject
or topic, or excel., they may have a passion to excel. Some people by nature are curious
and inquisitive.

4. You have been working in a company for many years and your employers are satisfied with
your work. Suddenly one day you are asked to upgrade your skills. What will you do to improve
your skills?

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 7 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.
If the company asks me to upgrade my skills, I would first of all set comprehensive
goals and targets. Then try to find a mentor. I will select an online course, gather
feedback. If there is some kind of organizational training, seminars, workshops I would
participate in it. I would register for professional development programs.

5. What are the different ways by which you can acquire recognized degrees and diplomas?

The different ways by which one can acquire recognized degrees and diplomas are:

1. Enrolling in a recognized college/university

2. Joining part time courses

3. Enrolling in online courses

4. Earning the total credits (144) as per university

5. Translating professional experience into credits

6.Joining Open University

6. What are the informal ways of learning by which you can develop your abilities and
empower yourself?

Informal learning can take various forms, including reading books, attending
workshops, participating in online courses, engaging in hobbies, volunteering, and
networking with professionals. One can also listen to video lectures and practice trial
and error method.

7. What opportunities are given to employees to improve their skills and abilities? Give
specific examples.

The opportunities given to employees to improve their skills and abilities are :

1. Online training sessions and webinars.

2. Manager coaching and mentorship.
3. Classroom-style learning.
4. Peer coaching.
5. Cross-training.
6. Stretch assignments

Adaptability Skills
1. What is adaptability? How is adaptability a survival skill in an organization?

Adaptability is a soft skill which means to adjust to changing circumstances.

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 8 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.
An adaptable person in the workplace can keep up with moving priorities, projects, clients, and
technology. They're skilled at dealing with changes at work, whether process updates or their
work environment.

2. Who needs adaptability skills most in an organization?

Adaptability is a skill every leader must have. Adaptable leaders earn the respect of
their colleagues and motivate those they lead to embrace change, making business operation as
smooth as possible.

Adaptability skills are also required by employees because they showcase the ability to be
resourceful, display leadership skills, determination, analytical skills and more.

So, both the managers as well as the employees need adaptability skills.

3. How is knowledge of human relations an important dimension of adaptability?

Human relations is the way an organization's employees and leaders feel about each
other, interact and solve problems. Being able to adapt to different situations and individuals is
an important component of human relations.

Adaptability enables us to be both a better coworker and manager and ensures that one fits well
into the company culture.

Human relations are critical for developing and maintaining a positive work environment,
retaining employees, and encouraging productivity.

By keeping human relations in we can effectively create a workplace culture in which

employees can thrive.

4. How do you maintain your self-respect and yet adjust with others?

Maintaining self-respect in relationships is important for overall happiness. It is

important to communicate openly and honestly, practice self-care and prioritize one’s own
needs. However, there is a thin line between one’s self -respect and adjustment.

Therefore, it is important to voice one’s point of view, listen to the other person, and
take turns giving and taking.

It would enable us to find a happy medium where both the parties can be comfortable.
It is also important to accept responsibility when we are wrong and be kind when others make
mistakes. We are all human and we should treat each other fairly.

5. Why do some employees change jobs frequently while others work loyally for their
companies for many years?

In this fast-paced world, it is normal for many experienced employees around the
world to relocate themselves. Mostly the reasons for switching jobs are Career advancement,
dissatisfaction with leadership, discontent with the salary.

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 9 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.
However, some feel bored and are unable to adapt and adjust. Some continue to work loyally
because they are satisfied and are able to adjust more.

6. What are some important areas you will look into before you decide whether a company is
suitable for you or not?

Some important areas which one should look into before deciding whether a company
is suitable or not is that whether the company is stable or not and get an authentic insight about
the company by hearing from the people who worked in it. They should see if there is work-
life Balance. And see the working hours and what are the benefits offered.

It is important to know the company culture and opportunities for growth.

7. What are the essential features of good communication in an organization?

Simplicity, clarity, brevity, objectivity, utility are the watchwords of business

communication. Efficient organizational communication involves knowing how to create and
exchange information, work with diverse groups or individuals, communicate in complicated
and changing circumstances, as well as having the aptitude or motivation to communicate in
appropriate manners.

A good organizational communication strategy ensures that everyone within the

business is on the same page and aware of the company's goals and objectives. This
communication is continuous. It is important that the sender and the receiver interact at a
common level of understanding. Communication contents in an organization should be of
mutual congruence, i.e., it should be in the common interest of both the senders and the
receivers. It is essential to communicate with workers in their own understandable language.

Non-verbal Communication Skills

1. When you speak with someone how do you know that they are interested in what you are

It is well said that face is an index of the mind, and the eyes are a window to
the soul. When we speak with someone their facial expressions convey a lot. If a person
maintains eye contact it means they are listening. If they lean towards us and listen attentively,
it shows that they are interested. A person who is interested also responds properly and overall
body language is positive.

2. When you visit someone how do you know if they are welcoming you?

It is well said that face is an index of the mind, and the eyes are a window to the
soul. When we visit someone, we know that they are welcoming us is when we receive a happy
greeting or hug. When a person welcomes, they have a relaxed body language. They would
have a pleasant smile and would maintain eye contact. They would have an open posture and
arms would be uncrossed. Some verbal cues like ‘Come in’ or ‘ make yourself at home’ also
convey their welcoming attitude.

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 10 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.
3. When do you say,’I beg your pardon’,’ please repeat I can't hear you’ etc. in your
conversation with others?

Politeness is the key to good communication. Expressions like ’I beg your

pardon’,’ please repeat I can't hear you’ are used when we miss hearing something or
comprehending what the other person has said.

4. What role does a smile play in human communication?

It is well said that face is an index of the mind, and the eyes are a window to the soul.

Smile is the first part of non-verbal communication. It helps break the ice. It can express love,
sarcasm, and courtesy. It enhances mood and makes people comfortable. It is contagious. It
expresses delight, sociability, and happiness.

5. How do you understand whether somebody needs help or not?

It is well said that face is an index of the mind, and the eyes are a window to the soul.

If someone looks sick or low on energy one understands that one needs help. If we notice that
the person is quiet, tired all the time and is not taking care of oneself, we tend to know that they
need help. If a person stops smiling or maintaining eye- contact then also we can understand
that something is wrong. A person who needs help comes across as frustrated, annoyed and
irritated. We need to extend empathy and be kind.

6. In the given situation which non-verbal messages would be communicated-A company

announces a bonus for its employees, but it does not disburse the bonus even after a month of
the announcement.

Sometimes the best way to show one’s disagreement and disapproval is through silence
and not by action. It is said Speech is silver and silence is golden.

In case of situation when one is not given what one has been promised, disapproval can be
shown by body language. Then there would be no eye contact, no smiles and people would
have glaring eyes. If they speak, they would comment in a mocking tone and instead of a polite
and kind voice, the voice would be loud and fierce. The lips would be tensed, and eyebrows
would be furrowed up. There would only be occasional head shakes and arms would be crossed.

7. In the given situation which non-verbal messages would be communicated -The

management and the workers of a company signed a memorandum of understanding to share
the profits after taxes and paying dividends to shareholders. However, the management
deliberately runs the company into losses.

Sometimes the best way to show one’s disagreement and disapproval is through silence and
not by action. It is said Speech is silver and silence is golden.

In case of situation when one is not given what one has been promised, disapproval can be
shown by body language. Then there would be no eye contact, no smiles and people would
have glaring eyes. If they speak, they would comment in a mocking tone and instead of a polite

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 11 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.
and kind voice, the voice would be loud and fierce. The lips would be tensed, and eyebrows
would be furrowed up. There would only be occasional head shakes and arms would be crossed.

8. In the given situation which non-verbal messages would be communicated - Your

teacher tells you that he will take special classes for you on Saturdays. Most students turn up
for the special class but the teacher does not appear.

Sometimes the best way to show one’s disagreement and disapproval is through silence
and not by action. It is said Speech is silver and silence is golden.

In case of situation when one is not given what one has been promised, disapproval can be
shown by body language. Then there would be no eye contact, no smiles and people would
have glaring eyes. If they speak, they would comment in a mocking tone and instead of a polite
and kind voice, the voice would be loud and fierce. The lips would be tensed, and eyebrows
would be furrowed up. There would only be occasional head shakes and arms would be crossed.

9. In the given situation which non-verbal messages would be communicated -You ask
your father to buy you a new cell phone. He promises to buy the cell phone on the first of the
next month. You remind him a number of times but each time he postpones it to a later date.

Sometimes the best way to show one’s disagreement and disapproval is through silence
and not by action. It is said Speech is silver and silence is golden.

In case of situation when one is not given what one has been promised, disapproval can be
shown by body language. Then there would be no eye contact, no smiles and people would
have glaring eyes. If they speak, they would comment in a mocking tone and instead of a polite
and kind voice, the voice would be loud and fierce. The lips would be tensed, and eyebrows
would be furrowed up. There would only be occasional head shakes and arms would be crossed.

10. In the given situation which non-verbal messages would be communicated -A member
of your staff comes in late every day. Specify the non-verbal, verbal and official methods you
would use to deal with him

It is important to maintain discipline at punctuality at workplace. However, there

are a few employees who are always late.

For a few days non- verbal gestures like looking at the watch, glare in the eyes with arms
crossed or a stare can be used to convey disapproval.

It is important to convey to them that their habit is not acceptable. For that one needs to set the
expectations clearly, talk out that this is unacceptable. After that, facts should be presented
using dates and time.

Even after this, if the employees fails to be punctual, softly they should be reminded about the
policy and how it can impact their career prospects.

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
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internet sources and google search engine.
Vocabulary and Grammar

Assertive Skills

Give Meanings:
1. Alpaca-a long haired South American mammal
2. Complacence-Overly content or pleased with oneself
3. Disconcerting-unsettling
4. Chancel-The part of church near the altar reserved for clergy
5. Genuflect-lower one's body briefly by bending one knee to the ground, typically in
worship or as a sign of respect.
6. Cassock-a full-length garment worn by certain Christian clergy
7. Discreet-careful in one's speech or actions
8. Congregation-a group of people assembled for religious worship.
9. Surpliced-Wearing a surplice-a white, loose piece of clothing, worn over other clothing
during religious ceremonies
10. Refectory-a room used for communal meals in an educational or religious institution.
11. Jockeyed-Struggled
12. Obsequious-obedient to an excessive degree
13. Ecclesiastical-priestly
14. Deportment-a person’s behaviour and manners
15. Irreproachable-faultless
16. Unimpeachable-trustworthy
17. Sallow-yellowish
18. Lamentable-very bad/full of grief
19. Prudence- the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason
20. Latitude-parallel/scope/freedom

Learning Skills
1. Proclaimed-to make something known officially or publicly
2. Draw up-to prepare something ,usually official in writing
3. Hermit-a person who prefers to live alone
4. Renowned-famous

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 13 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.
5. Cell-small room in a prison
6. Dismounted- get off a horse,bicycle or anything that one is riding
7. Frail-weak
8. Recommenced-restart
9. Feebly- weakly
10. Ceased-stopped
11. Revived-become active again
12. Crouched-bending legs and body so that you are close to the ground
13. Threshold-level at which something starts to happen
14. Ambush-a surprise attack from a hidden position
15. Repented-apologized

Adaptability Skills
1. Downtown- Main business and commercial area of a town or city

2. Bewildering- confusing or perplexing

3. Stokers- someone employed to supply machine with fuel like coal

4. Retorts- reply in a sharp angry manner

5. Scooped- to move or lift somebody or something using a continuous action

6. Uncanny- Strange, that you cannot easily explain

7. Nozzle- A narrow tube that is put on the end of a pipe to control the liquid or gas coming

8. Absurd- Illogical, ridiculous

9. Elasticity- the quality of being able to stretch and return to its original size and shape

10. Veritable- used for emphasis

11. Curt- short and unpolite

12. Transient- short time lasting

13. Virtuoso- a person who is skilful especially playing a musical instrument

14. Stolid- Calm, dependable and showing little emotion

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 14 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.
15. Dissuade- to persuade somebody not to do something

16. Hombres- a man especially one of a particular type- North American

Non-verbal Communication Skills
1. Disgrace- The state of not being respected

2. Piercers- People who lean over the spinning machines to repair broken threads

3. Royalty- Member of royal family

4. Bear the sight of- To tolerate, accept & endure

5. Mumbling- Utter words in a low confused manner

6. Respects- Feeling of admiration

7. What the dickens- Used for emphasis or to express annoyance or surprise

8. Snuffy- contemptuous

9. Prospects- A thought about what may happen in future

10. Slouch- Sit, stand or walk in a lazy way

11. Trudge- Walk slowly with heavy steps

12. Deserted- Empty

13. Crafty- Clever at achieving one’s aim by indirect / deceitful method

14. Ogre- An unpleasant & frightening person

15. Made out- Assert or imply something about a particular person/thing

16. Snooty- Showing disapproval or contempt

17. Ranted- To speak or complain in a loud, angry way

Assertive Skills
Make verbs from the following words using appropriate suffixes:

1. Strength-strengthen
2. Character-characterize
3. Exemplary-exemplify
Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 15 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.
4. Hesitation-hesitated
5. Notification-notify
6. Separation-separated
7. Sharp-sharpen
8. Picture-pictured
9. Beauty-beautify
10. Demonstration-demonstrated
11. Pure-purify
12. Isolation-isolated
13. Deep-deepen
14. General-generalize
15. Sweet-sweeten
16. Energetic-energize
17. Hard-harden
18. Symbol-symbolize
19. Specific-specify
20. Magnificent-magnify

Use the following words in sentences of your own as a noun and as a verb:

1.Master- You are a master( N) of your own life.

He mastered ( V)the art of living.

2.Question- Answer this question ( N)

Aakash did not question( V) the authority.

3.Service- This hotel provides good service(N)

Please service my car ( V)

4.Practice- His law practice( N) is going well.

He practices ( V) law.

5.Walk- He went for a long walk ( N)

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 16 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.
He walks( V) everyday.

6.Bank- We deposit money in a bank ( N)

He is banking(V) with them.

7.Pay- Have you got your pay?( N)

Pay(V) me 100 Rs.

8.Bundle- He carried a bundle( N) of clothes.

Bundle( V) the clothes.

9.Need – Fulfill your needs ( N) first.

I need ( V) water.

10.Comfort- Be at comfort.( N)

He comforted ( V) her

11.Wonder- Look at the wonders ( N) of the world.

He wondered( V) if it was correct.

12.Point- This is an important point. ( N)

Point( V) my mistake.

13.View- The view ( N) outside is beautiful.

I viewed( V) it from all angles.

14.Answer – This answer ( N) is correct.

Answer( V) me .

15.Cost- The cost( N) of this product is high.

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 17 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.
This costs ( V)100 Rs.

16.Second – He came second( N) in the race.

I second( V) the proposed name.

17.Interest-Barks charge interest .( N)

He is interested( V) in her.

18. Stock- The stock( N) of food is sufficient.

They have stocked( V) enough food.

19.Share- His share ( N) in the property is less.

He shares ( V) and cares.

20.Smile- Her smile ( N) is beautiful.

She smiled( V) beautifully.

21.Transfer- In a government job, you cannot escape transfer.( N)

Transfer( V) money to my account.

22.Trouble- He fell into trouble( N).

Don’t trouble ( V) your parents.

Learning Skills
Prounouns-Forms of Pronouns:

• I-Me- My-Mine
• We- Us-Ours-Ourselves
• You- Your-Yours-Yourselves
• He-Him- His- Himself
• She-Her-Hers-Herself
• It-Its-Itself
• They-Them-Their-Theirs-Themselves

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 18 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.
Read the following passages and underline the pronouns .Then identify the nouns to
which the Pronouns refer:

1.When the king approached, the hermit was digging the ground in front of his hut. Seeing
the king, he greeted him and went on digging.The hermit was frail and weak, and each time
he stuck his spade into the ground and turned a little earth, he breathed heavily.

• Answer: His ( Hermit), He ( hermit),Him ( King),He ( Hermit), His ( Hermit), He (

• When the king approached, the hermit was digging the ground in front of his hut. Seeing
the king, he greeted him and went on digging.The hermit was frail and weak, and each
time he stuck his spade into the ground and turned a little earth, he breathed heavily.

2.The king turned around, and saw a bearded man come running out of the wood. The man
held his hands pressed against his stomach, and blood was flowing from under them.When
he reached the King, he fell fainting on the ground moaning feebly. The King and the hermit
unfastened the man’s clothing. There was a large wound in his stomach.The king washed
it as best he could, and bandaged it with his handkerchief and with a towel the hermit had.

• Answer: His ( man), His (Man), His (Man),Them( Hands),He ( Man),His ( Man),He (
King),It ( Wound),His( King)
• The king turned around, and saw a bearded man come running out of the wood. The
man held his hands pressed against his stomach, and blood was flowing from under
them. When he reached the King, he fell fainting on the ground moaning feebly. The
King and the hermit unfastened the man’s clothing. There was a large wound in his
stomach.The king washed it as best he could, and bandaged it with his handkerchief
and with a towel the hermit had.

Rewrite the following passage with the correct pronoun

Radha is an efficient lady. They go to office on time. She does not even go to the canteen
for his lunch. Naturally, he finishes my work everyday. Their manager, Mr. Santhosh
Gupta, is very pleased with his performance. He plans to recommend a rise in pay for them
from next month.

• Answer :Radha is an efficient lady. She goes to office on time. She does not even go
to the canteen for her lunch. Naturally, she finishes her work everyday. Her manager,
Mr. Santhosh Gupta, is very pleased with her performance. He plans to recommend a
rise in pay for her from next month.

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 19 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.
Negative Prefixes

• Make three words with each negative prefix

1. A- amoral, apolitical, aside

2. Anti-anti-sexual, anti-social, anti-corruption
3. Contra-contradictory, contradict, contraindicate, contravene
4. Counter-counter –point, counter-argument, counter-balance
5. De-destabilize, dehuman, decentralize
6. Dis-discontinue, disorient, dislike
7. Il-illogical, illegal, illiterate
8. Im-impolite, immovable, impermanent
9. In-infinite, inhuman, inactive
10. Ir-irresponsible, irregular, irrelevant
11. Mal-malnutrition, malpractice, malfunction
12. Mis-mismanagement , misunderstand , miscalculation
13. Non- non-cooperation , non-smoker, non-alcoholic
14. Sub- sub –standard, sub-conscious, sub-marine
15. Un-unhappy, unnecessary, unconscious
16. Under-underestimate, underemployment, underpay

Adaptability Skills
Active and Passive Voice:

Change the following sentences from the active to the passive voice.

1. Larry and the narrator manage the stokers.

The stokers were managed by Larry and the narrator.

2. The main office sent us a bewildering array of orders.

We were sent a bewildering array of orders by the main office.

3. We implemented the orders.

The orders were implemented by them.

4. They scooped coal with huge shovels and hurled it with uncanny aim at tiny doors.
Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 20 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.
Coal was scooped with huge shovels and hurled with uncanny aim at tiny doors by them.

5. The company paid its men only twice a month.

Men were paid only twice a month by their company.

6. So I hired Juan.

Juan was thus hired by me.

7. They called the most prominent stokers into the office.

The most prominent stokers were called into office by them .

8. The teacher encouraged the student to improve her adaptability skills.

The student was encouraged by the teacher to improve her adaptability skills.

Change the following sentences into active voice.

1. The employees were appreciated by the manager for their cooperation.

The manager appreciated the employees for their cooperation.

2. The children were given scholarships for higher studies.

They gave scholarships for higher studies to the children.

3. A new health insurance scheme has been announced by the government.

The government has announced a new health insurance scheme.

4. The unemployed youth is being taken care of by the employment guarantee programme.

The employment guarantee programme is taking care of the unemployed youth.

5. The oil companies had been told not to increase the price of oil until further orders.

They had told the oil companies not to increase the price of oil until further orders.

Direct and Indirect Speech

Change into indirect speech

1. When Juan asked the narrator for his salary, the narrator said ,”Next pay day ,Juan.On
the Twentieth.”
Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 21 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.
When Juan asked the narrator for his money the narrator replied that he could get his money
on the next pay day which was the 20th.

2. He said, “The bell rings at 9:00 AM.”

He said that the bell rang at 9:00 AM.

3. He said, “The bell rang.”

He said that the bell had rung .

4. He said, “The bell will ring.”

He said that the bell would ring.

5. He said, “ Alex can ring the bell”.

He said that Alex could ring the bell.

6. He said, “ Alex must ring the bell”.

He said that Alex had to ring the bell.

7. The speaker said, “The United Nations adopted the Human Rights Charter in 1948.”

The speaker said that the United Nations adopted the Human Rights Charter in 1948.

8.They said, “If it rained for three months in the desert, farming would be possible there.”

They said that if it rained for three months in the desert farming would be possible there.

9.Meera said, “When the boy picked up the baby, his sister smiled.”

Meera said that when the boy picked up the baby his sister smiled.

10.She said, “Neeta takes the 8:00 o'clock train everyday.”

She said that Neeta takes the 8:00 o'clock train everyday.

11.I said, “Water is essential for life.”

I said that water is essential for life.

12.Tina said just a minute ago, “The theatre group is visiting our city soon.”

Tina said just a minute ago that the theatre group is visiting our city soon.
Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 22 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.
13.The man said to me , “Don't put your things here.”

The man ordered me not to put my things there.

14.Udit said to his wife, “When are you going out tomorrow?”

Udit asked his wife when she was going out the next day.

15.He says to me, “ What is this place called?”

He asked me what this place is called.

16.The officer said to the new recruit, “You have to wear your identity card when you enter
the office.”

The officer ordered the new recruit to wear his identity card when he entered the office.

17.The new recruit said, “Yes Sir, I will wear it right away.”

The new recruit affirmed that he would wear it right away.

18.The manager said, “Please inform me in advance if you are unable to come to work.”

The manager requested that he should be informed in advance if they were unable to come
to work.

19.The customer asked, “What is the cost of this product?”

The customer enquired what the cost of this product was.

20.Sriram said to his father, “ I am fortunate to have a father like you.”

Sriram told his father that he was fortunate to have a father like him.

21.Larry looked at it and said, “It is going to be very quiet around here.”

Larry looked at it and said that it was going to be very quiet around there.

Non-verbal Communication Skills

‘Wh’ and ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ Questions

Wh-Wh questions are questions which begin with Wh -words Which, When, Where, When,
Why and How

Yes-No questions are questions to which the answer is in Yes or No

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
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internet sources and google search engine.
Change into Yes-No questions/ Wh questions-:

1. Your name is Mr Girish Ramachandran.

Is your name Mr . Girish Ramachandran?-Yes-No

What is your name?-Wh-

2. You have completed your undergraduate studies.

Have you completed your undergraduate studies?-Yes-No

What have you completed? Wh-

3.I happened to meet your father’s close friend.

Did you happen to meet your father’s close friend.-Yes-No

Whom did you happen to meet? -Wh-

Expansion of the ideas of the given proverbs

*Please note that here one sample is provided and depending on the proverb given,
appropriate changes would have to be made. A learner’s creativity and innovative ideas
are always welcome. Instances and real-life examples can be given to explain the proverb.

Assertive Skills
• He who asks is a fool for five minutes but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.
• Kill your enemies with your kindness.
• If you cannot make a person think as you do, make a person do as you think.
• Seek till you find and you will not lose labour.
• We do not walk on our legs but on our will.
• A person who will not flee will make his foe flee.
• He who does not cry does not get fed.
• Put your feet down where you mean to stand.
• Speak the truth in love.
• Come and let us reason together.

The proverb “Kill your enemies with your kindness” focusses on the importance of having
assertiveness. Assertiveness means standing up for one’s personal rights and with
confidence- expressing thoughts, feelings and beliefs in direct, honest and appropriate

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 24 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.
Assertive individuals are able to get their point across without upsetting others or becoming
upset themselves. They are not afraid to say ‘NO’. It is different from aggression. One
should not be afraid to pose questions. The world may laugh but if you continue to inquire
and seek answers with conviction, then you learn a lot.

It is important to speak softly but firmly. The skill lies in making others do what you want.
Assertive people don’t stop before they have found what they want. We need to remember
that great things are done by people who have the attitude to do so. Even if the world says
you will not be able to do, they believe in themselves and continue to achieve. The best
example is PM Narendra Modi’s assertiveness. Assertive people never get bogged down
by failures or by mean remarks. They are ready to speak, persuade, convince and stand for
what is right. They reason and inquire logically and the best thing is that they do not lose
their temper.

In short an assertive person always has high self-esteem but s/he disagrees respectfully and
respects the opinions of others.

Learning Skills
• He who is afraid of asking is ashamed of learning
• The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.
• Only after learning , do you know what you do not know.
• You are never too old to learn.
• Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.
• Keep the old, but learn the new.
• You will not grow at all if you think you know it all.
• If you study to remember you forget ; but if you study to understand , you will
• Live and learn.
• If the child is not learning the way you are teaching, then you must teach in the way the
child learns.

The proverb, “ He who is afraid of asking is ashamed of learning” focusses on the

importance of learning skills. Learning is lifelong. It can never end. It is important to update
one’s knowledge and skills because it helps one to adapt to unexpected changes in life. It
helps in improving career prospects. Such people become a better investment for the
company. One does not feel left behind. It helps the person to remain valuable and relevant.
It boosts self-confidence. It helps in getting new ideas. When one has updated knowledge,
the perspective towards work changes.

One needs to keep oneself updated by reading books, attending workshops, participating in
online courses, engaging in hobbies, volunteering, and networking with professionals. One
Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 25 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.
can also listen to video lectures and practice trial and error method. One should never be
ashamed of asking questions and never too old to learn anything. For instance , the
grandparents and parents are now learning to use technology ,social media and it is helping
them to stay relevant.

Anything that one has learnt never goes waste. It becomes a part of our personality .
Learning new things adds to the treasure of knowledge . The day one stops learning, one
stops evolving.

In short, one should be ready to learn, relearn and unlearn to stay updated, relevant and

Adaptability Skills
• Change yourself and you change the earth.
• Times change and we with time.
• A reed before the wind lives on while mighty oaks do fall.
• Adversity makes strange bedfellows.
• The unexpected happens.
• New Lords ,new rules.
• The wise adapt themselves to circumstances as water moulds itself to the pitcher.
• Circumstances alter cases.
• To exist is to change; to change is to mature; to mature is to create oneself endlessly.

The proverb "Times change and we with time" reflects the inevitability of change , need
for adaptability , flexibility and evolve along with it. It acknowledges the dynamic nature
of the world and the constant transformations that occur in various aspects of life.

The proverb suggests that as time progresses, we, as individuals, are expected to grow,
learn, and evolve. It emphasizes the importance of personal development and adapting our
beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors in response to changing circumstances.

The proverb encourages flexibility and open-mindedness in the face of change. It reminds
us that clinging to rigid ideas or resisting change can hinder personal progress. If we remain
open to new perspectives, ideas, and possibilities, we can broaden our horizons and bring
about a change.

The proverb recognizes that change extends beyond the individual level and also talks about
societal and cultural transformations. It highlights the importance of understanding the
shifting norms, values, and expectations within our communities and societies. By being
aware of these changes, we can actively participate in shaping and contributing to the
positive progress of our communities.

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 26 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.
In today's rapidly advancing technological landscape, the proverb holds particular
relevance. It emphasizes the need to stay updated with emerging technologies and adapt to
the evolving digital world. Being willing to embrace new tools, platforms, and ways of
communication can enhance our productivity, effectiveness, and connectivity in an
increasingly digital age.

The proverb focusses on the value of lifelong learning.It suggests that to keep pace with
change, we must remain curious, intellectually engaged, and committed to self-

The proverb also recognizes the emotional and psychological approach required to change
successfully. It acknowledges that change can bring uncertainty, challenges, and
discomfort but if we learn to adapt to change, we can overcome all difficulties.

In short, the proverb "Times change and we with time" emphasizes the necessity of
adapting, growing, and evolving alongside the changing world. It encourages personal
development, open-mindedness, and a willingness to embrace new ideas and technologies.

Non-verbal Communication Skills

• Action speaks louder than words.
• A face is the index of the mind.
• Speech is silver and silence is golden.
• A picture is worth thousand words.
• Example is better than precept.
• The eyes are the windows to the soul.
• Argument is the worst kind of communication.
• Words may show a man's wit but actions his meaning.
• Attitudes are the real figures of speech.

The proverb "A face is the index of the mind" suggests that a person's facial expressions,
gestures, and overall body language provide insights into their thoughts, emotions, and
character. It implies that one's face serves as a reflection of their inner state of mind.

The proverb emphasizes that these expressions can offer glimpses into our emotional state. For
example, a smile may indicate joy or contentment, while a furrowed brow might signal worry
or concentration. The proverb highlights the importance of non-verbal cues conveyed through
facial expressions, eye contact, body language, and micro expressions. These non-verbal
signals often speak louder than words and provide additional context to what is being
communicated verbally. Sometimes silence conveys more than hundred spoken words.

The proverb hints that our faces can serve as windows to our true selves. It suggests that
genuine emotions and thoughts are often reflected in our facial expressions, making it difficult
to hide our true feelings.

The proverb hints at the interconnection between the mind and body. Our facial expressions
are not only influenced by our thoughts and emotions but can also impact our mental state. The

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 27 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.
act of smiling, for example, can trigger positive emotions and improve mood. By being aware
of this mind-body connection, we can consciously use facial expressions to enhance our well-
being and communicate effectively with others.

In short, the proverb "A face is the index of the mind" highlights the importance of facial
expressions, non-verbal cues, and the connection between our faces and our inner thoughts and

Case Studies / Real Life Experiences

Answers to case studies/ real life experiences should be based on one’s knowledge
and understanding of the skills.

Prof. Ritu R. Agarwal ( PhD),J.Z.Shah Arts & H.P.Desai Commerce College, Amroli-Surat
Any error or omission is purely inadvertent . pg. 28 The material has been prepared with help from various
internet sources and google search engine.

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