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Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences

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Synthesis, Properties, and Applications of 2-D

Materials: A Comprehensive Review
a b c a
Santanu Das , Moonkyung Kim , Jo-won Lee & Wonbong Choi
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of North Texas, Denton, TX
76207, USA
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
Department of Convergence Nanoscience, Hanyang University, Seoul 133-791, Korea
Published online: 15 Apr 2014.

To cite this article: Santanu Das, Moonkyung Kim, Jo-won Lee & Wonbong Choi (2014) Synthesis, Properties, and Applications
of 2-D Materials: A Comprehensive Review, Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences, 39:4, 231-252, DOI:

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Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences, 39:231–252, 2014
Copyright c Taylor and Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1040-8436 print / 1547-6561 online
DOI: 10.1080/10408436.2013.836075

Synthesis, Properties, and Applications of 2-D Materials:

A Comprehensive Review
Santanu Das,1 Moonkyung Kim,2 Jo-won Lee,3 and Wonbong Choi1,∗
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of North Texas, Denton, TX 76207, USA
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
Department of Convergence Nanoscience, Hanyang University, Seoul 133-791, Korea
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Recent advances in atomically thin two-dimensional (2-D) materials have led to a variety
of promising future technologies for post-CMOS nanoelectronics and energy generation. This
review is an attempt to thoroughly illustrate the current status and future prospects for 2-D ma-
terials other than graphene (e.g., BN nanosheets, MoS2 , NbSe2 , WS2 , etc.), which have already
been contemplated for both low-end and high-end technological applications. An overview of
the different synthesis techniques for 2-D materials is presented here, with an exploration of the
potential for developing methods of controllable large scale synthesis. Furthermore, we sum-
marize the underlying theories which correlate the structural and physical properties of 2-D
materials with their state-of-the-art applications. Finally, we show that utilizing the unprece-
dented properties arising from these materials would lead to innovative devices. Such devices
would significantly reduce both device dimensions and power consumption, as necessary for
the creation of tomorrow’s sustainable technology.

Keywords two-dimensional (2D) materials, nanoelectronics, energy, synthesis, property

Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................ 232

2. CRYSTAL STRUCTURES AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES ............................................................................... 233

2.1. Transition Metal di-chalcogenides materials (TMDC) ....................................................................................... 233
2.2. Boron Nitride Nano-sheet ............................................................................................................................... 233

3. SYNTHESIS PROCESSES FOR 2-D TMDC MATERIALS ................................................................................. 234

3.1. Exfoliation Processes ..................................................................................................................................... 235
3.1.1. Mechanical Exfoliation ........................................................................................................................ 235
3.1.2. Chemical/Solvent Exfoliations .............................................................................................................. 237
3.2. Chemical Synthesis ........................................................................................................................................ 239
3.3. Chemical Vapor Deposition/Vapor-Phase Growth Process .................................................................................. 241

4. PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS OF 2-D MATERIALS ............................................................................... 243

4.1. Electrical Properties ....................................................................................................................................... 243
4.2. Applications .................................................................................................................................................. 245

5. SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................................................... 247

6. FUTURE PERSPECTIVES .................................................................................................................................. 248

Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at

232 S. DAS ET AL.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .......................................................................................................................................... 248

FUNDING ................................................................................................................................................................. 248

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................................... 248

1. INTRODUCTION materials can be metallic, semi-metallic, or semiconducting. In

An atomically thin two-dimensional (2-D) material is defined addition, much like graphene, these materials exhibit physical,
as a material whose free charges are immobile in one spatial di- chemical, and mechanical properties which are well suited for
mension, but mobile in the other two. This property enables 2-D applications in electronics, photonics, composites, and energy
materials to have new or superior functions, distinct from tra- storage. In particular, some of the TMDC materials and their
ditional bulk materials or thin films. Interest in 2-D films dates heterostructures have shown remarkable electronic and opto-
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back to the late 1970s and early 1980s, when the formation electronic properties. For example, monolayer MoS2 exhibits a
of a 2-D electron gas in III-V semiconductors was achieved by direct intrinsic bandgap (∼1.8 eV), acceptable mobility for tran-
molecular beam epitaxial (MBE) growth. This structure led to an sistor operation (∼200 cm2V−1s−1), and quantum confinement.
electron mobility higher than 106 cm2/Vs at 4åK, and resulted in In this context, the intrinsic semiconducting property of the 2-
the development of high electron mobility transistors (HEMT) D MoS2 structure is advantageous, since there is no need for
for the high-frequency analog ICs used in cell phones, satellite doping or making super-narrow ribbons, as would be required
television receivers, etc. However, a combination of relatively to create a comparable energy band gap in graphene. Therefore,
expensive fabrication processes and high power consumption, even at room temperature, 2-D MoS2 based field effect transis-
limits the extensive use of HEMTs. In 2004, the successful exfo- tors exhibit high current on/off ratios of 1 × 108 and ultra-low
liation of graphite into atomically thin 2-D graphene sparked a power dissipation, which will be highly advantageous for future
resurrection of interest in 2-D materials. Graphene is exception- low power electronics.17,18
ally strong, lightweight, flexible, has high optical transmittance, Research on 2-D materials has attracted huge attention from
and allows electrons to move much faster than other materials the scientific community, especially in the last few years19.
with higher thermal conductivity.1,2 These excellent electrical Figure 1 charts the recent exponential increase in the num-
properties could be exploited for transistors that are faster than ber of publications related to BN alone. Although research into
any in existence, as well as ultra wide-bandwidth optical mod- other 2-D materials is at a relatively early stage, it is expected to
ulators. Thus, this material is often referred to as a “wonder
material” of the 21st century. In spite of the excellent properties
of graphene, it is well known that graphene has some shortcom-
ings in electronics applications, including: zero energy bandgap,
intrinsic defects, and severe degradation of carrier mobility due
to scattering caused by defects and/or surface adatoms.
Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) are the group
of hexagonal structured, van der Waals bonded, layered ma-
terials with the molecular formula MX2 (where M = transi-
tion metals such as Mo, W, Nb, and X = chalcogens such as
S, Se, Te), and space group P63/mmc. The TMDC materials
exhibit strong in-plane bonding along with weak out-of-plane
bonding, enabling the exfoliation of the materials into single
crystal two-dimensional flakes with atomic level thickness. It
has emerged recently that there are over 150 exotic layered
materials which can be split into a single atom thick mate-
rial, including molybdenum disulfide (MoS2 ),3 molybdenum
disilicide (MoSe2 ),4 silicene,5,6 boron nitride (BN),7 tungsten
disulfide (WS2 ),8 WSe2, 8 germanene,9 etc., and their hybrid-
structures.10–16 Looking at these materials very closely, we ob- FIG. 1. The number of publications on different 2-D nanosheets
serve that the consequences of their extraordinary properties including MoS2 , h-BNNS, and others in the period of
are more dimension-dependent than size-dependent, hence cre- 2004–2013. (© American Chemical Society. Reproduced by
ating a new area for research. Depending on their chemical permission of American Chemical Society. Permission to reuse
composition and structural configurations, atomically thin 2-D must be obtained from the rightsholder.)

experience a surge similar to graphene/hexigonal-BN research S-Mo-S are held together by weak van der Waals forces, bi- and
in the near future. tri-layer structures of MoS2 are formed, respectively. If more
than 100 single layers of MoS2 are stacked together, 3-D bulk
MoS2 is formed.
2. CRYSTAL STRUCTURES AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Cao et al. calculated the optimized structure of MoS2 using
local density approximations in density functional theory. They
2.1. Transition Metal di-chalcogenides materials (TMDC) found that the MoS2 unit cell consists of a honeycomb lattice
Monolayer molybdenum disulfide (MoS2 ) is a rising star structure with a lattice parameter “a” of 3.12 Å, and a vertical
among the other 2-D layered materials as a candidate for fu- separation between sulfur layers “c” of 3.11 Å (shown in Figs.
ture nano-electronics and optoelectronics,3,20 owing to its direct 2a and b).24 MoS2 is classified as a d-orbital material,25,26 be-
intrinsic band gap, high mobility, and quantum confinement. cause Mo d-orbitals form both the highest valence bands and
As discussed in Sec. 1, 2-D MoS2 based FETs will be highly the lowest conduction bands. Furthermore, the outer d-electron
useful for low-power electronics in post-Si-based technologies. interactions give rise to a band gap (∼1 eV) between the occu-
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In addition to the transistor applications, MoS2 has also proven pied and unoccupied “d” states of 2-D MoS2 , which makes it
to be useful in photocatalysts, solar cells, Li ion batteries.21 different from other sp bonded semiconductor nanostructures.
and catalysts for hydrogen evolution. In this context, MoS2 and However, theoretical calculations and experimental techniques
other TMDC isomorphs have been extensively studied for scal- show that the band gap of MoS2 varies from 0.8–1.8 eV based
able applications in photooxidation, photocatalysis leading to on the number of layers. Similarly, other TMDC materials ex-
water/air purification, H2 evolution, and energy storage.22 hibit characteristics identical to MoS2, owing to third-orbital
MoS2 is a direct band gap material, with a non centro- interactions as reported earlier.
symmetric crystal structure with long-range periodic order. It Interestingly, the observed bandgap changes from an indirect
is an sp3 bonded solid, consisting of two Mo-S covalent bonds band gap into a direct band gap when the 3-D bulk structure is
(as shown in Fig. 2) in a layered structure, where single layers transformed into a 2-D superstructure, as illustrated in Fig. 3c.27
are connected via interlayer van der Waals interactions.23 The In 3-D MoS2 , the indirect band gap lies below the direct band
basic building block of MoS2 resembles a graphene-like hexag- gap. However, the direct band gap shifts upwards as the number
onal honeycomb arrangement of Mo and S atoms. One Mo and of layers decreases, resulting in a crossover to a direct-gap mate-
two S atoms occupy two different sublattices of the hexagonal rial in single layer MoS2. 27 This band gap transition occurs due
MoS2 structure, in which a molybdenum layer is sandwiched to the extensive quantum confinement in the 2-D structure, in
between two sulfur layers. Each Mo atom is arranged in a trian- comparison to the 3-D structure. The photoluminiscence prop-
gular prismatic coordination (i.e., a hexagonally packed six-fold erties also arise from direct-gap transitions between the split
coordination between two three-fold coordinated sulfur atoms). valence band maxima (v1 and v2) (Fig. 2c), and the conduc-
This S-Mo-S structure constitutes a single layer of 2D-MoS2 , tion band minima (c1) at the K point of the Brillouin zone, as
as shown in Fig. 2a. When two or three stacked single layers of described in Mak et al.27 This is the primary reason that MoS2
shows photoluminescence in its 2-D forms, whereas photolu-
minescence properties are absent in its 3-D bulk structure.23,28
Likewise, atomic layer thick TMDC materials are uniquely dis-
tinguished by the quantum confinement they exhibit, which is
not seen in other sp3 bonded semiconductor materials.23 On the
other hand, dimension dependent band gap transitions along the
visible to near-infrared light regime are manifestations of carrier
generation, suggesting promise for these types of materials in
applications in sustainable solar-energy conversion systems.29

2.2. Boron Nitride Nano-sheet

2-D single-layered hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets (h-
BNNSs) are iso-structural to graphene; hence, they are also
FIG. 2. (a) Schematic illustrating the crystal structure of MoS2 known as white graphene, boron nitrene, and boronitrene.
(© Macmillan Publishers, Ltd. Reproduced by permission of BNNSs are insulator materials with a large band gap of
Radisavljevic et al.3 Permission to reuse must be obtained from ∼5.0–7.0 eV. Thus, they exhibit a high breakdown voltage,
the rightsholder); (b) and (c) showing the in-plane and out of typically ∼ 1 × 106 Vm−1, but the exact value somewhat de-
plane crystal structure of MoS2, respectively (© American pendent upon the number of stacked layers in h-BN. As in
Physical Society. Reproduced by permission of Mak et al.27 graphene, hexagonal boron nitride nano ribbons (h-BNNRs)
Permission to reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder). show anisotropic electronic and magnetic properties based on
234 S. DAS ET AL.

crystallinity, stacking order, and defects, which are correlated

with the electrical, optical, magnetic, and dielectric properties of
h-BNNSs.40,44 Up until now, 2-D h-BNNSs have been success-
fully integrated into several applications, such as substrates for
graphene electronics,13,16,34 catalysts,45 deep ultraviolet (DUV)
lasing,33,46 energy storage,47 piezoelectric devices,42 compos-
ites,48,49 and many more.50
The crystallographic parameters of h-BN and graphite re-
semble each other, therefore boron nitride is frequently referred
to as white graphite. Like graphite, hexagonal forms of BN ex-
hibit a planar honeycomb layered lattice with strong inter atomic
(B-N) covalent bonds, and interlayer van der Walls bonds. The
interatomic bond distance “a” and the interlayer distance “c” of
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h-BN are ∼2.51Å and ∼ 3.35 Å, respectively, which is essen-

tially isostructural with graphite. Similarly to graphite, h-BN is
the softest allotrope of h-BN isomorphs with a wide range of
properties. A single atomic layer of h-BN, also known as boron
nitride nanosheet (h-BNNS), white graphene, boron nitrene, or
boronitrene, exhibits interesting properties when it is separated
from the bulk structure. The only difference between graphite
and h-BN is their super-imposed inter-layer stacking order, is
superposed. In the case of h-BN (as shown in Fig. 4a), all B
FIG. 3. (a) Illustration of the coordination structure of Mo (blue and N atoms are exactly located upon one another in between
sphere) in MoS2 . Mo and S are shown with blue and golden the two layers. In graphite, however, the layers are shifted by a
spheres, respectively. (b) A top view of the monolayer MoS2 half-hexagon relative to each other. However, there is no such
lattice, emphasizing the iso-structure of a honeycomb lattice. difference between a single graphene layer and h-BNNS, ex-
The yellow shaded region bounded by dashed lines represents cept that half of the lattice consists of nitrogen atoms (Fig. 4a).
one primitive cell as shown in Fig. 2a (© Macmillan Publishers, Boron nitride nano-sheets also exhibit a ribbon structure when
Ltd. Reproduced by permission of Cao et al.24 Permission to the width is scaled down from the submicron to nanometer scale
reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder). (c) Simplified as shown in Figs. 4b, c, and d. Like graphene, h-BNNRs exhibit
band structures of 3-D bulk MoS2 showing the indirect band gap the zigzag and armchair edge structures (Figs. 4c and d), which
Eg / and direct band gap Eg for 2-D monolayer (© American subsequently have an effect on their properties. Since BNNS are
Physical Society. Reproduced by permission of Mak et al.27 iso-structural to graphene, carbon can readily replace boron and
Permission to reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder). nitrogen, forming a new type of material called carbo-boron ni-
tride (CBN). The primary structural difference between BN and
graphene is their bonding characteristics. The in-plane bonds
their edge shapes (zigzag or armchair), owing to their edge de- between B and N atoms exhibit a mixture of covalent and ionic
pendent quantum confinement.30,31 Hence, the electronic trans- bonding, owing to the difference in electronegativity between
port properties and band gap of h-BNNRs display variations boron and nitrogen atoms. However, graphene exhibits purely
like graphene nano ribbons (GNRs) based on the edge structure, covalent bonding between C-C atoms. Recent studies show that
width, and chemical functionalization.30–32 In this context, the the band structure and band gap of h-BN is solely correlated
optical band gap of h-BNNSs are experimentally found to be to its interlayer stacking order, determining the direct and the
∼6.0 eV33; hence, low dimension h-BNNSs exhibit high trans- indirect nature of its band structures.51
parency through the visible region34,35. Furthermore, the band
gap of h-BNNSs is tunable by changing the number of layers,
by varying the width, or by applying an external field, which 3. SYNTHESIS PROCESSES FOR 2-D TMDC MATERIALS
is well known as the “Stark Effect.” Similarly, the band gap of Recently, several methods have been proposed for synthe-
2-D h-BNNS nano structures can also be controlled by molecu- sizing 2-D materials. The synthetic route of 2-D materials
lar functionalization,36–39 introducing defects,40 and the applica- can be divided into two basic categories: (1) top-down meth-
tion of longitudinal strain,41–43 just as in graphene. However, the ods and (2) bottom-up methods.53 Top-down methods dictate
band gap of graphene increases with chemical functionalization, the synthesis of 2-D nanostructures by isolating one or few
whereas h-BNNSs show a decrease in band gap with function- atomic layers from the bulk under the application of external
alization, a phenomenon known as the “reversal effect.” The energy (mechanical/ultra-sound energy). In contrast, the
physical properties of 2-D h-BNNSs strongly depend on their bottom-up methods can be defined as processes by which atoms
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FIG. 4. Structural models of boron nitride illustrating (a) 3-D BN interlayer stacking and (b) a single nano-sheet of hexagonal
honeycomb BN nanosheets consisting of armchair and zigzag edges; (c) and (d) shows zigzag and armchair boron nitride
nanoribbons resembling graphene nanostructures. (© RSC Publisher. Reproduced by permission of Lin and Connell.52 Permission
to reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder.)

are deposited through thermal and/or chemical reactions on a unable to yield single or few layers of graphene.54,55 Follow-
substrate in order to synthesize 2-D nanostructures. ing graphene, other non carbonaceous 2-D layered inorganic
Among them, mechanical exfoliation (micromechanical materials, like the MX2 group of materials, have been success-
cleaving), chemical exfoliation (high energy exfoliations in so- fully synthesized using micromechanical exfoliation. To date,
lution), chemical synthesis reactions, and thermal chemical va- several reports illustrate the synthesis of materials in the MX2
por deposition (CVD) are most commonly used for synthesizing group, including MoS2 , MoSe2 , WS2 , NbSe2 , and WSe2, using
2-D nanostructures. Several other methods such as laser abla- the MME method.56–58 Similarly, a few other reports have suc-
tion, laser thinning, carbothermal reduction, and high-energy cessfully demonstrated the mechanical exfoliation of BN.57,59
electron beam irradiation have been proposed for synthesizing Among them, 2-D MoS2 is considered a potential transistor
2-D nanostructures. In this section, a brief overview will be pre- material capable of replacing Si in upcoming CMOS based
sented of the synthetic processes for 2-D nanostructures, includ- technology. Toward this end, MoS2 nanosheets have been effec-
ing their advantages and limitations. This discussion continues tively synthesized using micromechanical exfoliation, as found
with a concise overview of the top down and bottom up synthesis in several recent report.3,20,23,60,61 Radisavljevic et al.3 first re-
processes in the development of novel 2-D nanostructures. ported the transistor performance of a single layer MoS2 flake
produced by mechanical exfoliation. The process involved rapid
slicing of 2-D monolayers from a commercially available MoS2
3.1. Exfoliation Processes single crystal using scotch tape. The exfoliated MoS2 layers
3.1.1. Mechanical Exfoliation were further transferred to a SiO2 -Si substrate as shown in the
Invented by Novoselov and Geim in 2004 for graphene syn- optical micrograph in Fig. 5a. Figure 5b shows the device fab-
thesis, micro-mechanical exfoliation (MME) became highly ricated using nano-patterning of the exfoliated MoS2 flake. As
popular for synthesizing 2-D materials, due to its versatility and in graphite, the interlayer bonds (van der Waal bonds) in MoS2
low cost. Mechanical exfoliation is a straightforward method of are almost ∼100 times weaker than in-plane primary bonds (co-
material synthesis which yields one to a few layers of 2-D crys- valent/ionic).62 Hence, a single layer can easily be peeled off
talline flakes, while maintaining the crystal structure and prop- from the bulk, keeping in-plane bonds intact. The same applies
erties. In this process, simple scotch tape is used to exfoliate an to other TMDC materials as well. The thickness of the MoS2
atomic layer thick graphene from the bulk graphite mesas, fol- exfoliated layer was measured using AFM, to be 0.65–0.7 nm
lowed by the deposition of those exfoliated layers of graphene on (Figs. 5c and d).
the substrate. Several other researchers have attempted micro- The exfoliated MoS2 layers can also be characterized using
mechanical exfoliation by applying a lateral force with atomic optical microscopy, where contrasting colors were observed in
force microscopy (AFM) tips. However, these attempts were areas with different layer thicknesses (Figs. 5a and 6a).
236 S. DAS ET AL.
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FIG. 5. (a) and (b) Optical micrographs of a micro-mechanically exfoliated monolayer of MoS2 on a SiO2 /Si substrate, and a
transistor device made out of the monolayer MoS2 , respectively; (c) AFM image of a scotch tape exfoliated, large-scale single
MoS2 layer, 6.5 Å thick (© Macmillan Publishers, Ltd. Reproduced by permission of Radisavljevic et al.3 Permission to reuse
must be obtained from the rightsholder) and (d) Profile of a monolayer MoS2 fabricated using mechanical exfoliation with a similar
height of ∼7 Å, found in a separate report (© American Chemical Society. Reproduced by permission of Late et al.60 Permission
to reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder).

Splendiani et al. demonstrated a straightforward characteri- tremely low. Furthermore, the ball milling process is unreliable
zation technique for determining the number of layers in exfoli- for controlling the nanosheet morphology and defects in the
ated MoS2 by combining optical microscopy with AFM height structure.63,64 Recently, hydrogen-terminated germanane (GeH)
profiles (Figs. 6a–). However, optical contrast is only capable of is synthesized using mechanical exfoliation. Bianco et al.65
distinguishing up to four layers. Therefore, for 2-D nanostruc- demonstrated the chemical conversion of β-CaGe2 into GeH
tures having more than four layers, high resolution transmission followed by the extraction of single to few layer using the
electron microscopy and AFM are the only available options scotch-tape mechanical exfoliation. Optical micrograph, and
for measuring the exact number of layers. Similarly, attempts corresponding height profile, shows that the formation of single
have been made to fabricate h-BNNSs by the mechanical ex- to few layer-thick germanane flakes on the substrate.65
foliation method. Paciléet et al.59 reported the exfoliation of Mechanical exfoliation is a low cost method of 2-D mate-
few layer BN membranes using the scotch tape method (Figs. rials production, and is extremely convenient for fundamental
7a and b). The thickness of h-BNNS deposited on SiO2 /Si is research. However, scalable production of 2-D flakes is highly
approximately 10 layers thick. This report delineated that it is challenging at this time. Although mechanical exfoliation is
quite difficult to fabricate monolayer h-BNNS using mechanical quite capable of fabricating single layer 2-D graphene and
exfoliation, because the interlayer bonds of h-BN are stronger TMDC materials, production of single layer BNNS is not easily
than in graphite.59 A few other reports demonstrated a different achievable. This difficulty is due to the strong interlayer bonding
approach for synthesizing large scale mechanically exfoliated energy of h-BN compared to the other layered materials hav-
BNNS and other 2-D materials, by low-energy ball milling, and ing interlayer van der Waals bonds.52,63,66 Additionally, several
combining ball milling with sonication. The ball milling method other factors (stoichiometry and stacking orders) play a key role
is effective in producing large scale 2-D BNNS; nevertheless, in successful fabrication of monolayer MX2 nanostructures by
the yield of mono- to few layer sheets by this process is ex- the mechanical exfoliation.
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FIG. 7. (a) Tapping mode atomic force micrograph of exfoliated

boron nitride nanosheets on SiO2 /Si; (b) AFM height profile
along the black dashed line in Fig. 7a, illustrating the thickness
of the thinnest region at 3.5 nm, which is 10 layers thick. (©
AIP Publishing. Reproduced by permission of Pacile et al.59
Permission to reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder.)

solvents (listed in Table 1) are used as a dispersing medium,

depending on the bulk crystal material. This process may also
FIG. 6. (a) & (b) Mechanically exfoliated MoS2 layers on a involve the dispersion of powders in a solvent by sonication,
Si/SiO2 substrate. (a) Optical microscope image of layered of followed by the centrifugation. A variety of 2-D materials have
MoS2 , with differing colors corresponding to different layer been synthesized using solvent exfoliation processes, as detailed
thicknesses. The areas are marked as “1L”, “2L,” and “4L” in a few recent reports (Table 1).67–69 These processes yield 5–20
are monolayer, bilayer, and quadri-layer, respectively; (b) AFM layers of 2-D nanosheets homogeneously dispersed in a solvent.
image of the same sample; and (c) sample height profile (mea- Coleman et al.67 emphasized that the sonication time and cen-
sured using AFM) along the red line in (b), which confirms trifugation rate are the primary parameters for controlling the
the corresponding thickness of areas as 1L, 2L, 4L, and 6L. quality of the dispersion.67,68 Figures 8a, b, and c show transmis-
(© American Chemical Society. Reproduced by permission of sion electron micrographs (TEM) of BN, MoS2 , and WS2 2-D
Splendiani et al.23 Permission to reuse must be obtained from the nanostructures, respectively. However, these nanostructures are
rightsholder.) only ∼ 1μm in size, and the report does not directly comment
upon whether the process is capable of producing larger flakes.
3.1.2. Chemical/Solvent Exfoliations In general, optimal dispersion takes place in solvents where
Solvent exfoliation processe is another top-down approach, the specific surface tension is close to 40 mJ.m−2, the value
where sonication is applied to bulk layered materials to exfoli- previously reported for dispersions of CNT and graphene.70,71
ate 2-D nano-sheets, which are then dispersed in liquid solvents. The syntheses of hybrid 2-D nanosheets- MoS2 /graphene,
Low power sonication is used as a source of external energy, WS2 /graphene, and BN/graphene have been effectively demon-
which exfoliates the bulk crystals into atomically thin sheets. In strated using the solvent exfoliation process. However, di-
this liquid-state exfoliation process, different types of organic rect chemical exfoliation is incapable of peeling off a single
238 S. DAS ET AL.

Solvents used for dispersion of BN, MoS2 and WS2 . (© AAAS. Reproduced by permission of Coleman et al.67 Permission to
reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder)

Solvent A/l (AU) 300 nm Solvent A/l (AU) 670 nm Solvent A/l (AU) 630 nm

1 Cyclohexyl-pyrrolidinone (CHP) 100 NVP 100 DMSO 100

2 N-dodecyl-pyrrolidone (N12P) 61 N8P 98 NVP 92
3 Benzyl Benzoate 44 N12P 97 NMF 90
4 Isopropanol 44 CHP 88 N12P 84
5 N-Octyl-pyrrolidone (N8P) 44 NMP 80 DMEU 75
6 N-vinyl-Pyrrolidinone (NVP) 41 DMEU 73 DMF 73
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7 Benzyl Ether 40 DMSO 61 Benzyl benzoate 71

8 dimethyl-imidazolidinone (DMEU) 36 DMF 54 CHP 69
9 Cyclohexanone 29 DMA 54 Cyclohexanone 63
10 Chlorobenzene 28 Benzaldehyde 51 Benzonitrile 59
11 Dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) 27 Benzonitrile 47 N8P 59
12 Benzonitrile 26 Benzyl benzoate 46 Isopropanol 59
13 Chlorobenzene 25 NMF 41 DMA 57
14 Chloroform 23 Cyclohexanone 38 Benzylether 55
15 Bromobenzene 23 Isopropanol 32 Chlorobenzene 45
16 N-methyl-pyrrolidinone (NMP) 23 Qunioline 26 Methanol 45
17 N-Methyl Formamide (NMF) 21 Acetone 24 Formamide 40
18 dimethylformamide (DMF) 18 Benzylether 23 Bromobenzene 29
19 dimethylacetamide (DMA) 16 Cyclohexane 22 Quinoline 26
20 Formamide 9 Methanol 21 Acetone 17

layer of a 2-D nanostructure, which is a primary need for elec- hexane solution for a few days in an inert gas filled flask.69
tronic applications. To address this issue, a Lithium (Li) inter- This reaction formed Lix MoS2, which was fully recovered by
calation process for synthesizing a single sheet of MoS2 was filtration, followed by washing with hexane to remove excess
introduced. The process involves the intercalation of Li ions lithium and organic residues. In this report, the intercalation-
between the MoS2 layers, which can be exfoliated into mono- induced phase transformation was fully reversed by performing
layers via forced hydration, yielding a stable MoS2 colloidal a thermal annealing process, which restored the semiconductor
suspension. Eda et al. reported that the Li intercalation can be properties of the pristine MoS2 as confirmed by the occurrence
performed by immersing bulk MoS2 crystals in a butyllithium- of the band gap in photoluminescence spectra.69 In a separate

FIG. 8. (A), (B), and (C) TEM of BN, MoS2 , and WS2 , respectively. (© AAAS. Reproduced by permission of Coleman et al.67
Permission to reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder.)

report, Li intercalation was applied to a WS2 film using LiBH4 ,

according to the reaction shown in Eq. (1):72

LiBH4 + WS2 → LiWS2 + 1/2B2 H6 + 1/2H2 . [1]

Similarly, other Fe/Co based intercalation exfoliation processes

have also been used to synthesize monolayers of MoS2, for use
as a substrate for magnetic materials.73 Chemical exfoliation is
a highly desirable, versatile process that is relevant for gram
scale production of 2-D nanomaterials.72 However, achieving a
homogeneous dispersion of 2-D materials is a challenging task,
as an effective dispersion is dependent on the specific surface
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tension of the solvent. Similarly, a Li+ ion-based intercalation

process unfortunately incorporates physisorbed Li+ ions at the
surface, which deteriorates the electrical and thermal properties
of the end products.

3.2. Chemical Synthesis

Chemical synthesis is a low-cost room temperature process, FIG. 9. Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) of 2-D nanoscale
which can effectively synthesize several types of carbonaceous NbSe2 plates produced by a chemical synthesis process. Top
and non-carbonaceous 2-D nanosheets. The chemical synthesis inset Figure: NbSe2 nanoplates synthesized in dodecylamine.
process is a bottom up approach, where atoms/molecules are Bottom inset: HRTEM of individual nanoplates viewed on-
deposited on a substrate, forming a 2-D layered structure by a edge, showing their multi-layered structure. The short axis of
step-by-step deposition process. Whereas solvent exfoliation is the nanoplates is parallel to the c-axis and perpendicular to the
already well optimized and commonly used to synthesize 2-D (002) planes. (© American Chemical Society. Reproduced by
nanostructures, chemical synthesis methods are still being ac- permission of Sekar et al.74 Permission to reuse must be obtained
tively investigated to achieve further optimizations. Basically, from the rightsholder.)
these are wet chemical methods, which yield 2-D nanostruc-
tures via chemical reactions and deposition onto the substrates. can be readily extended for the synthesis of other 2-D mate-
Chemical synthesis is a low-cost scalable synthesis technique for rials, such as TaS2 , TaSe2 , and NaTaO3 , etc. Similarly, a few
2-D TMDC materials. However, when a TMDC is synthesized interesting chemical synthesis methods have been proposed to
chemically, it is comparatively difficult to obtain the optimum synthesize 2-D MoS2 75 and WS2 75,76 nanostructures. Altavilla
stoichiometry in the final product. A few recent reports have et al.75 demonstrated the synthesis of MoS2 and WS2 by decom-
demonstrated the synthesis of 2-D MoS2 , WS2 , NbSe2 , BN, posing a single source precursor of metal and sulfur in oley-
etc. using chemical synthesis processes. The starting materi- lamine, which produced a high-quality 2-D free standing single
als/precursors and synthesis approaches vary with each type of nanosheet.
material. In general, these processes have several strengths and Another interesting approach illustrates the formation of
weaknesses, which are discussed in the following sections. a 2-D WS2 layer through a rolling-out shape-transformation
Sekar et al.74 reported the synthesis of 2-D NbSe2 nanostruc- process (A step-by-step schematic of the mechanism of the
tures using a solution reaction process, followed by the ther- process is shown in Fig. 10a) of a 1D W18 O49 nanorod
mal decomposition of the precursor materials niobium chloride precursor, as shown in Figure 10b. In this process, tungsten
(NbCl5 ) and elemental selenium (Se). The process consists of oxide nanorods were used as a starting material/precursor, and
the reaction of 20 mL of degassed oleylamine (dodecylamine) were transformed into laterally confined (less than 100 nm)
with a mixture of NbCl5 (1 mM) and Se (2 mM) under an 2-D WS2 nanosheets (as shown in Fig. 10c) after several
inert atmosphere, followed by the heating at 250–280◦ C for steps of surfactant-assisted sulfurization reactions. First,
4 h. During this process, the precursors dissolved and formed a sulfurization occurs by a reaction between carbon disulfide
black suspension. This black suspension was collected, washed and hexadecylamine, which generates hydrogen disulfide and
and heated at 450◦ C for 3 h under the inert atmosphere, yield- hexadecylisothiocyanate via an N-hexa-decyldithiocarbamate
ing the nanoscale 2-D lamellar structure of NbSe2 shown in intermediate, as shown in Eq. (2). Next, the sulfurization
Fig. 9. The authors also proposed controlling the shape and size reaction continues, followed by the unrolling of the W18 O49
of the 2-D NbSe2 nanostructures by changing the ratio of the nanorods into a sheet structure. In fact, the transformation from
Nb and Se precursors.74 The authors claimed that this method nanorods to nanosheets occurred with a simultaneous reduction
240 S. DAS ET AL.
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FIG. 10. (a) Mechanism of 2-D WS2 nanosheet crystal formation, through a rolling-out shape-transformation processes of 1D
W18 O49 nanorod precursors. (b) TEM image of W18 O49 nanorod precursors. (c) TEM image of the formation of 2-D WS2 . (©
Wiley. Reproduced by permission of Seo et al.76 Permission to reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder.)

from oxide to sulfide. Hence, this report also highlighted the (1:6, 1:12, 1:24, 1:48, and 1:72) of boric acid and urea, dissolved
development of massive strain in the final product, due to the in 40 mL of water and heated to 65◦ C until the mixture dried.
continuous heterogeneous transformation from a 1-D to a 2-D The dried mixture was further heated to 900◦ C in an inert at-
nanostructure. Furthermore, the assembling of nanosheets in mosphere for a prolonged period of time. The reactions occur
a multilayered structure because of van der Walls attraction in a three-step process, as shown in Eqs. (3), (4), and (5). The
was also observed in this process.76 The process is capable of reactions subsequently yield a white powder containing BN as
producing high quality 2-D nanosheets with dimensions of ∼ the final product:77
100 nm, with a large surface area. Furthermore, the open-edge
2B(OH)3 → B2 O3 + 3H2 O [3]
morphology of the 2-D nanosheet could play an important role
in retaining a high intercalation capacity, which enables this NH2 CONH2 → NH3 + HNCO [4]
type of restructured material to make an excellent electrode. B2 O3 + 2NH3 → 2BN + 3H2 O. [5]
The authors of this article also discussed the effect of the molar
ratios of Boric acid and urea, finding that an increase in urea
content in the reaction mixture reduced the number of layers in
the final product. Therefore, it was claimed that this process is
well capable of controlling the number of BN layers produced.77
The production of other non carbonaceous 2-D TMDC ma-
terials via wet chemical synthesis needs further rigorous in-
vesigation. The chemical synthesis processes themselves are
highly useful, as they may be able to produce gram-scale 2-D
Preparation of 2-D boron nitride nano sheets (h-BNNS) via nanomaterials with fewer defects and less crystalline disorder
chemical synthesis processes have been demonstrated in another than other methods. Additionally, chemical synthesis exhibits
report, by reacting boric acid with urea. Hwang et al. demon- other advantages, such as low-temperature processes, low-cost
strated a series of chemical reactions using different molar ratios starting materials, easy functionalization, and high reliability.

However, due to their non stoichiometic structure and wide

range of physical properties, many optimizations will be re-
quired to apply those materials in commercial products.

3.3. Chemical Vapor Deposition/Vapor-Phase Growth

Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) is a high-temperature
chemical synthesis process by which a desired material is de-
posited on substrates. CVD processes have been extensively
studied for synthesizing thin film coatings of a wide range of ma-
terials, including metals, semiconductors, and insulators. How-
ever, the process was not recognized as a method for 2-D nanos-
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tructure synthesis until Li et al.78 demonstrated the synthesis

of a large-scale monolayer graphene on Cu foil by CVD under
conditions of flowing methane at 1000◦ C. Similarly, graphene
synthesis on other transition metals using CVD of hydrocarbons
has been discussed in several recent reports.79 In this context,
Hwang et al. and Fanton et al. reported on the van der Waals
epitaxial growth of graphene over large areas on c-plane (0001)
sapphire without using a metal catalyst.80,81 FIG. 11. (a) Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of 2-D MoS2
The CVD process has also been applied to the synthesis of on SiO2 /Si, (b) TEM image of CVD grown MoS2 film, and
large scale homogeneous 2-D transition metal dichalcogenides (c) TEM image illustrating the number of layers of 2-D MoS2
(TMDC) and boron nitride nanosheets. CVD is a very straight- formed by a CVD process. (© Wiley. Reproduced by permis-
forward method of synthesizing metal sulfides, by reacting sul- sion of Zhan et al.82 Permission to reuse must be obtained from
fur vapor with metal thin films at high temperatures under an the rightsholder.)
inert atmosphere. Using a metal thin film and sulfur powder as
starting materials, the following reaction occurs during the CVD In a similar approach, a metal oxide thin film may be exposed
process (Eq. (6)): to sulfur vapor to reduce the oxide to a 2-D MoS2 layer. This
reaction process, also known as sulfurization, is carried out at
M(s) + 2S(g) → MS2 (s), [6] elevated temperatures under a constant flow of inert gas (N2 ). In
the overall process, the starting material molybdenum trioxide
where “M” signifies any transition metal thin film, such as Mo, (MoO3 ) is reduced to the metal disulfide according to the re-
Nb, W, etc. The reaction temperature is kept at 750◦ C under a actions (Eqs. (7) and (8)). Upon exposure to a stream of sulfur
constant flow of N2 .Among the MX2 group of TMDCs, large vapor at elevated temperatures, MoO3 is initially converted into
area synthesis of 2-D MoS2 has been demonstrated by CVD a sub oxide MoO3-x , which reacts further to form a 2-D layered
methods.82–84 In this process, a molybdenum (Mo) thin film MoS2 nanostructure (as shown in Fig. 12a):
is exposed to a flow of sulfur (S) vapor at high temperature
under an inert atmosphere, which transforms the Mo thin film MoO3 (S) + S(g) → MoO3−x (S) + SOx (g) [7]
into a 2-D MoS2 thin layer. Zhan et al.82 demonstrated this MoO3−x (S) + S(g) → MoS2 (S). [8]
MoS2 synthesis on SiO2 /Si by depositing the Mo thin film on
the substrate, followed by the CVD process. The Mo-coated The reduction reaction (sulfurization) of MoO3 occurs at
substrate and sulfur powder were placed inside a CVD furnace, 650◦ C, which is comparatively a lower temperature syn-
and the reaction environment was kept inert under a constant thesis process than the direct reaction method.82 The pro-
flow of ∼200 sccm N2 . The temperature was increased to 750◦ C cess schematic is shown in Fig. 12a, where the substrate is
for 90 min, allowing the Mo to react with evaporated sulfur, mounted top down inside the CVD chamber for more effi-
resulting in the synthesized MoS2 film on SiO2 /Si shown in Fig. cient deposition.83 This simple process is capable of produc-
11a. HRTEM images confirmed the formation of a MoS2 thin ing large-scale MoS2 multilayers; however, synthesizing a sin-
film, with a thickness ranging from single to a few layers (Figs. gle layer of MoS2 by this method is extremely difficult. The
11b, c, and d.). This is one of the first reports of direct synthesis report cites inhibition of the growth of MoS2 by the inter-
of single- and few-layered MoS2 on SiO2 /Si substrates by any facial oxide layer as a significant obstacle to synthesis of a
CVD method. The authors emphasized that the size and thick- single layer of MoS2 on SiO2 /Si. To address this issue, Lee
ness of the 2-D MoS2 layer varies predictably with the substrate et al.83 introduced a highly sensitive process for pre-treatment
size and the Mo thickness, as demonstrated in Figs.11c and d. of the substrate prior to synthesis of the thin layer of MoS2 .
242 S. DAS ET AL.
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FIG. 12. (a) Schematic illustrating the experimental set-up for the large scale CVD synthesis of MoS2 . (b) The optical micrographs
of the MoS2 layers grown by CVD on the substrate treated with RGO solution. The inset shows the magnified OM of the MoS2
films, where the seed is observed at the center of each star-shaped sheet. (c) AFM of a monolayer MoS2 film on a SiO2 /Si substrate
(pre-treated with RGO). (d) The height profile of the MoS2 layer, measured by AFM to be 0.72 nm. (© Wiley. Reproduced by
permission of Lee et al.83 Permission to reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder.)

The SiO2 /Si substrate was pretreated with reduced graphene nal lattice structure, and very small lattice mismatch (only
oxide (rGO), parylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic acid tetra- 1.7%) with graphene.86 Thus, h-BN is proposed as an ideal
potassium salt (PTAS) and parylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic di- substrates for graphene electronics.86–88 The synthesis of 2-
anhydride (PTCDA), which promote the successful formation D h-BNNS is technologically significant because it exhibits
of large area 2-D single layer MoS2 . The authors suggest that a high breakdown voltage (1 × 106 V.m−1), good thermal con-
the rGO pre-treatment of the substrate creates nucleation sites ductivity (300–2000 Wm−1K−1), high transparency, and useful
for the synthesis of MoS2 as shown in the optical micrograph mechanical properties. One recent review systematically ex-
in Fig. 12b. The thickness of the 2-D nanosheet was measured amined all the h-BNNS synthesis methods which use high-
using AFM and found to be ∼0.7 nm, which confirms the depo- temperature chemical vapor deposition.52 In fact, the depo-
sition of single layer MoS2 on SiO2 /Si as illustrated in Figs. 12c sition of BN thin films by CVD with diborane (B2 H6 ) and
and d. In a recent approach, Wang et al.84 demonstrated con- ammonia (NH3 ) at ∼ 600–1000◦ C was demonstrated in the
trol over the deposition of a specific number of layers of highly early 1960’s.89 Recently, 2-D h-BNNS was synthesized using
crystalline MoS2 using a CVD process. Microcrystalline MoO2 CVD with ammonia borane/ borazane (BH3 NH3 ) and borazine
templates were used as starting materials for the synthesis of (B3 N3 H6 ) as precursors, while maintaining a 1:1 ratio of boron
highly crystalline 2-D MoS2 flakes with a controllable number (B) and nitrogen (N). Deposition of 2–5 layers of h-BNNS on
of layers. a centimeter-scale was first demonstrated by ambient pressure
As an alternative to transition metal dichalcogenides, large- CVD at 1000◦ C on a Cu substrate using an ammonia borane
scale 2-D h-BNNS has received much interest from the scien- precursor under a reducing atmosphere.34 Song et al.34 reported
tific community for integration with graphene in the scalable that the film contained a few layers of h-BNNS with high trans-
fabrication of graphene based FET devices.11,85 More specif- parency and a large band gap (5.56 eV). Nevertheless, the crys-
ically, h-BN exhibits a large band gap (5.97 eV), hexago- tallinity, electrical and thermal properties depend strongly on

several other factors such as: (1) precursor materials, (2) sub- This process also demonstrates that graphene can be used as
strate morphologies, (3) synthesis temperature, and (4) other an epitaxial substrate for the synthesis of other hexagonal ma-
growth conditions. In this context, several variations on the 2-D terials in future. Similarly, a low-temperature synthesis of 2-D
h-BNNS CVD process have been reported, using different pre- silicene has been reported by direct deposition of evaporated
cursors, substrates, and substrate morphologies, which led to Si on to Ag (110) substrates at 220–260◦ C.5 Angular-resolved
improvements in h-BNNSs’ crystallinity and electrical conduc- photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES) and low-energy electron
tance.90–92 To date, several reports have described the synthesis diffraction (LEED) confirm the formation of silicone, i.e., the
of few-layer h-BNNS on a variety of metal substrates, such as formation of silicone.5
Cu,35,91 Ni (111),93,94 Ru (0001),95 Rd (111),96 Pd (111),97 Pd The main advantage of the CVD synthesis process is to
(110),98 Pt (111),97 Cr (110),99 Fe (110),100 and single crystal obtain high quality, high purity 2-D nanomaterials with con-
Cu.101 Similarly, monolayer deposition of h-BNNS on transi- trolled properties. Additionally, the CVD process allows one
tion metals has been reported extensively using an ultra-high to control the morphology, crystallinity, and defects of the 2-
vacuum (UHV) process at >700◦ C.94,96–98 Although monolayer D nanostructures by controlling different process parameters.
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h-BNNS exhibits excellent properties as discussed above, the Moreover, by combining a variety of solid, liquid, and gaseous
expensive UHV set-up required for this CVD process limits its precursor materials, synthesizing a wide variety of new types of
usefulness for h-BNNS synthesis from an industrial point of 2-D nanosheets and their hybrids becomes possible. Similarly,
view. nanosheets can easily be doped and functionalized by introduc-
A few recent articles have also reported the in-situ synthesis ing one additional precursor source in the mixture. In contrast,
of hybrid 2-D nanostructures of graphene-BNNS and graphene- tailoring atomic level properties, and controlling stoichiometry
MoS2 by thermal CVD processes.11,13,16,102,103 Furthermore, Ci and defects in 2-D materials will require further optimizations,
et al.14 reported the in situ growth of a graphene-h-BNNS hybrid and remain significant challenges in the development of CVD
structure using a thermal CVD process at 900–1000◦ C. These processes.
hybrids between graphene and BN were achieved by simultane-
ously flowing methane (CH4 ) and ammonia borane (NH3 -BH3 ) 4. PROPERTIES AND APPLICATIONS OF 2-D
in the CVD reaction chamber under a reducing atmosphere. MATERIALS
Here, CH4 was used as the source of carbon for graphene growth
whereas NH3 -BH3 used as the source of boron (B) and nitrogen 4.1. Electrical Properties
(N) for BN deposition. Cu foil, which was annealed at 600◦ C The digital revolution has been accomplished mainly by the
for 20 min before the growth process, was used as a substrate. dramatic miniaturization of silicon transistors. However, sci-
The process pressure was kept under ∼200 mT at 1000◦ C, with entists in transistor R&D generally believe that further minia-
a constant flow of CH4 . The ratios of B, C, and N in the final turization of silicon transistors cannot continue much longer,
hybrid structures may be controlled by changing the ratios of due to physical and technological limits. Nevertheless, new
the flow rates of the process gases.14 Liu et al. (2011)13 also computer systems such as an Exaflop supercomputer will be
report the synthesis of large scale graphene/h-BN stacked hy- necessary to deal with the explosive increase in data and infor-
brid layers grown on a Cu foil using a two-step thermal CVD mation expected to occur by 2019.105 In general, faster chips
process. This process consists of two steps: graphene growth are required to improve the processing power of computer
by using CVD of n-hexane (C6 H14 ) at 950◦ C, followed by the electronic devices. If the mobility is fixed, the best way to
h-BNNS growth using CVD of ammonia borane (NH3 -BH3 ) at achieve a higher speed transistor is by scaling-down devices
1000◦ C. The process is highly efficient for the scalable synthesis to narrow the channel size. The 2-D materials exhibit very high
of stacked graphene and h-BNNS layers. The uniformity of the surface-to-volume ratio which is a natural advantage for the re-
stacked layers and the interlayer hybridizations is further con- duction in power consumption of future nanoelectronics where
firmed by Raman spectroscopy and x-ray photoelectron spec- the atomic-scale thin materials enable highly efficient modula-
troscopy. Levendorf et al.11 reported a similar two-step CVD tion of charge transport via surface gates with minimum number
process of graphene/h-BNNS growth on Cu foil which incor- of charges. The new nanoelectronics based on the 2-D materials
porated a templated synthesis process. After the graphene was could lead to the ultimate size scaling envisioned by Moore’s
deposited, it was patterned with photolithography, followed by Law and beyond. Among 2-D materials, graphene has a theoret-
h-BN growth using the method described in Mattheiss.25 Hence, ical mobility of 1,000,000 cm2/Vsec,106 and has experimentally
the two-step process for graphene- h-BNNS synthesis is versa- shown the fastest mobility, approaching ∼200,000 cm2/Vsec in
tile and easily adaptable for synthesizing other hybrid materials. a suspended structure.107,108 Although Reddy et al.109 achieved
Shi et al.104 use the same two-step approach for the CVD synthe- a mobility of 8,000 cm2/Vsec in a graphene-FET, this value is
sis of graphene-MoS2 . In this article, graphene is grown on Cu, still much inferior to that of suspended graphene. This degra-
followed by the growth of 2-D MoS2 layers. First, Cu foil is used dation is mainly due to defects induced by the direct deposi-
to grow graphene by the CVD of methane at 1000◦ C, and then tion of an insulator layer on graphene109. To prevent mobility
an ammonium thiomolybdate precursor is deposited at 400◦ C. degradation in graphene applications, surface treatments using
244 S. DAS ET AL.

polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) or other polymers have been suggested, metal-semiconductor contact. Its room temperature mobility is
as a method to suppress random potential fluctuations at the ∼50 cm2/Vsec, and its on/off ratio at Vd = 1V is larger than
graphene interface.110 MoS2 turns out to be a direct band gap 106. The direct band gap of MoSe2 is smaller than that of MoS2
semiconductor having extraordinary electronic properties when by 0.3 eV in the 2-D material.
made into a 2-D nanosheet. Monolayer MoS2 has many advan- Bulk WSe2 , which has an indirect band gap of ∼1.2 eV,
tages over graphene for more feasible electronic applications, is a layered inorganic semiconductor weakly bonded by van
especially its semiconductor behavior with high on/off current der Waals forces.113,114 The field-induced hole mobility in bulk
ratios. Like graphene, 2-D MoS2 has electrical properties that WSe2 based devices has been reported as up to ∼500 cm2/Vsec
are much better than those found in the 3-D form of the ma- at room temperature,115 which is very comparable to that of n-
terial. The band gap of single layer MoS2 is greater than that MOSFETs. The device shows an ambipolar operation and a low
of bulk MoS2 (1.2 eV) by ∼0.6 eV. Likewise, the band gaps of threshold voltage due to an intrinsically low density of surface
other 2-D materials such as WS2 , MoSe2 , and WSe2 are larger traps. However, the reported current on/off ratio of ∼10 at room
than those of the corresponding bulk materials, as shown in temperature is not good enough for digital logic devices. 2-D
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Table 2. The dimensional transition from bulk (3-D) to 2-D WSe2 based devices (Fig. 15) having high-k dielectric top-gates
MoS2 structure causes a transformation from an indirect band show a comparable hole mobility of ∼250 cm2/Vsec, a sub-
gap to a direct band gap, which gives the material promise for threshold swing of ∼60 mV/sec, and very high current on/off
many other applications. The direct band gap in 2-D MoS2 leads ratios of >106.56
to electron-hole pair excitation, which could find applications in Other group-IV elements, such as silicene and germanene,
LEDs, photo-detectors and other photonic devices.111 The mo- also exhibit a stable honeycomb 2-D structure, which shows
bility of an unmodified MoS2 based transistor has been reported superior properties to those of bulk material. Silicine (i.e., a
as 200 cm2/Vsec, which has been increased up to 800 cm2/Vsec monolayer of Si) is constructed with a mixed hybridization
with the use of a hafnium oxide gate dielectric. This results in of sp2 and sp3 bonding, due to the larger ionic radius of Si
on/off ratios of as high as 1 × 108 with 25fA/um of off-current atoms. In this context, single layer silicene exhibits a buckled
and 2 pA/μm of gate leakage current.3 (Fig. 13) structure (i.e., not planar like graphene and h-BN) (Fig. 16),
MoSe2 has also been investigated in a back-gated FET struc- and the low-buckled structure is more energetically stable than
ture.112 As in MoS2 , its band gap changes from an indirect band the high-buckled structure.116–118 Figure 16 depicts the vertical
gap in the bulk to a direct band gap in the 2-D sheet, mak- displacement of two sub-lattices of the honeycomb lattice. Sil-
ing it applicable for energy conversion and photo-electronics. icene and germanene have shown very similar electronic band
Figure 14 exhibits the electrical characteristics of a MoSe2 -FET, structures to that of graphene. Both silicene and germanene
where Ni is used as the source/drain contacts to the highly doped are zero-gap semi-metallic, and because their π and π ∗ bands
Si back-gate. The asymmetry of drain currents when swapping touch at the Fermi level (Ef ), their charge carriers are massless
the source and drain contacts reveals the Schottky barrier at the fermions.119 However, a perpendicular electrical field can break

The electrical properties of various 2-D materials

Band gap Band gap Mobility

Type (Mono Layer) (bulk) (cm2/Vsec)

Graphene semi metallic N/A N/A ∼2×105

Silicene semi metallic N/A N/A ∼1×105 (Theory)
Germanene semi metallic N/A N/A ∼1×105 (Theory)
BN insulating 5.2eV 5.2eV N/A
MoS2 semi conducting 1.8eV 1.2eV ∼200 (Mono Layer)
WS2 semi conducting 1.9–2.1eV 1.4eV 100-200 (bulk)
TaS2 metallic super conducting N/A N/A –
NbS2 metallic super conducting N/A N/A –
MoSe2 semi conducting 1.5eV 1.1eV ∼50 (exfoliated)
WSe2 semi conducting 1.7eV 1.2eV 100∼500 (bulk)
TaSe2 metallic super conducting N/A N/A –
NbSe2 metallic super conducting N/A N/A –
MoTe2 semi conducting 1.1eV 1.0eV ∼50 (bulk)
WTe2 semi conducting 1.1eV N/A ∼20 (bulk)
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FIG. 13. Characterization of MoS2 monolayer transistors. (a) Cross-sectional view of the structure of a monolayer MoS2 FET
having 30 nm of ALD-grown HfO2 . A single layer of MoS2 (thickness, 6.5Å) is deposited on a degenerately doped silicon
substrate with 270 nm thick SiO2 . The substrate acts a back gate. The top gate width for the device is 4 mm and the top gate
length, source–gate, and gate–drain spacing are each 500 nm. (b) Room-temperature transfer characteristic for the FET with 10 mV
applied bias voltage Vds. Back-gate voltage Vbg is applied to the substrate and the top gate is disconnected. Inset: Ids –Vds curve
acquired for Vbg values of 0, 1 and 5 V. (© RSC Publisher. Reproduced by permission of Ma et al.15 Permission to reuse must be
obtained from the rightsholder.)

the equivalence of atoms in the buckled structure, resulting in cm2/Vsec, assuming a similar scattering time between graphene
the opening of a band gap near the K point. The theoretical and silicene/germanene.9
mobility in suspended silicene and germanene under 0.4 V/Å As described in the previous section, some 2-D materials
of vertical electrical field has been simulated to be ∼ 1×105 show superior electrical properties compared with those in Si or
Si-based devices. Even though various 2-D materials have been
discovered and developed, most of their electrical properties
still remain unexplored. Henceforth, the ongoing challenge for
upgrading current technologies will be to introduce 2-D materi-
als into prototype devices, to achieve characteristics comparable
with Si-based technologies.

4.2. Applications
Among the 2-D family of materials, graphene is the first
and foremost to prove useful for a wide range of applications
including electronics, photonics, energy, and several other ar-
eas, due to its exceptional properties.2,121,122 However, due to
several shortcomings such as zero band gap, difficulty control-
ling the number of layers, and the presence of intrinsic defects,
the application of graphene for future semiconductor devices
presents real challenges. Thus, there has been a high demand
for the development of other 2-D materials which have built-in
semiconductor properties. For example, the direct band gap in
FIG. 14. Two sets of output characteristics obtained by swap- 2-D MoS2 leads to an electron-hole pair excitation, which could
ping drain and source contacts on the same device. The asym- be utilized for the application of LEDs, photo-detectors and
metry of the ID values when swapping the S and D contacts is other photonic devices.111 The high on/off ratio of 2-D MoS2
characteristic of FETs with Schottky contacts. (© AIP Publish- transistors gives them the potential to be applied in various
ing. Reproduced by permission of Larentis et al.112 Permission low-standby-power digital circuits. Appropriate 2-D semicon-
to reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder.) ducting materials such as MoS2 , MoSe2 , WS2 , and WSe2 , etc.
246 S. DAS ET AL.
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FIG. 15. Top-gated 2-D WSe2 based FETs with electrical characteristics. (a) Schematic of a top-gated WSe2 ML-FET with S/D
contacts chemically p-doped by NO2 exposure. (b) Transfer characteristics of a device with a length of ∼9.4 μm before and after
NO2 patterned doping of the S/D contacts. (c) Extracted effective hole mobility as a function of gate overdrive of the device shown
in panel b at VDS = −0.05 V. (d) Output characteristics of the same device shown in panel b. (© American Chemical Society.
Reproduced by permission of Fang et al.56 Permission to reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder.)

can be used as a floating gate in Flash memory applications, and catalyst for hydrogen evolution. Monolayer MoS2 could be
by matching the retention/endurance characteristics and lower an efficient photocatalyst material, as reported by Li. et al.126,127
power programming/erasing operations required of nonvolatile Most importantly, the photo-catalyzing ability of a 2-D mono-
memories. The reduction of the thickness of the gate stack leads layer MoS2 can be effectively modulated by the applied me-
to lower voltage operations, and opens up many potential so- chanical strain as well as by doping. In this context, p-type
lutions for miniaturization of devices and ultra-high density doping could improve the catalyzing ability more efficiently, as
applications.123–125 p-type doping would be effective for promoting the direct tran-
Silicene, a single layer of silicon, is highly advantageous sition of an electron from the valence band to the conduction
because it is compatible with current Si technology, and can band, and it could separate the water splitting reaction sites into
be easily applied into existing circuits and devices without reduction at the Mo sites and oxidation at the p- dopant sites,
adding additional steps to current Si device fabrication pro- respectively.126 Similarly, other transition metal dichalcogenide
cesses. Single-atom-thick silicene/germanene could be an ideal isomorphs like WS2 , WSe2 , MoSe2 have been extensively stud-
fit into this stacking structure, and due to their higher mobility ied for scalable applications in photooxidation and photocatal-
could possibly improve operational speed in a broad range of ysis leading to water/air purification, H2 evolution, and energy
systems. storage.22 A recent report shows the application of 2-D WS2
Regardless of its transistor applications, MoS2 has also been as anode material for Li-ion batteries, with an electrochemical
devised as a photocatalyst, anode material for Li ion batteries21 capacity of 118 mAh/g after 50 cycles; however, WS2 is a heavy

structure and synergistic effects between layered MoS2 and

graphene. Furthermore, this composite was applied as an anode
material in a Li-ion battery, and displayed a specific capacity of
∼1100 mAh.g−1 at a current of 100 mA.g−1, as well as excellent
cycling stability and high-rate capability.128 Another similar re-
port presents the MoS2 /graphene versatile composite as the an-
ode material for Li-ion batteries. In this report, the synergistic
MoS2 /graphene anode illustrates the excellent electrochemical
reversibility of Li+ storage with good cycle stability.129 Zhou
et al.130 demonstrated a 2-D MoS2 nanosheet- reduced graphene
oxide (rGO) hybrid material as the Li ion battery anode. This
electrode has a 915 mAh.g−1 capacity, superior rate capabil-
ity, and long-term stability. It speculated that the improvement
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in electrode capacity is mainly due to the synergistic effect of

FIG. 16. Atomic structure of silicene, together with a sketch MoS2 and rGO, which forms a gel like polymeric layer which
of the charge density for the highest occupied valence band facilitates the interfacial Li+ storage.130 On the other hand, the
in the vicinity of the K point. (© American Physical Society. MoS2 /graphene composite could be an excellent catalyst ma-
Reproduced by permission of Drummond et al.120 Permission terial for H2 evolution reaction as reported elsewhere.12 The
to reuse must be obtained from the rightsholder.) 2-D MoS2 and TiO2 nano-belt heterostructures show enhanced
photocatalytic activities, while exhibiting the highest reported
hydrogen production rate of 1.6 mM h−1g−1.131
material which is unsuitable to replace conventional lightweight MoS2 exhibits strong photoluminescence properties, which
materials.22 could be further applied in the field of nanophotonics and pho-
h-BNNS is a quite new material, which is proposed for use as totransistors.23,69,132 It is reported that 2-D MoS2 devices can
a substrate for graphene electronics owing to its excellent me- effectively detect/emit visible light, and electroluminescence
chanical and thermal properties, as well as chemical inertness. by hot carrier processes and photoluminescence occurred at the
To date, graphene on h-BNNS has shown the best reported per- same excited state of 1.8eV.133
formance for low-power electronics of which we are aware.87 Phototransistors based on mechanically exfoliated 2-D MoS2
Noble metal nanoparticles decorated h-BNNS are used as effec- perform better than graphene based devices. Photoresponsivity
tive catalysts for CO removal through oxidation reactions.45 On in MoS2 based devices, defined as generated photocurrent over
the other hand, a recent report reveals that h-BNNS edges are total incident optical power, reaches ∼7.5 mA/W at 50 V of
very useful sites for electron emission, and hence could have gate voltage in 2-D MoS2, compared with ∼1 mA/W at 60 V
a potential application in UV light emission devices. Yu et. al of gate bias in graphene based devices.134 The switching behav-
reported broad band light emission ranging from 200–400 nm ior of photocurrent generation and annihilation in 2-D MoS2
from vertically oriented h-BNNS on Si substrates.50 However, was repeatedly within 50 ms. Recently, Tongay et al. demon-
this structure is not very useful for application in field emission strated the diamagnetic and ferromagnetic responses from 2-D
devices (FED), owing to the insulating nature of h-BNNS. Fur- single crystal MoS2 . Although MoS2 itself is nonmagnetic, fer-
thermore, the the wide band gap and limited charge transport romagnetic impurities and magnetization from sulfur vacancies
of h-BNNS materials are likely to limit their applications in contributed to diamagnetic and ferromagnetic responses, which
energy-related devices. will allow the further extention of 2-D semiconductor chalco-
Although energy applications of single 2-D atomic layer genides materials into the field of magnetic and magneto-
thick materials are limited, combinations of 2-D nanostruc- resistive applications.134 2-D h-BNNSs also have numerous
tures open a vast number of possibilities for the applicability applications in the field of composite structural materials. h-
of these materials as energy devices. The benefits of combining BNNSs play the role of fillers in h-BNNS-polymer composites,
2-D nanostructures could be found from the easily achievable significantly improving the thermal properties and enhancing
combined properties of both of materials, which are far more the mechanical properties of composite films.135,136 In one of the
advantageous than single materials. However, synthesizing the most interesting applications, Ag/dispersed h-BNNS is used as
hybrid 2-D nanostructures and comprehensively characterizing high thermal oxidation-resistant substrate for surface enhanced
their properties is highly challenging. A few recent reports have Raman spectroscopy (SERS).137
demonstrated energy devices based on 2-D hybrid materials, in-
cluding graphene-MoS2 , graphene/h-BNNS and graphene/WS2 . 5. SUMMARY
Chang et al. demonstrated the L-Cysteine-assisted synthesis of a In summary, 2-D nanostructures promise the development of
layered graphene/MoS2 composite with superior electrochem- a new field of fundamental research which will contribute to next
ical performance, which is attributed to the robust composite generation devices with outstanding performance. Starting with
248 S. DAS ET AL.

graphene and h-BNNS, other non carbonaceous 2-D transition ductors (ITRS), silicon technology will face unprecedented
metal dichalcogenides and their hybrid structures are anticipated technological challenges regarding the scaling-down of the tran-
as key materials for applications in ultra-fast, low-energy elec- sistor, the device integration process, and power consumption
tronics devices. The advantage of MX2 materials (M: Metals; issues. Although many attempts have been made to cope with
X: Chalcogens), such as MoS2 , WS2 , MoSe2 , MoTe2 NbSe2 , these types of challenges, the status of present technologies for
etc., is having their controllable intrinsic band gap with satis- the future of below -10 nm silicon technology is still uncertain.
factory mobility which could be utilized in high-speed device Specifically, power consumption and heat dissipation issues are
fabrication beyond Si-CMOS technology. Additionally, as the still a dilemma concurrent with the scaling-down of the tran-
thickness of MX2 materials decrease, they are transformed from sistor. To decrease power dissipation, new state variables like
indirect band gap into direct band gap, which holds promise for Q-bits, spin, molecules, and so-on, have been investigated as
optoelectronic applications as well. In contrast, h-BNNSs ex- switching mechanisms to replace the electrons used in CMOS.
hibit a large band gap of ∼6 eV, and therefore are highly likely To date, no alternative variables can compete with the electron.
to be a good substrate with rapid heat dissipation and good me- The 2-D materials exhibit a very high surface-to-volume ra-
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chanical strength. Synthesis of 2-D nanostructures and their hy- tio, which is a natural advantage for the reduction of power
brids are demonstrated using several methods, such as mechan- consumption in future nanoelectronics, in that the atomically
ical exfoliation (ME), chemical synthesis, and CVD processes. thin materials enable the highly efficient modulation of charge
ME is widely used for the synthesis of any 2-D nanostructure transport via surface gates. In this regard, new nanoelctronics
materials, including graphene and beyond. On the other hand, based on novel 2-D materials could lead to the ultimate size
recent achievements in chemical synthesis and CVD process- scaling envisioned by Moore’s Law and beyond.
ing show excellent future potential for the scalable synthesis of
those 2-D nanostructures, although further optimizations must ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
be explored. Since the MX2 group of 2-D nanostructures ex- The authors wish to thank Dr. Lori Lepak (University of
hibit exceptional electrical properties, basing nanoelectronics Wisconsin – Stevens Point) for helpful scientific discussions.
devices upon these new 2-D materials could, in the near future,
lead technology to the ultimate limits of size scaling envisioned FUNDING
by Moore’s Law. Several other generic approaches demonstrate This work was, in part, supported by the World Class Univer-
the different methodologies of synthesis, and tuning of the prop- sity (WCU) program funded by the Ministry of Education, Sci-
erties of, the 2-D and hybrid nanostructures, which would allow ence, and Technology (R31-2008-000-10092) and the Air Force
these materials to be used in several other applications, such Office of Scientific Research project (FA9550-09-1-0544).
as catalysis, energy storage, photocatalysis, memory devices,
optospintronics, and many more.
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