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[CONTINUING POLITICAL COMMITTEE - REGISTRATION STATEMENT AND DESIGNATION OF ORGANIZATIONAL DEPOSITORY New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission }PO Box 185, Trenton, NI 08625-0185 ~ (609) 292-3700 or Toll Free Wuthin NI |-889-313-ELEC (3532) web ste hp Jarww ele state my us! PLEASE IVP OR PRINT SOMMITILE NAME NJ Citizens for Conservatism FiDENTIFVING TITCE OW ACRONYNG TARY NICFC [ADDRESS (NUMBER AND STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIPCODE 230 Main Street, Box #7 Toms River, NJ 08753 FCAREAY DAY TELEPHONE 732-240-3366 “DUNTY FORSTATEUSEONLY LEC RECEIVED NOV 08 2010 [AREAT EVENING TELEPHONE MUNICIPALITY Statewide Statewsde IDENTIFICATION NUMBER POUTTICAL PARTY IF ANY wa 7 Registration Statement “Addional Depository ‘Amendment (please specify below) [=} Deputy Treasurer FOR STATE USE OMY ‘Acronym Approval Yes No. VRE OF FLING [Er 1, CHAIRPERSON. Rana Carmen J. Memola IATLING ADDRESS 230 Main Street jerry SATE TIP CODE 08753 jaccurATION Toms River FrAREA) DAY ELT PONE 732-240-3366 FESPLOVER NAMIE AND ADDRESS Memolz & McDermott, LLP, 230 Main Street, Toms River, 2. TREASURER ave: Carmen J. Memola IATLING ADDRESS 230 Main Street No IAREATT VENING TELEPTONT CPA NJ_08753 leav ZIPCODE Toms Raver RESIDENT ADDRESS, IF DIFFERENT FROM MATLING ADDRESS 921 Stamler Drive env pra TP CODE Toms River NJ 08753 FTARER DAY TELEPHONE 732-240-3366 FTAREAT EVENING TELEPHONE [OCCUPATION CPA [EMPLOYER NAME AND ADDRESS Memoli_& McDermott, LLP, 230 Main Street, "3 DEPOSITORY INFORMATION. NAME DF BANK OF DEPOSITORY TD Bank ‘MATLING ADORESS 101 Hooper Avenue Toms Raver, NJ_08753 cH, 7 ‘Toms River TAREA) DAY TELEPHONE 732-473-0900 TARCOUNT NAME NJ_Catizens for Conservatism Se iy Essa Un Enercon Comair? 00% ‘bdo paren ans Pea oSA. $7 m ied pee oe oe asd ane ae ed te TP COOT Paperars 3, DEPOSITORY INFORMATION (continued) NAME OF DANK OR DEPOSITORY MATING ADDRESS cH TP COBE (AREA) DAY TELEPHONE ACCOUNT WANE ACCOUNT NUMBER List the name(s), mashing address(es) and telephone number(s) of any person(s) authorized to sign checks or otherwise make transachons. MWEcarmen J. Memol2 MAES SBPHain Street Par TF FORRERT EVENING TELEPHONE WF 08753 RTATE TAREA) DAY TELEPHONE IUAREAT EVENING TELTATONE STATE TPCODE | TARERT EVENING TELFPFONE Is. General Organizational Category or Affiliation: (CHECK ONE) PUBLIC QUESTION I wosiness: TD Las08 wston [) Proressionat association [J ineorocieat crave [7 aivte association [ mrane association [ surronr CS orrose [5 nnotreNDenr commer in SUPPORT OF, OR OPPOSITION 10, [ACANDIDATE OR OFFICEHOLDER Commer 6. Last the names/mashing addresses of the persons (other than chairperson) or entities having direct or indirect control over the affairs of the continuing political committee. (This includes, but 15 not limited to persons in whose name or at whose direction or suggestion the commuttee solicits funds or makes contributions ) 325 W Water Street Miaihiog Address Anthony M Pagano Name of Person or Entiy Tons River, cay New Jersey 08753 Sate, Zip Pagano & Seems, PC Employer Name 225 W Water Street Attorney ‘Occupation Heagen, payer Mailing Address Toma Raver, NI 08753 City, Sate, Zip ‘Tne dina as nope nani wae Pan ELE ATTA TT me mlnes ope ai We ERENT eee Tomo age or 6, (Continued) NONE ‘Name of Person or Mailing Address cay Sate, Zip ‘Oscupanion Employer Name Employer Mia ing ATES EEEPEEETSETEETE ELC Ove tates usec CECEECE TET Last the names/mailing addresses of the persons or entities not already listed in question #6 who, directly or through an agent, participated in the instal organszation of the continuing political committee NONE Name of Person oF Eniity Wailing Address Cay Sate, 2 ‘Decupation Employer Name Employer Mailing Address City, State, Zip NONE: Name of Person or Enmty Mailing Address ‘Oecupation Employer Name Employer Mailing Address City, State, Zip ToRMD Page Sof Describe the economic, political or other particular interests and objectives to be advanced by the continuing political committee The_object. £ this pac is + local ty, star hool_beardl| and fire district candidates and issues that represent conservative ideas and beliefs Also, to oppose candidates and issues that are non conservative in their ideas and belters 9 List the name and resident address of a New Jersey resident who has been designated by the continuing political committee as the agent of the continuing political committee to accept service of legal process fa CODE 10 Has any New Jersey candidate (other than a federal candidate) established, authorized the establishment of, maintained or participated directly or indirectly in the management or control of thts continuing political committee, or will any New Jersey candidate do so in the future? YES What 1s the total amount of money this continuing political commuttee estimates it will raise (Please estimate to the best of your ability ) This calendar year? $_52.000- 00 ‘Next calendar year? $15,000 00 How much of the total amount of money raised 1s expected to be spent for New Jersey election activity during (Please estimate to the best of your ability ) This calendar year? $__© Next calendar year? $_14, 500 00_ ‘What percentage of the total amount of money raised will be used for New Jersey election-related activity during (Please estimate to the best of your abslity ) This calendar year? 2 % Next calendar year? 97 % Is making contributions to New Jersey candidates or committees, or otherwise engaging in New Jersey election-related activity expected to be a major purpose of this continuing political committee? ES yes NO FORD Page ofS 15. Besides engaging in election-related activity, what other types of expenditures will be made by this continuing political commute? Administrative Expenses Charitable Donations Special Events & Fundraisers 16. Will this continuing poliueal committe solicit any of ws funds from the public for New Jersey election-related activity inside New Jersey outside New Jersey “oth inside and outside New Jersey * Lfboth," what percentage of the finds are expected to be raised outside New Jersey? 2 % 17. Will this continuing political committe soltet contributions withthe stated or principal purpose of making contributions to New Jersey candidates or commuttees? 18 Does this continuing political committee file with the Federat Election Commission? yes ‘TREASURER/CHAIRPERSON CERTIFICATION | certify tha the statements on this document are true and correct 1 further certify that no candidate has established, authonzed the establishment of, maintained or participated diteeily or indirectly in the management or control of the continuing political ‘committee, and no candidate shal be permutted to de so during the existence ofthe continuing political committee I am aware that iP any ofthe statements are wilfully false, Tam subject to punishment carmen J Memola ature (Treasurer) 22/8/20 Print Full Name (Treasurer) Dae Memols an/e/20 Print Full Name (Charperson) Date TORT Page Sof

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