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School: Tudela National Comprehensive High School Grade Level: 7

Teacher: Kyla M. Paler Learning Area: English

Time and Date: April 29, 2024 (10:00am-11:30am) Quarter: 2nd Quarter

A. Content Standards – The learner demonstrates understanding of:
contemporary Philippine literature as a means of responding to the
demands of the global village; various extended text types; lexical and
contextual cues; appropriate and polite oral language, stance, and
behavior; and use of imperatives, prepositions, verbs, and wh - questions.

B. Performance Standards – The learner transfers learning by: explaining

the need to be cooperative and responsible in today’s global village; using
appropriate strategies to comprehend extended text types; using lexical
and contextual clues to understand unfamiliar words and expressions;
using imperatives, prepositions, and appropriate and polite oral language,
stance and behavior in various information-sharing formats.

C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives –

At the end of the lesson, at least 85% of the students must be able to:

a) Define Informative essay;

b) categorize the three parts of informative essay;
c) value the importance of an informative essay by writing an Informative

EN7WC-IV-a-2.2: Compose simple informative texts


B. References:
C. Other Learning Resources: Laptop, Audio-Visual Aids, Learner’s Activity Sheets,
D. Values Integration - Proactive/Resourceful, Collective Responsibility and
E. Teaching Strategies - Lecture discussion, Cooperative learning, Active

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

A. Prayer

Good Morning Class! How are you today?

Good morning, ma’am.

We are doing good, ma’am.

Before we start our class, we will start with a

prayer first.

May I ask Ms. Joy to lead the prayer,

(Joy in front to lead the prayer)

B. Checking of Attendance

May I know who is absent for today?

Students: None ma’am

Okay, it’s good to know that no one is absent.

C. Classroom Management

Before you take your seats. Kindly pick up the

pieces of paper under your chair, make your
rows straight and please align your chairs
properly. (The students followed the command of
the teacher)
B. Developmental Activities

We are going to start a new topic for your 4th

grade, but before that, can someone
remember what our previous lesson was all
about? And what are the important things you
have learned in our previous lesson?
( Cams raises her hand )

Yes, Cams. You may stand up and face

your classmates.
Cams: As what I’ve remember ma’am,
last meeting we had discussed the 8
parts of speech.
Very good Cams! During our last meeting
we tackled the 8 parts of speech and their
usage and those are; verbs, nouns,
adjectives etc…
(The students are listening.)
Class, we will have a series of activities
today. But we will be guided by the following

1. Discuss and define the

informative essay

2. categorize the three parts of

informative essay

3. Compose your own Informative

essay by applying the 3 parts of
Informative essay

Any clarifications? Or any questions about

our activity?
Students: None, Ma’am.
C. Motivation

But before we proceed to our discussion, let’s

play a game first.

Are you all excited?

All students: Yes, ma’am super excited.

This game is called "Sinetch Itey." I will be

calling a random name, and he or she is the
one who will be guessing the picture.

Is that clear?

Here is the first picture class. All students: Yes, ma’am.

Harriet? What do you think is the boy doing?

Harriet: I think the boy thinking.
Very good! Harriet. The second is so easy.

Mega? What can you say about the picture?

Mega: She is writing ma’am.

Excellent! Mega. And here is the last one but

not the least.

Convie? Can you tell me what is in the

Convie: I think the boy is looking for an
Thank you for that Convie. You have
answered the correct word.

I see that you all have a very Keen eyes. All of

those answers are correct, thank you class.
How did you feel after our game?
All students: Great and we have an idea
for our topic today, Ma’am.
D. Presentation of the lesson

Do you have any Idea about to our lesson

today? (Christel raises her hand)

Yes, Christel?
Christel: I think it’s all about Essay
Very good, Christel!

Our topic for today is all about Essay.

The word essay is derived from the French

infinitive essayer which means "to try" or "to
attempt." In English, essay first meant "a trial"
or "an attempt" and it is still an alternative

Who among you here experienced writing an

(Some students raises their hands)
Essay writing brings more benefits than
browsing through those social media platforms
that you have already memorized. It does not
only sharpen your minds and makes you more
creative than putting likes and hitting shares of
your friends’ post. The ability to share
something from your mind is definitely a
plausible act.

Now, what is an informative essay? How does

it differ from the other types of essays?
All students: What is it ma’am?

Informative essay is written as literary essay

piece with the purpose of educating a target
audience or readers regarding a certain topic or
subject. It is intended to present or expose
something while at the same time avoiding
presenting arguments or personal opinions
from the writer.

An informative essay is also called

expository essay in the sense that it also aims
to expose or display an information that is
beneficial to the reader. It does not present bias
judgments nor favorable ideas. Also, it does not
dwell in the concept of convincing readers to do
things that are contrary to their will. It is usually
3-5 pages in length.

There are 3 three parts of an informative essay.

An informative essay contains three parts. The

first part is the introduction. It is used to grab
the attention of the reader and to introduce the
topic. It as well states the thesis statement of
the article. The thesis statement is one
sentence statement that expresses the main
idea of an essay or text. The second part is
the body. It is the bulk of the essay and
contains all of the important facts being
covered that support or provide evidences to
the thesis statement.

The last part is the conclusion. This part

summarizes the essay and encourages the
reader to seek out more information about a

Are you still with me class?

All students: Yes, ma’am.
All right! Who can give me the three parts of
informative essay?
(Kevin raises his hand)
Yes, Kevin?
Kevin: The three parts of informative
essay ma’am are Introduction, body and
Very good Kevin! I can really say that all of you
are listening to my discussion and let’s

These are the ways on how to write an

informative essay.

Writing an informative essay is like telling a

blind person the color of the sky or telling a kid
what ice creams are made of. One would just
have to present and expand a topic.

Let’s learn the steps in writing an informative


1. Think of a topic. The first thing that you have

to do is think of a topic that you want to write
about. It would be good if it is something that
you are most passionate about, so you can
write in great details.

2. Create a format. The most effective format

is using the essential parts of an essay

3. Present your ideas. After choosing the topic,

start writing your ideas.
Present them in a way that you are educating
the readers.
Anyone who can give their insights about
Informative essay?
(Hanzel raises his hand)
Yes, Hanzel?

Hanzel: An informative essay is a

common assignment for school or
college students. The goal is to provide
detailed information to the readers about
the specific topic.
Kindly clap your hands everyone. It is indeed a
great job that you participated very well in the
class and I assume everyone did really
understand the lesson for today.

Any questions? Clarification? You may raise

your hand if you have something to ask from
the topic?
All students: None so far ma’am.
I see none. Very good everyone!
Now let’s proceed for the new activity.
F. Application

Activity 1: What’s In!

Directions: Complete the graphic organizers

below by writing two most important things to
do (main ideas) to succeed at school and by
writing three details under each main idea.
(The students are listening)
 Creativity and Originality - 15 points
 Coherence of form and Structure - 15
 Clarity of imagery and sentence - 20

Total: 50 points

The time allotment for this activity is five

minutes only.

Please get your one whole sheet of yellow

paper and don’t forget to write your name. You (The students starts the activity)
may start now.

(After five minutes)

Is everyone done?
Students: Yes, Ma’am.

You may pass the papers now in the count of

5,4,3,2 and 1. Pass your papers forward.
(All students pass their papers)

G. Generalization

Since we are done with our discussion, may I

hear from anyone here to share what they
have learned from the class?

I will call a student based on the attendance


Okay, let’s have Booggie. Please stand up.

Booggie: I learned that informative essay
it describes a person, place, thing, or
event using informative language that
appeals to readers’ senses and explains
the process to do something or how
something was created.
Very good, Booggie! I guess everyone did
really understand the topic very well.
I am really happy and proud that you’re
attentively participating and listening to our

So let me add some importance of Informative

essay, please remember that Informative
essays come in many forms. One might
explain how a system works, analyze data, ( Students listening attentively )
summarize an event, compare two or more
subjects, or walk the reader through a process


Activity 2: What I Know!

Directions: Select the best answer. Write the letter of your answer on a separate sheet of

1. What is the characteristic of an essay?

a. Tells the origin of a word

b. Shows the author's own argument
c. Connects a subject to its predicate
d. Links a main clause to a subordinate clause

2. Which of the following is defined as a nonfiction writing, written with the intention of
informing the reader about the specific topic?

a. Informative essay
b. Expository essay
c. Narrative essay
d. Technical essay

3. What are the parts of an informative essay?

a. Greeting, body, closing

b. Heading, greeting, body
c. Heading, greeting, closing
d. Introduction, body, conclusion

4. Which of the following does not define/characterize informative essay?

a. Presenting an opinion
b. Elaborating on a term
c. Tracking readers’ new information
d. Educating audience on a particular topic
5. Which of the following are the functions of an introduction?

a. Restates a thesis and introduces any new ideas

b. Provides arguments and supports the thesis statement
c. Introduces the importance of the topic and writes down a thesis statement
d. Generalizes the arguments from the previous parts of the essay and makes a conclusion

Answer key:
1. B
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. C


Activity 3 : Categorize Me!

Directions: In 1-2 sentences, define or describe each of the term below. Write your answers
on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Essay

2. Informative Essay

3. Introduction

4. Body

5. Conclusion

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