Executive Summary Effect of Emerging Technology On The Econ

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Executive Summary Effect of Emerging

Technology on the Econ


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Executive Summary Effect of Emerging Technology on the Economy of Japan Bus 390 “
Global Business In Japan, the Japanese women are having difficulty having children. The
problem revolves around those that are incapable of becoming fertile and remain with child.
It is said that in japan, women are not in wedlock and having babies because the workforce is
very slim. In Japan, the population of women having babies is rapidly declining. As well as
the babies born in 2018, the amount is rapidly in declination. The government has begun
implementing daycares, and maternity leaves in the hopes to increase women to have children
an that has not improved the fertility rates. (Koji, 2019) Because the culture in Japan is that a
person works for a company their entire lives, having a child will disrupt that and that will
cause the women to leave their careers. Also, some women have opted to have

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