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Core Hinterlands Marches Result
1-15 1-15 1-15 → Regional or → Terrain aspect
16-25 16-25 16-25 → Geographical description + Feature
26-30 26-30 26-30 → Magical phenomenon
31-35 31-35 31-35 → Weather phenomenon
36-41 36-38 36-37 → Settlement
42-48 39-45 38-44 → Descriptor + Focus
49-52 46-48 45-46 → Ruins
53-54 49-50 47-48 → Dungeon
55-56 51-54 49-52 → Creature
57-61 55-59 53-54 → Traveller
62-66 60-64 55-59 → Landform
67-69 65-67 60-63 Flora growing unnaturally
70-71 68-69 64-66 Fauna acting strangely
72-73 70-71 67-69 Strangely misplaced geographic feature
74-76 72-73 70-71 Small steading
77-80 74-77 72-75 Field of arcane crystals
81-85 78-82 76-79 → Site of interest
86 83-84 80-82 Random → Planar feature
87-89 85-87 83-85 → Monument
90 88-90 86-90 Person or thing from beyond the realm
91-94 91-94 91-94 Glimpses of a new → Region
95-99 95-99 95-99 Roll twice
100 100 100 Roll three times


1-20 Site of religious observance 1-20 Rain clouds darken the sky
21-40 Site of ancient battle 21-40 Fog clouds your vision
41-60 Site of local faction 41-60 Winds buffet you mercilessly
61-80 Site of natural disaster 61-80 Sunlight beats down upon you
81-95 Site of recent ritual 81-95 Snow swirls all around you
96-00 Site of arcane catastrophe 96-00 Lightning strikes the earth


The oracles in this section will help you rediscover the wonders of this fallen
realm as you undertake journeys and complete quests.


The Exploration Encounter oracle on the previous page is the main engine for
generation of overland exploration encounters in Steelforged. This means any-
where above ground, whether on the material plane or others.
The worlds you're exploring are vast, so don't feel obligated to roll on the table
for every waypoint on your journeys, or at all if your journey is short. You can
instead envision how the area's features pass you by, or use prompts from the
plane/region waypoint tables. If your journey is across a long distance, roll on it
when you want to inject danger or uncertainty into your story.
The first result in the encounter table has two options. It is up to you to choose
which of these is most pertinent for your current story (most times it will be
It is also important to remember the features of the area in which you are trav-
elling. If you aren't using the Exploration Encounter table, roll on the Regional
aspect table every once in a while. This will help contextualize the results of the
oracle and aid you in envisioning your surroundings.


Sometimes the encounter table will refer you to a terrain aspect. The Terrains
oracles (page 14) further specify the area in which you are travelling. Terrain
shift or region shift can happen at anytime independently of each other.
When you begin a journey, make a note of which kind of terrain you are em-
barking from. It is up to you to determine when a shift in overall terrain feels
right in the narrative.

Terrain shift can happen in many ways. It could just fit your fiction or be
the most obvious outcome of a roll. You can also Ask the Oracle if a rolled
feature signals an upcoming shift, decide that it does, or make a clock for
it. A shift in terrain could also be something you see far out of your way.

Region changes will often be more decisive for your narrative, as they bring a
complete change in scenery. When you glimpse another region, jot down a note
of it for later. As with terrains, region change can be inferred from many oracles
throughout this section, but shifting regions should always fit the fiction.
See the Regions section for further guidance on regional waypoints and aspects.


LANDFORM SCALE (Relative to each landform)
1-10 Tiny 31-70 Typical 91-99 Huge
11-30 Small 71-90 Large 100 Colossal

1-2 3-7 8-12

Tor: A rocky outcrop of

Sinkhole: A straight drop Lake: An inland body of
stone that rises from the
into the deep fresh- or salt water
crest of a hill or ridge

13-15 16-18

Mesa: Large isolated Waterfall: Waters pour

raised plateau with sheer down the sides of a cliff or
rock sides mountainside

19-21 22-25 26-30

Canyon: A deep, Cliff: Sheer rock face

Butte: Isolated and sheer-
narrow valley or cleft with dropping great vertical
faced hill with relatively
steep sides carved into the distances, often in coastal
flat top
landscape areas

31-35 36-43 44-50

Arch: Sand or lime-

Cave: A natural opening Rock flats: A flat and
stone rocks that have
into either mountainside cris-crossed landscape of
joined and eroded into a
or the earthen depths exposed limestone rock
natural bridgeway

51-55 56-60 61-65

Fairy tower: A tall,

Karst towers: Sharp, Inselberg: An isolated
thin spire of volcanic rock
towering rock formations mountain that rises from
that can tower hundreds of
clustered together otherwise level terrain
feet into the sky

66-70 71-75 76-77

Bornhardt: Isolated Tuya: Isolated volcano

dome-shaped hill or rock once hidden underneath
formation glacial ice

78-82 83-86 87-92

Mogote: Steep-sided iso- Mountain ridge: A crest

lated hill in otherwise flat formed from a chain of
surroundings mountains or hills

93-97 98-100

River: A flowing body Tell: An artificial

Rift: Earth that is being
of water that descends mound formed from the
torn asunder by natural
through the landscape and remnants of ancient civili-
empties into the sea zations

You can use the accompanying images to help you envision the result. If you are com-
ing from the exploration encounters oracle, envision how the result reveals itself to you
from beyond the horizon. If you are coming from the region geography oracle, envi-
sion how the result is characteristic of the geography for that region.

1-25 Flatlands 51-75 Rugged
26-50 Coastal 76-00 Mountainous

Flat land, stretching for miles without blemish...
1-20 Open flatlands 63-69 Large rocks breaking through ground
21-27 Blue skies with no cloud cover 70-76 Sinkholes to dark subterranean area
28-34 Mysteriously flooded land 77-83 Eery quiet
35-41 Meandering riverbed 84-87 Sound of water filling the air
42-48 Single hill dominating landscape 88-91 Suddenly rising foothills
49-55 Low mist hanging in the air 92-95 Faded outline of distant peaks
56-62 Gentle hills interrupting monotony 96-00 → Descriptor + Focus


1-20 Nowhere to hide 1-20 Signs tell of some lurking foe
21-40 Threat spots your from afar 21-40 You see threat before it sees you
41-60 Calls for help with no obvious source 41-60 Abandoned ruins are welcome shelter
61-80 No features to pinpoint location with 61-80 Landmark helps you find the way
81-00 Stretch of rugged land blocks path 81-00 Nearby hills offer respite from threat

Where the land meets the sea and the rivers run out...
1-20 Sound of waves crashing 63-69 Hideout in rocky circular cove
21-27 Natural harbor used by community 70-76 Mudflats that flood with the tides
28-34 White cliff diving into the sea 77-83 Pods of marine animals off the coast
35-41 Plains of shallow water 84-87 Marsh draining into the sea
42-48 River estuary verdant with life 88-91 Ridges sloping down to meet the sea
49-55 Islands visible further out at sea 92-95 Glacially carved mountainous inlet
56-62 Rocky cavern sculpted by the waves 96-00 → Descriptor + Focus


1-20 Something lurks under the water 1-20 Otherwordly being gives you insights
21-40 The waters are encroaching 21-40 Receding tides reveal hidden secret
41-60 Blackened sails appear on horizon 41-60 Friendly traders in small boats
61-80 Wreck filled with death and decay 61-80 Something useful washes up on shore
81-00 Coast leaves you with no escape 81-00 Naturally defensible position

Rolling countryside, foothills stepping up towards a mountainous ridge...
1-20 Rugged and rocky hills 63-69 Wide channel in subtle valley
21-27 Gentle rolling hills 70-76 Slopes dotted with exposed rock
28-34 Terraced hillsides 77-83 Extensive cave system
35-41 Path snaking around steep slopes 84-87 Steep cliffs lining wide gorge
42-48 Steep escarpments in unnatural lines 88-91 Terrain flattening out
49-55 Vantage point overlooking landscape 92-95 Ascent into rougher and steeper slopes
56-62 Brief vale amidst hills 96-00 → Descriptor + Focus


1-20 Predator protects their young 1-20 Local wildlife proves useful
21-40 Locals fiercely protective of area 21-40 Local residents offer cover in hillside
41-60 The hills seem suddenly labyrinthine 41-60 Empty encampment with supplies
61-80 No discernable path 61-80 Well-traveled path cuts across hills
81-00 You are easily observed from ridge 81-00 High ground gives you advantage

Towers of earth and stone reach up into the heavens, small walkways carved into their sides...
1-20 Unforgiving slopes rise above you 63-69 Tunnels dug into the mountain
21-27 Rock walls and jagged pinnacles 70-76 Broad and winding valley glacier
28-34 Overlook perched on mountainside 77-83 Path excavated into side of mountain
35-41 River valley nestled between peaks 84-87 Multitiered waterfall
42-48 Dwellings carved into the slopes 88-91 Descent into more forgiving foothills
49-55 Snowy peaks rising far above 92-95 Tablelands stretching below slopes
56-62 Long thin strip of glacial lake 96-00 → Descriptor + Focus


1-20 Sudden precipitous drop 1-20 Barely holding bridge over rift
21-40 Caught in conflict for resource 21-40 Coveted resource exposed here
41-60 The earth begins to quake underfoot 41-60 Mountain stream shows way down
61-80 Nearby cave isn’t empty 61-80 Empty cave offers welcome respite
81-00 Slide or avalanche begins brewing 81-00 Previously blocked path has opened

There are entries in each feature oracle that offer you the chance to envision a change
in terrain type, but they can also merely represent interruptions in the current land-
scape. Likewise, multiple results in each oracle can be interpreted as region changes,
but can also merely represent anomalies in your current region.

1-3 Terrain feature presents danger or obstacle
3-6 Signs of a creature’s power or cunning
7-9 Hazardous plant life or malignant spores
10-12 Beast hunts for prey
13-15 Hostile residents of the area find you
16-18 Vile creations guided by a greater threat
19-21 Creatures spooked or stampeding
22-24 Wildlife is revealed or takes an unexpected form
25-27 Bandits at large in this area
28-30 Blocked or impassable path
31-33 Cursed energy or aura hangs in the air
34-36 Disturbing remains or evidence of death
37-39 Drastic change in terrain
40-42 Enemy holds this area
43-45 Magical phenomenon threatens your position or quest
46-48 Weapons or gear become damaged
49-51 Guarded or patrolled path
52-54 Led astray
55-57 Lost the path
58-60 Call for help from imperiled travellers
61-63 Foul magic in this area
64-66 Realization that something was left behind
67-69 Caught between faction and its mission
70-72 Signs of a lurking or trailing foe
73-75 Raging storm gathers overhead
76-78 Toxic or sickening surroundings
79-81 Trap or magical alert system
82-84 Treacherous or arduous path
85-87 Troubling visions or apparitions
88-90 Someone questions your presence here
91-93 Worrying arrival of rider or caravan
94-96 Wreckage or ruins portend a new threat
97-99 → Action + Theme
100 Roll twice


1-4 Clue to a creature’s nature or vulnerabilities
5-8 Magical phenomenon that can be leveraged
9-12 Monument reveals clue to the history or nature of this place
13-16 Interesting or helpful aspect of local wildlife
17-20 Interesting or helpful aspect of local plant life
21-24 Homestead has much needed supplies for journey
25-28 Abandoned camp or caravan
29-32 Advance warning of environmental threat
33-36 Clear path through otherwise perilous terrain
37-40 Clue offers insight into current quest or mystery
41-44 Ruins ripe for the picking
45-48 Evidence that others have passed this way
49-52 Foe reveals themselves or tips their hand
53-56 Fortuitous change in the weather or arcane conditions
57-60 Friendly traveller crosses your path
61-64 Helpful resource is in ample supply
65-68 Impressive vista offers comfort or inspiration
69-72 Interesting artifact or piece of gear
73-76 Interesting site offers opportunities for exploration
77-80 Moment of fellowship or inner peace
81-84 Opening to distract, escape or avoid foes
85-88 Friendly settlement in range
89-92 Plea for help from potential benefactor
93-96 Refuge offers a place to hide, plan or recover
97-100 Vantage point reveals the lay of the land



1-3 Unseen barrier 49-51 Remnant of ancient enchantment
4-6 Illusory veil of fleeting magic 52-54 Mythical beast unseen for many eons
7-9 Object animated by spell 55-57 Landform given strange alteration
10-12 Wildlife changed by magic 58 A yawning portal to another plane
13-15 Flora given sentience 59-61 Astral stardust swirling nebulously
16-18 Surroundings in constant change 62-64 Elements given strange life
19-21 Clouds sizzling with arcane light 65-67 Congregation of fey energies
22-24 Menacing necromantic whispers 68-70 Infernal influence spreading as mold
25-27 Holy words speaking themselves 71-73 Demonic energy seeping from below
28-30 Unwitting change of behavior 74-76 Fell shadows engulfing area
31-33 Dark ritual 77-79 Divine light shining
34-36 Arcane lights dancing 80-82 Spirits roaming
37-39 Sudden worsening of mood 83-85 → Object of power
40-42 Mists rising slowly from ground 86-88 → Descriptor + Focus
43-45 Usual rule of physics ignored 89-90 → Magic form as → Magic effect
46-48 Irridescsent winds 91-100 → School specific phenomenon


1-33 Small area in immediate vicinity 1-33 Subtle and barely perceptible
34-66 Area around size of fortress 34-66 Always dancing on edge of senses
67-90 Significant area about size of town 67-90 Obvious and tangible
91-99 Large area taking hours to traverse 91-99 Given some kind of sentient form
100 Immense region-spanning effect 100 Maddening and all-consuming


1-25 26-50 51-60

→ Conjuration → Enchantment → Divination
magic magic magic

61-70 71-90 91-100

→ Necromancy → Illusion → Power
magic magic magic

1-5 Earth trembling 1-5 Entity is conjured
6-10 Plantlife sprouting 6-10 Object is conjured
11-15 Stormclouds gathering 11-15 Divine favor manifests
16-20 Visions or mirages manifesting 16-20 Entity is transported
21-25 Bolts of highly charged lightning shooting 21-25 Hex is cast
26-30 Perception of time slowing 26-30 Aura heals
31-35 Temporary gap in space opening 31-35 Mind is manipulated
36-40 Colorful vapors emitting 36-40 Aura strengthens
41-45 Words ringing 41-45 Aura weakens
46-50 Whispers compounding 46-50 Future is divined
51-55 Orb of energy unfolding 51-55 Past is unveiled
56-60 Spike of energy launching 56-60 Entity is controlled
61-65 Dark clouds swirling 61-65 Dead rise
66-70 Blinding lights bursting 66-70 Illusion defends
71-75 Bright column of light shining 71-75 Illusion attacks
76-80 Otherworldly auditory effect deafening 76-80 Physicality is altered
81-85 Aracane seal of power sizzling 81-85 Object transmutes
86-90 Reality flickering 86-90 Weather is manipulated
91-95 Aura glowing 91-95 Energy is unleashed
96-99 → Descriptor + Focus 96-99 → School-specific type
100 Roll twice 100 Roll twice

1-5 Mage 41-45 Necromancer 81-85 Druid
6-10 Wizard 46-50 Spellsword 86-90 Bard
11-15 Sorcerer 51-55 Witch 91-95 Paladin
16-20 Geomancer 56-60 Cleric 76-80 Enchanter
21-25 Warlock 61-65 Monk 81-85 Planeswalker
26-30 Transmutationist 66-70 Alchemist 86-90 Extraplanar entity
31-35 Eldritch knight 71-75 Seer 91-95 → Descriptor + Roll again
36-40 Illusionist 76-80 Mystic 96-100 Roll twice

1-10 Cloaked and hooded in dark robes 61-70 Full platemail with visored helm
11-20 Colorful threads of flowing robes 71-80 Dual wielding weapons or wands
21-30 Light armor allows dextrous moving 81-90 Adorned in extravagant jewelry
31-40 Tunic covering small amount of body 91-95 Magical alteration to physical form
41-50 Clad in what looks like mud and earth 96-98 Shadowed or veiled
51-60 War-painted 99-100 Roll twice
Bringing things into existence, healing, and manipulating the fabric of space.


1-10 Strange creations 51-60 Djinn offering trade
11-20 Otherworldly landscape features 61-70 Being or object with restorative power
21-30 Spirit creatures on wrong plane 71-80 Manifestation of divine power
31-40 Objects given artifical life 81-90 Things coming in and out of existence
41-50 Gateway to another place on plane 91-100 Otherworldy power


1-20 New creature is created 61-70 Deity is called upon
21-35 Strength is restored 71-80 Extraplanar creature is summoned
36-50 Objects attain new attributes 81-90 Physical form changes
51-60 Portkey or gateway is created 91-100 → Theme + Action


1-11 34-44 67-77
12-22 45-55 78-88
23-33 56-66 89-100

Energies, damaging force and transformation of reality.
1-10 Essence of area has been changed 51-60 Warped or looped time
11-20 Beings act as if under spell 61-70 Signs of divine blessings
21-30 Area under control by entity 71-80 Creatures forced into servitude
31-40 Out of place seasonal effects 81-90 Powerful but trapped being
41-50 Unnaturally withered area 91-100 Unnaturally verdant area


1-20 61-70
21-35 71-80
36-50 81-90
51-60 91-100 → Theme + Action
1-11 34-44 67-77
12-22 45-55 78-88
23-33 56-66 89-100

Seeing the past, present and future in sometimes unreliable ways.


1-10 Disturbing visions of another’s past 51-60 Being that spouts truths of the world
11-20 Warnings of an apocalyptic future 61-70 Wise guardian of area
21-30 Unwelcome fortunes 71-80 Divine energy that provokes visions
31-40 Spirit that know of events far away 81-90 Flashing visages of long dead people
41-50 Dreams of people you don't know 91-100 Manifestation of prophecy


1-20 Divinatory potions bubble 61-70
21-35 Lost memories surface 71-80
36-50 81-90
51-60 91-100 → Theme + Action


1-11 34-44 67-77
12-22 45-55 78-88
23-33 56-66 89-100

Wielding the power of life and death, conscience and servitude.
1-10 Vestiges of a vampiric curse 51-60 Spirits with unfinished business
11-20 Dead given unnatural life 61-70 Entity given power by the shadows
21-30 Vengeful spirits of the long dead 71-80 Untethered graveyard
31-40 Monsters animated by malevolence 81-90 Reanimated skeletal remains
41-50 Feral werebeasts 91-100 Havoc wreaked by fiendish deity


1-20 61-70
21-35 71-80
36-50 81-90
51-60 91-100 → Theme + Action
1-11 34-44 67-77
12-22 45-55 78-88
23-33 56-66 89-100

Things that don't exist and things that shouldn't be.


1-10 Things that shouldn’t be there 51-60 Shadows gathering in dark corners
11-20 Memories that dance in moonlight 61-70 Alluring mirage
21-30 Entity that keeps dis- and reappearing 71-80 Visions of a different plane
31-40 Manifestation of desires 81-90 Surroundings that constantly change
41-50 Constantly shifting path 91-100 Invading, foreign thoughts


1-20 61-70
21-35 71-80
36-50 81-90
51-60 91-100 → Theme + Action


1-11 34-44 67-77
12-22 45-55 78-88
23-33 56-66 89-100

Energies, damaging force and transformation of reality.
1-10 Collection of intense energies 51-60 Rip in the fabric of reality
11-20 Emission of arcane power 61-70 Elemental chaos in this area
21-30 Object’s essence transmuted 71-80 Entity wielding forceful power
31-40 Extraplanar energy invading area 81-90 Forceful alteration of your mood
41-50 Weather acting strangely and violently 91-100 Dramatically altered physics


1-20 61-70
21-35 71-80
36-50 81-90
51-60 91-100 → Theme + Action
1-11 34-44 67-77
12-22 45-55 78-88
23-33 56-66 89-100

1-3 Alters or focuses gravity
4-6 Alters or reshapes material or resource
7-9 Alters surrounding air or atmosphere
10-12 Alters surrounding climate
13-15 Awakens the dead
16-18 Causes distressing visions or nightmares
19-21 Causes rapid plant growth or infestation
22-24 Causes sickness or weakness
25-27 Corrupts flesh or plants
28-30 Corrupts or infects gear or vehicles
31-33 Creates manifestations or illusions
34-36 Decays or weakens surrounding terrain or structures
37-39 Drains energy from you or companion
40-42 Emits forceful or destructive energy
43-45 Emits extraplanar energy
46-58 Generates a barrier or ward
49-51 Generates intense lights and sounds
52-54 Generates tendrils of energy which slither or grasp
55-57 Harvests or destroys living beings or creatures
58-60 Harvests or destroys material or resource
61-63 Nullifies or destroys gear or vehicles
64-66 Opens a path to another location
67-69 Replicates being or creature
70-72 Replicates material or resource
73-75 Reveals glimpses of the distant past
76-78 Reveals glimpses of the far future
79-81 Reverses time by a few moments or minutes
82-84 Slows or stops time
85-87 Summons or manifests an ancient being or divinity
88-90 Summons or manifests creatures
91-93 Transports to another location
94-96 Enhanced manifestation of → School-specific magic effect
97-100 Roll twice

Sometimes you will encounter powerful mages or energies when you explore, or trigger
magical traps when you delve into dungeons. Use this table in such cases, but use it spar-
ingly for rare and dramatic moments; or envision how the effects manifest in subtler ways.


1-2 Dragon 51-52 Frog 1-2 Sand 35-36 Stream 69-70 Flag
3-4 Wolf 53-54 Goose 3-4 Button 37-38 Branch 71-72 Hoof
5-6 Raven 55-56 Hare 5-6 Musk 39-40 Pepper 73-74 Bite
7-8 Crow 57-58 Hawk 7-8 Plume 41-42 Fern 75-76 Honey
9-10 Bear 59-60 Hog 9-10 Sand 43-44 Wall 77-78 Hedge
11-12 Alligator 61-62 Horse 11-12 Wick 45-46 Nut 79-80 Balm
13-14 Beaver 63-64 Lark 13-14 Spell 47-48 Needle 81-82 Blood
15-16 Cow 65-66 Lamb 15-16 Wild 49-50 Bristle 83-84 Thick
17-18 Pig 67-68 Adder 17-18 Water 51-52 Bind 85-86 Rue
19-20 Bird 69-70 Worm 19-20 Bramble 53-54 Sweet 87-88 Glove
21-22 Bull 71-72 Buck 21-22 Sap 55-56 Spur 89-90 Whip
23-24 Buffalo 73-74 Sheep 23-24 Wool 57-58 Plague 91-92 Copper
25-26 Cat 75-76 Sow 25-26 Gem 59-60 Pine 93-94 Iron
27-28 Chick 77-78 Spider 27-28 Crunch 61-62 Strife 95-96 Drop
29-30 Colt 79-80 Toad 29-30 Bell 63-64 Tear 97-98 Cotton
31-32 Crab 81-82 Viper 31-32 Salt 65-66 Knap 99-00 Butter
33-34 Dog 83-84 Lion 33-34 Winkle 67-68 Bell
35-36 Stag 85-86 Snail
37-38 Drake 87-88 Snake
39-40 Duck 89-90 Rat FLORA SIGNIFIER
41-42 Dove 91-92 Mouse 1-2 King 35-36 Devil 69-70 Dawn
43-44 Eel 93-94 Owl 3-4 Queen 37-38 Mage 71-72 Dusk
45-46 Elephant 95-96 Wyvern 5-6 Crown 39-40 Fairy 73-74 Lord
47-48 Goat 97-98 Imp 7-8 Day 41-42 Wizard 75-76 Shepherd
49-50 Fox 99-00 Mare 9-10 Night 43-44 Valor 77-78 Bastard
11-12 Demon 45-46 Heart 79-80 Gem
13-14 Winter 47-48 Head 81-82 Pilgrim
Use these tables if you find yourself on a
quest to find a rare herb needed to cure 15-16 Summer 49-50 Mind 83-84 Realm
a disease, a spell component that only 17-18 Witch 51-52 Jewel 85-86 Maiden
grows in the far reaches or when you just 19-20 Moon 53-54 Love 87-88 Hero
want some prompts for envisioning wild
21-22 Sun 55-56 Hate 89-90 Diamond
flora in your surroundings. You can also
use the tables on the next page to specift 23-24 River 57-58 God 91-92 Emerald
its properties and uses, and you can use 25-26 Mount 59-60 Knight 93-94 Mother
some of the tables from the Trees oracles
27-28 Hill 61-62 Lady 95-96 Beggar
a few pages down to specify some more
concrete appearance attributes. 29-30 Steed 63-64 Father 97-98 Lover
31-32 Garden 65-66 Parent 99-00 World
33-34 Meadow 67-68 Money

1-2 Weed 35-36 Lettuce 69-70 Fruit 1-2 Heraldic 51-52 Tumbling
3-4 Grass 37-38 Mallow 71-72 Leaf 3-4 Holy 53-54 Blind
5-6 Cress 39-40 Millet 73-74 Vetch 5-6 Nodding 55-56 Velvet
7-8 Flower 41-42 Wort 75-76 Wood 7-8 Spiny 57-58 Slender
9-10 Clover 43-44 Nettle 77-78 Cherry 9-10 Winged 59-60 Small
11-12 Seed 45-46 Sedge 79-80 Poppy 11-12 Naked 61-62 Stinging
13-14 Berry 47-48 Rose 81-82 Suckle 13-14 Upright 63-64 Bitter
15-16 Brome 49-50 Sage 83-84 Mur 15-16 Bracted 65-66 Hairy
17-18 Wheat 51-52 Reed 85-86 Phlox 17-18 Blessed 67-68 Horned
19-20 Thorn 53-54 Bur 87-88 Ivy 19-20 Awnless 69-70 Dense
21-22 Vine 55-56 Root 89-90 Mustard 21-22 → Color 71-72 Tall
23-24 Mint 57-58 Spurge 91-92 Lily 23-24 Wode 73-74 Pearl
25-26 Herb 59-60 Blossom 93-94 Lilac 25-26 Wild 75-76 Loose
27-28 Daisy 61-62 Tansy 95-96 Plant 27-28 Walking 77-78 Running
29-30 Thyme 63-64 Teasel 97-98 Fig 29-30 Hoary 79-80 Common
31-32 Flax 65-66 Tassel 99-00 Meg 31-32 Greater 81-82 Prickly
33-34 Hemp 67-68 Thistle 33-34 Southern 83-84 Climbing
35-36 Northern 85-86 Lesser
37-38 Eastern 87-88 Smooth
FLORA MODIFIER 39-40 Western 89-90 Marsh
1-6 Bane 37-42 Guts 73-78 Death 41-42 Poison 91-92 Mountain
7-12 Head 43-48 Lock 79-84 Milk 43-44 False 93-94 Floating
13-18 Foot 49-54 Hair 85-90 Shade 45-46 Narrow 95-96 Giant
19-24 Finger 55-60 Horn 91-94 Tongue 47-48 Field 97-98 Bristling
25-30 Tail 61-66 Beard 95-98 Rot 49-50 Old 99-00 Garden
31-36 Tooth 67-72 Knot 99-00 Foil

WILD FLORA CONCEPT Roll on this first.

1-5 [ Creature ][ Grass ] 56-60 [ Grass ][ Grass ]
6-10 [ Creature ]s[ Modifier ] 61-65 [ Signifier ]s[ Modifier ]
11-15 [ Creature ]s[ Modifier ] [ Grass ] 66-70 [ Signifier ][ Grass ]
16-20 [ Thing ][ Grass ] 71-75 [ Descriptor ]-[ Thing ] [ Grass ]
21-25 [ Thing ][ Thing ] 76-80 [ Descriptor ][ Modifier ] [ Grass ]
26-30 [ Thing ][ Modifier] 81-83 [ Region Feature ] [ Grass ]
31-35 [ Creature ]'s [Descriptor ] [Grass] 84-86 [ Region Metaphor ][ Grass ]
36-40 [ Thing ][ Thing ] [ Creature ][ Grass ] 87-89 [ Region Descriptor ] [ Grass ]
41-45 [ Thing ][ Thing ] [ Grass ][ Modifier ] 90-92 [ Region Concept ][ Grass ]
46-50 [ Descriptor ] + Roll again 93-96 [ Signifier ]'s + Roll again
51-55 [ Tree ] [ Grass ] 97-00 [ Thing ] [ Tree ]
1-2 Healing 51-52 Ensnaring 1-5 Emits faint glow
3-4 Warding 53-54 Releasing 6-10 Glitters unnaturally
5-6 Divining 55-56 Paralyzation 11-15 Sheds shimmering particles
7-8 Cursing 57-58 Disillusioning 16-20 Out of place
9-10 Enchanting 59-60 Psychoactive 21-25 Warded or protected
11-12 Alchemical 61-62 Numbing 26-30 Natural defenses
13-14 Energetic 63-64 Intensifying 31-35 Can communicate
15-16 Invasive 65-66 Controlling 36-40 Attracts insects
17-18 Deadly 67-68 Teleportational 41-45 Attracts wildlife
19-20 Psychic 69-70 Endearing 46-50 Extremely long roots
21-22 Hexatious 71-72 Stinking 51-55 No apparent roots
23-24 Strengthening 73-74 Corrupting 56-60 Extremely heavy
25-26 Weakening 75-76 Staying 61-65 Scorching to the touch
27-28 Poisonous 77-78 Pollination 66-70 Perpetually frozen
29-30 Aromatic 79-80 Spreading 71-75 Entangled prey
31-32 Appetizing 81-82 Explosive 76-80 Touching it causes visions
33-34 Edible 83-84 Summoning 81-85 Acts as portkey
35-36 Inedible 85-86 Searing 86-90 Supplanted from different plane
37-38 Illusionary 87-88 Acidic 91-95 Causes weeping
39-40 Disguising 89-90 Curing 96-00 Emits strange odor
41-42 Quickening 91-92 Fertilizing
43-44 Slowing 93-94 Reviving
45-46 Attracting 95-96 Changing
47-48 Spellcasting 97-98 Necromantic
49-50 Focusing 99-00 Conjuration


1-5 Red 51-55 Orange 1-5 Sprays 51-55 Whorls
6-10 Green 56-60 Golden 6-10 Spikes 56-60 Daisy-like
11-15 Purple 61-65 Bronze 11-15 Pods 61-65 Incurved
16-20 Yellow 66-70 Pink 16-20 Stalks 66-70 Panicles
21-25 Silver 71-75 Violet 21-25 Branches 71-75 Spires
26-30 Black 76-80 Lavender 26-30 Long-stem 76-80 [→ d10]-petaled
31-35 White 81-85 Dark 31-35 Wiry-stem 81-85 Bunches
36-40 Blue 86-90 Bright 36-40 Rosette 86-90 Clusters
41-45 Grey 91-95 Brilliant 41-45 Spurs 91-95 Stamens
46-50 Brown 96-00 Roll twice 46-50 Umbels 96-00 Racemes

1 Conical 26 Perennial 51 Glossy 76 Toothed
2 Dried 27 Fern-like 52 Ovate 77 Lance-shaped
3 Nodding 28 Erect 53 Elliptic 78 Cup-shaped
4 Tuberous 29 Sturdy 54 Narrow 79 Stiff
5 Hairy 30 Billowing 55 Pointed 80 Deep
6 Small-headed 31 Spoon-shaped 56 Spear-shaped 81 Palmate
7 Coarse 32 Fluffy 57 Toothed 82 Whorled
8 Strap-shaped 33 Spidery 58 Serrated 83 Simple
9 Many-flowered 34 Stout 59 Pinnate 84 Compound
10 Vigorous 35 Funnel-shaped 60 Dense 85 Tear-shaped
11 Sword-shaped 36 Quill-shaped 61 Sparse 86 Spiny
12 Frothy 37 Sprays 62 Lobed 87 Bushy
13 [ → d10 ]-parted 38 Brittle 63 Glittering 88 Spread
14 → Color-spotted 39 Reflexed 64 Rounded 89 Weeping
15 Saucer-shaped 40 Bearded 65 Dull 90 Tubular
16 → Color-veined 41 → Color-margin 66 Wavy 91 Fragrant
17 Fleshy 42 Clump-forming 67 Heart-shaped 92 Odorous
18 Cup-shaped 43 Dramatic 68 Short-stalked 93 Tapering
19 Shrubby 44 Clumping 69 Long-stalked 94 Contorted
20 Rhizomatous 45 Dainty 70 Large 95 Star-shaped
21 Neat 46 Trumpet-shape 71 Small 96 Needle-shaped
22 Clump-forming 47 Feathery 72 Paired 97 Rough
23 Circular 48 → Color center 73 Slender 98 Matte
24 Prostrate 49 Hooded 74 → Color-marked 99 [ → d10 ]-lobed
25 Compact 50 Oblong 75 Leathery 100 Spindly

1-2 Pine 51-52 Walnut 1-4 5-8 9-12
3-4 Fir 53-54 Magnolia
5-6 Fig 55-56 Hemlock
7-8 Oak 57-58 Cacao
9-10 Aspen 59-60 Burflower
11-12 Birch 61-62 Juniper
13-14 Maple 63-64 Papaya
15-16 Cherry 65-66 Gingko
17-18 Yew 67-68 Coconut 25-28
13-16 17-20 21-24
19-20 Eucalyptus 69-70 Dove
21-22 Gum 71-72 Pagoda
23-24 Bamboo 73-74 Fern
25-26 Palm 75-76 Cathaya 33-36
27-28 Baobab 77-78 Tallow 37-40
29-30 Acacia 79-80 Laurel
31-32 Spruce 81-82 Camphor
33-34 Sequoia 83-84 Holly
35-36 Cypress 85-86 Lime
37-38 Rubber 87-88 Dragon
39-40 Mahogany 89-90 Banyan
41-42 Date 91-92 Sallow
49-52 53-56
43-44 Willow 93-94 Kauri 45-48
45-46 Sycamore 95-96 Bristlecone
47-48 Larch 97-98 Nutmeg
49-50 Ash 99-00 Coconut
H/W Crown H/C Width 69-72
1-5 1-70 1-8 m 0-.2 m
6-10 71-90 8-10 m .2-.5 m
11-40 91-95 10-20 m .5-1 m 77-80
41-70 96 20-40 m 1-2 m
71-90 97 40-60 m 2-4 m 73-76
91-95 98 60-80 m 4-6 m
96-98 99 80-100 m 6-10 m
99 100 100-120 m 10-20 m 85-96
100 -- 120+ m 20+ m

1-2 Long 51-52 Fibrous 1-5 Catkins 51-55 Crystals
3-4 Horizontal 53-54 Pendulous 6-10 Seed heads 56-60 Shoots
5-6 Graceful 55-56 Whorled 11-15 Silky hairs 61-65 Blossoms
7-8 Stout 57-58 Spiralled 16-20 Flowers 66-70 Seed pods
9-10 Arching 59-60 Dense 21-25 Fruits 71-75 Buds
11-12 Drooping 61-62 Flaky 26-30 Bracts 76-80 Crabapples
13-14 Shaggy 63-64 Erratic 31-35 Acorns 81-85 Ferns
15-16 Pale 65-66 Twining 36-40 Nuts 86-90 Needles
17-18 Dark 67-68 Pendent 41-45 Leaflets 91-95 Cones
19-20 Ashen 69-70 Short 46-50 Berries 96-00 → Wild flora
21-22 Furrowed 71-72 Curved Use these tables to help you envision the trees that
23-24 Massive 73-74 Soft you encounter. It is of course recommended to
25-26 Contorted 75-76 Corrugated only use this when you have especially important
encounters involving trees, or perhaps when you
27-28 Rugged 77-78 Glabrous envision coming upon a forest of strange, unfamiliar
29-30 Forked 79-80 Immense flora.
31-32 Rough 81-82 Girthy
33-34 Thick 83-84 Smooth
35-36 Spindly 85-86 Winged TREE QUIRKS
37-38 Knobby 87-88 Tiered 1-5 Hollow trunk
39-40 Fissured 89-90 Climbing 6-10 Cavernous roots
41-42 Upright 91-92 Woody 11-15 Hiding dungeon
43-44 Slender 93-94 Vertical 16-20 Exposed roots
45-46 Flaking 95-96 Puberulous 21-25 Intricately carved
47-48 Weeping 97-98 Villous 26-30 Glyphs of forgotten language inscribed
49-50 Spaced 99-00 Swollen 31-35 Glowing foliage
Roll twice on this table for both branch & 36-40 Pulsating aura of energy
trunk appearance. 41-45 Growing quickly
BARK 46-50 Infested with rot
1-10 Smooth and unbroken 51-55 Crawling with insects
11-20 Cracked or seamed 56-60 Foliage not appropriate to season
21-30 Stripping 61-65 Contains rare fruit not on other trees
31-40 Scaled or plated 66-70 Weeping actual tears
41-50 Ridged or furrowed 71-75 Imbued with spirit
51-60 Lenticelled 76-80 Can move
61-70 Broken-ridged 81-85 Rare bird nesting in branches
71-80 Fibrous or rubbery 86-90 Has anthropomorphic face
81-90 Peeling off 91-95 Completely out of place
91-100 → Flora color 96-00 Living off other flora

Core Hinterlands Marches Result
1-10 1-20 1-50 Sparse
11-20 21-50 51-70 Small
21-80 51-90 71-95 Typical
81-90 91-95 96-99 Large
91-100 96-99 100 Dense


1-10 One all-encompassing region 1-50 [ → Legend ][ → Truth ]
11-20 Transition between large regions 51-60 [ → Legend ] [ → Truth ]
21-50 One large and some related regions 61-80 [ → Truth ][ → Truth ]
51-80 Several similar regions 51-70 The [ → Truth ]
81-95 Several differentiated regions 71-90 [ → Myth ][ → Truth ]
96-100 Strange combination of regions 91-100 [ → Region flavor ][ → Truth ]


1-5 Constantly clashing groups 1-15 Completely fractured
6-10 Differentiated but related groups 16-20 Independent city-states
11-40 One larger group 21-30 Several smaller realms or clans
41-60 Several larger groups 31-35 Province in larger empire
61-70 Fracturing groups 36-40 Many different indepedent realms
71-75 Massive foreign influx 41-50 Warring realms or clans
76-80 Ancient heritage 51-80 Split between two realms
81-85 Cultures melding together 81-85 Unified in loose confederation
86-90 Unified culture 86-90 Unified in single realm
91-100 Many different groups 91-100 Roll twice

1-2 All 51-52 Morrow 1-2 Blight 51-52 Mirth
3-4 Ashen 53-54 Never 3-4 Break 53-54 Moor
5-6 Bane 55-56 North 5-6 Bright 55-56 Mourn
7-8 Blood 57-58 Oaken 7-8 Coast 57-58 Pale
9-10 Border 59-60 Over 9-10 Dale 59-60 Past
11-12 Castle 61-62 Raven 11-12 Dell 61-62 Rain
13-14 Crimson 63-64 River 13-14 Dawn 63-64 Reach
15-16 Dagger 65-66 Shadow 15-16 Deep 65-66 Rim
17-18 Dark 67-68 Silver 17-18 Dusk 67-68 Rise
19-20 Demon 69-70 Sorrow 19-20 Fall 69-70 Rock
21-22 Devil 71-72 South 21-22 Fell 71-72 Sand
23-24 Eagle 73-74 Star 23-24 Flame 73-74 Scorn
25-26 East 75-76 Storm 25-26 Fog 75-76 Sight
27-28 Elder 77-78 Sun 27-28 Fold 77-78 Shore
29-30 Ember 79-80 Sword 29-30 Frost 79-80 Song
31-32 Ever 81-82 Thunder 31-32 Gale 81-82 Spire
33-34 Fallen 83-84 Warden 33-34 Gate 83-84 Stair
35-36 Far 85-86 Water 35-36 Grass 85-86 Vale
37-38 Fear 87-88 War 37-38 Grasp 87-88 Wall
39-40 Fey 89-90 Weather 39-40 Grave 89-90 Way
41-42 Green 91-92 Wester 41-42 Home 91-92 Will
43-44 Golden 93-94 Wolf 43-44 Knife 93-94 Winter
45-46 Hinter 95-96 Wreath 45-46 March 95-96 Wind
47-48 Latter 97-98 Wyvern 47-48 Mark 97-98 Wisp
49-50 Moon 99-00 Yester 49-50 Mire 99-00 Wood

Lands correspond roughly to sectors in Starforged. They are large areas that encompass
multiple regions (see from page 32), realms, and peoples. You could spend your whole
campaign within a single land, embarking upon quests to banish an evil influence or stop
an impending invasion, or you can move between lands.

You can use these oracles to generate the land that your character starts in. Spend some
time envisioning it before you dive in, or simply start by generating a name from the
Legend and Truth tables and taking it from there (to start, you will need at least one region
generated as well). Use the history oracles for worldbuilding prompts, or for emergent
narratives that you encounter as you explore.

1-2 Abandoned by patron deity 51-52 Magical affliction is spreading
3-4 Ancient wards beginning to fail 53-54 Natural disaster looming
5-6 Anomalies in use of magic 55-56 New faith is rapidly growing
7-8 Bandits acting with impunity 57-58 Peoples are widely oppressed
9-10 Cataclysmic prophecy manifesting 59-60 Plagued by ancient beasts
11-12 Caught in strange time pocket 61-62 Political situation is destabilizing
13-14 Climate is changing rapidly 63-64 Powerful denizen is gaining influence
15-16 Contains hidden ancient magic 65-66 Prophesied arrival of chosen one
17-18 Contains rare resource in high supply 67-68 Realms are battling for ancient legacy
19-20 Cultural groups are clashing 69-70 Recently hit hard by cataclysmic event
21-22 Cursed by ancient entity 71-72 Recovering from recent hardship
23-24 Devastated by war 73-74 Settlements are becoming corrupted
25-26 Divinity has abandoned its followers 75-76 Sightings of unknown peoples
27-28 Enchantment is spreading 77-78 Slowly sinking into sea
29-30 Facing invasion from foreign power 79-80 Space between planes is eroding
31-32 Great alliance is forming 81-82 Spirits of land are acting angrily
33-34 Great army is assembling 83-84 Strange creatures are wreaking havoc
35-36 Harvests are not yielding enough 85-86 Strange faction is gaining power
37-38 Holds powerful but lost monument 87-88 Swept by cataclysmic storms
39-40 Horrors are roaming free 89-90 Terrible history being suppressed
41-42 Important artifact is missing 91-92 Tyrannical leader is on warpath
43-44 In perpetual night 93-94 Unusually infested with undead
45-46 Infrastructure is crumbling 95-96 Wildlife is acting strangely
47-48 Large-scale migrations of peoples 97-98 Zealots are forcefully spreading faith
49-50 Legendary artifact hidden somewhere 99-00 → Action + Theme

1-20 [ → Remembrance ] [ → Event ]
21-40 [ → Tale ] [ → Event ]
41-60 [ → Remembrance ] [ → Event ] [ → Hinge ] [ → Benefactor ]
61-80 [ → Remembrance ] [ → Event ] [ → Hinge ] [ → Tale ] [ → Benefactor ]
81-100 [ → Tale ] [ → Event ] [ → Hinge ] [ → Benefactor ]

1-10 Ancient 51-60 Mythical 1-20 Against
11-20 Foretold 61-70 Recent 21-40 For
21-30 Forgotten 71-80 Remembered 41-60 Of
31-40 Historical 81-90 Revered 61-80 With
41-50 Legendary 91-100 Storied 81-100 Near


1-4 Alliance 1-4 Ally 1-5 Beloved 51-55 Massive
5-8 Attack 5-8 Artifact 6-10 Consuming 56-60 Merciful
9-12 Battle 9-12 Being 11-15 Deceitful 61-65 Merciless
13-16 Cataclysm 13-16 City 16-20 Endless 66-70 Oppressive
17-20 Clash 17-20 Creature 21-25 Epic 71-75 Powerful
21-24 Creation 21-24 Deity 26-30 Evil 76-80 Sacred
25-28 Defeat 25-28 Divinity 31-35 Hidden 81-85 Terrible
29-32 Destruction 29-32 Empire 36-40 Imperiled 86-90 Traitorous
33-36 Disaster 33-36 Enemy 41-45 Lost 91-95 Vicious
37-40 Discovery 37-40 Faction 46-50 Malevolent 96-100 Vile
41-44 Entropy 41-44 Land
45-48 Expansion 45-48 Liberation
49-52 Growth 49-52 Magic
53-56 Innovation 53-56 Malice
57-60 Invasion 57-60 Nation
61-64 Movement 61-64 Nature
65-68 Possession 65-68 Object
69-72 Prosperity 69-72 Peoples
73-76 Protection 73-76 Plane
77-80 Rebellion 77-80 Prophet
81-84 Resistance 81-84 Realm
85-88 Return 85-88 Ruler
89-92 Siege 89-92 Spell
93-96 Triumph 93-96 Spirit
97-100 Victory 97-100 War


1-15 16-30
→ Grassland → Forest

31-45 46-60
→ Rainforest → Shrub

61-65 66-70
→ Wetland → Tundra

71-80 81-90
→ Desert → Barrens

91-98 99-100
→ Highland → Cradle

Regions are a mixture of climate and terrain representing the different environ-
ments in your world. You can use the table on the previous page to generate a
new region when you stumble upon one in your questing, but you can also just
pick whichever region you think is most appopriate. Each region has a number
of generators you can use to further specify the region.


For each region you explore, you will need a Regional aspect table (provided
on the region worksheet). It helps keep track of the region, it can be used for
prompts while exploring, and you are directed to it when you roll 1-10 on the
Exploration Encounters table.
When you stumble upon a new region, it can come as a surprise or it can be
spotted from far away. Whatever the situation is, choose whichever regional
oracle you think fits best to generate its first feature (or roll on Regional aspects)
and record the result in any of the empty Regional aspect fields. When you then
further explore the region, make moves as normal and follow the peel-the-on-
ion method as laid out in Starforged.
If you are using the Exploration Encounters table, this will happen automatical-
ly. You are directed to the Regional aspects table on a 1-10. If you then roll an
empty field on the table, simply use an appropriate regional oracle to generate a
new feature and then record that result in the empty field. Don’t use a regional
oracle more times than notated above the table.
If you aren’t using the Encounters table or you feel it unnecessary in certain ex-
porations, just roll on the Regional aspects table when you feel it appropriate for
your narrative or when you need an extra prompt, still filling it out as described


When you reach a waypoint on your journey, you will be rolling on waypoint
and aspect oracles for prompts on how to envision your surroundings in on a
journey. If you use the Encounters table, this happens automatically.
Use these prompts to characterize the landscape as you continue making moves
and reaching waypoints. Your last rolled waypoint or aspect result can set the
scene for other things you encounter on your journey until you either envision
a change in surroundings, choose to roll a new waypoint/aspect, or do it from
the Encounters table.
Non-regional features that you roll (theme/planar) are on the other hand meant
to represent single instances or bounded encounters at a single location.

REGION CONTEXT Roll here first. Make the result pluralon an odd roll.

1-5 The [Descriptor] [Feature] 56-60 The [Descriptor] [Type]

6-10 The [Descriptor] [Metaphor] 61-65 [Flavor][Part]
11-15 [Metaphor][Type] 66-70 [Flavor][Type]
16-20 [Type][Type] 71-75 [Flavor][Metaphor]
21-25 [Metaphor][Metaphor] 76-80 [Type] of the [Descriptor] [Metaphor]
26-30 [ → Quick area name ] (p. 58) 81-84 [Embodiment]'s [Metaphor]
31-35 [Type] of the [Descriptor] [Concept] 85-86 [Concept]'s [Type]
36-40 [Concept][Type] 87-88 [Concept]'s [Feature]
41-45 [Concept][Metaphor] 89-90 [Concept]'s [Metaphor]
46-50 → Other names 91-95 The [Embodiment] [Type]s
51-55 The [Descriptor] [Concept] 96-00 The [Descriptor] [Embodiment]s

Use the region generation tables for prompts when you hear of new regions. You can
choose to follow the Region Context naming scheme or use the parts to make your own
name. Envision how these parts embody the region, tell of a past age or describe an un-
welcome presence.

1-2 Fen 51-52 Waste 1 Bane 35 Hedge 69 Sound
3-4 Snow 53-54 Hill 2 Barren 36 Hex 70 Spear
5-6 Peak 55-56 Woe 3 Belt 37 Knife 71 Spine
7-8 Grass 57-58 Cliff 4 Blade 38 Light 72 Spire
9-10 Reed 59-60 Gulf 5 Blight 39 Mane 73 Stair
11-12 Scrub 61-62 Coast 6 Border 40 Mare 74 Stead
13-14 Sand 63-64 Sea 7 Branch 41 Mark 75 Sting
15-16 Hollow 65-66 Holm 8 Cairn 42 Mask 76 Sword
17-18 Wood 67-68 Water 9 Cradle 43 Mast 77 Tear
19-20 Shore 69-70 Lake 10 Curse 44 Maw 78 Thaw
21-22 Grove 71-72 Dale 11 Deep 45 Mirth 79 Thorn
23-24 Field 73-74 Pine 12 Doom 46 Mist 80 Tooth
25-26 Dune 75-76 Land 13 Edge 47 Murk 81 Torch
27-28 Steppe 77-78 Shire 14 Fall 48 Needle 82 Tree
29-30 Plain 79-80 Shrub 15 Fang 49 Pale 83 Veil
31-32 Marsh 81-82 Rain 16 Fear 50 Path 84 Vein
33-34 Flood 83-84 Rift 17 Fell 51 Pyre 85 Vow
35-36 River 85-86 Heath 18 Field 52 Range 86 Wake
37-38 Stream 87-88 Vale 19 Fire 53 Reach 87 Wall
39-40 Moor 89-90 Soil 20 Flail 54 Realm 88 War
41-42 Ice 91-92 Cove 21 Flame 55 Ridge 89 Ward
43-44 Fern 93-94 Mire 22 Flat 56 Rim 90 Watch
45-46 Shore 95-96 Glen 23 Fog 57 Rise 91 Way
47-48 Vine 97-98 Mount 24 Forge 58 Rite 92 Wheel
49-50 Bog 99-00 Swamp 25 Frost 59 Rock 93 Whyll
26 Gate 60 Sail 94 Wild
FEATURE 27 Grasp 61 Scale 95 Wind
1-5 Mountain 51-55 Channel 28 Grave 62 Scar 96 Wind
6-10 Prairie 56-60 Canyon 29 Guard 63 Scare 97 Wing
11-15 Tundra 61-65 Desert 30 Gull 64 Scream 98 Wisp
16-20 Valley 66-70 Wetland 31 Hail 65 Shadow 99 Wreath
21-25 Forest 71-75 Quarter 32 Heart 66 Shard 100 Yew
26-30 Jungle 76-80 Shrubland 33 Hearth 67 Skull
31-35 Canopy 81-85 Island 34 Heat 68 Sky
36-40 Summit 86-90 Lowland
41-45 Meadow 91-95 Rainforest
46-50 Thicket 96-00 Highland

1 Astral 26 Flooded 51 Mystic 76 Sleeping
2 Blasted 27 Forgotten 52 Northern 77 Slumbering
3 Blazing 28 Free 53 Painted 78 Solemn
4 Blessed 29 Giant 54 Pallid 79 Southern
5 Bloodied 30 Gleaming 55 Past 80 Summer
6 Breaking 31 Golden 56 Piercing 81 Sundered
7 Bright 32 Great 57 Poisoned 82 Sunken
8 Broken 33 Greater 58 Quiet 83 Sweeping
9 Bronze 34 Grieving 59 Ragged 84 Torn
10 → Color 35 Hanging 60 Raised 85 Torrid
11 Crystal 36 Hidden 61 Risen 86 Twisted
12 Cursed 37 High 62 Rocky 87 Undying
13 Damned 38 Infernal 63 Rugged 88 Upper
14 Divine 39 Infinite 64 Sacred 89 Veiled
15 Eastern 40 Last 65 Scarred 90 Waking
16 Elder 41 Lesser 66 Screaming 91 Waking
17 Faerie 42 Lonely 67 Screeching 92 Wasting
18 Fallen 43 Long 68 Seared 93 Weary
19 Fetid 44 Lost 69 Serene 94 Weeping
20 Fickle 45 Lower 70 Shadow 95 Western
21 Fierce 46 Mangled 71 Shallow 96 White
22 Fiery 47 Many 72 Sharp 97 Winding
23 Final 48 Marred 73 Shining 98 Winter
24 First 49 Middle 74 Silent 99 Wistful
25 Fleeting 50 Misty 75 Silver 100 Yellow

1-3 Haven 21-22 Life 39-40 Peace 57-58 Ghost 75-76 Cloud
4-6 Fame 23-24 Sight 41-42 Spell 59-60 Fiend 77-78 Sun
7-8 Dawn 25-26 King 43-44 Beast 61-62 Still 79-80 Siren
9-10 Sorrow 27-28 Queen 45-46 Raven 63-64 Elf 81-83 Time
11-12 Fear 29-30 Vision 47-48 Battle 65-66 Spirit 84-86 Fright
13-14 Song 31-32 Fey 49-50 Priest 67-68 God 87-89 Sleep
15-16 Death 33-34 Hurt 51-52 Mage 69-70 Lion 90-92 Seer
17-18 Quiet 35-36 Beacon 53-54 Moon 71-72 Wealth 93-96 Dagger
19-20 Dream 37-38 Star 55-56 Crow 73-74 Steed 97-00 End

1-2 Guardian 51-52 Wayward 1-2 All 51-52 Lost
3-4 Widow 53-54 Wildflower 3-4 Bare 53-54 Low
5-6 Sentinel 55-56 Obelisk 5-6 Broad 55-56 Mad
7-8 Nightmare 57-58 Pyramid 7-8 Cold 57-58 March
9-10 Triumph 59-60 Gazelle 9-10 Dark 59-60 Mid
11-12 Destiny 61-62 Javelin 11-12 Dim 61-62 Near
13-14 Twilight 63-64 Empire 13-14 Elder 63-64 New
15-16 Stallion 65-66 Wanderer 15-16 Ever 65-66 Old
17-18 Mirror 67-68 Grandfather 17-18 Fair 67-68 Real
19-20 Tower 69-70 Grandmother 19-20 Far 69-70 Risen
21-22 Castle 71-72 Father 21-22 Fate 71-72 Sable
23-24 Steading 73-74 Mother 23-24 Fine 73-74 Salt
25-26 Parapet 75-76 Column 25-26 First 75-76 Sheer
27-28 Caravan 77-78 Pillar 27-28 Free 77-78 Steel
29-30 Garden 79-80 Watchtower 29-30 Great 79-80 Stone
31-32 Razor 81-82 Fortress 31-32 Grim 81-82 Tall
33-34 Giant 83-84 Curtain 33-34 Here 83-84 There
35-36 Lover 85-86 Spring 35-36 High 85-86 Torn
37-38 Serpent 87-88 Wildflower 37-38 Hinter 87-88 Vain
39-40 Border 89-90 Wilderness 39-40 Iron 89-90 Warm
41-42 Shepherd 91-92 Summer 41-42 Lair 91-92 Were
43-44 Warrior 93-94 Winter 43-44 Lean 93-94 When
45-46 Prophecy 95-96 Autumn 45-46 Lone 95-96 Where
47-48 Demon 97-98 → Creature 47-48 Long 97-98 Whisper
49-50 Heaven 99-00 → Tree 49-50 Lore 99-00 False

1-2 Brath 51-55 Gem 1-3 Artificially preserved or protected
3-4 Fan 56-60 Gur 4-6 Being settled
5-6 Lan 61-65 Mar 7-9 Being terrorized by some mythical beast
7-8 Weir 66-70 Tor 10-12 Completely abandoned by all inhabitants
9-10 Nell 71-75 Feth 13-15 Contains coveted resource
11-12 Len 76-80 Dal 16-18 Contains portal to other place
13-15 Whyt 56-60 Tys 19-21 Contains some lost treasure
16-17 Ken 61-65 Wyn 22-24 Contains tomb of legendary hero
18-20 Ran 66-70 Wyr 25-27 Epic siege underway
21-25 Lyr 71-75 Mur 28-30 Exceptionally welcoming populace
26-30 Neir 76-80 Ryth 31-33 Fiercely defensive populace
31-35 Kein 81-85 Tur 34-36 Fiercely protected by creatures
36-40 Flor 86-90 Lim 37-39 Gripped by ancient enchantment
41-45 Wen 91-95 Bor 40-42 Inhabitants under occupation by faction or realm
46-50 Scyr 96-00 Tol 43-45 Large settlement in open rebellion
PREFIX 46-58 Location of legendary lost city
49-51 Lost in time
1-2 Ar 51-55 Um
52-54 Overrun by extraplanar beasts
3-4 Ir 56-60 Un
55-57 Overrun by hostile magical creatures
5-6 In 61-65 Ac
58-60 Overrun by undead
7-8 An 66-70 Ic
61-63 Overrun with plague
9-10 Al 71-75 Il
64-66 Place of exceptional lawlessness
11-12 El 76-80 Az
67-69 Place of interest for nearby imperialist ambitions
13-15 Is 56-60 Ax
70-72 Populace fractured into many polities
16-17 Er 61-65 Ix
73-75 Reputed base of notorious faction
18-20 Os 66-70 Of
76-78 Site of border skirmishes between two realms
21-25 Yr 71-75 If
79-81 Under iron grip of autocratic mage
26-30 Yl 76-80 Er
82-84 Unusually devoid of life
31-35 Ur 81-85 Ey
85-87 Unusually verdant
36-40 Ol 86-90 Air
88-89 → Magic phenomenon
41-45 Am 91-95 Ei
90-91 → Descriptor + Focus
46-50 Em 96-00 Ou
92-93 → Action + Theme
OTHER NAMES 94-95 → Rumor
1-14 [Part][Part] 96-97 → Trouble
15-28 [Part][Type] 98-100 Roll twice
29-42 [Part][Metaphor]
71-84 [Flavor][Part] [Type]
85-00 [Prefix][Part]


Great plains of grass cover the landscape of these regions, blan-
GRASSLAND keting both flatland and slope.

Core Hinterlands Marches Result
-- 1-20 1-30 None
1-20 21-60 31-80 Small settlement or nomads
21-70 61-90 81-100 Multiple small settlements or clans
71-95 91-00 -- Large settlement
96-99 -- -- Multiple large settlements
100 -- -- Settlements in conflict


1-11 Massive herds of grazing wildlife 67-77 Featureless grassland for many miles
12-22 Gigantic geoglyphs carved into land 78-88 Grasses in rainbow of colors
23-33 Constant grey skies with no sunlight 89-92 → Descriptor + Focus
34-44 Ruined settlements on fortified hills 93-95 Giant → Landform
45-55 Ancient watchtowers 96-98 → Geographical characteristic
56-66 Imposing wall along border of realm 99-00 → Monument (large or bigger)


1-7 Open-canopied woodland 1-5 Near nothing
8-14 Exceptionally fertile soil 6-20 Sparse
15-21 Thin, struggling streams 21-30 Niche
22-28 Seasonally flooded plains 31-80 Typical
29-35 Rocky hills 81-90 Plentiful
36-42 Stone flats covering grasses 91-95 Extreme diversity
43-49 Swathes of burnt grass 96-00 Manipulated Dangerous
50-56 Blighted grasses
57-63 Acidic, rock-strewn earth
64-70 Dried riverbeds NEIGHBORING REGION
71-77 Meadowed mountainsides 1-2 Grass 51-75 Shrub
78-84 → Geographical description + Feature 3 Cradle 76-80 Desert
85-91 → Geographical characteristic 4-30 Forest 81-90 Barrens
92-98 → Landform 31-45 Wetland 91-92 Tundra
99-00 → Descriptor + Focus 46-50 Rainforest 93-00 Highland

FLAVORING A vast prairie could stretch before you, its tallgrass sustaining herds of wild
buffalo. Perhaps instead a thousand miles of bare grassland steppe await you, or a narrow
strip of wooded savanna nestled between forest and desert, dotted by giant canopy trees.

1-5 Glowing glyphed stones 46-50 Violent cyclones of living wind
6-10 Ancient cairns marking lost paths 51-55 Enchanted watering holes
11-15 Expansive pastureland 56-60 Cross-regional road
16-20 Shepherds herding livestock 61-65 Scouting parties of armored riders
21-25 Packs of wandering elementals 66-70 → Magical phenomenon
26-30 Remnants of ancient irrigation 71-75 → Dungeon
31-35 Inexplicable hedge mazes 76-80 → Monument
36-40 Nomadic communites on the move 81-85 → Ruins
41-45 Broken effigies of another realm 86-100 → Descriptor + Focus


1-10 Noble wide-canopied acacias 1-20 Endless grasses
11-20 Gigantic, thick-trunked baobabs 21-40 Grazing herds of wildlife
21-30 Regal fire-resistant oaks 41-50 Watering hole
31-40 Near impassible thornbush thickets 51-60 Trees thicker than usual
41-50 Wild tallgrasses 61-70 Gentle hills
51-60 Short, stunted grasses 71-75 Fields of crops
61-70 Giant hoofed beasts 76-80 Thorny shrubs
71-80 Forests of elephant grass 81-85 Wildflower meadow hills
81-90 Flocks of large flightless birds 86-90 Fog gathering
91-95 Herds of once coveted noble steeds 91-95 Pockets of forest
96-99 → Wild flora 96-99 → Descriptor + Focus
100 → Descriptor + Focus 100 → Geographical description + Feature
BIOMES Use this to help you specify your vision of the region, or to get a first impression of it.

1-15 Plains 16-30 Savanna 31-45 Flooded

Open grassland with An open tree canopy Constantly drowned by

fertile soil. with seasonal rains. intense downpour.

46-58 Steppe 59-72 Prairie 73-00 Dry

Short grass stretching Lush grasses formed Dry and arid grasslands
for a thousand miles. through purging by fire. in extreme heat.

An intricate and mysterious ecosystem of trees blanket these
FOREST regions, hiding the earth beneath twisted crowns of foliage.

Core Hinterlands Marches Result
1-10 1-20 1-70 None
11-40 21-80 71-95 Small settlement or nomads
41-90 81-90 96-100 Multiple small settlements or clans
91-99 91-00 -- Large settlement
100 -- -- Multiple large settlements
-- -- -- Settlements in conflict


1-11 Trees towering above rest of canopy 67-77 Patches of forest darker than rest
12-22 Mists rising from treetops 78-88 Far-off peaks breaking through canopy
23-33 Single type of tree dominates 89-92 → Descriptor + Focus
34-44 Foliage in quilt of diverse colors 93-95 → Landform
45-55 Large patches of clearing 96-98 → Geographical characteristic
56-66 Extensive exposed root systems 99-00 → Monument (large or bigger)


1-7 Wooded slopes 1-5 Near nothing
8-14 Impenetrable canopies 6-10 Sparse
15-21 Swathes of burnt forest 11-20 Niche
22-28 White-water rapids 21-60 Typical
29-35 Rocky outroppings with hanging trees 61-85 Plentiful
36-42 Openly spaced, grassy woodland 86-95 Extreme diversity
43-49 Areas of ancient old-growth 96-00 Manipulated Dangerous
50-56 Submerged in shallow waters
57-63 Dense understory
64-70 Slow-moving algae ridden rivers NEIGHBORING REGION
71-77 Decaying liches and mosses 1-10 Forest 71-75 Shrub
78-84 → Geographical description + Feature 11 Cradle 76-80 Desert
85-91 → Geographical characteristic 11-31 Grass 81-90 Barrens
92-98 → Landform 41-65 Wetland 91-92 Tundra
99-00 → Descriptor + Focus 66-70 Rainforest 93-00 Highland

FLAVORING An endless sea of dense trunks could stretch before you, darkness beneath
broad leaves. Perhaps beams of light penetrate a gentle blanket of foliage to a mossy forest
floor, or the musty air of an ancient woodland greets you as you push through dead branches.

1-5 Ancient ward protecting forest 46-50 Community living in wide tree crowns
6-10 Nature spirits 51-55 Huge, hollowed stumps
11-15 Encroaching rot 56-60 Adept woodland hunters
16-20 Overgrown ancient settlements 61-65 Living tree-beings
21-25 Branches thick as platforms 66-70 → Magical phenomenon
26-30 Beings lurking in canopy 71-75 → Dungeon
31-35 Paths cutting through the trees 76-80 → Monument
36-40 Trunks wide as buildings 81-85 → Ruins
41-45 Defensive foliage 86-100 → Descriptor + Focus


1-10 Giant ursine beasts 1-20 Dense foliage
11-20 Tall needle-leafed conifers 21-40 Sounds of nature
21-30 Thin, swaying broad-leafs 41-50 Unstable grounding
31-40 Blossoming trees with many flowers 51-60 Sudden clearing
41-50 Thick-trunked, knobby trees 61-70 No light penetrating canopy
51-60 Fibrous gum trees 71-75 Echoing calls from above
61-70 Colorfol soil and mosses 76-80 Rustling nearby
71-80 Regal deer 81-85 Glyphs carved into trees
81-90 Living mycelium 86-90 Eyes observing you
91-95 Bioluminescent bugs 91-95 Well-tread dirt path
96-99 → Wild flora 96-99 → Descriptor + Focus
100 → Descriptor + Focus 100 → Geographical description + Feature

BIOMES Use this to help you specify your vision of the region, or to get a first impression of it.

1-15 Deciduous 16-30 Evergreen 31-45 Mixed

These forests change ap- Commonly found on the Where trees mix and
pearance with the seasons. slopes or on the shore. climate is temperate.

46-58 Woodland 59-72 Boreal 73-00 Old growth

An openly-spaced Snows cover these cold An area of forest undis-

forest. weather forests. turbed for millennia.


WETLANDS A constant layer of water covers these regions

Core Hinterlands Marches Result
1-30 1-50 1-70 None
31-70 51-80 71-95 Small settlement or nomads
71-90 81-95 96-100 Multiple small settlements or clans
91-99 96-100 -- Large settlement
100 -- -- Multiple large settlements
-- -- -- Settlements in conflict


1-11 Noxious fog 67-77 Grasses concealing waters
12-22 Sprawling lakes 78-88 Massive flatlands
23-33 Verdant floodplains 89-92 → Descriptor + Focus
34-44 Lights shimmering over waters 93-95 Giant → Landform
45-55 Constant rainfall 96-98 → Geographical characteristic
56-66 Weeping foliage 99-00 → Monument (large or bigger)


1-7 Bare mudflats 1-20 Near nothing Docile
8-14 Hammocks of dry land 21-30 Sparse
15-21 Acidic waters 31-60 Niche
22-28 Flooded by tides 61-70 Typical
29-35 Inundated from riverbanks 71-90 Plentiful
36-42 Submerged by seeping groundwater 91-99 Extreme diversity
43-49 Immense fluctuations in water level 100 Manipulated
50-56 Slow-moving currents
57-63 Scattered salt lakes
64-70 Drowned swamp forests NEIGHBORING REGION
71-77 Forking riverlands 1-2 Desert 16-40 Shrub
78-84 → Geographical description + Feature 3 Cradle 41-75 Barrens
85-91 → Geographical characteristic 4-5 Forest 76-95 Grass
92-98 → Landform 6-7 Wetland 96 Tundra
99-00 → Descriptor + Focus 8-15 Rainforest 97-00 Highland

FLAVORING Placeholder.

1-5 Flickering will-o'-wisps 46-50 Communities on stilted platforms
6-10 Infectious black sludge 51-55 Series of raised roads
11-15 Odor of rotting flora 56-60 Seasonal flooding
16-20 Marsh turned to irrigated fields 61-65 Monstrosities lurking in dark waters
21-25 Rivers constantly changing location 66-70 → Magical phenomenon
26-30 Waters concealing ancient culture 71-75 → Dungeon
31-35 Inhabitants living amid tangled flora 76-80 → Monument
36-40 Network of canoe routes 81-85 → Ruins
41-45 Lost spirits luring you into waters 86-100 → Descriptor + Focus
1-10 Sprawling, mossy vines 1-20 Dead waters
11-20 Gnarled roots 21-40 Impossible to find solid footing
21-30 Reeds and cattails 41-50 Floating mosses
31-40 Shallow mangroves 51-60 Smell of rot
41-50 Thick layer of dense peat 61-70 Strange lights
51-60 Flowering sedgegrass 71-75 Creeping reeds
61-70 Lurking crocodilians 76-80 Flock of migrating birds
71-80 Brilliantly colored birds 81-85 Humid rains
81-90 Poisonous ambhibians 86-90 Waters splashing nearby
91-95 Long-legged grazers 91-95 Decaying canoe
96-99 → Wild flora 96-99 → Descriptor + Focus
100 → Descriptor + Focus 100 → Geographical description + Feature
BIOMES Use this to help you specify your vision of the region, or to get a first impression of it.

1-15 Swamp 16-30 Marsh 31-45 Bog

46-58 Fen 59-72 Estuary 73-00 Floodplain

Sweeping dust, bare rock and dry sands fill these regions, though life can
DESERT thrive here.
Core Hinterlands Marches Result
1-60 1-60 1-80 None
61-90 61-90 81-95 Small settlement or nomads
91-97 91-100 96-100 Multiple small settlements or clans
98-99 -- -- Large settlement
100 -- -- Multiple large settlements
-- -- -- Settlements in conflict


1-11 Moving seas of sand 67-77 Extensive limestone canyons
12-22 Imposing rock plateaus 78-88 Raging sandstorms
23-33 Unrelenting sun 89-92 → Descriptor + Focus
34-44 Lone volcanoes 93-95 Giant → Landform
45-55 Massive smooth pyramids 96-98 → Geographical characteristic
56-66 Jagged, barren mountains 99-00 → Monument (large or bigger)


1-7 Elegant, cresting dunes 1-85 Near nothing Defensive
8-14 Single, life-giving river 86-90 Sparse
15-21 Calderas surrounded by dark tephra 91-92 Niche
22-28 Sandstone cliffs 93-99 Typical
29-35 Plains of red-brown pebbles -- Plentiful
36-42 Snowdrifts atop the dunes -- Extreme diversity
43-49 Great salt lakes 100 Manipulated Dangerous
50-56 Highly eroded rock landscape
57-63 Quicksand marshes
71-77 Freshwater springs 1-2 Desert 16-40 Shrub
78-84 → Geographical description + Feature 3 Cradle 41-75 Barrens
85-91 → Geographical characteristic 4-5 Forest 76-95 Grass
92-98 → Landform 6-7 Wetland 96 Tundra
99-00 → Descriptor + Focus 8-15 Rainforest 97-00 Highland

FLAVORING A sea of sand may stretch before you, rising and falling in the beating sun.
Perhaps a rock-strewn plain of red-brown stone, jagged peaks rising in the distance lies in
wait, or a dry sun beating down upon resilient cacti and mangled thornbushes.

1-5 Caravan route snaking between oases 46-50 Verdant caverns
6-10 Cave grottos carved into cliffsides 51-55 Dust cyclones
11-15 Shimmering mirages 56-60 Mobile camps of roving nomads
16-20 Resource spread on top of sands 61-65 Relics of a distant age
21-25 Giant sandworms 66-70 → Magical phenomenon
26-30 Oases hidden amongst outcroppings 71-75 → Dungeon
31-35 Ancient culture lost beneath sands 76-80 → Monument
36-40 Fossils of long-dead beasts 81-85 → Ruins
41-45 Rainwater lagoons amidst the sands 86-100 → Descriptor + Focus
1-10 Mangled cacti 1-20 Dry lands
11-20 Flowering joshua trees 21-40 Beating sun
21-30 Resilient wildflowers 41-50 Rocky overlook
31-40 Towering palms 51-60 Vultures congregating
41-50 Hardy, bare shrubs 61-70 Howling wind
51-60 Well-adapted desert ruminants 71-75 Desert rodent nest
61-70 Poisonous reptiles 76-80 Sparse shrubbery
71-80 Hump-backed ungulates 81-85 Tracks on the ground
81-90 Desert elephants 86-90 Signs of caravan
91-95 Nesting rocs 91-95 Green oasis
96-99 Giant arachnids 96-99 → Descriptor + Focus
100 → Descriptor + Focus 100 → Geographical description + Feature
BIOMES Use this to help you specify your vision of the region, or to get a first impression of it.

1-15 Sand 16-30 Rock 31-45 Cold

A sea of never-ending Sandstone pillars rise Snows periodically

sand dunes. from bare rock. blanket the wastes.

46-58 Wet 59-72 Semi-arid 73-00 Coastal

Productive rain seasons Some greenery can Humid air from the seas
leave pools of water. grow here. tempers the aridity.


BARRENS Devoid of life.

Core Hinterlands Marches Result
1-90 1-90 1-98 None
91-97 91-100 99-100 Small settlement or nomads
98-99 -- -- Multiple small settlements or clans
100 -- -- Large settlement
-- -- -- Multiple large settlements
-- -- -- Settlements in conflict


1-11 Smoke always rising from the ground 67-77 Single region-spanning rift
12-22 Smoking volcanos 78-88 Thick fog limits your vision
23-33 Unsettling coloring of landscape 89-92 → Descriptor + Focus
34-44 Broken soil with no growth for miles 93-95 Giant → Landform
45-55 Black skies with neverending thunder 96-98 → Geographical characteristic
56-66 Erosion that tells of long-gone water 99-00 → Monument (large or bigger)


1-7 Barren soils 1-70 Near nothing Defensive
8-14 Blasted plains 71-80 Sparse
15-21 Cracked earth 81-90 Niche
22-28 Great fissures into abyssal darkness 91-95 Typical
29-35 Massive dead calderas -- Plentiful
36-42 Obsidian slopes -- Extreme diversity
43-49 Rough, sheer ridges of pure rock 96-00 Manipulated Dangerous
50-56 Salt flats
57-63 Thin layer of sweeping dust
64-70 Toxic rivers NEIGHBORING REGION
71-77 Wind-swept ochre rock formations 1-2 Barrens 41-65 Shrub
78-84 → Geographical description + Feature 3 Cradle 66-80 Desert
85-91 → Geographical characteristic 4-20 Forest 81-90 Grass
92-98 → Landform 21-35 Wetland 91-92 Tundra
99-00 → Descriptor + Focus 36-40 Rainforest 93-00 Highland

FLAVORING A land of blasted plains, fumes rising from cracks in the ground, could be
before you. Perhaps it's a rocky wasteland of constant rising and falling, with no places to
rest, or a land of thin soil with brittle trees that break in the wind and rivers of acid liquid.

1-5 Massive cratererous spell circles 46-50 Subterranean tunnels full of life
6-10 Unnaturally preserved life 51-55 Community of outcasts or exiles
11-15 Running rivers of magma 56-60 Suddenly bursting geysers
16-20 Layer of ash covers everything 61-65 Violent weather never stopping
21-25 Wandering spirits of the lost 66-70 → Magical phenomenon
26-30 Noxious fumes lingering 71-75 → Dungeon
31-35 Maddened creatures 76-80 → Monument
36-40 Thin air 81-85 → Ruins
41-45 Warded path for passing travellers 86-100 → Descriptor + Focus


1-10 Thin, starved birds of prey 1-20 Eery quiet
11-20 Adapted apex predator 21-40 Lifeless wasteland
21-30 Blackened shrubs 41-50 Rare plantlife
31-40 Brittle trees 51-60 Birds circling overhead
41-50 Twisted brambles 61-70 Rocks torn asunder
51-60 Carnivorous plants 71-75 Fear striking your heart
61-70 Mangled trunks 76-80 Strange rumbling underfoot
71-80 Volcanic flowers 81-85 Dead bushes
81-90 Small rodents adapted to hardship 86-90 Violent winds
91-95 Starved canines 91-95 Poisoned stream
96-99 → Wild flora 96-99 → Descriptor + Focus
100 → Descriptor + Focus 100 → Geographical description + Feature

BIOMES Use this to help you specify your vision of the region, or to get a first impression of it.

1-15 Badlands 16-30 Pine barrens 31-45 Riftland

Dry and extensively Infertile soil rife with Where the earth has
eroded with little life. strange plant growth. been torn asunder.

46-58 Ashland 59-72 Blasted lands 73-00 Poisoned

Lands covered in a thick The remains of a great These lands are toxic
layer of ash. explosion of energy. and uninhabitable.


1-8 9-16 17-24

Nestled in one or more Contains ring of vol- Contains sizeable

valleys canoes ranges of hills

25-32 33-40 41-48

Cut in half by single Bordered by gargantu- Enclosed by moun-

long mountain range an peaks tains on all sides

49-56 57-64 65-72

Located on raised pla- Partially or completely Peninsular outcrop-

teau between ranges insular ping

73-80 81-88 89-100

→ Geographical quirk

Spread across an archi- Mostly situatated on a

pelago of isles flat plain

DESCRIPTION 1-7 Below sealevel on dried ocean floor
1-3 Bare 8-14 Partially subterrannean
4-6 Bordering 15-21 Huge, strange-shaped rock formations
7-9 Branching 22-28 Deep trenches miles wide
10-12 Craterous 29-35 Razor-sharp rocks jutting from ground
13-15 Criscrossing 36-42 Centered around giant caldera
16-18 Deep 43-49 Run through with deep gorges
19-21 Enclosed 50-56 Cratered by ancient meteor strikes
22-24 Faded 57-63 Thin isthmus surrounded by sea
25-27 Flat 64-70 String of connected great lakes
28-30 Floating
71-77 Hollow mountains
31-33 Gargantuan
78-84 Dotted with bottomless sinkholes
34-36 Gentle
85-91 Strangely straight ridges and features
37-39 Giant
92-98 Great number of long, thin lakes
40-42 High
99-100 Single massive, volcanous peak
43-45 Imposing
46-48 Interrupted
49-51 Long
55-57 Low 1-3 Mountain 46-48 Sea
58-60 Massive 4-6 Hill 49-51 Escarpment
61-63 Moving 7-9 Gorge 52-54 Plateau
64-66 Nestled 10-12 Valley 55-57 Basin
67-69 Raised 13-15 Bay 58-60 Coast
70-72 Rocky 16-18 Plain 61-63 Island
73-75 Rugged 19-21 Inlet 64-66 Ice
76-78 Sharp 22-24 Range 67-69 Rock
79-81 Sinking 25-27 Ridge 70-72 Glen
82-84 Small 28-30 Slope 73-75 Glacier
85-87 Solitary 31-33 Formation 76-100 Roll twice
88-90 Sparse 34-36 Water
Make the result
91-93 Spread 37-39 River plural on an odd
94-96 Steep 40-42 Peak roll.
97-100 Tall 43-45 Foothill


1-25 71-80
→ Fey → Astral
influence influence

26-50 81-90
→ Shadow → Elemental
influence influence

51-60 91-95
→ Infernal → Divine
influence influence

61-70 96-100
→ Chaotic → Elder
influence influence

Leaving the mortal realm in Steelforged should be no easy task, but it is the
hallmark of any hardened adventurerer to have walked the different planes of
the metaverse. You could stumble upon a portal in the wilderness, or meet a
powerful mage who can transport you. You could also stumble upon a region
particularly close to or ravaged by a certain plane. In all these instances, you can
use these oracles as prompts for exploration and encounters.
You can either use the Plane oracles alone or in conjunction with regional and/
or theme oracles if you want additional flavor.


Roll on the planar waypoint table to help envision the locations you encounter
on your journey. Do this before you embark on a new journey, like when you
enter a plane or set off from a settlement, or when you envision a region or area
change from an oracle result or through the narrative.
Roll on the planar feature table to reveal new aspects of your current surround-
ings. Do this sparingly to elicit some occasional additional details, and then use
Descriptor + Focus to specify the results if necessary on the rest of the journey’s
There are also peril and opportunity oracles to roll on if you encounter com-
plications and danger or beneficial encounters respectively. Use these in planar
journeys or to represent a specific magical energy on the material plane.
You can also use the Plane oracles like a theme for a region you are exploring
on the mortal plane, or in conjuction with a theme. For example, you might
encounter an Infernal Ruined Grassland where devils have taken up residence
in a wartorn steppeland once the seat of a mighty empire and roll on an oracle
array split between Exploration Encounters, Ruined features and Infernal fea-
tures. Check the Theme section for some guidance on how to implement this
with the Encounters table.

Fey-influenced planes or areas are places of trickery and deceit be-
FEY neath a chaotically playful veneer.
1-30 Playfulness embodying free spiritedness 1-5 Pocket plane
31-60 Neutral deceit and chaos 6-20 Demiplane
61-90 Ensnaring and labyrinthine 21-100 Parallel plane
91-95 Whimsical malevolence -- Inner plane
96-100 Tortured and vengeful mockery of reality -- Outer plane
1-4 Area bound by enchantment Mystical grove full of
5-8 Creatures acting counter to known nature shimmering lights
Open plains of unfalter-
9-12 Creatures unwillingly bound to entity's service 16-30
ing sunlight
13-16 Dancing sprites Flowing river of bountiful
17-20 Enchanted or twisted form of known creature milk and honey
21-24 Ensnared mortals Twisted winter landscape
with thick snowy blanket
25-28 Entourage of lesser fey noble
Impossibly twisted forest
29-32 Esoteric settlement 51-60
of mangled branches
33-36 Fey alignments in conflict Floating island mountains
37-40 Followers of royal archfey with cascading waterfalls
41-44 Group of creatures magically trapped Mountains turned inside
45-48 Lonely keep of legendary fey mage
Landform that doesn’t
49-52 Herd or group of mythical creatures 76-80
make logical sense
53-56 Playful mirror of material realm Fields of endless, colorful
57-60 Protective half-human, half-beasts wildflowers
Perpetually stuck in one
61-64 Sapient plants 86-90
65-68 Strange resource or material Whimsical but threaten-
69-72 Suggestive whispers 91-95
ing reflection of reality
73-76 Trickster beings → Geographical descrip-
77-80 Whimsical energies tion + Feature
A place you know altered
81-84 Woodland nature spirits 100
in devastating way
85-88 → Fey state + Fey form
89-92 → Magic phenomenon
93-96 → Descriptor + Focus
97-100 Roll twice

1-7 Archfey seeks to bind you to their service 1-7 Colorful
8-14 Creature or being reveals true nature 8-14 Confusing
16-21 Entity bars entry until you answer riddle 16-21 Cursed
22-28 Fey trickery threatens to ensnare you 22-28 Deceitful
29-35 Landscape changing rapidly around you 29-35 Enchanted
36-42 Large, hungry creatures 36-42 Illogical
43-49 Lights lead you astray 43-49 Fairy
50-56 Mirage or illusion tempts or lures you 50-56 Flickering
57-63 Nature begins to work against you 57-63 Mystical
64-70 Offering of food threatens to bind you to quest 64-70 Playful
71-77 Playful fey unwittingly endangering you 71-77 Protective
78-84 Spirits angered by your presence 78-79 Terrible
85-91 Time passing strangely 80-86 Twisted
92-96 → Action + Theme 87-93 Shimmering
97-100 Roll twice 94-100 Whimsical
1-13 Entity offers you refuge for strange price 1-7 Caress
14-26 Fey beings need your help 8-14 Court
27-39 Pathway to treasure reveals itself 16-21 Dance
40-52 Creatures tell of forgotten secret 22-28 Form
53-64 Signs of friendly settlement 29-35 Grove
65-76 Rare but useful resource 36-42 Illusion
77-88 Remembrance of happy memories 43-49 Labyrinth
89-100 Path to mortal realm or to remove influence 50-56 Mirage
57-63 Mirror
1-20 [ → Fey state ] [ → Fey form ] 71-77 Puzzle
21-40 [ → Fey state ] [ → Fey concept ] 78-79 Reflection
41-60 [ → Fey form ] of [ → Fey concept ] 80-86 Refuge
61-80 [ → Fey action ] [ → Fey concept ] 87-93 Riddle
81-100 [ → Fey action ] [ → Fey form ] 94-100 Vision


1-10 Chaos 51-60 Passion 1-10 Dancing 51-60 Feuding
11-20 Force 61-70 Peace 11-20 Deceiving 61-70 Growing
21-30 Indifference 71-80 Play 21-30 Ensnaring 71-80 Laughing
31-40 Mockery 81-90 Time 31-40 Enticing 81-90 Luring
41-50 Nature 91-100 Trickery 41-50 Entreating 91-100 Singing

Shadow-influenced planes or areas are places of dark-
SHADOW ness manifested or spirits roaming freely.
1-30 Dark reflection of the mortal realm 1-5 Pocket plane
31-60 Suffering and malice set free 6-20 Demiplane
61-90 Free-roaming spirits and shades 21-100 Parallel plane
91-95 Mysterious otherworld of the dead -- Upper plane
96-100 Ruled by powerful entity -- Lower plane
1-4 Acidic rainfall Sprawling, twisted forest of
mangled dead trees
5-8 Congregating spirits
Blasted plains beneath gray,
9-12 Denizens keeping unnoticed 16-30
sunless skies
13-16 Evidence of malicious influence Bubbling river of fuming black-
17-20 Feelings of foreboding ened water
Marshlands of thick, black
21-24 Followers of powerful being 41-50
25-28 Guarded resource Dead grasslands covered in
29-32 Lost or abandoned souls fathomless rifts
33-36 Moving shadows Razor-sharp rock formations
rising in shadow
37-40 Obsidian landscapes
Endless bog with impenetrable
41-44 Pactbound denizens 71-75
45-48 Remains of dark ritual Fortified stronghold of power-
49-52 Remnants of habitation ful overlord of region
Caverns drowned in torrential
53-56 Shadowy presence 81-85
blood-red waters
57-60 Sounds of the dying Sprawling wasteland littered
61-64 Sparsely inhabited lands with strange bones
65-68 Spectral community Shadowy pine forest thick as
69-72 Thick, unnatural mist → Geographical description +
73-76 Twisted creatures Feature
77-80 Warded settlement of mortals
81-84 Wary inhabitants
85-88 → Shadow state + Shadow form
89-92 → Magic phenomenon
93-96 → Descriptor + Focus
97-100 Roll twice

1-7 All-consuming darkness 1-7 Blasted
8-14 Blanket of mist seemingly without end 8-14 Dark
16-21 Ceatures of malicious intent 16-21 Dread
22-28 Dark entity seeking bargain 22-28 Ethereal
29-35 Distant howls of werebeasts 29-35 Familiar
36-42 Ensnaring ghasts 36-42 Fearful
43-49 Humanoids of evil intent 43-49 Ghostly
50-56 Lurking horrors 50-56 Haunted
57-63 Noxious odors 57-63 Inexplicable
64-70 Overwhelming sense of dread 64-70 Malicious
71-77 Signs of stalking beasts 71-77 Overwhelming
78-84 Specters with unfinished business 78-84 Pallid
85-91 Will to live slipping from you 85-91 Shivering
92-96 → Action + Theme 92-98 Vampiric
97-100 Roll twice 99-100 Withering
1-13 Beings seek help in exacting revenge 1-7 Confusion
14-26 Out of place provisions from the material realm 8-14 Darkness
27-39 Powerful being offers you a favor 16-21 Deal
40-52 Refuge from the darkness 22-28 Despair
53-64 Revered ancestors with stories to tell 29-35 Foreboding
65-76 Spirits hold secrets from the mortal realm 36-42 Mist
77-88 Way out of despair appears 43-49 Remnant
89-100 Path to mortal realm or to remove influence 50-56 Sensation
57-63 Shadow
1-20 [ → Shadow state ] [ → Shadow form ] 71-77 Survival
21-40 [ → Shadow state ] [ → Shadow concept ] 78-84 Veil
41-60 [ → Shadow form ] of [ → Shadow concept ] 85-91 Vestige
61-80 [ → Shadow action ] [ → Shadow concept ] 92-98 Void
81-100 [ → Shadow action ] [ → Shadow form ] 99-100 Whisper


1-10 Anguish 51-60 Power 1-10 Faltering 51-60 Stalking
11-20 Death 61-70 Rebirth 11-20 Ensnaring 61-70 Perishing
21-30 Fear 71-80 Sorrow 21-30 Serving 71-80 Leeching
31-40 Legacy 81-90 Undeath 31-40 Banishing 81-90 Grasping
41-50 Loss 91-100 Waste 41-50 Failing 91-100 Lingering

Infernal-influenced planes or areas are the realms
INFERNAL of devils and suffering or simply the afterlife.
1-30 Purgatory of arbitrary wickedness 1-5 Pocket -- Demi
31-60 Wasteland of eternally lost souls 6-20 Parallel 21-25 Upper
61-90 Cavernous and dark underworld -- Outer 26-100 Lower
91-95 Twisted reflection of evil PLANE WAYPOINT
96-100 Layered embodiment of suffering
Blasted ashen plains devoid of
Burning streams of flowing
1-4 Agonized screams 16-30
molten lava
5-8 Bitter memories manifesting Vast fields strewn with ruby-red
9-12 Black-bricked towering stronghold gems
13-16 Carnal violence Strange forest of beguiling
17-20 Creatures borne of pain Lands of false beauty that turns
21-24 Cycle of infinite conflict to ashes on closer inspection
25-28 Damned souls Endlessly smoking ruins of
unknown settlement
29-32 Embodied suffering
Forest of dead trees covered in
33-36 Fiery ruins 71-75
thick layer of ash
37-40 Haunted manifestations of your past 76-80 Blazing lake of eternal fire
41-44 Lesser devils scheming Glowing, black river of a mil-
45-48 Mindless bloodlust lion lost souls
Black caverns of seemingly end-
49-52 Minions of powerful archdevil 86-90
less depths
53-56 Rain of fire Steaming geysers erupting
57-60 Screaming winds seemingly from nowhere
61-64 Settlement of the damned → Geographical description +
65-68 Sickening reflections of reality
A place you know altered in
69-72 Souls in servitude devastating way
73-76 Sputtering flames PLANE CHARACTERISTIC
77-80 Thick smoke
81-84 Wicked temptations
85-88 → Infernal state + Infernal form 21-30
89-92 → Magic phenomenon 31-40
93-96 → Descriptor + Focus 41-50
97-100 Roll twice 51-60
1-7 All conception of time lost 1-7 Arbitrary
8-14 Being attracted by your soul 8-14 Barren
16-21 Devil seeks to bind you to contract 16-21 Bound
22-28 Evil from your past here to confront you 22-28 Calculated
29-35 False path beckoning you 29-35 Captive
36-42 Hellish beast stalking you 36-42 Fiendish
43-49 Impish creatures surround you 43-49 Fierce
50-56 Negative emotions swelling uncontrollably 50-56 Jealous
57-63 Silver-tongued archdevil 57-63 Never-ending
64-70 Spirits seek your life energy 64-70 Selfish
71-77 Temptations nearly impossible to resist 71-77 Terrible
78-84 Tortured soul looking for release 78-84 Tortured
85-91 Two-faced being with riddles 85-91 Unbreakable
92-96 → Action + Theme 92-98 Undeserved
97-100 Roll twice 99-100 Wicked
1-13 A chance to reflect on mistakes 1-7 Agony
14-26 Another mortal offers help 8-14 Allure
27-39 Clarity of mind amidst empty temptations 16-21 Conflict
40-52 Clues to uncovering a terrible secret 22-28 Contract
53-64 Possibility to help souls find rest 29-35 Devices
65-76 Powerful being exposes key weakness 36-42 Doom
77-88 Signs of an artifact once thought lost 43-49 Dread
89-100 Path to mortal realm or to remove influence 50-56 Fire
57-63 Gloom
1-20 [ → Infernal state ] [ → Infernal form ] 71-77 Pit
21-40 [ → Infernal state ] [ → Infernal concept ] 78-84 Purgatory
41-60 [ → Infernal form ] of [ → Infernal concept ] 85-91 Souls
61-80 [ → Infernal action ] [ → Infernal concept ] 92-98 Trap
81-100 [ → Infernal action ] [ → Infernal form ] 99-100 Trick


1-10 Law 51-60 Prison 1-10 Burning 51-60 Beguiling
11-20 Death 61-70 Hell 11-20 Punishing 61-70 Waiting
21-30 Fear 71-80 Pain 21-30 Crawling 71-80 Wasting
31-40 Horror 81-90 Fate 31-40 Suffering 81-90 Flailing
41-50 Torment 91-100 Escape 41-50 Wailing 91-100 Failing

Chaotic-influenced planes or regions are manifes-
CHAOTIC tations of chaotic or demonic energies.
1-30 Infinite worlds of unknowable chaos 1-5 Pocket 6-10 Demi
31-60 Void of maddening emptiness -- Parallel 11-40 Upper
61-90 Realm of overwhelming beauty -- Outer 41-100 Lower
91-95 Endlessly shifting forms PLANE WAYPOINT
96-100 Personified representation of war
1-15 Confusing plain of sharp rock
PLANAR FEATURE Landforms slowly and unpredictably
1-4 Aimless spirits awaiting judgement
31-40 Massive mountainous formations
5-8 Amalgamated mess of ruins
Endless caverns dug hundreds of
9-12 Blasted iron stronghold 41-50
miles deep
13-16 Clashing of bloodied armies Thick covering of deep and wild
17-20 Embodiment of chaos forests
Chunks of land suspended like isles
21-24 Hall of fallen warriors 61-70
in the air
25-28 Howling winds Unrecognizable ruins of long since
29-32 Impossible pathways annihilated civilizations
33-36 Intelligent landforms Windswept desolation forever in
37-40 Magical beast of great intellect
41-44 Remnant of great battle
45-48 Retinue of marauders 86-90

49-52 Senseless violence

53-56 Spirits dying and being reborn
→ Geographical description + Fea-
57-60 Staggering but terrible beauty 96-99
61-64 Stuttering echoes A place you know altered in devas-
65-68 Sudden confusion tating way
69-72 Suspended gravity
73-76 Tortured beings PLANE CHARACTERISTIC
77-80 Violent outbursts
1-10 Eternally warring demon lords
81-84 War-crazed inhabitants
11-20 Animals of sapient intelligence
85-88 → Chaotic state + Chaotic form
21-30 Rising and falling empires of futility
89-92 → Magic phenomenon
93-96 → Descriptor + Focus
97-100 Roll twice 51-60
1-7 Demonic presence 1-7 Aimless
8-14 Mindless creatures looking for victim 8-14 Beautiful
16-21 Passionate emotions overtaking 16-21 Chaotic
22-28 Grotesque beast on your trail 22-28 Dismal
29-35 Inceptive addiction to this plane 29-35 Endless
36-42 Caught in a deathly battle 36-42 Hopeless
43-49 Destructive energies 43-49 Immortal
50-56 Unexpected betrayal 50-56 Impossible
57-63 Landscape testing your mental fortitude 57-63 Incessant
64-70 Overtaken by violent frenzy 64-70 Incomprehensible
71-77 71-77 Overwhelming
78-84 78-84 Passionate
85-91 85-91 Suspended
92-96 → Action + Theme 92-98 Torrential
97-100 Roll twice 99-100 Vicious
1-13 Clear view of surroundings 1-7 Beast
14-26 Signs of a friendly realm nearby 8-14 Cacophony
27-39 Possibility of 16-21 Demon
40-52 22-28 Delusion
53-64 29-35 Depth
65-76 36-42 Desolation
77-88 43-49 Echo
89-100 Path to mortal realm or to remove influence 50-56 Energy
57-63 Layer
1-20 [ → Chaotic state ] [ → Chaotic form ] 71-77 Rock
21-40 [ → Chaotic state ] [ → Chaotic concept ] 78-84 Ruins
41-60 [ → Chaotic form ] of [ → Chaotic concept ] 85-91 Souls
61-80 [ → Chaotic action ] [ → Chaotic concept ] 92-98 Tension
81-100 [ → Chaotic action ] [ → Chaotic form ] 99-100 Winds


1-10 Abundance 51-60 Futility 1-10 Maddening 51-60 Faltering
11-20 Confusion 61-70 Insanity 11-20 Shifting 61-70 Manifesting
21-30 Cruelty 71-80 Limbo 21-30 Blinding 71-80 Clashing
31-40 Destruction 81-90 Nature 31-40 Battering 81-90 Hunting
41-50 Elements 91-100 Violence 41-50 Warring 91-100 Punishing

1-15 [ → Association ] [ → Experience ]
16-30 [ → Association ] [ → Location ]
31-40 [ → Association ] [ → Experience ]s
41-50 [ → Location ] of the [ → Association ] [ → Experience ]
51-60 [ → Location ] of the [ → Association ] [ → Experience ]s
61-70 The [ → Experience ] [ → Location ]
71-80 The [ → Experience ] [ → Location ]s
81-90 [ → Location ] of the [ → Association ] [ → Denizens ]
91-95 [ → Experience ] of the [ → Association ] [ → Denizens ]
96-100 [ → Experience ] of the [ → Association ] [ → Location ]

1-2 Abandoned 51-52 Fathomless 1-2 Beacon 51-52 Judgement
3-4 Abyssal 53-54 Fey 3-4 Barren 53-54 Labyrinth
5-6 Ancestral 55-56 Fiery 5-6 Cacophony 55-56 Limbo
7-8 Astral 57-58 Freezing 7-8 Cavern 57-58 Mind
9-10 Autumn 59-60 Frozen 9-10 Cavern 59-60 Mirage
11-12 Azure 61-62 Golden 11-12 Chaos 61-62 Mist
13-14 Blasted 63-64 Grasping 13-14 Conflict 63-64 Order
15-16 Blazing 65-66 Guarded 15-16 Dark 65-66 Plains
17-18 Burning 67-68 Immortal 17-18 Dawn 67-68 Portal
19-20 Captive 69-70 Infernal 19-20 Death 69-70 Prison
21-22 Cold 71-72 Lost 21-22 Deep 71-72 Purgatory
23-24 Cold 73-74 Mad 23-24 Delusion 73-74 Remnant
25-26 Consuming 75-76 Mortal 25-26 Depth 75-76 Ruin
27-28 Cursed 77-78 Red 27-28 Desolation 77-78 Scream
29-30 Damned 79-80 Redeemed 29-30 Diamond 79-80 Shadow
31-32 Dark 81-82 Restless 31-32 Doom 81-82 Sky
33-34 Destined 83-84 Risen 33-34 Dusk 83-84 Star
35-36 Divine 85-86 Ruby 35-36 Echo 85-86 Vestige
37-38 Divine 87-88 Scorching 37-38 Emerald 87-88 Violence
39-40 Elder 89-90 Spring 39-40 Expanse 89-90 Vision
41-42 Elemental 91-92 Summer 41-42 Fate 91-92 War
43-44 Endless 93-94 Terrible 43-44 Fire 93-94 Well
45-46 Eternal 95-96 Twisted 45-46 Flame 95-96 Whirlwind
47-48 Eternal 97-98 Wicked 47-48 Grass 97-98 Whisper
49-50 Fallen 99-00 Winter 49-50 Ice 99-00 Wind

1-5 Abode 26-30 Garden 51-55 Paradise 76-80 Sea
6-10 Abyss 31-35 Grove 56-60 Plane 81-85 Void
11-15 Dimension 36-40 Land 61-65 Quarter 86-90 Waste
16-20 Domain 41-45 Layer 66-70 Reality 91-95 Water
21-25 Dominion 46-50 Ocean 71-75 Realm 96-00 World

1-5 Ancestors 26-30 Demons 51-55 Heathens 76-80 Prophet
6-10 Angels 31-35 Devils 56-60 Lady 81-85 Relics
11-15 Beasts 36-40 Exiles 61-65 Lord 86-90 Souls
16-20 Children 41-45 God 66-70 One 91-95 Specters
21-25 Chosen 46-50 Gods 71-75 Outcasts 96-00 Spirits

1-10 Autocratic rule by powerful beings 1-10 No native inhabitants
11-20 Divine rule by deity or demigod 11-20
21-30 Layers ruled by their own overlords 21-30
31-40 Rule from another plane 31-40
41-50 Myriad realms vying for domination 41-50
51-60 Courts with opposed personifications 51-60
61-70 Chaotic and ever-shifting allegiances 61-70
71-80 Archfiends or fey in thematic realms 71-80
81-90 Dominion held by wise ancient ones 81-90
91-95 Alien beings with timeless goals 91-95
96-100 Without formal rule 96-100

1-10 Single realm of delineated function
11-20 Constantly shifting appearance
21-30 Aligned with the mortal realm
31-40 Small pocket within another world
41-50 Endless void with pockets of life
51-60 Disparate layers with little connection
61-70 Many layers strung along a single axis
71-80 Many different worldlets
81-90 Segmentation into elemental domains
91-100 Roll twice

1-10 Preparing for 1-2 Altering 51-52 Protecting
11-20 In the midst of 3-4 Challenging 53-54 Purchasing
21-30 Struggling with 5-6 Creating 55-56 Raising
31-40 Forcing others into 7-8 Cursing 57-58 Rebelling against
41-50 Conflicted about 9-10 Destroying 59-60 Releasing
51-60 Talking about 11-12 Enchanting 61-62 Researching
61-70 Assisting with 13-14 Ensnaring 63-64 Resisting
71-80 Resolute in 15-16 Fighting 65-66 Ressurrecting
81-90 Compelled into 17-18 Financing 67-68 Seeking
91-100 Wavering in 19-20 Fleeing 69-70 Selling
21-22 Gaining 71-72 Serving
MANNER 23-24 Guarding 73-74 Spreading
1-5 Cautiously 25-26 Harnessing 75-76 Stealing
6-10 Confidently 27-28 Healing 77-78 Strengthening
11-15 Covertly 29-30 Hunting 79-80 Subjugating
16-20 Distractedly 31-32 Infiltrating 81-82 Summoning
21-25 Fastidiously 33-34 Instating 83-84 Terrorizing
26-30 Fearfully 35-36 Liberating 85-86 Trading
31-35 Fearlessly 37-38 Manifesting 87-88 Transporting
36-40 Flailingly 39-40 Manipulating 89-90 Unleashing
41-45 Furiously 41-42 Negotiating 91-92 Upending
56-50 Insidiously 43-44 Opening 93-94 Watching
51-55 Mindlessly 45-46 Overseeing 95-96 Weakening
56-60 Obviously 47-48 Preserving 97-98 Worshipping
61-65 Perilously 49-50 Preventing 99-00 Roll twice
66-70 Quickly
71-75 Single-mindedly
76-80 Slowly
81-85 Sparingly
86-90 Threateningly
91-95 Uncontrollably
96-99 Zealously
100 Roll twice

1-2 Ancient 51-52 Imprisoned 1-2 Alliance 51-52 Law
3-4 Awakened 53-54 Indifferent 3-4 Area 53-54 Leader
5-6 Broken 55-56 Infiltrated 5-6 Beast 55-56 Life
7-8 Careful 57-58 Innocent 7-8 Belief 57-58 Magic
9-10 Conflicted 59-60 Insidious 9-10 Blasphemy 59-60 Object
11-12 Corrupted 61-62 Languid 11-12 Chaos 61-62 Order
13-14 Dead 63-64 Legendary 13-14 Clan 63-64 Peace
15-16 Disruptful 65-66 Liberated 15-16 Corruption 65-66 Plague
17-18 Divine 67-68 Lost 17-18 Creature 67-68 Plot
19-20 Embattled 69-70 Neutral 19-20 Crown 69-70 Portal
21-22 Endless 71-72 Oppressed 21-22 Culture 71-72 Power
23-24 Enforced 73-74 Original 23-24 Death 73-74 Prophecy
25-26 Enlightened 75-76 Pious 25-26 Deity 75-76 Realm
27-28 Ensnared 77-78 Powerful 27-28 Destruction 77-78 Region
29-30 Evil 79-80 Prophesied 29-30 Divinity 79-80 Reign
31-32 Extraplanar 81-82 Released 31-32 Domain 81-82 Relic
33-34 Fallen 83-84 Risen 33-34 Energy 83-84 Religion
35-36 Fierce 85-86 Scattered 35-36 Entity 85-86 Secret
37-38 Foreign 87-88 Servile 37-38 Faction 87-88 Servitude
39-40 Found 89-90 Subjugated 39-40 Faith 89-90 Settlement
41-42 Great 91-92 Tattered 41-42 Fear 91-92 Spirit
43-44 Impaired 93-94 Unfair 43-44 Figure 93-94 Supply
45-46 Imperial 95-96 Villanous 45-46 Group 95-96 Undead
47-48 Imperiled 97-98 Zealous 47-48 Hero 97-98 War
49-50 Important 99-00 Roll twice 49-50 Independence 99-00 Weapon

1-40 [ → Activity ] [ → Target ]
41-50 [ → Activity ] [ → Context ] [ → Target ]
51-60 [ → Manner ] [ → Activity ] [ → Target ]
61-70 [ → Manner ] [ → Activity ] [ → Context ] [ → Target ]
71-80 [ → State ] [ → Activity ] [ → Target ]
81-90 [ → State ] [ → Activity ] [ → Context ] [ → Target ]
91-100 [ → Activity ] [ → Context ] [ → Target ] for [ → Target ]

GOAL Present form means removing the '-ing'. For example, opening becomes open.
1-50 [ Activity (present form) ] [ Target ]
51-80 [ Activity (present form) ] [ Context ] [ Target ]
81-100 [ Activity (present form) ] [ Context ] [ Target ] for [ Target ]

1-3 [ → Agent ] [ → Modality ] [ → Descriptor ]
4-6 [ → Agent ] [ → Quality ] [ → Hinge ] [ → Context ] [ → Subject ]
7-9 [ → Agent ] [ → Quality ] [ → Hinge ] [ → Context ] [ → Motive ]
10-12 [ → Agent ] [ → Modality ] [ → Action ] [ → Context ] [ → Motive ]
13-15 [ → Agent ] [ → Modality ] [ → Action ] [ → Context ] [ → Subject ]
16-18 [ → Context ] [ → Problem ] [ → Modality plural ] [ → Action ] [ → Motive ]
19-21 [ → Context ] [ → Agent ] [ → Modality ] [ → Descriptor ]
22-24 [ → Context ] [ → Agent ] [ → Modality ] [ → Quality ]
25-27 [ → Context ] [ → Motive ] [ → Quality ] by [ → Agent ]
28-30 [ → Context ] [ → Motive ] [ → Quality ] by [ → Subject ]
31-33 [ → Context ] [ → Subject ] [ → Modality ] [ → Descriptor ]
34-36 [ → Context ] [ → Subject ] [ → Modality ] [ → Quality ]
37-39 [ → Context ] [ → Agent ] [ → Practice ] [ → Motive ]
40-42 [ → Practice ] [ → Context ] [ → Subject ]
43-45 [ → Practice ] [ → Descriptor ] [ → Subject ]
46-48 [ → Practice ] [ → Context ] [ → Problem ]
49-51 [ → Practice ] [ → Quality ] [ → Problem ]
52-54 [ → State ] [ → Action ] [ → Agent ]
55-57 [ → State ] [ → Context ] [ → Agent ]
58-60 [ → State ] [ → Descriptor ] [ → Agent ]
61-63 [ → State ] [ → Quality ] [ → Agent ]
64-66 [ → State ] [ → Context ] [ → Motive ]
67-69 [ → State ] [ → Descriptor ] [ → Motive ]
70-72 [ → State ] [ → Context ] [ → Subject ]
73-75 [ → State ] [ → Descriptor ] [ → Subject ]
76-78 [ → State ] [ → Quality ] [ → Subject ]
79-81 [ → State ] [ → Context ] [ → Problem ]
82-84 [ → State ] [ → Descriptor ] [ → Problem ]
85-87 [ → Subject ] [ → Modality ] [ → Descriptor ]
88-90 [ → Subject ] [ → Quality ] by [ → Context ] [ → Agent ]
91-93 [ → Quality ] [ → Hinge ] [ → Context ] [ → Problem ]
94-96 [ → Quality ] [ → Hinge ] [ → Context ] [ → Subject ]
97-99 [ → Quality ] [ → Hinge ] [ → Descriptor ] [ → Agent ]
100 [ → Quality ] [ → Hinge ] [ → Descriptor ] [ → Motive ]

1-5 Alliance 51-55 Military 1-5 Area 51-55 Law
6-10 Ally 56-60 Order 6-10 Artifact 56-60 Legitimacy
11-15 City 61-65 Organization 11-15 Authority 61-65 Magic
16-20 Divinity 66-70 Person 16-20 Crown 66-70 Power
21-25 Enemy 71-75 Populace 21-25 Defense 71-75 Relic
26-30 Entity 76-80 Realm 26-30 Faith 76-80 Religion
31-35 Faction 81-85 Rebel group 31-35 Influence 81-85 Resource
36-40 Group 86-90 Rulership 36-40 Information 86-90 Technology
41-45 Leadership 91-95 Settlement 41-45 Intention 91-95 Treasure
46-50 Liege 96-00 Vassal 46-50 Knowledge 96-00 Weapon
1-5 Challenging 51-55 Plotting for 1-5 Agreement 51-55 Prophecy
6-10 Commanding 56-60 Preparing for 6-10 Attack 56-60 Quest
11-15 Courting 61-65 Protecting 11-15 Betrayal 61-65 Rebellion
16-20 Developing 66-70 Resisting 16-20 Calamity 66-70 Schism
21-25 Empowering 71-75 Seeking 21-25 Colonization 71-75 Siege
26-30 Facing 76-80 Shunning 26-30 Conflict 76-80 Subjugation
31-35 Fighting 81-85 Supporting 31-35 Coup 81-85 Trade
36-40 Hiding 86-90 Trading 36-40 Crimes 86-90 Treaty
41-45 Lacking 91-95 Wielding 41-45 Curse 91-95 Uprising
46-50 Losing 96-00 Weakening 46-50 Invasion 96-00 War
1-5 Commands 51-55 Needs
6-10 Building 56-60 Protects
11-15 Faces 61-65 Preparing
16-20 Fears 66-70 Seeks
21-25 Has 71-75 Shuns
26-30 Hates 76-80 Supports
31-35 Holds 81-85 Trades
36-40 Overtaken by 86-90 Wants
41-45 Knows 91-95 Wields
46-50 Lacks 96-00 Worships

1-3 Ancient 1-3 Blocked 1-3 Anomalies
4-6 Corrupt 4-6 Broken 4-6 Armies
7-9 Criminal 7-9 Captive 7-9 Bandits
10-12 Critical 10-12 Concentrated 10-12 Beasts
13-15 Dangerous 13-15 Decayed 13-15 Calamities
16-18 Dark 16-18 Delayed 16-18 Clans
19-21 Divine 19-21 Deteriorating 19-21 Cultures
22-24 Failing 22-24 Destructive 22-24 Creatures
25-27 False 25-27 Disappeared 25-27 Curses
28-30 Feared 28-30 Disputed 28-30 Disasters
31-33 Foreign 31-33 Embattled 31-33 Enchantments
34-36 Hated 34-36 Esoteric 34-36 Enemies
37-39 Hidden 37-39 Estranged 37-39 Energies
40-42 Important 40-42 Faltering 40-42 Extraplanar beings
43-45 Insidious 43-45 Hazardous 43-45 Horrors
46-48 Key 46-48 Hostile 46-48 Illnesses
49-51 Legendary 49-51 Illegitimate 49-51 Infestations
52-54 Magical 52-54 Immoral 52-54 Intruders
55-57 Malevolent 55-57 Impending 55-57 Invaders
58-60 Mysterious 58-60 Inadequate 58-60 Mages
61-63 New 61-63 Incompetent 61-63 Mercenaries
64-66 Noteworthy 64-66 Incriminating 64-66 Monsters
67-69 Powerful 67-69 Indebted 67-69 People
70-72 Rival 70-72 Invaluable 70-72 Phenomena
73-75 Revolutionary 73-75 Lost 73-75 Pirates
76-78 Stable 76-78 Missing 76-78 Plagues
79-81 Strange 79-81 Overextended 79-81 Reavers
82-84 True 82-84 Spread 82-84 Rebels
85-87 Unexpected 85-87 Stolen 85-87 Storms
88-90 Valuable 88-90 Toxic 88-90 Undead
91-93 Ultimate 91-93 Violent 91-93 Vigilantes
94-96 Unexpected 94-96 Unstoppable 94-96 Warlords
97-99 Valued 97-99 Volatile 97-99 Wildlife
100 Valuable 100 Vulnerable 100 Zealots

1-20 In the clutches of 1-20 Information about 1-20 Is
21-40 In the midst of 21-40 Knowledge of 21-40 Has been
41-60 Hit hard by 41-60 Location of 41-60 Has recently been
61-80 Struggling with 61-80 Purpose of 61-80 Is said to be
81-100 Recovering from 81-100 Vulnerability of 81-100 Will soon be
1-33 For 1-5 Attacked 51-55 Ensnared
34-70 By 6-10 Challenged 56-60 Haunted
71-100 With 11-15 Corrupted 61-65 Imperiled
16-20 Defended 66-70 Incapacitated
MODALITY PLURAL 21-25 Depleted 71-75 Infiltrated
1-20 Are 26-30 Destroyed 76-80 Plagued
21-40 Have been 31-35 Disrupted 81-85 Sabotaged
41-60 Have recently been 36-40 Drained 86-90 Scarred
61-80 Are said to be 41-45 Enchanted 91-95 Split
81-100 Will soon be 46-50 Endangered 96-00 Troubled

1-10 [ → Context ] [ → Problem ]
11-20 [ → Descriptor ] [ → Problem ]
21-30 [ → Quality ] [ → Problem ]
31-40 [ → Context ] [ → Motive ]
41-50 [ → Descriptor ] [ → Motive ]
51-60 [ → Quality ] [ → Motive ]
61-65 [ → Context ] [ → Subject ]
66-70 [ → Descriptor ] [ → Subject ]
71-75 [ → Quality ] [ → Subject ]
76-80 [ → Context ] [ → Agent ]
81-85 [ → Descriptor ] [ → Agent ]
86-90 [ → Quality ] [ → Agent ]
91-92 [ → Context ] [ → Motive ] of [ → Agent ]
93-94 [ → Context ] [ → Motive ] of [ → Subject ]
95-97 [ → Descriptor ] [ → Motive ] of [ → Agent ]
98-100 [ → Descriptor ] [ → Motive ] of [ → Subject ]

1-20 [ → Event ] [ → Hinge ] the [ → Tale ] [ → Benefactor ]
21-40 [ → Tale ] [ → Benefactor ]
41-60 [ → Tale ] [ → Event ]
61-80 [ → Tale ] [ → Event ] [ → Hinge ] the [ → Benefactor ]
81-100 [ → Emotion ] of the [ → Tale ] [ → Benefactor ]


1-4 Ascension 1-4 Being 1-5 Burning 51-55 Malevolent
5-8 Battle 5-8 Child 6-10 Careful 56-60 Merciful
9-12 Betrayal 9-12 City 11-15 Chosen 61-65 Merciless
13-16 Birth 13-16 Crown 16-20 Coming 66-70 Necessary
17-20 Crusade 17-20 Empire 21-25 Divine 71-75 Outcast
21-24 Damnation 21-24 Enemy 26-30 Evil 76-80 Powerful
25-28 Death 25-28 Future 31-35 Exalted 81-85 Sacred
29-32 Deceit 29-32 Gods 36-40 Feared 86-90 Sacrificial
33-36 Defeat 33-36 Land 41-45 Great 91-95 Terrible
37-40 Descent 37-40 Leader 46-50 Last 96-100 Wicked
41-44 Disaster 41-44 Magic
45-48 Fall 45-48 Master EMOTION
49-52 Faltering 49-52 Monarch 1-10 Assistance 51-60 Love
53-56 Invasion 53-56 Nation 11-20 Forgiveness 61-70 Pain
57-60 Judgement 57-60 One 21-30 Fury 71-80 Redemption
61-64 Rapture 61-64 Paradise 31-40 Guidance 81-90 Scorn
65-68 Rebellion 65-68 Parent 41-50 Hatred 91-100 Wrath
69-72 Rebirth 69-72 Plane
73-76 Return 73-76 Prophet
77-80 Reveal 77-80 Realm HINGE
81-84 Rise 81-84 Relic 1-20 Against
85-88 Triumph 85-88 Scion 21-40 Of
89-92 Uprising 89-92 Spirit 41-60 For
93-96 Victory 93-96 Warrior 61-80 With
97-100 War 97-100 World 81-100 By

1-2 Agriculture 51-52 Hope 1-3 Administrative
3-4 Arcanum 53-54 Industry 4-6 Advisory council
5-6 Artistry 55-56 Isolation 7-9 Aristocratic
7-8 Chronomancy 57-58 Justice 10-12 Beloved leader
9-10 Commerce 59-60 Law 13-15 Citizen democracy
11-12 Concealment 61-62 Liberation 16-18 Clandestine
13-14 Conquest 63-64 Mining 19-21 Confederacy of groups
15-16 Construction 65-66 Navigation 22-24 Council of leaders
17-18 Crafting 67-68 Occultism 25-27 Disputed
19-20 Culture 69-70 Oppression 28-30 Divine
21-22 Defense 71-72 Opulence 31-33 Elective
23-24 Diplomacy 73-74 Order 34-36 Feudal
25-26 Discipline 75-76 Protection 37-39 Group-elected thing
27-28 Disease 77-78 Reaving 40-42 Imperial
29-30 Equality 79-80 Refuge 43-45 Magistracy
31-32 Education 81-82 Religion 46-48 Matriarchal
33-34 Environment 83-84 Research 49-51 Merchant leadership
35-36 Exploration 85-86 → School of magic 52-54 Military leadership
37-38 Faith 87-88 Seafaring 55-57 Multiple figureheads
39-40 Fear 89-90 Servitude 58-60 Palace rule
41-42 Geomancy 91-92 Solitude 61-63 Patriarchal
43-44 Glory 93-94 Spellcraft 64-66 Provincial governors
45-46 Health 95-96 Trade 67-69 Republican
47-48 History 97-98 War 70-72 Rotating
49-50 Honor 99-00 Worship 73-75 Mages
76-78 Prophetical
INFLUENCE 79-81 Senatorial
1-10 Forgotten 82-84 Staunchly dynastic
11-30 Isolated 85-87 Subjugated by → Realm
31-50 Regional 88-90 Theocratic
51-70 Recognized 91-93 Tyrannical
71-90 Notable 94-96 Uncertain
91-96 Dominant 97-99 Vindictive rulers
97-100 Inescapable 100 Roll twice

1-10 Autocratic Authority is entirely held by one figure or group
11-30 Highly centralized Authority is mostly held by one figure or group
31-50 Centralized Authority is held by central group overseeing many others
51-70 Decentralized Authority is held by delegated groups with some oversight
71-90 Highly decentralized Authority is mostly held by local or delegated groups
91-00 Dispersed Authority is entirely held by local or delegated groups
1-2 Barely loyal vassals 51-52 Intense internal rivalries
3-4 Coalition of polities 53-54 Large trading networks
5-6 Complex bureaucracy 55-56 Loosely bound
7-8 Complex court intrigue 57-58 Many-tiered leadership
9-10 Constantly fracturing 59-60 Many great houses
11-12 Coup government 61-62 Mobile social classes
13-14 Deified rulership 63-64 Network of alliances
15-16 Democratic practices 65-66 Network of tribal allegiances
17-18 Disparate city-states 67-68 Nomadic practices
19-20 Elitist ideology 69-70 Oppressed peasantry
21-22 Extensive aristocracy 71-72 Rigid castes
23-24 Extensive checks and balances 73-74 Rulers are foreign
25-26 Figurehead ruler 75-76 Scheming administrators
27-28 Foreign influence illegal 77-78 Shifting vassalages
29-30 Fractured allegiances 79-80 Split into provinces
31-32 Frequent overthrows 81-82 Stable ruling class
33-34 Hereditary positions 83-84 Stark class differences
35-36 Highly corrupt 85-86 Strict borders
37-38 Highly dynastic 87-88 Strictly religious
39-40 Highly militaristic 89-90 Strong kinship ties
41-42 Highly ritualistic 91-92 Transitioning system
43-44 Independent clans 93-94 Unified in religion
45-46 Independent settlements 95-96 Unified only in name
47-48 Independent religious systems 97-98 Variety of cultures
49-50 Internal warring 99-00 Veto system

1-3 [ → Story ] [ → Organisation ]
4-6 [ → Story ] [ → Leadership ]
7-9 The [ → Story ] [ → Symbol ]
10-12 The [ → Story ] [ → Symbol ] [ → Organisation ]
13-15 [ → Story ] [ → Quick realm name ]
16-18 The [ → Story ] [ → Title ]
Roll or pick on the
19-21 The [ → Leadership (singular) ][ → Leadership ] Realm Name table to
22-24 [ → Leadership ] of the [ → Story ] [ → Organisation ] generate a realm name.
Instead of doing this,
25-27 [ → Leadership ] of the [ → Story ] [ → Symbol ]
you can either make
28-30 [ → Leadership ] of the [ → Quick realm name ] a quick realm name
31-33 [ → Leadership ] of the [ → Symbol ] using tables Symbol I
and Symbol II, or sim-
34-36 [ → Organisation ] of the [ → Region metaphor ]
ply choose the various
37-39 [ → Organisation ] of the [ → Story ] [ → Region metaphor ] parts that you want
40-42 [ → Organisation ] of the [ → Story ] [ → Organisation ] to make up the name
43-45 [ → Organisation ] of the [ → Story ] [ → Symbol ] yourself. If you want a
more "generic fantasy
46-48 [ → Organisation ] of the [ → Story ] [ → Leadership ] name", you can use the
49-51 [ → Organisation ] of the [ → Region flavor ][ → Leadership ] One Word Name.
52-54 [ → Organisation ] of the [ → Quick realm name ]
Sometimes, it can be
55-57 [ → Organisation ] of the [ → Style ] [ → Title ] useful to choose the
58-60 [ → Organisation ] of the [ → Style ] type of organisation or
61-63 [ → Organisation ] of the [ → Story ] [ → Title ] leadership you want
beforehand. If you
64-66 The [ → Symbol ][ → Leadership ] envision the type of
67-69 [ → Quick realm name ] realm before generat-
70-72 [ → Quick realm name ] [ → Organisation ] ing the name, rolling
on those tables can
73-75 [ → Quick realm name ] [ → Leadership ] offer extremely differ-
76-78 The [ → Region metaphor ][ → Leadership ] ent results than what
79-81 The [ → Region flavor ][ → Leadership ] you were imagining. If
you do decide to roll
82-84 [ → Region flavor ][ → Symbol ] [ → Organisation ]
regardless, you can
85-87 [ → Region flavor ][ → Symbol ] [ → Leadership ] either use any contra-
88-90 [ → Style ] [ → Title ] dictions to envision the
91-93 [ → Style ] [ → Leadership ] realm's history, or you
can simply replace the
94-96 [ → Style ] [ → Organisation ] more irrelevant parts
97-99 The [ → Quick realm name ] [ → Style ] with more relevant
100 The [ → Story ] [ → Material ] results.

1 Abyssal 26 Fair 51 Lone 76 Sincere
2 Ancient 27 Fallen 52 Lost 77 Southern
3 Autumn 28 Far 53 Lower 78 Spring
4 Awakened 29 Fell 54 Luminous 79 Staggering
5 Battered 30 Final 55 Magistrate 80 Successor
6 Blackened 31 First 56 Magnificent 81 Summer
7 Blessed 32 Flaming 57 Maledict 82 Sunken
8 Broken 33 Fleeting 58 → Material 83 Supreme
9 Centurial 34 Forgotten 59 Meridian 84 Sweeping
10 Chosen 35 Free 60 Middle 85 Sworn
11 → Color 36 Gleaming 61 Millenium 86 Tainted
12 Crouching 37 Glorious 62 Northern 87 Tarnished
13 Dawning 38 Great 63 Precious 88 Thousand-Year
14 Destined 39 Greater 64 Promised 89 Tripartite
15 Divine 40 Heavenly 65 Prophesied 90 Triple
16 Dormant 41 Holy 66 Restored 91 True
17 Dual 42 Illuminated 67 Revered 92 Twin
18 Eastern 43 Imperial 68 Righteous 93 Upper
19 Elder 44 Inevitable 69 Risen 94 Veiled
20 Enchanted 45 Infernal 70 Riverine 95 Waning
21 Endless 46 Infinite 71 Sacred 96 Warring
22 Enduring 47 Jagged 72 Scorching 97 Western
23 Enlightened 48 Late 73 Serene 98 Winter
24 Entwined 49 Lawless 74 Shining 99 Withered
25 Errant 50 Lesser 75 Silent 100 → d10 (ordinal)

1-5 Amber 51-55 Golden 1-5 Amethyst 51-55 Obsidian
6-10 Black 56-60 Gray 6-10 Ashen 56-60 Ochre
11-15 Blue 61-65 Green 11-15 Aster 61-65 Opal
16-20 Bright 66-70 Pale 16-20 Crystal 66-70 Quartz
21-25 Bronze 71-75 Purple 21-25 Diamond 71-75 Ruby
26-30 Crimson 76-80 Red 26-30 Earthen 76-80 Sapphire
31-35 Dark 81-85 Rose 31-35 Emerald 81-85 Shadow
36-40 Ebon 86-90 Sable 36-40 Iron 86-90 Spectral
41-45 Gilded 91-95 Sage 41-45 Jade 91-95 Steel
46-50 Gold 96-00 Silver 46-50 Marble 96-00 Stone

1-3 Accord 49-51 Khanate 1-6 Chiefs 40-45 Kings
4-6 Alliance 52-54 Kingdom 7-11 Clans 46-51 Lords
7-9 Archate 55-57 League 12-16 Counts 52-56 March
10-12 Armies 58-60 Legion 17-12 Court 57-62 Priests
13-15 Ascendancy 61-63 Marches 13-17 Dukes 63-70 Prince
16-18 Assembly 64-66 Monarchs 18-22 Earls 71-76 Queens
19-21 Caliphate 67-69 Pact 23-28 Guilds 77-82 Realm
22-24 Cities 70-72 Principate 29-33 Horde 83-90 Thenns
25-27 Colonies 73-75 Provinces 34-39 Khans 91-100 Tribes
28-30 Coalition 76-78 Republic
31-33 Council 79-81 Senate RULER
34-36 Dominion 82-85 Stewards 1-10 The [ → Style ] [ → Title ]
37-39 Duchy 86-88 Sultanate 11-20 The [ → Color ] [ → Title ]
40-42 Dynasty 89-92 Treaty 21-30 [ → Title ] of the [ → Symbol ]
43-45 Empire 93-96 Tribunal 31-40 [ → Title ] of the [ → Symbol ]s
46-48 Imperium 97-100 Triumvirate 41-50 [ → Title ] of the [ → Region type ]
51-60 The [ → Legacy] [ → Title]
STYLE 61-70 [ → Title ] of the [ → Region metaphor ]
1-6 Anointed 40-45 High 71-80 [ → Title ] of the [ → Region metaphor ]s
7-11 Chosen 46-51 Holy 81-90 The [ → Story ] [ → Title ]
12-16 Divine 52-56 Immortal 91-100 The [ → d10 (ordinal) ] [ → Title ]
17-12 Eternal 57-62 Last
13-17 Final 63-70 Past
18-22 First 71-76 Royal
23-28 Firstborn 77-82 Supreme
29-33 Glorious 83-90 Victorious
34-39 Grand 91-100 Wise

1-4 Baron 36-40 Elder 69-70 Princess
5-8 Baroness 41-44 Emperor 71-74 Prophet
9-12 Chief 45-48 Empress 75-78 Queen
13-15 Consul 49-52 King 79-82 Seer
16-20 Count 53-56 Lady 83-85 Shogun
21-24 Countess 57-59 Lord 86-90 Sovereign
25-28 Doge 60-62 Pharaoh 91-94 Steward
29-32 Duchess 63-65 Priest 95-97 Thegn
33-35 Duke 66-68 Prince 98-100 Vizier

1-10 [ Vowel ][ Letter ][ Syllable ][ Syllable ]
11-20 [ Letter ][ Syllable ][ Syllable]
21-30 [ Syllable ][ Syllable]
31-40 [ Letter ][ Syllable ][ Syllable ][ Suffix ]
41-50 [ Syllable ][ Syllable ][ Suffix ]
51-60 [ Letter ][ Syllable ][ Letter ][ Syllable ]
61-70 [ Syllable ][ Letter ][ Syllable][ Suffix ]
71-80 [ Vowel ][ Letter ][ Syllable ]
81-90 [ Letter ][ Syllable ][ Suffix ]
91-100 [ Vowel ][ Letter ][ Suffix ]
1-5 Yr 56-60 Il 1-5 -ad 56-60 -ib
6-10 Er 61-65 Ul 6-10 -id 61-65 -eb
11-15 Yth 66-70 As 11-15 -yt 66-70 -ia
16-20 Ur 71-75 El 16-20 -yd 71-75 -ea
21-25 Ys 76-80 Un 21-25 -et 76-80 -y
26-30 Em 81-85 El 26-30 -at 81-85 -i
31-35 Aur 86-90 En 31-35 -it 86-90 -a
36-40 Ol 91-95 Ern 36-40 -ac 91-95 -e
41-45 Ur 96-99 Ath 41-45 -ic 96-99 -u
56-50 Us 100 In 56-50 -es 100 -ax
51-55 Ar 51-55 -ab

1-8 M 1-8 A
9-16 N 9-16 E
17-24 T 17-24 I
25-32 L 25-32 O
33-40 R 33-40 U
41-48 S 41-48 Á
49-56 W 49-56 É
57-64 B 57-64 Í
65-72 H 65-72 Ó
73-80 C 73-80 Ú
81-91 D 81-91 Ae
92-100 P 92-100 Ai

1-2 After 51-52 Mountain 1-2 Bane 51-52 Road
3-4 Axe 53-54 Morn 3-4 Blade 53-54 Rule
5-6 Blood 55-56 North 5-6 Break 55-56 Sail
7-8 Border 57-58 Range 7-8 Bright 57-58 Scale
9-10 Bronze 59-60 Raven 9-10 Cloak 59-60 Scar
11-12 Castle 61-62 Reach 11-12 Court 61-62 Scourge
13-14 Dagger 63-64 Red 13-14 Crown 63-64 Seer
15-16 Dark 65-66 Rose 15-16 Faith 65-66 Shield
17-18 Dawn 67-68 Scepter 17-18 Fate 67-68 Shroud
19-20 Dusk 69-70 Scion 19-20 Fire 69-70 Sign
21-22 Eagle 71-72 Sigil 21-22 Flame 71-72 Shard
23-24 East 73-74 Sky 23-24 Forge 73-74 Shrine
25-26 Elder 75-76 Sorrow 25-26 Gate 75-76 Spark
27-28 Eve 77-78 South 27-28 Gold 77-78 Spear
29-30 Ever 79-80 Spell 29-30 Hail 79-80 Spire
31-32 Far 81-82 Spring 31-32 Hymn 81-82 Sun
33-34 Fell 83-84 Steel 33-34 Lark 83-84 Star
35-36 Grave 85-86 Stone 35-36 Law 85-86 Storm
37-38 Hammer 87-88 Summer 37-38 March 87-88 Trade
39-40 Hell 89-90 Temple 39-40 Mark 89-90 Tomb
41-42 Herald 91-92 Throne 41-42 Might 91-92 Veil
43-44 Horn 93-94 Thunder 43-44 Pact 93-94 Wall
45-46 Iron 95-96 West 45-46 Reign 95-96 Ward
47-48 Lion 97-98 Winter 47-48 Ride 97-98 Will
49-50 Moon 99-00 Wolf 49-50 Rite 99-00 Wind

Quick realm name table

You can use these two tables as a quick name generator for areas, realms and regions
by rolling once for each table, first for Symbol I and then for Symbol II. Make the result
one word. In these cases, the table is referenced as the Quick Realm Name column.

Symbol table
When referred to as the Symbol table, roll once and use the left table on an even roll
and the right table on an odd roll.
Consult Starforged pp. 306-307 for more guidance on creating realms/factions.

1-3 Antiquated and convoluted social customs
4-6 Built on archaic laws
7-9 Careerism important for ruling class
10-12 Contemptful relationship between segments of populace
13-15 Espoused equality
16-18 Extremely complex military divisions
19-21 Extremely focused on spirituality
22-24 Extremely litigious upper class
25-27 Extremely zealous
28-30 Frequent tourneys or jousts
31-33 Government based on ancient revered state
34-36 Groups frequently leave to settle other lands
37-39 Heated national fervor
40-42 Holding on to antiquated structures
43-45 Honor plays important role
46-48 Huge class stratification
49-51 Massively influenced by other realm
52-54 Mostly metropolitan
55-57 Mostly rural
58-60 No common identity
61-63 Normalized slavery
64-66 Opulent ruling class
67-69 Puts great stock in cultural products
70-72 Religiously open
73-75 Storied common history
76-78 Strongly arcane-based
79-81 Strongly trade-based
82-84 Strongly war-based
85-87 Surrounded by hostile polities or peoples
88-90 Tradition of peacefulness
91-93 Traditionally migratory
94-96 Very characteristic dress
97-99 Widespread poverty
100 Widespread prosperity

1-2 Abandoned by patron deity 55-56 Losing grip on vassal or settlement
3-4 Access to resource disrupted 57-58 Magical experiments have gone awry
5-6 Actions are hiding true motives 59 Malevolent faction is gaining power
7-8 Administrative class is planning coup 60 Massive debt to shady organisation
9-10 Aware of the location of a lost artifact 61-62 Morale is faltering
11-12 Bad information on its enemies 63-64 Not seen as legitimate by populace
13-14 Coming invasion of unknown enemy 65-66 Peoples rallying against mistreatment
15-16 Commands mysterious warriors 67-68 Plotting invasion of nearby area
17-18 Covering up sordid history or action 69-70 Plotting to betray ally or vassal
19-20 Cultures are clashing 71-72 Powerful factions are plotting
21-22 Currently in open rebellion 73-74 Recent slew of bad harvests
23-24 Defenses are in bad shape 75 Recently come into massive windfall
25-26 Disputed succession 76-77 Recently foiled an assassination plot
27-28 Elements of ruling faction have split 78 Rediscovered a long lost magic
29-30 Armies are acting on own accord 79-80 Relationship with ally is deteroriating
31-32 Heavily indebted to other realms 81-82 Resources have been drained by war
33-34 Hiring foreign mercenaries 83-84 Revolt started by those in servitude
35-36 Holding important figures captive 85 Rulers have been cursed
37-38 Hording important resource 86-87 Rulers have fallen out of favor
39-40 Important factions are in open war 88-89 Ruling class split by religious schism
41-42 In the clutches of self-serving faction 90-91 Suffering from manpower shortages
43-44 In the midst of a troubled succession 92-93 Unable to adequately feed the people
45-46 Influence is waning in area 94-95 Vulnerable to attack
47-48 Leader has committed terrible crimes 96 → Trouble
49-50 Leadership is under evil influence 97 → Quest
51 Legitimacy has been challenged 98 → Rumor
52-53 Long-lost heir or leader has returned 99 → Action + Theme
54 Losing authority to religious order 100 → Magic phenomenon


1-3 Break free from subjugation
4-6 Build magnificent structure
7-9 Build new settlement
10-12 Centralize power
13-15 Change environment
16-18 Concentrate wealth
19-21 Construct powerful object
22-24 Disrupt rival realm
25-27 Establish monument or wonder
28-30 Expand borders
31-33 Expand influence
34-36 Expand infrastructure
37-39 Fight growing rebellious elements
40-42 Find new magics
43-45 Fortify borders
46-48 Fulfill prophecy
49-51 Gain new dominion
52-54 Gather information about enemy
55-57 Harness power or energy
58-60 Incorporate new peoples
61-63 Obtain powerful artifact
64-66 Redistribute wealth
67-69 Research new innovation
70-72 Resist culture
73-75 Resist faith
76-78 Secure important resource
79-81 Seize territory
82-84 Spread culture
85-87 Spread faith
88-90 Squash resistance
91-93 Strive for lost glory
94-96 Subjugate other realm
97-99 → Goal
100 → Action + Theme



1-16 17-32 33-48

Waterside Hilltop Mountainside

49-64 65-80 81-97

Island Cliffside Flatland

98-100 Roll twice

Core Hinterlands Marches Result
1-5 1-10 1-20 Few
6-20 11-30 21-55 Dozens
21-50 31-60 56-75 Hundreds
51-80 61-85 76-95 Thousands
81-95 86-99 96-99 Tens of thousands
96-100 100 100 Over a hundred thousand

1-4 Airship ports 1-4 Armored guards
5-8 Arcane protection 5-8 Barred windows
9-12 Beautiful structures 9-12 Bustling squares
13-16 Bright and shiny 13-16 Cobblestone streets
17-20 Built around keep 17-20 Collapsed buildings
21-24 Built into surrounding geography 21-24 Dirty buildings
25-28 Built on ruins of old settlement 25-28 Esoteric architecture
29-32 Burnt structures 29-32 Forgotten slums
33-36 Dilapidated defenses 33-36 Friendly greetings
37-40 Easily defensible 37-40 Grand houses
41-44 Great spires 41-44 Guarded looks
45-48 Hard to reach location 45-48 Huge stratification of classes
49-52 Heavy fog 49-52 Narrow streets
53-56 In severe disrepair 53-56 Quaint shops
57-60 Industrial smoke rising 57-60 Quiet whispering in dark corners
61-64 Largely monochromatic 61-64 Shady dealings
65-68 Partially floating 65-68 Shuttered windows
69-72 Raised acropolis 69-72 Strangely shaped structures
73-76 Strange lack of light 73-76 Stumbling drunkards
77-80 Surrounded by rotting flora 77-80 Suspicious stares
81-84 Temporary or seasonal location 81-84 Unexpected denizens
85-88 Vulnerable location 85-88 Watchful eyes
89-92 Walls around part of area 89-92 Winding alleyways
93-96 → Monument (large) 93-96 → Monument
97-00 → Descriptor + Focus 97-00 → Descriptor + Focus


1-10 No formal law 1-25 Welcoming 84-88 Closed
11-30 Tolerant 26-50 Wary 89-93 Panic spreading
31-50 Righteous 51-63 Uncooperative 94-96 In midst of battle
51-70 Ineffectual 64-73 Asking for aid 97-99 Occupied
71-80 Unyielding 74-83 Hostile 100 Destroyed
81-96 Oppressive
97-100 Vile

1-28 [ → Myth ][ → Foundation ] 1-5 Altar 50-55 Harbor
29-40 [ → Myth ]'s [ → Incorporation ] 6-11 Bastion 56-61 Landing
41-52 [ → Foundation ]'s [ → Incorporation ] 12-16 Blessing 62-66 Steading
53-64 [ → Foundation ][ → Foundation ] 17-22 City 67-72 Palace
65-76 [ → Region flavor ][ → Foundation ] 23-28 Crossing 73-77 Horizon
77-88 [ → Region flavor ][ → Myth ] 29-33 Sanctuary 78-83 Citadel
89-00 The [ → Foundation ] 34-38 Temple 84-88 End
MYTH 39-43 Folly 89-94 Bane
44-49 Fortress 95-00 Village
1-2 Axe 51-52 Queen
3-4 Battle 53-54 Rain FOUNDATION
5-6 Bear 55-56 Priest 1-2 Barrow 51-52 Peak
7-8 Black 57-58 Raven 3-4 Borne 53-54 Perch
9-10 Blade 59-60 Red 5-6 Bridge 55-56 Point
11-12 Blood 61-62 River 7-8 Cairn 57-58 Port
13-14 Border 63-64 Sage 9-10 Cross 59-60 Reach
15-16 Castle 65-66 Shield 11-12 Fast 61-62 Rest
17-18 Dire 67-68 Sky 13-14 Fell 63-64 Rise
19-20 → Direction 69-70 Snake 15-16 Ford 65-66 Road
21-22 Crow 71-72 Snow 17-18 Forge 67-68 Rock
23-24 Crown 73-74 Song 19-20 Fort 69-70 Run
25-26 Dagger 75-76 Sorrow 21-22 Gate 71-72 Seat
27-28 Dragon 77-78 Spring 23-24 Grave 73-74 Shrine
29-30 Eagle 79-80 Steed 25-26 Guard 75-76 Stead
31-32 Fall 81-82 Storm 27-28 Hall 77-78 Spire
33-34 God 83-84 Summer 29-30 Haven 79-80 Spite
35-36 Green 85-86 Sword 31-32 Hearth 81-82 Throne
37-38 Hammer 87-88 Temple 33-34 Height 83-84 Tower
39-40 Hard 89-90 Throne 35-36 Hill 85-86 Top
41-42 Helm 91-92 Thunder 37-38 Hold 87-88 Tree
43-44 King 93-94 War 39-40 Home 89-90 Wall
45-46 Mire 95-96 White 41-42 Loft 91-92 Wake
47-48 Mountain 97-98 Winter 43-44 Keep 93-94 Watch
49-50 North 99-00 Wolf 45-46 Mine 95-96 Water
47-48 Mouth 97-98 Wick
49-50 More 99-00 Wind

1-5 Agriculture 33-36 Expansion 67-68 Raiding
6-8 Arcana 37-39 Exploration 69-70 Relocation
9-10 Archival 40-42 Faith 71-73 Research
11-12 Construction 43-44 Geomancy 74-75 Resistance
13-14 Control 45-47 History 76-77 Salvage
15-16 Cooperation 48-50 Hunting 78-79 → School of magic
17-18 Crafting 51-52 Intimidation 80-82 Smithing
19-22 Defense 53-54 Legacy 83-84 Storage
23-24 Destruction 55-56 Migration 85-88 Subsistance
25-26 Entertainment 57-59 Mining 89-91 Survival
27-28 Exploration 60-61 Offense 92-95 Trade
29-30 Evacuation 62-63 Oversight 96-98 Training
31-32 Excavation 64-66 Protection 99-100 Warding
1-3 In iron grip of autocratic dictator 46-48 Fought on losing side of conflict
4-7 Isolated from nearby settlements 49-51 Hiding treasures in its catacombs
8-9 Greedy merchants 52-54 Unstable rulership
10-12 Corrupt leadership 55-57 Under sway of strange spell
13-15 In the grips of rent-seeking faction 58-60 Rampant organized crime
16-18 Growing squalor 61-63 Ancient protection recently lost
19-21 People are forced into banditry 64-66 Main economic resource scarce
22-24 Constant inexplicable storms 67-69 Trade has recently been slowing
25-27 Impending attack 70-72 Tensions are growing with ally cities
28-30 Illness is spreading 73-75 Working on dangerous magics
31-33 Important figure is missing 76-79 → Trouble
34-36 Main supply of food has been lost 80-83 → Quest
37-39 Built atop ruins of older city 84-87 → Rumor
40-42 Has been closed to visitors 88-90 → Magic phenomenon
43-45 Has growing trade network 91-100 → Action + Theme

1-33 GUILD
1-4 Assassins 33-36 Healers 65-68 Navigators
5-8 Bounty hunters 37-40 Tinkerers 69-72 Scholars
9-12 Couriers 41-44 Mercenaries 73-76 Mages
13-16 Courtesans 45-48 Merchants 77-80 Spies
17-20 Alchemists 49-52 Thieves 81-84 Explorers
21-24 → School of magic 53-56 Smiths 85-88 Adventurers
25-28 Builders 57-60 Sailors 89-92 Bankers
29-32 Champions 61-64 Rangers 93-100 Roll twice
1-5 Foragers 41-45 Monster hunters 66-70 Undead
6-15 Exiles 46-50 Pirates 71-75 Soothsayers
16-25 Cultists 51-55 Raiders 76-85 Scavengers
26-35 Bandits 56-60 Rebels 86-95 Smugglers
36-40 → Deity adherents 61-65 Druids 96-100 Roll twice


1-5 Bannersworn 41-45 Council of elders 66-70 Archate
6-15 Crownsguard 46-50 Priesthood 71-75 Triumvirate
16-25 Advisory 51-55 Tomekeepers 76-85 Shadow council
26-35 Magistrates 56-60 Oracles 86-95
36-40 61-65 96-100

1-5 Extraplanar leadership 51-60 Dynastic leadership
6-15 Disputed leadership 61-70 Individualistic
16-30 Authoritarian leadership 71-80 Elected leadership
31-45 Many-tiered leadership 81-90 Led from beyond the veil
46-50 Fated or prophesied leader 91-100 Varied / decentralized

You can roll on these and then pick or roll on faction activity and purpose (next page),
or you can do it the other way around, depending on what kind of fiction you want to
establish. Envision how contradictions add complexity to the faction’s history or motives.


1-3 Summoning extraplanar being 1-3 Serve or appease entity or deity
4-6 Protecting extraplanar being 4-6 Destroy or stop entity or deity
7-9 Selling abilities to highest bidder 7-9 Gain power
10-12 Funding realms or leaders 10-12 Keep power
13-15 Worshipping forbidden deity 13-15 Take control of area or population
16-18 Fighting worship of deity 16-18 Liberate area or peoples
19-21 Opening extraplanar portal 19-21 Stoke fear
22-24 Closing extraplanar portal 22-24 Gain control of legendary relic
25-27 Conjuring creatures in servitude 25-27 Protect legendary relic
28-30 Ridding area of creatures 28-30 See ancient promise through
31-33 Resisting status quo 31-33 Strengthen evil spirit or presence
34-36 Disrupting status quo 34-36 Weaken evil spirit or presence
37-39 Enchanting area or people 37-39 Proselytization
40-42 Harassing area or people 40-42 Work against proselytization
43-45 Subjugating area or people 43-45 Upend order or status quo
46-48 Protecting area or people 46-48 Instate own order or status quo
49-51 Harnessing powerful energies 49-51 Preserve order or status quo
52-54 Hunting disruptful energies 52-54 Change realm or settlement
55-57 Creating object of power 55-57 Safeguard realm or settlement
58-60 Destroying object of power 58-60 Protect important figure
61-63 Protecting object of power 61-63 Become wealthy
64-66 Serving otherworldly power 64-66 Redistribute wealth
67-69 Resisting otherworldly power 67-69 Sow chaos and destruction
70-72 Plotting against powers that be 70-72 Unleash terrible plague
73-75 Trading goods or services 73-75 Prevent sickness or corruption
76-78 Raising undead or monsters 76-78 Set free entity, object or secret
79-81 Hunting undead or monsters 79-81 Guard entity, object or secret
82-84 Creating or spreading sickness 82-84 Return area to some original state
85-87 Healing or averting sickness 85-87 Resurrect long dead leader
88-90 Spreading religion 88-90 Manifest prophecy
91-93 Safeguarding independence 91-93 Inscrutable or incomprehensible
94-95 → Magical phenomenon 94-95 → Magical phenomenon
96-97 → Action + Theme 96-97 → Action + Theme
98-99 → Quest 98-99 → Goal
100 Roll twice 100 Roll twice

1-11 [ → Legacy ] [ → Affiliation ]
12-22 [ → Legacy ] [ → Identity ]
23-33 [ → Identity ] of the [ → Legacy ] [ → Affiliation ]
34-44 [ → Affiliation ] of the [ → Legacy ] [ → Identity ]
45-55 [ → Identity ] of the [ → Legacy ] [ → Identity (singular) ]
56-66 [ → Identity ] of the [ → Region concept ]
67-77 The [ → Region metaphor ][ → Identity ]
78-88 The [ → Region ceoncept ] [ → Affiliation ]
89-100 The [ → Identity ]

1 Adders 26 Embers 51 Masters 76 Skulls
2 Angels 27 Executors 52 Memories 77 Souls
3 Anvils 28 Eyes 53 Night 78 Spears
4 Arrows 29 Fangs 54 Outcasts 79 Spirits
5 Bastards 30 Fist 55 Owls 80 Stalwarts
6 Beacons 31 Flames 56 Phantoms 81 Stewards
7 Believers 32 Forges 57 Priests 82 Swarm
8 Bows 33 Gauntlet 58 Protectors 83 Swords
9 Caretakers 34 Ghouls 59 Ravens 84 Symbol
10 Casters 35 Gods 60 Relics 85 Thorns
11 Champions 36 Guardians 61 Robbers 86 Traders
12 Clerics 37 Hammers 62 Roses 87 Tusks
13 Cloaks 38 Hands 63 Saviors 88 Wagons
14 Comets 39 Harbingers 64 Scars 89 Wanderers
15 Crowns 40 Hearts 65 Scions 90 Wardens
16 Crows 41 Helms 66 Scouts 91 Warders
17 Curators 42 Heralds 67 Scribes 92 Warriors
18 Curse 43 Hounds 68 Scythes 93 Watchers
19 Custodians 44 Hunters 69 Seekers 94 Waters
20 Daggers 45 Judges 70 Sentinels 95 Whispers
21 Defenders 46 Keepers 71 Sentries 96 Wings
22 Depths 47 Knights 72 Serpents 97 Witches
23 Disciples 48 Lions 73 Servants 98 Wolves
24 Dragons 49 Lords 74 Shards 99 Wraiths
25 Eagles 50 Makers 75 Shields 100 Wyverns


1-3 Accord 1 Abyssal 35 Firstborn 69 Sacred
4-6 Children 2 Ancient 36 Forest 70 Sacrificial
7-9 Companions 3 Arcane 37 Foretold 71 Scarred
10-12 Circle 4 Ascendant 38 Forgotten 72 Scattered
13-15 Bank 5 Autumn 39 Forsaken 73 Secret
16-18 Order 6 Awakened 40 Gleaming 74 Serene
19-21 Pact 7 Awoken 41 Grave 75 Sharpened
22-24 Legion 8 Azure 42 Great 76 Shattered
25-27 Legacy 9 Beckoning 43 Hallowed 77 Shining
28-30 Covenant 10 Blasted 44 Hastened 78 Shunned
31-33 Followers 11 Blinding 45 Haunted 79 Silent
34-36 Convoy 12 Brave 46 Heavenly 80 Singing
37-39 Promise 13 Broken 47 Heretical 81 Skyward
40-42 Monastery 14 Ceaseless 48 Hidden 82 Spring
43-45 Priesthood 15 Chosen 49 Hooded 83 Staunch
46-48 Court 16 → Color 50 Inevitable 84 Summer
49-51 League 17 Crimson 51 Infernal 85 Sundered
52-54 Council 18 Crusading 52 Infinite 86 Supreme
55-57 Horde 19 Cursed 53 Insatiable 87 Sworn
58-60 Guild 20 Dawning 54 Joyous 88 Trained
61-63 Army 21 Desert 55 Kindred 89 Veiled
64-66 Ascendancy 22 Destined 56 Last 90 Vigilant
67-69 Seat 23 Divine 57 Mad 91 Vile
70-72 Fellowship 24 Elder 58 Maiden 92 Void
73-75 Caravan 25 Endless 59 Maledict 93 Waiting
76-78 Temple 26 Enduring 60 → Material 94 Waking
79-81 Convent 27 Enlightened 61 Merciless 95 Wandering
82-84 Priory 28 Entrusted 62 Quiet 96 Warring
85-87 Contract 29 Exalted 63 Radiant 97 Weeping
88-90 Oath 30 Fallen 64 Ravenous 98 Windborne
91-93 Crusade 31 Fated 65 Relentless 99 Winter
94-95 Coven 32 Fell 66 Rift 100 Wise
96-97 Cult 33 Fey 67 Righteous
98-99 Prophecy 34 First 68 Risen
100 Parish


1-7 Ancestral The dead and their wisdom
8-14 Conceptual The concepts or ideals that hold the key to life
15-21 Eldritch Otherwordly beings beyond this universe
22-28 Spiritual The essence that inhabits all things
29-35 Extraplanar Beings or energies that inhabit other planes
36-42 Natural The natural world and its divine power
43-49 Pantheon A pantheon of deities who watch over the world
50-56 Power Beings and entities of tangible, observable worldly power
57-63 Primordial A great creator or supreme force
64-70 Prophetical Worldly rulers who are conduits for divinity
71-77 Reflective Transcendance or liberation through reflection
78-84 Transcendent Independent of and separated from anything material
85-00 Roll twice


1-3 Caring 25-27 Forgiving 50-52 Overbearing 75-77 Tricky
4-6 Cautious 28-31 Indifferent 51-53 Parental 78-80 Trying
7-9 Cruel 32-34 Inscrutable 54-57 Protective 81-83 Vengeful
10-12 Curious 35-37 Jealous 58-60 Punishing 84-86 Vindictive
13-15 Deceptive 38-40 Judicious 61-63 Rewarding 87-90 Wary
16-18 Demanding 41-43 Loving 64-66 Self-serving 91-94 Watchful
19-21 Dismissive 44-46 Manipulative 67-70 Superior 95-97 Worried
22-24 Fair 47-49 Mysterious 71-74 Supportive 98-00 Wrathful

Use these oracles when you need prompts for either building your world or getting a first
impression of an area, realm, settlement or faction's divine beliefs. The Divinity table
offers some surface-level explanations of various divinities that can exist in a fantasy world,
though it can never be an exhaustive list. Use it to envision the nature of a divine being,
entity, or pursuit, or to envision the foundations of a group's divine beliefs.

Divinity here is meant to symbolize any deity, power, force, pact or sacred calling that is
worshipped, followed or interacted with by any groups in the world. Since it is a fantasy
world, these divinities will often be tangible entities or concepts that can give and wield
power, but this is not a given. It can be also be an interesting hook when a divinity is either
deliberately or unintentionally used or misunderstood by a group to further their interests.

1 Afterlife 26 Fate 51 Love 76 Sky
2 Agriculture 27 Fertility 52 Magic 77 Smithing
3 Ancestors 28 Fire 53 Misfortune 78 Sorrow
4 Animals 29 Food 54 Moon 79 Soul
5 Artistry 30 Forests 55 Morality 80 Sport
6 Autumn 31 Forgiveness 56 Mountains 81 Spring
7 Battle 32 Fortune 57 Music 82 Stars
8 Birthing 33 Friendship 58 Mystery 83 Storytelling
9 Body 34 Growth 59 Nature 84 Strength
10 Celebration 35 Healing 60 Night 85 Success
11 Commerce 36 Health 61 Paradise 86 Summer
12 Crafting 37 Honesty 62 Peace 87 Sun
13 Creativity 38 Humility 63 Piety 88 Technology
14 Day 39 Ice 64 Plants 89 Thievery
15 Death 40 Industry 65 Prowess 90 Thunder
16 Deceit 41 Joy 66 Punishment 91 Trading
17 Despair 42 Judgement 67 Rain 92 Travel
18 Destruction 43 Justice 68 Rehabilitation 93 Trees
19 Diplomacy 44 Kindness 69 Reincarnation 94 Trickery
20 Discovery 45 Knowledge 70 Rivers 95 Undeath
21 Divination 46 Land 71 Roaming 96 War
22 Drink 47 Law 72 Sailing 97 Water
23 Earth 48 Leadership 73 Salvation 98 Weather
24 Equality 49 Learning 74 Sea 99 Winter
25 Family 50 Life 75 Settling 100 Wisdom

The Divinity Domain and Disposition tables can either help you envision the specificities
of how a group interacts with its real or professed divinity, or what a certain deity or divinity
is associated with/works with and how they do so.


1-12 61-72
Obelisk or Altar or
tower tomb

13-24 73-86
Pyramid or Statue or
ziggurat effigy

25-36 87-100
Arch or Shrine or
gate pagoda


37-48 1-10 Tiny 76-85 Huge

Stone circle 11-20 Small 86-90 Colossal
or monolith 21-60 Medium Roll for
61-75 Large amount

1-30 Few 61-90 Some
31-60 Several 91-100 Many
Stupa or

When you find a monument, roll or choose monument description. Then when you make
moves to check it out, roll once on the monument detail oracle (next page) and envision
how these fit with the descriptors. As you explore further, roll on the purpose table.

1-4 Ancient 1-2 Arcane 51-52 Maddening
5-8 Cautionary 3-4 Blessed 53-54 Magical
9-12 Communal 5-6 Brass 55-56 Makeshift
13-16 Divine 7-8 Bright 57-58 Marble
17-20 Enchanting 9-10 Broken 59-60 Masking
21-24 Engulfing 11-12 Burnt 61-62 Misleading
25-28 Ensnaring 13-14 Carved 63-64 Monotonous
29-32 Entrenching 15-16 Colorful 65-66 Mysterious
33-36 Fulfilling 17-18 Conspicuous 67-68 Natural
37-40 Grandiose 19-20 Cracked 69-70 Open
41-44 Historical 21-22 Crashed 71-72 Reflective
45-48 Inscrutable 23-24 Destroyed 73-74 Sacred
49-52 Liberational 25-26 Empty 75-76 Sandstone
53-56 Performative 27-28 Extraplanar 77-78 Shadowed
57-60 Prophetical 29-30 Floating 79-80 Shining
61-64 Protective 31-32 Fragile 81-82 Sickening
65-68 Rebellious 33-34 Gleaming 83-84 Silent
69-72 Royal 35-36 Glowing 85-86 Solid
73-76 Servile 37-38 Guarded 87-88 Stark
77-80 Sorrowful 39-40 Hidden 89-90 Steel
81-84 Subjugative 41-42 Humble 91-92 Stone
85-88 Triumphant 43-44 Important 93-94 Submerged
89-91 Tyrannical 45-46 Integrated 95-96 Subterranean
92-94 Welcoming 47-48 Intimidating 97-98 Sunken
95-100 → Action + Theme 49-50 Iron 99-100 Unnatural

1-6 Hiding entrance to → Dungeon 49-54 Site of recently performed ritual
7-12 Overlooking surrounding lands 55-60 Once active power now dormant
13-18 Engulfed by a strange aura 61-66 Built by once powerful faction
19-24 Emitting low hum or whine 67-72 Describing unknown location
25-30 Thrumming with arcane energy 73-78 Reveals true nature of local history
31-36 Etched with unknown tale 79-84 → Object of power here
37-42 Evidence of recent exploration 85-90 → Magical phenomenon
43-48 Surrounded by destroyed land 91-100 → Descriptor + Focus

Roll Result Summary
1-10 Abandoned
11-20 Ancient
21-30 Fortified
31-40 Haunted
41-50 Infested
51-60 Occupied
61-70 Cursed
71-80 Ruined
81-90 Sacred
91-100 Populated

Themes help you envision atmosphere, features and encounters in an area with spe-
cial significance or a specific nature.

If your journey takes you through an overland area/region with a theme or planar
influence, there are multiple ways you can use the relevant oracles. You can make
an oracle array split between the Encounters table and the relevant features tables.
You can merely choose to roll on a single feature table. You can also create your own
oracle array split between any number of tables you wish to roll on. You can also just
roll on the features table when you want to reveal a new aspect of your surround-
ings, regardless of reaching waypoints.
Regardless of your approach, it is recommended to roll on the features tables spar-
ingly. They are meant to inject extra details to your explorations and add narrative
interest when you need prompts. It's not meant to provide a new feature for every
waypoint, especially on long journeys. A single result can define your exploration
for many waypoints to come, create new obstacles for you to overcome or helping
you envision the general surroundings as you trudge forwards.



Write your rolled/chosen results for the “features,” “geography”, "nature" and “observed from afar” oracles here.












89-98 → Descriptor + Roll again

99-00 Roll twice


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