Ultrasonic Testing

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Ultrasonic testing
Introduction :-
I. Ultrasonic testing is a non destructive testing method that uses ultrasonic
waves to conduct examination test and make measurement.
II. Ultrasonic testing can be used for flow detection evaluation dimensional
measurement material characterization.
III. It is find the discontinuity at surface,subsurface and volumetric.but it is
mainly used for find out the internal defect.
Spectrum of sound :-

Description Frequency Example

Infrasonic sound Below 20 HZ Earthquake

sonic 20-2000 HZ Music

ultrasonic Above 20000 Hz Bat

Frequency :-
★ No of Cycle per second.
★ No of oscillation per second.
★ It is measured in hertz.
★ It is denoted by f.

1HZ=1 CPC (cycle per second)

1 KHZ=1000 Hz

1MHZ=106 Hz
Time Period :-
Duration of one cycle is called time period.time period is inversely proportional to



I. It is a distance required to complete one cycle.

II. It is denoted by λ.
III. It is measure in mm,meter etc

General Formula be λ=v/f

Where λ = wavelength

v= velocity
Relationship b|w Wavelength and Frequency
I. Higher the frequency smaller the wavelength.
II. Smaller the wavelength,higher sensitivity.
III. In UT the smallest detectable flaw is /2 half the wavelength.

Sensitivity :- The smallest detectable flaw by the system of techniques.

Ques-1-Which one of the following having a smallest wavelength and large wavelength.



Lower sensitivity =2MHZ

II.Higher sensitivity =6MHZ

Q-2- U2MHZ U3MHZ U5HZ U6MHZ Solution:

I. Lower sensitivity=2mHZ
II. Higher sensitivity =6MHZ
There are two types of waves in UT
Longitudinal Wave:- In this type of waves the
vibration of the particles parallel to the wave
propagation .it can be travel in solid,liquid and
gas.it is also called compression waves.
Shear waves :- In This type of waves the vibration
of h Particle in any angel of the wave
propagation that isd called shearwave.it is mostly
use in solid ( 45°,60°,70°).these waves travel
between 30° to 90°.
Note: Velocity of longitudinal wave in steel is
5920 m/s in American standard &
Velocity of shear wave in steel is 3250m/s.
Ques:with 4 MHZ ultrasonic probe on steel & velocity of sound is 5850m/s.calculate wavelength
and sensitivity in mm.

Sol: λ=?


v=5850 m/s

λ=v/f =5850/4000000 =0.00146mm


sensitivity=λ/2 =1.4625/2 = 0.73125mm

Ques:Which of the longitudinal probe has the highest sensitivity.
I. 1 MHz
II. 2 MHz
III. 10 MHz
IV. 5 MHz
Properties of ultrasonic waves:-
I. Ultrasonic waves are high frequency waves.
II. These waves vibrate above the upper audible limit of human hearing their
range is above 20000 Hz.
III. Ultrasonic wave cannot travel in vacuum
IV. The velocity of sound remain constant in homogeneous media.
V. They are reflected and refracted just like light waves.
VI. Speed of ultrasonic is more in dense area i.e solid >liquid>gas.
Density 𝜌=m/V
Principle of UT :-
I. It is based on acoustic impedance mismatch.
II. At the time of listing three different material wave inco with each other,one
is probe,couplant and other is workpiece /specimen.
III. Speed of sound is different material become of density.
IV. We get the mismatch of the waves this mismatch acoustic impedance.
V. Acoustic impedance is the product of density and speed of sound.it is
denoted by z.
Here 𝜌=Density
Probe /search unit /transducer
I. It is a device which generates acoustic signal and also returned it .it is made up of
piezoelectric material which convert eledi signal into mechanical signal into
mechanical signal and vice versa.
II. Commonly usd piezoelectric material are quartz and polarised ceramic such as
baTiO3(barium titanate). PbZrO3(Lead zirconate).
III. Mostly used transducer having frequency (2MH to 5MHZ)
There are three types of probes :
I. Normal Probe ( T + R)
II. T-R Probe
III. Angular probe.
1. Normal Probe (T+R):
I. It is used one crystal and one connecting cables.
II. To check thickness and lamination above 25mm.
III. Sound propagation is straight.
IV. Dead zone 10mm
2.T-R Probe:

I. It is use two crystal and two connecting cables.

II. One cable is transmitter and one is receiver to the sound
III. To check the thickness & lamination.
IV. Dead zone 2 mm.

3 .Angle Probe :

I. It is use one crystal and one connection cable.

II. The check weld scanning sound propagates at an angle b/w
30° to 90°.
III. Angular probe having 45°,60°,70° probe only.

Couplant :- It is a type of liquid that facilities the transmission

of sound energy between probe and test piece.ex-May be
grease,Oil,water etc
Characteristics of Couplant :-
I. It should not be contaminated .
II. It should flow easily
III. It should be easily removable.
IV. It should not be hazardous to the user or to the job.
V. Probe should be easily movable.
Uses of couplant :-
I. To remove air gap b/w probe and workpiece.
II. To decrease acoustic mismatch.
III. To move the probe easily.
IV. Protect the probe from friction
V. To increase sound energy transmission.
Zone :
Deadzone: it is the crystal ranging time and it is inside the
Nearzone: it is the distance b/w probe crystal to far point.
Here D=Diameter of probe crystal
I. The bigger the diameter the bigger the near zone.
II. The bigger the diameter the bigger the near zone.
III. Lower velocity,biggrr the near zone.
Ques:what is near zone length of 5MHZ compression probe with s crystal diameter of 10mm in
steel (v=5920M/S)

Sol:F=5MHZ ,v=5920m/s


N=(0.01)2 ✕5✕106/4✕5920 =0.021m


Ques:calculate the Near zone of 2MHZ diameter of probe in 20mm in water. (vw=1480m/s).

Sol: N=(20)2✕2✕106/ 4✕1480 ✕1000

Far Zone:
The distance away from the near zone that is called far xone it is denoted by




Ques:What is the near zone length of 5 mHZ compression probe with a crystal diameter
10mm in steel (v=5920m/s)

Sol: F=3D2f/4v

N=3✕100✕5✕1000,000/ 4✕5920 ✕1000

Ques:calculate the farzone of probe of diameter is 18mm in water if vw=1480 m/s



VW=1480 ✕1000m/s



Critical angle:

1.First critical angle:- it is the angle od in for which refracted longitudinal wave becomes 90°.

2.Second critical angle:- it is the angle of incidence for which the reflected shear wave becomes 90°.
Reflection of sound

Laws of reflection:-

I. Angle of incident =angle of reflection <i=<r

II. Incident rays,reflect ray and normal lies on same plane and same point.
I. Q1=Q2
II. Incident ray refracted ray and normal lie on same plane at same point.
Mode Conversion:
I. Longitudinal wave - shear wave (conversion)
II. Shear wave - longitudinal wave (conversion)
III. Longitudinal wave -(no conversion)
IV. Shear wave - shear wave (no conversion)

Snell s Law:

Ques:For An Incident angle of 12° in water.calculate the refracted longitudinal angle in steel.vw=1480 m/s




Ques:for an incident angle of 15° in water.calculate the refracted longitudinal angle in copper.

Sol: i=15° ,Vw=1480 m/s




Ques-3:for an incident angle of water is 20°and calculate the shear angle in steel.
Sol: Sini/sinr=VL1VL2

I. Calibration is a operation of configuring the ultrasonic test equipment to

know value.
II. This provides the inspector to the calibration for the accuracy without
calibration test is not possible.
III. To ensure consistent performance of ultrasonic testing.
IV. To check the sensitivity,resolution and characteristics of ultrasonic probe.
V. To evaluate the discontinuities of their size and location.
I. Flaw detection
II. Assessment of bond integrity in adhesively.
III. Estimation of void content in composite and plastic.
IV. Measuring depth.
V. Estimation of grain size
VI. Sensitivity to small discontinuities both surface and internal.
VII. Depth of penetration for flaw detection or measurement is superior to other method.
VIII. Volumetric scanning and lamination ability of object
IX. Surface must be accessible to transmit ultrasonic .
X. Skill and training is more extendible with some other method.
XI. Material that are rough irregular in shape.
XII. Linear defect oriented parallel; to the sound beam may go underdetected.
Beam Spread :

Half Beam:
But λ =V/f
Sinθ/2=Kv/Df ,K=Beam Constant ,K=1.22
I. If the diameter increases the decreases beam spread.
II. If the frequency increases the beam spread decreases.
III. If the velocity increases the beam spread increases.

Ques:find half beam spread of 1 diameter of 4 MHZ probe in steel.




V=5850 ✕1000 mm/s

Sin θ/2=1.22✕ 5850 ✕1000/25.4✕ 4 ✕1000000=0.0702


Ques:find half beam spread of 2”diameter of 6MHz probe in steel.

Sin θ/2=1.22 ✕5850 ✕1000/2✕ 25.4✕ 6 ✕ 106
Attenuation :
I. It is the losses of sound energy which is travel in the medium.
II. Attenuation is the combined effect of absorption and scattering takes place
III. Absorption:when sound travel in the material the absorption takes places.
IV. Scattering:when gain size is larger then scattering takes place.
Gain Control (intensity of sound):
Sometimes oer defect is very small so we increase the intensity of sound or
sound energy that is called gain control unit of sound DB ( decibel ) and gain
control density by DB.
DB=20 log10 A2/A1
Ques: 20% 40%


Db =6.020 Ans.

Beam divergence:

I. Echo intensity is inversely pro

I. Echo intensity is inversely proportional to the square of distance.
I1 &D1=Intensity at distance D1
I2 & D2 =Intensity at distance D2
II. Echo intensity decrease with distance.
III. A1/A2=D22/D12
IV. Echo intensity in terms of amplitude
Note:Echo:Repetition of sound
Selection of Angle probe:three criteria for selection of angle probe.
Grove angle:

Probe angleθ=90 -ɑ/2

Ques:Groove angle ɑ =60°

Probe angle =90-60/2 =60°
AWS (American Welding Soceity):
Specimen 0-30mm - 70°
30-40 mm - 60°
Above 40 mm - 45°
As per Approval:Sometimes we use two types of probe;
Note:Movement of probe speed will be 150 mm/s
Index point:- the point at which sound is produced in the probe is called index point.
Beam path /Sound path:the distance b/w probe index point to last beam hitting point is called
beam path.
HBP =T/cos𝛳 =Tsecθ
Skip Distance:
The distance b/w probe index to perpendicular distance of last hitting point.

HSD =T tanθ

AB=Hall beam path

AC=Half skip distance

ABD=Full beam path

AD=full Skip distance

AEB :- Cosθ=T/HBP

HBP=T/cosθ =Tsecθ

Tanθ HSD/T =HSD=T tanθ

IIW V1 Block:
IIW V2 Block
Types OF Waves
1) Longitudinal wave
2) Shear wave
3) Lamb wave
4) Surface wave

Procedure code:ASME Section V Article 4&5

DAC (Distance amplitude correction) curve:-

I. Acoustic signal from some reflecting surface will have different amplitude at different location from probe
II. It establishes graphic references level of sensitivity of a function of sweep distance on display.

DAC Block:

I. Same material as that of job.the DAC block should be cutted from the material to be tested.
II. DAC block should have 3 holes
III. First hole is at thickness T/4 here t is the Thickness of DAC Block.
IV. IInd hole is at the thickness of 2T/4 or T/2.
V. IInd hole is at the thickness of 3T/4.
VI. All the holes haves same diameter.
There Are Three Methods to Draw DAC:
I. FBH (Flat BUTTON Hole)
II. SDH (Side drill hole)
III. Notch for piping

SDH (Side Drill hole):- Selection of DAC block

A. 19mm block for the job of (0.25mm)

B. 38mm block for the job of (25 -30mm)
C. 75mm “””””(Above 50mm)


I. 19mm DAC Block Be Done.

II. Ist hole will be on 4.75mm
III. We using 70 deg probe then -

BP=T/Cosθ=4.75/cos70° =13.88mm

SD=T tanθ=4.75 tan70° =13.05mm

IV.2nd Hole will be on 9.5mm

BP=T/Cos70° =9.5/cos70°=27.77mm

SD=T tanθ =9.5 tan 70° =26.101 mm

V.3d hole will be on 14.25mm.

BP=14.25/Cos70° =41.64mm

SD=14.25 ✕tan70° =39.15 mm

Draw DAC
Uses Of DAC Curve :

I. To find out the acceptance and rejection area.

II. To find out defect size and location
Acceptance Criteria:
ASME section VIII Div I&II .MAndatory Appendix -12.

I. Any crack ,Lack of penetration,lack of fusion shall not be accepted.

II. 6mm for T<19mm
III. T/3 for 19 ≤ T ≤ 57mm
IV. 19mm for Above 57mm.

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