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J'l)/11i11udr;1;t1n sa1m1;1:;;1;u/y;1 .~11t1Ji;.m1 ,.,J,;iJaimaJT> /,/J;1irct;

S'usl11i11ga;11,1m.<emim ,.7,a1T.'lpar,uw,;iú11,1111: (12)
A:uuwda111aplll1 sambhootva;i ckpw, /)l-,,/m1;uú,w11/1/,;ivct;
Ali;w1 lmJu11,·ü' du,:,drni1;1s;w1;i;,,U,isu~,:,jaay,uc. (13)

Assuming roni mudra, a yogi should crcatc thc fccling of shakti

in lúmse,lf and unitc b lissfull1• with Paramalma. ' ll,crcalicr,
cstahlishcd in blissful oncncss, onc bccomcs onc "'Ih Brahman
and realizes 'Iam Bralunan'. 1.1,is is nou-du:tl sama,Uú (callcd
lay,1 si(ldlú yog;uamaill li).

Whilc dcsnibing laya siddhi, Si1gc Ghcnuula says lhat lirst o f ali
voni mudra should bc practiscd and OllC sl,ould scc onesclf in
thc fonu of' shakti, i.c. ai that time tlic fccliug lhat onc L< m:tlc or
fcm:tlc has lo be discardcd. llicrc does 1101 remain any kind of
ctistinltiOn al-cording to scx; o nc ma)• bc a child, young man,
roung l:uly, ol<I man or o ld l:uly. One has to scc oncsclf with tlús
altitude iu wc fonu oi' shakti, and ais.) hal'c wc couviltion tltat
tl,crc is only o nc purusha (m;Jc) in tbc w1ivcrsc; ali tl1c rcst are
fcmalcs in thc form oi' si 1ak1i.
Om,c Mirnliai went to visita sailll. SI ,e scut tl,c saint a mc"'''b"'
that shc hacl come to scc him. At tlús thc saint scni a mcssagc
hack to hcr, saying 1hat hc did noc mcct with lcmalcs. Mir.thai
laughcd at this. Shc said, ' l l~wc lcam cd Iodar tlial .u10thcr
purusha (m,Jc) cxists in Lhe world, whcrcas prcviously I uscd lo
think thcrc was only onc purusha in thc world - Krishna, and ali
rcmaining humau hc ings wcrc 1-lis shakú." \ Vhcn hcr reply
rcachcd thc saim's cars, his cycs wcrc op.,ucd anel hc acceptcd
MinJ,ai a.< his guru. ·n,c samc lccling o r attitudc which wa.s
no tice-d in Mi..,;'s lifc is sc-cn hcrc in lhe tcachin~ oí S:,gc
l-:ve11'one a(-ccpts tl1at a hliakta, dcvotcc, ora sa<lhaka, aspirnu~
worships ( ;.,d Almighti• in some fonn or o tl,cr. 'llicsc are ali
rliflcrcnt hliava.,, atlitmlcs o r fcclin~,s, whid1 .u-c callcd hhakli
hhal'a; the li:cling oi' clcvotion. Some sadhaka.< o r bhakta.s
worship thc Lord in lhe lonn o i' a ch ild. Some (ll.'<>plc mcditate
on tl1c fonn oi' a lacl, thmnaka chalata füiamachamlr,1 baajai;,
paijan.i1,a,un. Some pcoplc look ;o tl1c Lord in tl1c fonn o f a
liicnd, saklwa hh:wa, or with premi bhava, tl1c foeling oi' a l"'-cr,
or ;L< his scn=t,« bhava, otltcrs scc lúm in tl,c fom1 o f guru
and worship him wi1h tl1c appropriatc altitude .u1d foclini:,-s, ele.
Ali tl1esc fcclini,-s strc ngthcu bhakti o r devotion.
J1 is known tlia1. Surdas consiclcrcc.l Kri.shna in d1c lonu of a hoy
au<l Udcfüava 10 0k Him ,L< a fricnd. Tulsicl.Ls ac-ccptcd Lord
Rama as his mas tcr anel h imsclf :ts His scrvant, Mirnbai acL-cplccl
[,ird hcr lovcr. "llm~ cliffcrcnt saints llltvc exprcssL~I
thcir failh in Him hy nwn lcclings towanis d1c ILird. ln
s,m1adhi lhe samc kin,I of situruion or condition .u·iscs.
S:ti,'C Ghcr,u,cla says, Sushringaar• rnscnaiva viharcla
Paramaalmani. 'A'hcn somctl1ing is dcar lo us, wc clccornlc it .u1d
waut lo scc il in a plcasinl{ fcmn. ln chilcll,cxxl, dolls are 11layed
with. E1•cry day therc is a new focling and .,o tl1c doll's do1hes .u1d
hairstyle are changcd, .uul tl1e clo ll is rockcd \\1d1 thc lceling,
"'17ús is my cloll". ln tl,c samc way a k-cling is awakc ncd hcrc d1at
1 mighl dcconúc anel bcautiíy my dcity in whatcver fonn I wish.
1-lowcl'Cr, 1bis samacllú techniquc is s uiu,blc only for thosc
saclhaka.s o r aspiranls 1vho havc alrcady controllcd lhcir lowe r
fcclings and SClL~S.
Each pcr~m has thcir own fc-ctings. llic inspiralio n rnay come
from .u1ywhcrc, hut whcn thcrc is a focling of dcvotion, adoming
thc Lonl is clone on an inner fonn :u1rl onc is lost 111 1hat.
Just a.< a lad)• in lovc forgets cvel')1.lúng for hcr lover, anel because
of tl1at tmc lol'c shc is cvcntually sucl-cssful iu making lúm hcr
own, aspinmls or sadhakas are w,itcd with Lhe limitlcss cxislcncc
also o n thc streni:,~h o f their lccli111,<s. No olhcr knowlcdgc c~ccpt
awarcncss of llr.J1mai1 rcmains in tlie cnd. "lliei• are totallr
cngrosscd in bliss. ' llús L< tl1c statc ofla)<a sickllú samaillú.

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