Inquiry 3

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Gabe Karakostantis

Professor Blair

WRDS 1103, 053

23 April 2024
Inquiry Essay #3

Volunteering is like exploring uncharted territory, where every step is a chance to learn and grow.

Just like when you're learning something new, it's all about watching, learning, practicing, and improving.

I remember feeling stuck when a child started crying, and I didn't know how to help. But through paying

attention to others, trying different approaches, and seeking advice, I learned valuable lessons that have

shaped my journey in volunteering.

In our Youth Men's Service League (YMSL) "Service Crew," we wore our distinctive shirts

proudly, marking our commitment to serving our community. My friend Peter, always wearing his white

hat, was my partner in this adventure. Together, with the guidance of our moms who were also part of the

service crew, we went through various volunteering tasks, supporting each other along the way.There

were many stages through volunteering. It began with observation, where I witnessed kind volunteers

helping children with gentle words and hugs.The approch they used helped me understand what I needed

to do in order to be a successful volunteer. Without this, my ability to help others wouldve been delayed

and time is everything.

As I moved into the absorption stage, I observed another volunteer engaging children with fun

activities and storytelling. Their ability to get the kids involved and educate the children inspired me to

become a better facilitator.Practice was crucial in becoming a better leader.. Leading a craft activity for

the first time was nerve wracking, but with support, I found my confidence. Positive feedback from

friends reinforced my efforts and encouraged me to keep improving. Reflection deepened my

understanding of my role as a volunteer. Analyzing my interactions with misbehaving children revealed

the importance of patience and fairness. This led to a plan for clearer communication while maintaining


Mentorship played an important role in my development. Learning conflict resolution techniques

from experienced volunteers helped me to handle conflicts among children effectively. Their guidance

helped me grow as a volunteer and be better prepared for future situations.The community center and

outdoor playground served as our canvas for service. Brightly lit rooms filled with vibrant toys and craft

supplies welcomed children eager to learn and play. Supervising activities and organizing cleanup forced

me to gain responsibility and teamwork.

Somes realizations from volunteering were the importance of kindness, patience, and

collaboration. These were way different than how I was as a beginner. I just wanted to be independent,

and not interact with who I was supposed to be helping.Experienced volunteers held authority through

guidance and mentorship, shaping the learning experience. The network of support extended beyond the

volunteering site.I was able to get a few summer jobs through people that I got close to at the

volunteering site such as working at a local ice cream shop and working as a counsler at a park.

Conversations with friends, my roommate, and especially my mom provided invaluable insights and

encouragement. Their perspectives helped my understanding and fueled my passion for service. Through

observation, practice, and mentorship, I gained literacy in volunteering. Learning from experienced

volunteers and reflecting on experiences enriched my skills and understanding. Each interaction, each

challenge, pushed me forward on my journey of growth and contribution to my community.

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