английский 3 вариант ЛГ ЗАДАНИЕ

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Гимназиялар, арнайы ағылшын тілін

тереңдетіліп оқытатын мектептер үшін

Задания для гимназий, специальных школ с углубленным изучением
английского языка
3 вариант

Read the text

Cell phones
1. Fifty years ago Martin 'Marty' Cooper made history by placing the first ever call using a
mobile phone. The first iterations were expensive and cumbersome. Leslie Haddon, a
lecturer in media and technology at the London School of Economics, was an early
adopter, paying £300 in the late 1980s for a Motorola. "I could get my fingers round it. It
wasn't a brick at that stage, but it was a half-brick," said Haddon.
2. At that stage, the function of mobile phones was to stand in for landlines, says
Christopher Windmill, a senior lecturer in computer science at the University of Derby.
"We'd got access to voice communication and very little else on those very early devices
in the 1970s and 80s."
3. People soon forgot those beginnings. The Nokia N95 had an FM radio, a colour screen,
stereo speakers and a video camera. It also had very slow internet access. For a few
months, it was the best phone on the market. Unfortunately for Nokia, the following June
saw Apple's demonstration of something called the iPhone.
4. The iPhone exemplified the key quality that differentiates modern mobile devices from
their predecessors – it is not a simply phone, but instead combines a wide array of
technology. Computer chips and transistors, said Windmill, have become smaller and
faster. "We get more processing power on them, and more ability to put sensors into
them," he said.
5. Today's smartphones are banking hubs, personal assistants, pocket-sized cinema screens
and music players. They incorporate barometers, thermometers, magnetometers, infra-red
sensors and fingerprint sensors.
6. Mobile internet speeds have been radically improved by manufacturers, thanks in part to
the services such as 5G internet (and manufacturers are already discussing the prospect of
6G networks in the coming years).
7. Take medicine. In brain surgery, iPhones have already been used to replace the
expensive equipment that display the videos captured by endoscopes. During the Covid-19
pandemic, Bluetooth enabled software engineers to build contact tracing systems that
could tell when we had been in close distance to infected individuals. Video calling allows
medics to communicate with, and provide diagnoses to, patients in remote areas.
8. Combining artificial intelligence with the extraordinary data-gathering capabilities of
smartphones, is creating other opportunities. One British start-up, Novoic, uses machine
which learns to detect early signs of Alzheimer's Disease by analysing speech recorded on
mobile phones.
Place for stamp
Examination work
in English
for the course of the basic secondary school
student of the 9th «__» grade
(last name, first name of the student)

Task A. Find the words from the text to each of the given definitions. The number of the
abstract, where the word can be found, is defined.
Example: (0) # 1. Not cheap; costing a lot of money. – expensive.
1. # 1 - hard to handle or manage because of its big size or weight - …....………….[1]
2. # 2 - a person who gives lectures, especially as an occupation at a university or
college of higher education. - ……………............................................…………..[1]
3. # 4 - make or become different in the process of growth or development. -
4. # 5 - a person who helps in particular work. -
5. # 6 - a person or company that makes goods for sale. -

Task B. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one. Do
not change the word given.
Example: "I could get my fingers round it,” said Haddon.
Haddon said: …………...........................................................................................................
Answer: Haddon said that he could have got his fingers round it.

1. “It wasn't a brick at that stage, but it was a half-brick," said Haddon.
Haddon said that……………………………………………………….............................[1]
2. At that stage, the function of mobile phones was to stand in for landlines, says
Christopher Windmill…
Christopher Windmill says that…………………………………………..........................[1]
3. People soon forgot those beginnings.
Those beginnings…………………………………………………………........................[1]

4. "We get more processing power on them, and more ability to put sensors into them,"
he said.
He said that ……………………………………………………………............................[1]
5. They incorporate barometers, thermometers, magnetometers, infra-red sensors and
fingerprint sensors.
Barometers, thermometers, magnetometers, infra-red sensors and fingerprint sensors
6. Mobile internet speeds have been radically improved by manufacturers…
Manufacturers …………………………….......………………………….........................[1]
7. Manufacturers are already discussing the prospect of 6G networks in the coming
The prospect of 6G networks in the coming years………………………............................
8. In brain surgery, iPhones have already been used to replace the expensive
equipment that display the videos captured by endoscopes.
People …………………………………………………………………….........................[1]
9. Video calling allows medics to communicate with … patients in remote areas.
Medics …………………………………………………………………............................[1]
10. One British start-up, Novoic, uses machine which learns to detect early signs
of Alzheimer's Disease …
One British start-up, Novoic, uses machine ……………………………..........................[1]
Task C. Answer the questions
1. How did the first mobile phones look like?

2. What new iPhone functions are used in medicine?


3. What might happen if we lived without mobile phones? Give at least two examples
to prove your opinion.

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