DungeonSworn Beta v0.2

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A Dungeon Delving Adventure Game

Beta V0.2
J.B.Lopez jeff.b.lopez@gmail.com

Copyright © 2021 J.B.Lopez

The text of this supplement is released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License

This work is based on Ironsworn (found at www.ironswornrpg.com) created by

Shawn Tomkin, and licensed for use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License
This work is based on Maze Rats, Created by Ben Milton, and licensed for use under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is based on Freebooters on the Frontier, created by Jason Lutes, and
licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.

DungeonSworn is an adventure tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG). The game
relies on the elegant simplicity of the Ironsworn system and merges it with the
creativity and exploration of modern Old School Renaissance (OSR) games like
Maze Rats and the dungeon delving games of the 1970s.
New to RPGs? To play, you need a group of 2-6 people, paper, pencils, and a set of
dice. One person will be the Oracle, or Game Master, others will embody Player
Characters. You create your character, make some decisions about the world you
inhabit, and set the story in motion. When you encounter something dangerous or
uncertain, your choices and the dice determine the outcome. Moves are the
mechanical tools that help to narrate a DungeonSworn’s life. Moves are always
uncertain. If the narrative is certain, it just happens. Don’t roll. You are frail on
your own at the beginning. Risky Moves Miss, or fail 3 out of 4 attempts, and even
with Epic skill, you Miss 1 out of 5 tries. You must think creatively to Aid Your
Allies, carry the right Gear, and Inscribe powerful Spells to increase your chances.
Coming from OSR? DungeonSworn uses player-facing rolls and levels of success.
The core mechanic uses a single roll of an Action Dice at or below a chosen Stat
(d4-d6-d8-d10-d12-d16-d20) compared to two Challenge Dice resulting in tiered
success (Strong Hit, Weak Hit, and Miss). Gear defines your character and
Advance into skills and abilities represented by Asset cards.
Coming from Ironsworn? DungeonSworn modifies the Action Roll, removing +/-
modifiers and exchanging the d6 with a variable dice (d4 to d20) depending on
your Stat score. Gear and Spells are added to the Action Roll as Gear Dice.
Progress determines Progress Dice rolled against variable Challenge Dice rather
than a set progress score.

2 3

You are DungeonSworn. Your discoveries, the bonds you keep, and your thirst for MARK BACKGROUND. Your background represents your profession. It also
treasure will lead to a life of danger, heroism, and sacrifice beyond the wall and determines when you can roll +Knack using past training and gained
into the wilderness. expertise.

ROLL STATS. Your Stats are your core qualities, ranging from 3 to 20. You use To start, find your background based on your two highest stats. You then choose between
them when you make a Move like Secure an Advantage or Face Danger. the two options, plus an archetype. For example, if Iron is your highest Stat followed by
Wits, you choose between Smith (Iron/Wits), Artisan (Wits/Iron), or Warrior (Iron/
▪ Edge: Agility, stealth, and ranged combat ability. Iron).
Iron: Strength, endurance, and close combat ability.


▪ Wits: Knowledge, observation, and magic ability. GAIN GEAR. Your background is defined by the things you carry. Gear is
▪ Heart: Courage, will, empathy, sociability, and loyalty. uniquely helpful equipment and spells, represented by Gear Dice (Gd)
▪ Knack: Mastery, deceptiveness, and cunning. ranging from d4 to d20. Gear Dice are added to the dice pool of an Action Roll
wherever the Gear might provide a benefit. Gd take up Inventory Slots. You begin
Your Health--your physical condition and stamina--is equal to your Iron and Edge. with the Gear listed on your Background which can be Advanced to Assets. You
Your Spirit--your mental state and morale--is equal to your Heart and Wits. As you may also buy Gear and spend the necessary Iron Pieces.
take physical Harm and endure mental Stress, you reduce your Stats and your
ability to act. Knack is your trained mastery and is rarely reduced. To start, pick one extra piece of equipment: a ranged weapon (roll +Edge), a melee
weapon (roll +Iron), a spell (roll +Wits), or armor (roll +Heart).
To start, Roll 3d6 and add the resulting values. Repeat five times to set the maximum for
each Stat. You may swap any two rolls. Alternatively, assign the standard array as you • Strong Hit: GD10 weapon, 2Gd6 armor, or PL3 Spell
choose: 14, 12, 11, 9, and 7. • Weak Hit: GD8 weapon/armor, or PL2 Spell

SET ACTION DICE. Each Stat and Resource value aligns with a polyhedral • Miss: GD6 weapon/armor, or PL1 Spell

dice, which is rolled against 2 Challenge Dice. ENVISION YOUR LEGACY. Experience is gained when you collect Treasure,
0-5: d4; 6-7: d6; 8-9: d8; 10-11: d10; 12-15: d12; 16-19: d16*; 20: d20 make Discoveries, or build Bonds, all measured by progress in your Legacy
Tracks. To start, roll any Stat… On Strong Hit you have 6 IP. On a Weak Hit, you
*A d16 is uncommon but can be simulated with a d8 and another dice rolling odd have 5 IP. On a Miss, you have 4 IP. Mark them in your Treasure, Bonds, or
(+0) or even (+8). Discoveries Legacy Track and envision how it represents your background or past
adventures. You can store the IP in your purse or use the marked IP to Advance:
To start, mark the corresponding Action Dice (AD) for each Stat by noting the dice Step
(d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d16, d20) that matches the number at or below the total Stat value • Buy Gear (per Gear cost)
from Step 1. • Flip Gear to gain a new Asset (5 IP).

ROLL FOR INVENTORY SIZE. Your inventory stores gear and Supply which • Upgrade an Asset (3 IP).
represents general preparedness, including ammo, food, water, and upkeep. • Increase a Stat by 1 (6 IP).

You start with Inventory slots including worn and held Gear. The Gear in your
Inventory is unique to your PC. GIVE YOUR CHARACTER LIFE. Choose a name, mental Traits, physical
Appearance, and a Heritage. Then envision the ultimate Treasure, Bond, or
To start, roll an Action Roll with either +Iron or +Knack. On a Strong Hit you have 8 Discovery you seek. This is the quest that made you become DungeonSworn.
Backpack slots. On a Weak Hit, you have 7 Backpack slots. On a Miss, you have 6 Finally, envision an inciting incident and delve the dungeon.
Backpack slots.

NOTE MOMENTUM. When you make certain moves and score a Hit, you
sometimes add Momentum, indicating you are securing advantages or
gaining new insight. When you Pay the Price, you can lose Momentum
indicating a delay or setback. Momentum ranges from 0 to 16. When Momentum is
high enough, you may exchange the Action Dice roll for the Momentum value. To
start, set Momentum to 0.

4 5
BACKGROUND Reference first Stat (row →) and second Stat (column ↓) OR
archetype by first Stat (Ranger, Warrior, etc). Take the noted Gear.

Edge Iron Wits Heart Knack

• fine longbow Gd10 Duelist
Harm (long), 2h, awkward, fine, • fine rapier 2Gd6 Tinker Tumbler Hunter
pierce, precise Harm (close), fine, parry, precise • spell javelins shortbow


• shortsword Gd8 • leather armor • hammer 10 foot pole hatchet

Harm (close), parry armor, worn • eye piece rope trap
• instrument Gd6 • gloves • tinker’s tools bag of tricks furs
Hearten • Trophies (supply)
• lembas bread (supply)

Laborer Warrior Smith Sergeant Gravedigger

• hound greatsword spell great hammer shovel


• short spear chain armor fine longsword chain armor rusty armor
• leather armor momento leather smock banner relic
• wineskin tobacco pouch smith’s tools field rations corpse dust

Warden Artisan Hedgemage Healer Apothecary

spell spell spell spell spell


shillelagh hammer and chisel spell staff wand

wooden shield leather armor spell book cure potion flasks
seeds artisan’s tools fine ink and paper healer’s tool herbalist tools

Troubadour Peddler Cleric Noble Barkeep

instrument pack mule spell guard battleaxe


sling mace shield town deed alembic

fine clothes fine hat holy symbol gold heirloom bundle of IOUs
pen and ink trade goods candles fine food fine spirits

Pickpocket Mercenary Cutthroat Soothsayer Thief

crossbow shortsword spell spell crowbar

dagger studded armor pair of daggers long staff grappling hook

jeweled ring shield disguise fine hat lockpicks
knickknacks field rations poison deck of cards bag of caltrops

Pick one extra piece of equipment: a ranged weapon (roll +Edge), a melee weapon
(roll +Iron), a spell (roll +Wits), or armor (roll +Heart).
• Strong Hit: GD10 weapon, 2Gd6 armor, or PL3 Spell
• Weak Hit: GD8 weapon/armor, or PL2 Spell
• Miss: GD6 weapon/armor, or PL1 Spell

6 7
Gear is uniquely helpful equipment. General equipment like food, torches, and mundane
items are part of your Supply. You begin with the Gear listed as part of character creation.
BLADES Gd P Harm Tags You may also find, search your Supply, and barter for new Gear. Gear costs 1 Iron Piece (IP)
Knife Gd4 – close throw (short), light per Gear Dice (GD) Step above GD4. Generally, you can sell Gear at half price (round down)
Dagger Gd6 c close throw (short), light, pierce, precise or Compel to trade at full price.
Shortsword Gd8 s close parry
Scimitar/Rapier 2Gd6 s close parry, precise
• Gd# Gear Dice step, Damaged on a 1. • dull (–) almost worthless, a coin or two
Longsword 2Gd8 g close 1h/2h, Heavy, parry • Sd# Spell Dice step, triggers a unique spell • clean (copper) common weapon (Gd6), leather
Greatsword Gd10 g reach 2h, awkward, heavy, parry, rare effect when on a Hit. Damaged on a 2. Lost and armor , handful of coins, bauble
dispelled (not just damaged) on a 1. • shiny (silver) martial weapon (Gd8), studded
AXES Gd P Harm Tags • Ud# Usage Dice step, abstract duration and armor , purse of coins, fine gem
Handaxe Gd6 c close throw (short) light limited uses. Damaged on a Hit or on a 1. • glorious (gold) quality weapon (Gd10), chain
armor, strongbox of coin, fine art
Battleaxe Gd8 s close messy RANGE TAGS
Great Axe Gd10 g close 2h, awkward, heavy, messy, rare • close within a sword’s reach (default) • precious (platinum) rare weapon (Gd12), plate
armor, chest of coins, minor arcana
• reach out of reach, a few steps away
• priceless (*) arcane weapon (Gd16), arcane
HAMMERS Gd P Harm • short a stone’s throw, long hallway away armor, horde of coin, major arcana
Club Gd4 – close force • long a clearing or huge building away
Mace Gd6 c close force • distant as far as the eye can see FORM TAGS
• 2h two-hands required to wield in combat
Warhammer Gd8 s close force, pierce NARRATIVE TAGS • armor worn, rolled when you Pay the Price
Flail 2Gd6 s close force • Any verb can be a narrative tag +Iron or +Edge
Great Hammer Gd10 g close 2h, awkward, force, heavy, pierce, rare • Delve • block stop a blow, rolled when you Face
• Harm effective at hurting and killing at (range) Danger or Clash +Iron
STAVES Gd P Harm Tags • Heal helps recover from harm (Iron/Edge) • carry# increases inventory slots by the #
Quarterstaff Gd4 – reach force, parry, precise • Journey rolled when Face a Challenge to travel • damaged# # of GD Steps required to restore
Short Spear Gd6 c reach throw (short), force, precise the item
EFFECT TAGS • focus rolled when you Cast a Spell, fragile if
Long Spear Gd8 s reach 2h, force, heavy • area targets all creatures in a zone
Pike Gd10 g reach 2h, force, heavy used to Clash or Strike
• awkward difficult to use, -1 Hit Count on a Hit • heavy takes two inventory slots
Halberd Gd12 p reach 2h, awkward, force, heavy, pierce, rare if you also wear armor
• hired no inventory cost, when damaged Heal/
• burn inflicts Harm on its victim periodically Compel or lost
RANGED Gd P Harm Tags until extinguished
• light takes half an inventory slot
Sling Gd4 – short light, precise • fine well-crafted, +1 Hit Count on a Hit
• parry deflect a blow when you Face Danger or
Short Bow Gd6 c short 2h, light, precise • force push or stun a foe, exchange -1 HC to Clash +Edge
retain the Upper Hand
Longbow Gd8 s long 2h, awkward, pierce, precise • precise can be used with careful aim or an
• fragile ramshackle gear that counts as Usage
Crossbow Gd10 g long 2h, heavy, pierce, precise, rare, reload Dice (damaged on a hit)
exacting Strike +Edge
• rare hard to come by, -1Ad when you try to
• masterwork +1Gd Step, +1 HC on a Hit Barter for one
SHIELDS Gd P Tags • messy rips unarmored things, +1 HC on a Hit
Buckler Gd6 c parry, light • reload recharge with Secure Advantage or Face
without armor Danger after each use
Heater Shield Gd8 s block • pierce# ignores # armor, exchange -2 Hit Count • throw single attack effective up to (range)
Tower Shield Gd10 g block, awkward, heavy, rare to sunder armor by -1
• worn can fill a body inventory slot
• slow takes a while to take effect
Spell Component Ud* c* focus, light, *Ic per Ud step
Wand Gd8 g focus, light, rare
Staff Gd10 p focus, rare

**Tags are guidance! Use Gear whenever it makes sense. If it is the proverbial key to the
figurative door, it just opens. Don’t roll. But, if Gear is used well beyond its obvious
purpose, it is fragile for that use.
8 9
Leather Gd6 c armor, worn
Studded Gd8 s armor, worn
Chain 2Gd6 g armor, heavy, worn
Plate 2Gd8 p armor, awkward, heavy, rare, worn

Common – – worn
Quality Gd6 c Compel, worn
Exquisite Gd8 s Compel, Deceive, rare, worn

BAGS Gd P Tags
Belt Pouch Gd4 – Search Bags, light, worn
Backpack Gd6 c Search Bags, worn
Saddlebags Gd8 s Search Bags, heavy, worn

Rope (50 ft.) Gd4 – Climb, Capture, light
Chain (10 ft.) Gd6 c Climb, Capture, light
Grappling Hook Gd8 s Climb, Stealth
Snare Gd4 – Resupply, Hunt, light
Trap Gd6 c Resupply, Hunt
Fishing Net Gd8 s Resupply, Capture
Bed Roll Gd6 c Make Camp
Tent Gd8 s Make Camp, heavy
Bandages Ud8 c Heal, light
Healer’s Kit Ud10 s Heal, light
Healing Potion Ud* s* Heal (4 Harm/HC), light, rare, *1s/Ud
Crafting Tools Ud* c* Craft, Repair, light, *1c/Ud
Lockpicks Ud* s* Sneak, Pick, light, *1s/Ud
Fine Ink & Paper Ud* s* Inscribe, fine, light, rare, *1s/Ud
Book Ud* c* Research (book subject), *1c/Ud

10 11
ARCANE ORACLE Roll d100 once on each table to find your birth sign. TRAITS Roll d100 3 times. APPEARANCE Roll d20 twice for first Stat and
once for second Stat.
d100 Element d100 Spirit d100 Shape d100 Gesture d100 Virtue d100 Vice d20 Edge Iron Wits Heart Knack
1 Wood 2 Youth 1 Shield 2 Word 1 Ambitious 2 Addict 1 Clear-eyed Big feet Aged Beautiful Blazing eyes
3 Wind 4 Wisdom 3 Heart 4 Ward 3 Benevolent 4 Aggressive 2 Clear skinned Big shoulders Bald Braided hair Skewed teeth
5 Water 6 Truth 5 Halo 6 Song 5 Bold 6 Alcoholic 3 Disheveled Chiseled Big eyebrows Bright eyes Curly hair
7 Treasure 8 Spirit 7 Guide 8 Sigil 7 Brave 8 Antagonistic 4 Fair Grubby Burn scars Cleft chin Deep voice
9 Sun 10 Soul 9 Crown 10 Sentinel 9 Charitable 10 Arrogant 5 Gray hair Large head Deep voice Dimple Disfigured
11 Stars 12 Nature 11 Armor 12 Seal 11 Chaste 12 Boastful 6 Lanky Long-legged Disfigured Faded clothes Disheveled
13 Plant 14 Love 13 Wings 14 Oracle 13 Cautious 14 Cheater 7 Long hair Missing eye Goatee Freckles Gaunt
15 Moon 16 Life 15 Weapon 16 Oath 15 Compassion 16 Covetous 8 Mature Missing teeth Hooded eyes Gorgeous Hirsute
17 Light 18 Knowledge 17 Wall 18 Guard 17 Confident 18 Cowardly 9 Piercing Gaze Notable nose Heavyset Large hands Limp
19 Lead 20 Justice 19 Tooth 20 Glimmer 19 Considerate 20 Cruel 10 Pockmarked Poised Ignoble Melodic voice Long fingers
21 Iron 22 Hope 21 Tendril 22 Feast 21 Cooperative 22 Decadent 11 Ragged Pockmarked Long hair Nervous tick Mustache
23 Gold 24 Health 23 Sword 24 Charm 23 Courteous 24 Deceitful 12 Steely gaze Scarred Mossy Oblong head Notable chin
25 Ember 26 Harmony 25 Staff 26 Boon 25 Creative 26 Disloyal 13 Strange mark Smiling Piercing gaze Piercings Raspy voice
27 Earth 28 Glory 27 Sphere 28 Bond 27 Curious 28 Doubtful 14 Tanned Steeled Raspy voice Soulful eyes Small hands
29 Cosmos 30 Destiny 29 Rune 30 Blessing 29 Daring 30 Egotistical 15 Thin Squint Rosy cheeked Spiritual Smelly
31 Steel 32 Balance 31 Pyramid 32 Aura 31 Defiant 32 Envious 16 Unkempt Tattoos Skeletal Tall Stubble
33 Steam 34 Aether 33 Portal 34 Weave 33 Dependable 34 Gluttonous 17 Well worn Washed Warty Thin lips Twitchy
35 Silver 36 Will 35 Pocket 36 Wave 35 Determined 36 Greedy 18 Wild-eyed Wild hair Wellgroomed Thin scar Unsmiling
37 Salt 38 Time 37 Pillar 38 Voice 37 Disciplined 38 Hasty 19 Young Youthful White hair Whimsical Widows peak
39 Mist 40 Sound 39 Mouth 40 Tongue 39 Enthusiastic 40 Hedonist 20 Roll Heart Roll Knack Roll Iron Roll Wits Roll Edge
41 Metal 42 Sight 41 Mantle 42 Spray 41 Fair 42 Impatient
Roll 1d20 for your first Stat,
43 Lightning 44 Plane 43 Horn 44 Spell 43 Focused 44 Inflexible HERITAGE then pick one item from the list.
45 Fog 46 Perception 45 Helm 46 Sign 45 Forgiving 46 Irritable
47 Fire 48 Might 47 Hand 48 Shaft 47 Friendly 48 Lazy
d20 Edge Iron Wits Heart Knack
49 Dark 50 Lore 49 Hammer 50 Ray 49 Frugal 50 Lewd 1-7 Human Human Human Human Human
51 Copper 52 History 51 Golem 52 Pattern 51 Funny 52 Liar 8-12 Half-Elf Dwarf Elf Halfling Gnome
53 Cloud 54 Energy 53 Globe 54 Mind 53 Generous 54 Lustful 13-16 Elf Half-Elf Gnome Dwarf Halfling
55 Clay 56 Dimension 55 Gate 56 Memory 55 Gregarious 56 Mad 17-18 Halfling Elf Half-Elf Half-Elf Dwarf
57 Ooze 8 Void 57 Finger 8 Mark 57 Helpful 8 Malicious 19 Dwarf Halfling Dwarf Elf Elf
59 Air 60 Vermin 59 Fang 60 Lock 59 Honest 60 Manipulative 20 Other Other Halfling Other Other
61 Venom 62 Vanity 61 Face 62 Gaze 61 Honorable 62 Merciless
63 Storm 64 Terror 63 Eyes 64 Dart 63 Hopeful 64 Moody
Human (a memento of your birth sign)
65 Stone 66 Rot 65 Door 66 Cone 65 Humble 66 Murderous Elf (lembas bread, flute, tome of lore)
67 Soil 68 Revulsion 67 Cup 68 Call 67 Idealistic 68 Obsessive
69 Smoke 70 Pain 69 Cube 70 Bolt 69 Just 70 Petulant Half-Elf (lyre, elven bow, cloak)
71 Shadow 72 Lust 71 Circle 72 Arrow 71 Kind 72 Prejudiced
Dwarf (pickaxe, rune shield, rifle)
73 Quicksilver 74 Lies 73 Brain 74 Whisper 73 Loving 74 Reckless
75 Poison 76 Hatred 75 Blade 76 Veil 75 Loyal 76 Resentful Halfling (fine cookware, good earth, leaf pouch)
77 Oil 78 Hate 77 Axe 78 Trap 77 Merciful 78 Rude
79 Mud 80 Greed 79 Storm 80 Strike 79 Orderly 80 Ruthless Gnome (eyepiece, dowsing rod, caged fairy)
81 Ice 82 Gluttony 81 Spear 82 Servant 81 Patient 82 Self-Pitying Other (orc totem, dragon scale, goblin shield, etc)
82 Heat 84 Fury 82 Noose 84 Scream 82 Persistent 84 Selfish
85 Dust 86 Force 85 Fist 86 Mesmer 85 Pious 86 Snobbish
87 Death 88 Fear 87 Demon 88 Guise 87 Resourceful 88 Stingy
89 Brimstone 90 Envy 89 Dagger 90 Fissure 89 Respectful 90 Stubborn
91 Bone 92 Doom 91 Cloak 92 Disturb 91 Responsible 92 Vain
93 Blood 94 Despair 93 Claw 94 Curse 93 Selfless 94 Vengeful
95 Blight 96 Deceit 95 Blood 96 Burst 95 Steadfast 96 Wasteful
97 Ash 98 Avarice 97 Blob 98 Blast 97 Tactful 98 Wrathful
99 Acid 00 Anger 99 Beast 00 Bane 99 Tolerant 00 Zealous
12 13
then 4 on your next Progress, then
Progress is used to measure your pace
and determine the outcome of a goal or
down to 1.
Combat: When you mark Progress
improve your result. However, the Gear towards defeating a foe, reduce the
ACTION ROLL Dice is automatically Damaged in the challenge in specific situations. You can Rank Dice according to the foe’s
The Action Roll uses one Action Dice for attempt. either mark Progress with a tally or by Progress Track, indicating low morale
your Edge, Heart, Iron, Knack, Wits or accumulating tokens. On Journeys, or individual foes taken out of the fight.
• Strong Hit. If the Action Score is progress represents how far you’ve
Supply. The Action Dice Step (d4, d6, higher than both Challenge Dice, PROGRESS TRACK
d8, d10, d12, d16, d20) equals the gone towards your destination. In Pd4 Pd6 Pd8 Pd10 Pd12 Pd16 20
you score a Strong Hit, a positive Combat, progress represents your
number at or below your Stat or result.
Resource value. Some Assets and Moves advantage as you weaken, wound, or 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

give you a bonus called an Add where • Weak Hit. If the Action Score is demoralize your foe toward victory.
you increase the AD one or more steps higher than one Challenge Dice, but PROGRESS DICE. When you think you
RANK DICE. When you Face a are ready to meet the challenge, defeat
for the roll along the Gear Dice steps as lower than or equal to the other, you Challenge, you give the challenge Rank
follows. score a Weak Hit, a positive result the foe, or reach your destination, tally
Dice. The size of the dice (d4 to d20) your Progress. Roll a Progress Dice (PD)
with a cost. represents how difficult the foe or
d4 → d6 → d8 → d10 → d12 → d16 → • Miss. If the Action Score is lower equal to or less than you your Progress.
journey is, both in terms of the Progress Then roll two Rank Dice and compare.
d20 than or equal to both Challenge it takes to defeat it and the amount of
Dice, you Miss. You fail and Pay the If your Progress Dice is greater than
Then, roll the chosen Action Dice (Ad) damage it can do to you when you must both Rank Dice, it’s a Strong Hit. If you
along with two Challenge Dice (Cd). Price. A tie is a miss. Pay the Price. In increasing order of beat one of the Rank Dice, it’s a Weak
Challenge Dice are two separate d10s HIT COUNT. Note your Hit Count, the difficulty… Hit. If you fail to beat either, it’s a Miss.
by default, but one is exchanged for number of Action and Gear Dice that Challenge Rank Pay the Price / The Pd must be greater than a Rd, a tie
Rank Dice when you Face a Challenge are higher than Challenge Dice. Difficulty Dice OSR Hit Dice counts as a miss. So, even when the
and travel in a Journey or fight in Without Gear Dice, a Strong Hit always Inconvenient Rd4 1 Rank Dice is Rd1, you still have a chance
Combat. has a Hit Count of 2 (the AD is higher Troublesome Rd6 2 to Miss.
You may also add Gear Dice (Gd) to the than 2 CD), and a Weak Hit always has Dangerous Rd8 3
Action Roll. The highest dice out of your a Hit Count of 1 (the AD is higher than Formidable Rd10 4
Action Dice and Gear Dice is your only 1 CD). Gear can increase the effect Extreme Rd12 5
Action Score. of your hits, including Progress in Weird* Rd16 6
Combat and on Journeys. Epic Rd20 7
• Default Action Roll: Use this when *A d16 is uncommon but can be
there is no travel or foe. Roll Action simulated with a d8 and another dice
Dice + Gear Dice vs. Challenge Dice rolling odd (+0) or even (+8).
• Journey Action Roll: Use this when PROGRESS TRACK. Incremental Moves
you Face a Challenge and are let you amass advantages. Whenever
actively trying to reach a you advance toward your goal, mark
destination. Action Dice + Gear Dice Progress on the challenge’s Progress
(Journey) vs. Challenge Dice Track. Alternatively, you can amass
[changes per terrain] and Rank Dice tokens representing Progress. An Epic
[changes per Journey]. challenge can have multiple stages with
• Combat Action Roll: Use this when multiple Progress Tracks.
you Face a Challenge and are Journey: When you mark Progress
actively trying to defeat a foe. Action towards a destination that is equal to or
Dice + Gear Dice (weapons) vs. greater than the Journey’s Rank Dice,
Challenge Dice [1d10] + Rank Dice decrease the Rank Dice Step by 1 as you
[changes per Foe]. approach your final goal. For example
You can roll the Gear Dice after the when you mark 8 progress on an Rd8
Action Dice in a desperate attempt to Journey, decrease the Rank Dice to 6,
14 15
DAMAGED GEAR. Equipment is
YOUR LEGACY GEAR DICE Damaged whenever its Gd rolls a 1 or or
You have three legacy tracks that Gear, Spells and hirelings in as a consequence when you Pay the
represent your drive for victory DungeonSworn are represented by dice Price. When Damaged, reduce the Gear
(Treasure), adventure (Discovery), and ranging from d4 to d20 and have a Tag Dice one Step (e.g. GD8 to GD6). The
community (Bonds). recommending the Narrative where it chances are lower that you damage
would be useful. When you make a Gear of higher quality (1 in 4 for GD4 vs.
MOMENTUM Move where Gear might come into play, 1 in 6 for GD6). You must Recover and
score a hit to restore an item. When
you roll the Gear Dice (GD) along with
Burn Momentum. the Action Dice. The highest dice is GD4 Gear is Damaged, it cannot be
Reset Momentum. your Action Score. Gear can also add to repaired and is lost.
your Hit Count when Gear Dice are LIMITED USES. Some gear have Usage
CONDITIONS higher than one or both Challenge Dice. Dice (UD). UD are Damaged only when
DESPERATE ATTEMPT. If you resolve they score a Hit and add to the Hit
Burn Momentum. Count.
the Action Roll before rolling the Gear
Reset Momentum. Dice, you make a Desperate Attempt. It SPELL DICE. When you Cast a Spell, if
might improve your roll, but the Gear is the duration is greater than Instant,
always fragile in a desperate attempt you may write a d4 to d20 Spell Dice
and Damaged as a result. Similarly, if (SD) into your Inventory. Roll the SD
you use Gear well beyond its intended whenever it is used in the narrative. If
use, it is fragile. For example, a non- the Spell enchants another move, add
weapon without a range tag is always the SD to the dice pool as a GD. On a Hit
Damaged when used to Clash or Strike. (on any dice), it triggers a unique result
TAGS. Tags are situation descriptors of depending on the spell. A Spell Dice is
the Narrative and Effect of gear. When Damaged on a 2. And it is always
you gain GD, write it in your Inventory Dispelled and lost (not reduced a Step)
and note the Tags. Although Gear Dice when you roll a 1 on the SD. Spell Dice
always have a Narrative Tag in are Light. See more on Magic on page
reference to when the Gear might ###.
apply. This is for convenience and is not
limited. You may use any Gear in any
situation, so long as you Begin and End
with the Fiction. Narrative Tags are
guidance! Use Gear whenever it makes
sense. If Gear is used well beyond its
obvious purpose, it is fragile for that
use. If it is the proverbial key to the
figurative door, it just opens. Don’t roll.
Effect tags are referenced after Gear is
used and help illustrate the impacts.
INVENTORY. You begin with 6 to 8
Backpack Slots plus held and worn slots
taken up by Gear Dice. When you gain a
new Gear Dice, note it in an available
slot along with the Gd Step and any
Tags. You may also use pre-printed
item cards. A Light Tag indicates it
takes half a slot. Heavy takes two slots.
16 17
When you search for clues, ask questions, or do research, Roll +Wits.
Strong Hit: Discover something helpful and specific. The path or
BASIC MOVES action is made clear. Envision what you learn. Then, take +2
SECURE AN ADVANTAGE Weak Hit: The information provides new insight, but also
When you have the Upper Hand and attempt something risky to press complicates your quest. Envision what you discover. Then, take
your advantage, envision your Action. If you act… +1 Momentum.
• With speed, stealth, or precision: Roll +Edge. Miss: Your inquiry unearths a dire threat or unwelcome truth.
• With strength, aggression, or endurance: Roll +Iron. Pay the Price.
• With wisdom, insight, or magic: Roll +Wits.
• With charm, command, or courage: Roll +Heart. PAY THE PRICE
• With expertise, deception, or trickery: Roll +Knack. When you suffer the outcome of a move, choose one…
• With rationing, resources, or gear: Roll +Supply. • Make the most obvious negative outcome happen.
Strong Hit: You succeed and keep the Upper Hand. Take +1 • Ask the Oracle.
Momentum and choose one… • Lose Momentum: delayed or disadvantaged. Reduce your
• Gain: Mark Progress 1 per 2 Hit Count. Momentum by a number of steps according to the Rank Dice.
• Control: Take the Upper Hand for yourself OR an Ally. • Suffer Harm: physical injury, fatigue, or illness. Reduce your
• Help: Add +1Ad to your AND an Ally’s next move. Iron or Edge by a number of Steps according to the Rank Dice.
Then if you resist, Roll +Edge or +Iron.
• Advantage: Take +1 Momentum.
• Suffer Stress: mental strain, shock, or despair. Reduce your
Weak Hit: Your advantage is short lived; you are on the Back Wits or Heart by a number of Steps according to the Rank Dice.
Foot. Choose one above. Then if you resist, Roll +Wits or +Heart.
• Lose Resources: lose or sacrifice gear. Reduce your Supply or
Miss: You fail or your assumptions betray you. Pay the Price. You damage Gear by a number of Steps according to the Rank Dice.
are on the Back Foot. Then if you resist, Roll +Knack.
FACE DANGER You must Roll to resist if any Stat or Supply can’t be reduced.
When you are on the Back Foot and attempt to save against an Strong Hit: Shake it off or make good use of your resources. Gain
imminent threat, envision your Reaction and roll. If you react… the Upper Hand and choose one…
• Maneuvering, dodging, ducking into hiding, or parrying: Roll • Resist 1 Harm per Hit Count.
+Edge. • Resist 1 Stress per Hit Count.
• Blocking or diverting with force, taking the hit, or exchanging • Gain +1 Momentum per Hit Count
blows: Roll +Iron.
• Observing a risk, cleverly bypassing an obstacle, or resisting Weak Hit: You choose as above, but you are on the Back Foot.
magical effects: Roll +Wits. Miss: You fail. Lose Momentum equal to the Rank Dice, and if
• Remaining stalwart against fear or temptation, or Momentum is 0, Suffer a Condition.
commanding under pressure: Roll +Heart.
• Using expertise, deception, or trickery: Roll +Knack. SUFFER A CONDITION
• Sacrificing gear : +Roll +Supply. When you Pay the Price, suffer a Miss, and your Momentum is 0,
Strong Hit: You succeed and gain the Upper Hand. Take +1 fill an Inventory slot with the next available Condition.
Momentum. Harm: Tired → Wounded → Dead
Weak Hit: You succeed, but face a troubling cost. You are on the
Back Foot and must Pay the Price (half Harm/Stress, round up). Stress: Dispirited → Terrified → Corrupted

Miss: You fail or the situation worsens. You stay on the Back Foot Supply: Exhausted → Exposed → Lost
and Pay the Price.
When you use your accumulated advantages to snatch success from the
jaws of failure, replace your Action Score with your current
Momentum value to improve your result. Then set your
Momentum to your current reset value (+1 Momentum reset
value per empty inventory slot).
18 19
When you Undertake a Journey, face off against a foe in Combat, When you Journey Overland or Delve, determine your approach. If
or Build a Connection, envision your objective and assign the you are Encumbered, take -1AD…
challenge a Rank Dice. Then, Secure an Advantage or Face • Fast: Move at speed or compel the party to quick march: Roll
Danger to determine whether you begin with the Upper Hand or +Edge or +Heart.
on the Back Foot. • Slow: Endure hazardous terrain or use the environment: Roll
Make moves to Mark Progress. Finally, choose when to try to +Iron or +Knack.
Achieve a Goal. • Methodical: Stay vigilant: Roll +Wits.
• Guided: Navigate along a known route: Roll +Supply.
MARK PROGRESS Hit: Reach a new location. Envision a Waypoint or Feature (Check
When you Secure an Advantage, Strike, Clash, Build a the Safety, Theme, Terrain, or Domain Card). Then, refer to the
Connection, or Forge Ahead, and score a Hit, mark a number of table below.
boxes on the Progress Track per Hit Count. If you mark a Fast Slow Methodical Guided
Progress Score above the current value of the Rank Dice, reduce
the Rank Dice 1 Step per new mark. Strong Hit Mark 1 Progress per Slow. Mark 1 Methodical. Mark 1 Make good use of
Hit Count. Progress per 2 Hit Progress per 2 Hit supplies and reach
ACHIEVE A GOAL Count. Count and Make a your destination.
Discovery. Suffer -Supply (1
When you take decisive action to accomplish your objective, roll your per Rank Dice
Progress Dice equal to or lower than your Progress Score against step).
two Rank Dice. Match! Make a Discovery. Make a Discovery Mark +1 Progress Use no supplies.
If you are on the Back Foot when you take this decisive action to Weak Hit Mark 1 Progress per Mark 1 Progress. Mark 1 Progress or Reach your goal
end Combat, a Strong Hit becomes a Weak Hit, and a Weak Hit Hit Count. Pay the Reveal a Danger Make a Discovery. along a hard road.
becomes a Miss. Price and Reveal a with a chance to Reveal a Danger Suffer -Supply and
Danger. avoid it. with a chance to -Momentum (1 per
Strong Hit: You prevail. Take +2 Momentum. You reach your avoid it. Rank Dice step).
destination, defeat a foe, or forge a bond. Mark Progress (1 to 6)
on one of your Legacy Tracks per the table below up to the Miss Pay the Price and Reveal a Danger.
challenge’s initial Rank Dice.
Rd Legacy Discovery Treasure Bond
New pathway, Fancy bauble, crude art, When you encounter a helpful situation or feature When you encounter a risky situation within a site,
Rd6 1 Friend within a site, envision the boon or roll 1d100 on envision the danger or roll 1d100 on the following
undiscovered pass basic trophy
Mystical grove, Simple gem, difficult the following table… table…
Rd8 2 Partner
magical terrain ingredients, rare trophy
Secluded community, Fine art, magic trinket, d100 Result d100 Result
Rd10 3 Chief 1-20 Check the Safety / Theme card 1-30 Check the Safety / Theme card
secret society refined ingredients
Magic portal, Rare weapon, minor 21-45 Check the Terrain / Domain card 31-45 Check the Terrain / Domain card
Rd12 4 Mayor
conspiracy unveiled arcana, new spell
Hidden kingdom, Major arcana, magic gear, 46-57 You locate a secret or secluded area You find signs of an imminent threat or
Rd16 5 Noble 46-57 hostile denizen
under dark expanse treasure horde A clue offers insight, direction, or hints
Plane of existence or Priceless treasure, crown, 58-68 of a potential threat 58-68 You encounter a hostile denizen
Rd20 6 Sovereign
new continent symbol of authority
69-78 You get the drop on a denizen You face an environmental or
69-76 architectural hazard
Weak Hit: You accomplish your quest, but not without cost. You You get an opportunity to scavenge,
face an unforeseen hazard or complications. Mark Progress as 79-86 forage, or hunt You confront a harrowing situation or
above, but gain one fewer progress towards your chosen Legacy 77-79 sensation
Track. If Combat continues, you are on the Back Foot. 87-90 You locate interesting or helpful gear
You face the consequences of an earlier
Miss: You have gone hopelessly astray, your objective is lost to You encounter a denizen who needs 80-82 choice or approach
91-94 help or will help you
you, or you were misled. Pay the Price. If you continue to face the 83-85 The path is blocked or trapped
challenge, raise the Rank Dice by one Step. Hint of a hidden treasure cache or
95-98 wondrous gear 86-88 A resource is diminished, broken, or lost
ADVANCE 99-00 You find a wonder You face a perplexing mystery or touch
89-91 choice
When you mark progress on a Legacy Track, you may clear progress
to Flip Gear to gain a new Asset (5 P), Upgrade an Asset (3 P), or 92-94 You lose your way or are delayed
Increase a Stat by 1, max 20 (6 P). 95-00 Roll twice. Both occur.
20 21
When you rest and recover for several hours in the wild, Roll +Supply.
Strong Hit: You and your allies can each apply the Hit Count to
two Recover options. When you persuade someone, envision your approach. If you…
• Charm, pacify, or encourage: Roll +Heart.
Weak Hit: As above, but each choose one and Pay the Price. • Threaten or incite: Roll +Iron.
Miss: You take no comfort or a danger interrupts rest. Pay the • Lie or swindle: Roll +Knack.
Strong Hit: They’ll do what you want. Take +1 Momentum.
RECOVER Weak Hit: They agree, but you must Pay the Price and they ask
something of you in return.
When you find a moment of peace to provide care, receive
healing, socialize, or restore your equipment, envision your Miss: Pay the Price. They refuse or demand an immense price.
approach and roll. If you are in a safe place, multiply the Hit
Count by days recovering. On a Miss: Pay the Price and increase BARTER
the price per days spent recovering.
When you make an offer on a specific helpful item or resource,
HEAL Roll +Heart. Add -1AD if the item is rare. +1AD if you are in a well
• Provide healing, Secure Advantage +Wits. stocked location.
• Receive healing from an NPC, Face Danger +Iron. Strong Hit: you may gain +1 Gear Dice at the cost of -1 Iron Piece
• Heal yourself, Face Danger +Wits or +Iron, whichever is lower. (IP) per Gd Step (Gd4: free; Gd6: 1; Gd8: 2; Gd10: 3; Gd12: 4).
Then, recover +1 Iron or Edge per Hit Count.
Weak Hit: As above, but you must Pay the Price and they ask
HEARTEN something of you in return, or they demand +1 IP.
• Socialize, Secure Advantage +Heart. Miss: Pay the Price. They refuse or demand an immense price.
• Rationalize, Face Danger +Wits.
Then, recover +1 Heart or Wits per HC for yourself or an ally.

• Make careful preparations, Secure Advantage +Stat.
Then, note +1Ad per HC to add +#Ad to any one future roll that
uses that Stat.

• Hunt, forage, or scavenge, Secure Advantage +Wits.
• Barter, Secure Advantage +Heart.
• Steal or swindle, Face Danger +Knack.
Then, recover +1 Supply per Hit Count.

• Craft, repair, or hone Gear, Secure Advantage +Knack.
• Check supply for a specific item, Secure Advantage +Supply.
Then, pay 1 Supply to restore or craft 1 Step of Gear Dice per HC.

22 23
Combat begins when you Face a Challenge to set the foe’s Rank
Dice. Then, Face a Danger to defend or Secure an Advantage to CAST A SPELL
attack. The result determines whether you have the Upper When you have the Upper Hand and cast a Spell you carry, Roll
Hand or are on the Back Foot. This reflects who is in control. +Wits. If you are in a place of power, lower the Cd Step.
• When you have the Upper Hand, you are proactive. COLD IRON. On a Hit, if you do not carry any metal weapons or
• Strike or Cast a Spell to attack and mark Progress. armor, you may add +2 Hit Count.
• Secure an Advantage to outwit, demoralize a foe, or help an OVERCAST. On a Hit, If any of the Dice Match, note the extra
ally. Hit Count above the Spell’s Power Level and Overcast.
• Face Danger to overcome an obstacle or escape.
• Achieve a Goal to finish the fight against this foe. CONCENTRATION. A spell with duration greater than Instant
is represented by a Spell Dice (Sd) (light) and must be carried
When you are on the Back Foot, you are forced to react. in your Inventory until it rolls a 1 and is dispelled.
• Clash to fight back and mark Progress. Strong Hit: You cast the spell, but if the Hit Count is less than
• Face Danger to focus on defense and resist damage. the Spell’s Power Level, it fizzles. Reduce its Power Cost until
• Compel to convince your foe to accept your surrender. the Hit Count is met. You retain the Upper Hand.
• Achieve a Goal to make a desperate attempt at victory. Weak Hit: As above, but you must Pay the Price (Wits or Heart)
equal to the amount you reduce the Power Level. You are on the
STRIKE Back Foot.
When you have the Upper Hand and attack with strength or Miss: You fail to cast and are on the Back Foot. Pay the Price.
grit, Roll +Iron; with precision, Roll +Edge.
Strong Hit: Mark 1 Progress, and add +1 per Hit Count. Retain INSCRIBE A SPELL
the Upper Hand. Weak Hit: As above, but your advantage is When you engrave a Spell into your inventory, envision it or
short lived. You are on the Back Foot. create a new one. First, give the spell a name (Ask the Oracle).
Miss: Pay the Price. The fight turns against you. You are on the Then, set the Power Level. The Spell’s Power Level is the sum of
Back Foot. its Hit Cost based on Effect, Duration, Range, and Target:
HC Effect/ Mod Range Area Spell Dice
CLASH Cost Target
When you are on the Back Foot and you trade blows in close 0 Parlor Trick 0 Close Self/Single Instant/Sd4
quarters, Roll +Iron; trade volleys at range or with precision, 1 Troublesome 1 Reach Two-Three Sd6
Roll +Edge.
2 Dangerous 2 Short 1 Zone Sd8
Strong Hit: Mark 1 Progress and +1 per Hit Count. You take the 3 Formidable 3 Long 2 Zones Sd10
Upper Hand. Weak Hit: As above, but you are dealt a
counterblow. Pay the Price. You stay on the Back Foot. 4 Extreme 4 Distant Region Sd12
Miss: Your foe dominates this exchange. You are on the Back 5 Weird 5 World World Sd16
Foot. Pay the Price. 6 Epic 6 Planar Planar Sd20
TAKE DAMAGE The effect column includes both an Effect Tag and suggested
numerical modifier (i.e., a Dangerous Effect costs 2 Power and
When you Pay the Price in combat, make the most obvious might be used to Add +2Ad to a move, or +2 Instant Progress in
negative result happen. Usually, you take damage to Health Combat or on a Journey). But spell effects are not limited to
(Iron/Edge), Spirit (Wits/Heart), or Supply, reducing your Stat’s numbers. Use your imagination.
Action Dice by Steps according to the challenge Rank, or half
when you Face Danger and score a Weak Hit. If a Stat is at 0 or Then, Face Danger +Wits and exchange each Hit Count for +1
you choose to resist the damage, roll Pay the Price and include Power Level inscribed. If the Spell is not yet at the desired
your armor’s Gear Dice. Power Level and you have enough downtime, you may
continue to Inscribe this Spell.

24 25
When you draw too much
power to Cast a Spell and get a
Match, Roll 2d10 and Add +1
per extra Hit Count above the
Spell’s Power Level…

2d10 Overcast Effect

20+ Incursion! Pay the Price (Power Level). The spell fails. It is
destroyed and transforms into an arcane danger with Rank
Dice equal to its intended Power Level, minimum Rd4.
19 Metamorphosis! The spell fails. It is destroyed and attaches
itself to you. You are wounded by an arcane mutation.
18 Corruption! The spell works. It is destroyed and it enters
your body. You must Face Danger +Iron against a dangerous
magical disease. On a Miss, you must Pay the Price (1)
whenever you make a Move.
17 Disaster! Pay the Price (Power Level). The spell works. It is
destroyed, and targets someone or something nearby with
Damage in proportion to the spell’s intended Power Level.
16 Disruption! Pay the Price (Power Level). The spell works, but
reduce the Hit Count by 1. The spell is destroyed and
temporarily warps reality for the worse.
15 Misfire! Pay the Price (Power Level). The spell works as
intended, but additionally affects a different target.
14 Perplexity! The spell works as intended, but you Pay the Price
(Power Level).
13 Vacuity! The spell works as intended, but you temporarily
lose your connection and cannot Cast this spell for a day.
12 Disturbance! The spell works but casting draws unwanted
attention. Pay the Price.
11 Odd? The spell works, but you communed with something
else. Pay the Price.
10 Efficient. The spell works, and regain +1 Wits.
9 Flow. The spell works, and you regain +1 Heart.
8 Summon. The spell works, and a creature with a Rank Dice
equal to the Power Level appears. It is impartial but seems
compelled to follow you.
7 Heft. The spell works, and a mysterious seemingly
insignificant item tied to the spell appears in your
6 Mark. Regain +1 Wits. The spell works with +1 Power Level.
5 Knowledge. Regain +2 Wits. The spell works, and gains +2
Power Levels.
4 Mana. Regain +3 Wits. Reset your Supply to maximum.
3 Unity. Regain +3 Iron. Reset your Heart to maximum.
2- Power Overwhelming! You gain Wits and Heart equal to the
surplus Hit Count. If this pushes you above your max
capacity, roll on this table again for each extra HC.
26 27

28 29
● Quick Load. You may ignore the ● Take Aim. When you Secure an
reload tag. Advantage +Wits to take careful
○ Piercing Bolt. Attacks with your aim, envision where you intend to
crossbow now ignore all armor and land your shot. Then add +1Ad. On a
you may exchange one HC to sunder Hit, roll your Bow’s Gd and double
a target’s armor by -1. any Hit Count to mark Progress
○ Mechanic. When you repair or craft against your foe.
simple machines, add +1AD and add ○ Quick Draw. Once per fight, when
+1HC on a Hit. you Strike or Clash, you may take
extra shots and suffer -1 Supply. If
you do, reroll any one dice. On a Hit,
add +2 HC.
○ Stalk. When you Resupply by
hunting, add +1Ad, and add +1HC
on a Hit.

A crossbow
● Take Aim. When you Secure an ● Take Aim. When you Secure an
When you shoot a bolt through a heavily Advantage +Wits to take careful Advantage +Wits to take careful When you make an impossible shot…
armored foe… aim, envision where you intend to aim, envision where you intend to
land your shot. Then add +1Ad. On a land your shot. Then add +1Ad. On a
Hit, roll your Bow’s Gd and double Hit, roll your Bow’s Gd and double
any Hit Count to mark Progress any Hit Count to mark Progress
against your foe. against your foe.
○ Quick Draw. Once per fight, when ○ Quick Draw. Once per fight, when
you Strike or Clash, you may take you Strike or Clash, you may take
extra shots and suffer -1 Supply. If extra shots and suffer -1 Supply. If
you do, reroll any one dice. On a Hit, you do, reroll any one dice. On a Hit,
add +2 HC. add +2 HC.
○ Stalk. When you Resupply by ○ Stalk. When you Resupply by
hunting, add +1Ad, and add +1HC hunting, add +1Ad, and add +1HC
on a Hit. on a Hit.

A bow A bow
When you make an impossible shot… When you make an impossible shot…
Overland travel in DungeonSworn is a
hexcrawl with approximately 6 miles
When DungeonSworn Face a Challenge and undertake a Journey…
per hex. The Oracle uses Terrain cards Roads and waterways crisscross the land.

Set the Rank Dice… and Waypoints to describe the journey.
Challenge: -2Cd Resupply: +1Ad
Rank Rd Overland Delve For a hexcrawl, the journeying party
leave a hex when they Forge Ahead and Waypoints
Inconvenient Rd4
Day's journey away Basement or dell score a Hit. On a Miss or to Pay the 1-4 City
Troublesome Rd6 Traveling a moderate distance Crypt or tower Price, the party remains in a single hex, 5-8 Town or crossroads
within a single region making slow progress or discovering 9-12 Village or hamlet
Rd8 Traveling within a single region, or Village or five new waypoints.
Dangerous 13-16 Roadhouse, fort, or trade post
across rough terrain room dungeon
The Oracle determines the Rank Dice of 17-20 Ruin
Rd10 Traveling from a region to another,
Formidable Warren or keep
or through challenging terrain the Journey based on the number of Discoveries
Tangled forest or hexes to the destination ranging from a
Extreme Rd12 Traveling through multiple regions Traveler
small city 1 hex (Inconvenient) to a 20+ hex 3-4 Merchant wagon
Rd16 Traveling through multiple disputed War front or (Epic) Journey. DungeonSworn can
Weird 5-6 Bustling industry
regions large city
travel through 1 hex when they Forge 7-8 Infrastructure marvel
Rd20+ Traveling across a continent, or to a Sprawling cave
Epic Ahead and score a Hit, marking 9-10 Empty hamlet
separate land system

2 5
Progress on the Journey’s Progress 11 Mysterious inn
Frame the Scene. If they travel Forge Ahead. When they decide to Track. On a Miss, they are unable to
Overland through a region, set move on, the DungeonSworn Forge 12 Nature reclaims civilization
leave a hex. 13 Odd village
Safety and Terrain. If the PCs Delve Ahead and choose an
to explore a dungeon or site, pick a approach/Stat for the next leg of the Terrain impacts one of the two 14 Holy site
Theme and Domain. The mechanics are journey (See below). Challenge Dice. The second is held 15 Cache of trade goods or treasure

the same. Every Move has the potential constant at Cd10. Difficult Terrain 16 Kindly monster
to reach a new location and make Mark Progress, Make a Discovery, (Wetland, Wasteland, Highland) use 17 Wizard tower
Progress. Framing is different: Reveal a Danger, and/or Pay the higher Challenge Dice per hex. The 18 Intelligent beasts of burden
Overland, Progress takes hours to days Price. The DungeonSworn will Safety of the Terrain can also increase 19 Arcane shop
and is measured by Waypoints. As you mark Progress depending on the Hit or decrease the Challenge Dice of a 20 Haunted site
Delve, Moves are faster, around the time Count from Forge Ahead. If their luck is single hex (Developed -2Cd, Safe -1Cd,
it takes to explore a room, find a good, they may also Make a Discovery. Unsafe +0Cd, Perilous +1Cd, Disputed Dangers
Feature, or move carefully to a new If their luck is not good, they might +2Cd). Unlike Overland, a Delve uses 1-5 Denizen seeks to use you
location. Reveal a Danger. If their luck is bad and two fixed d10 Challenge Dice. 6-10 Denizen questions your purpose
they Miss, they do not mark Progress 11-12 Your equipment fails you

Describe the Waypoint or Feature. and must Pay the Price. 13-14 Blocked or broken path
Roll or choose a Waypoint for 15-16 Benign aspect becomes a threat
Overland or Feature for Delve and Repeat Steps 3, 4, 5, 6. Repeat these
steps until the DungeonSworn 17-18 Denizen tricks or misleads you
describe the scene. 19-20 Migrating denizens under threat
reach the destination or

Explore or Interact. accomplish their goal. 21-22 Out of place denizen runs wild
23-24 Unexpected environmental threat

DungeonSworn interact with the
scene, making Moves to Secure an Face a Challenge. When 25-26 Evidence of a distant threat
Advantage, Recover, Compel, etc. They DungeonSworn believe they have 27-28 Denizen on guard
can try to Make a Discovery with Secure reached their destination, they 29-30 Denizen patrol closes in
Advantage +Wits. resolve Face a Challenge. Roll both Rank
Dice and compare them to their

32 33

Patrols and outposts protect the land. Frontier and wilderness border the land. This land contains a dangerous presence. Time or disaster have taken their toll here.
Challenge: -1Cd Resupply: +1Ad Challenge: +0Cd Resupply: +0Ad Challenge: +1Cd Resupply: +0Ad Challenge: +2Cd Resupply: -1Ad

Waypoints Waypoints Waypoints Waypoints

1-4 Town or crossroads 1-4 Village, encampment, or hovel 1-4 Town or crossroads 1-4 Town or crossroads
5-8 Village or hamlet 5-8 Fort or trade post 5-8 Village or hamlet 5-8 Village or hamlet
9-12 Traveler’s camp, fort, or trade post 9-12 Lair or ruin 9-12 Traveler’s camp, fort, or trade post 9-12 Traveler’s camp, fort, or trade post
13-16 Ruin 13-16 Dungeon 13-16 Ruin 13-16 Ruin
17-20 Lair 17-20 Wilderness 17-20 Lair 17-20 Lair
Discoveries Discoveries Discoveries Discoveries
1-2 Traveling merchant Natural wonder
1-2 1-2 Former enemy Shattered earth reveals new riches
3-4 Festival 3-4 Empty fort 3-4 Vestiges of nature 3-4 Stranded denizens find new power
5-6 Blessed abbey 5-6 Dark path 5-6 Lost cache 5-6 Path to safety or escape
7-8 Dam or aqueduct 7-8 Unexpected fork in the road 7-8 Open gateway 7-8 Untouched supplies
9-10 Amphitheater or coliseum 9-10 Hidden stash 9-10 Hidden refuge 9-10 Vantage point
11 Animated object or sculpture 11 Witch/warlock hut 11 Deadly treasure 11 Mercenary camp
12 Wondrous alehouse 12 Playful trickster 12 Powerful and rare fauna 12 Signs of hope or recovery
13 Weird town 13 Overturned cart 13 Isolated academy 13 Final refuge
14 Monstrous protector 14 Fallen sanctuary 14 Infrastructure marvel 14 Ancient protectors
15 Magical or technological village 15 Wondrous creature 15 Seductive peril 15 Fallen conqueror
16 Renowned smithy 16 Magic source 16 Powerful artifact 16 Nature recovering after disaster
17 Portal, path, or gateway to far away 17 Remote forge or foundry 17 Mineral riches 17 Battlefield strewn with loot
18 Traveling menagerie 18 Healing terrain 18 Mysterious art 18 Broken relic
19 Odd transportation 19 Ancient guardians 19 Safety at the edge of danger 19 Spirits of conflict
20 Undercity 20 Protected area 20 Titan corpse 20 Senseless loss reveals a pattern

Dangers Dangers Dangers Dangers

1-5 Migrating denizens under threat 1-5 Previously safe area now dangerous 1-5 Vestiges of a destructive force 1-5 Innocents are held in thrall
6-10 Out of place denizen runs wild 6-10 Denizen takes a previously safe place 6-10 Denizen sets an ambush 6-10 Denizen wields unexpected abilities
11-12 Unexpected environmental threat 11-12 Denizen follows you from afar 11-12 Denizen strikes without warning 11-12 Dark conspiracy is revealed
13-14 Evidence of a distant threat 13-14 Disturbing evidence of a victim's fate 13-14 Denizen leverages the environment 13-14 Denizen seeks retribution
15-16 Denizen on guard 15-16 Denizen lairs here 15-16 Hazardous or predatory terrain 15-16 Past dangers return anew
17-18 Denizen patrol closes in 17-18 Unnatural barrier prevents progress 17-18 Denizen guided by a greater threat 17-18 Denizens converge upon you
19-20 Previously safe area now dangerous 19-20 Vestiges of a destructive force 19-20 Innocents are held in thrall 19-20 Signs of horrible fate
21-22 Denizen takes a previously safe place 21-22 Denizen sets an ambush 21-22 Denizen wields unexpected abilities 21-22 Denizen funnels you down a path
23-24 Denizen follows you from afar 23-24 Denizen strikes without warning 23-24 Dark conspiracy is revealed 23-24 Denizen ready to sound the alarm
25-26 Disturbing evidence of a victim's fate 25-26 Denizen leverages the environment 25-26 Denizen seeks retribution 25-26 Unnatural barrier prevents progress
27-28 Denizen lairs here 27-28 Hazardous or predatory terrain 27-28 Past dangers return anew 27-28 Dangerous lair is uncovered
29-30 Unnatural barrier prevents progress 29-30 Denizen guided by a greater threat 29-30 Denizens converge upon you 29-30 Denizen lures you into a trap

34 35
If the map or route is undetermined,
the Oracle can use the following tables
to set Terrain. The table is organized to Grass & dark soil (mediterranean, plains,
make the next Terrain plausible given prairie, river basin, savanna, steppe)
climate. First, note (or roll) current
Terrain, then roll 1d10 to find the next Cd6, Cd10 Resupply: +1Ad
type. Waypoints
21-43 Open plains
44-56 Low, rolling hills
57-64 Shrubland or copse of trees
65-68 Waterway
69-72 Shallow lake, stream, or wetlands
73-76 Escarpment or ridge
77-80 Trail or cairn
81-84 Grazing land, wild or tended
85-88 Farm, fishing village, hunter camp
89-98 Something unusual or unexpected
99 Transition to unexpected Security
00 Transition to unexpected Terrain

21-23 Wondrous flora
24-26 Airborne enigma
27-29 Free nomads
30-31 Elemental weather
32-33 Giant landscape features
34-35 Unending terrain or sky
36-37 Hidden grotto or canyon
38 Innumerable herd of denizens
39 Vibrant, unnatural colors
40 Whispers of promise on the wind
41 Exotic farmstead
42 Hidden warren of friendly denizens
43 Lonely mountains out of place
44 Village clinging to difficult terrain
45 Towering grass

1-5 Lowland denizen stalks
6-10 Sinkhole, burrow, disorienting sky
11-12 Lowland denizen lairs here
13-14 Extreme weather without shelter
15-16 Lowland denizen is sighted from afar

36 37

Forest of trees (deciduous forest, rain Inundated by water (swamp, moor, fen, Barren expanse (desert, polar, plateau, High peaks and alpine valleys (hills,
forest, boreal, taiga) estuary, bog, glade) badland, dunes) mountains, passes)
Cd8, Cd10 Resupply: +1Ad Cd10, Cd10 Resupply: +0Ad Cd10, Cd10 Resupply: -2Ad Cd12, Cd10 Resupply: +1Ad
Waypoints Waypoints Waypoints Waypoints
21-43 Dense thicket 21-43 Narrow path on the high-ground 21-43 Nothing but the horizon 21-43 Winding mountain path
44-56 Overgrown path 44-56 Stagnant pool 44-56 Outcropping or cliff overlook 44-56 Rocks or difficult terrain
57-64 Waterway 57-64 Flooded thicket 57-64 Crags and isolated valleys 57-64 Exposed ridge, dangerous path
65-68 Clearing 65-68 Island of land surrounded by water 65-68 Eroded or hidden way 65-68 Meadow, basin, or alpine lake
69-72 Old growth 69-72 Submerged discovery 69-72 Violently shattered terrain 69-72 Ridges, terraces, scarps
73-76 Brambles 73-76 Signs of wildlife 73-76 Weather reveals ancient structure 73-76 Forgotten path, pass or bridge
77-80 Overgrown structure 77-80 Civilization reclaimed by nature 77-80 Forgotten cairn 77-80 Stunted trees
81-84 Rocky outcrop 81-84 Tall reeds 81-84 Verdant oasis 81-84 Overlook pinnacle, or peak
85-88 Hunting camp or woodland hideout 85-88 Docks or hovels 85-88 Unlikely camp or merchant post 85-88 Scout camp or traveler refuge
89-98 Something unusual or unexpected 89-98 Something unusual or unexpected 89-98 Something unusual or unexpected 89-98 Something unusual or unexpected
99 Transition to unexpected Security 99 Transition to unexpected Security 99 Transition to unexpected Security 99 Transition to unexpected Security
00 Transition to unexpected Terrain 00 Transition to unexpected Terrain 00 Transition to unexpected Terrain 00 Transition to unexpected Terrain

Discoveries Discoveries Discoveries Discoveries

21-23 Wondrous or helpful flora 21-23 Medicinal herbs 21-23 Petrified forest 21-23 Giant cairn
24-26 Light shifts or times of day changes 24-26 Fuel wood, oil, or peat 24-26 Field of junk and discarded goods 24-26 Hidden passage through the peaks
27-29 Innumerable gazing eyes 27-29 Mangrove moving fast 27-29 Huge tracks 27-29 Bridge over a void
30-31 Canopy dwellings 30-31 Valuable flotsam 30-31 Grand canyons 30-31 Forgotten ruins
32-33 Tiny root village 32-33 Submerged relic 32-33 Tip of submerged structure 32-33 Razor thin ridge made passable
34-35 Water behaving in odd ways 34-35 Mystical causeway 34-35 Mirage becomes real 34-35 Water behaving strangely
36-37 Hidden meadow 36-37 Tall reeds 36-37 Holy site 36-37 Stockpile of goods
38 Hermit hut 38 Sailing ship far from sea 38 River or hidden waterway 38 Endless clouds
39 Wood weird 39 Helpful ooze or water taking shape 39 Magical oasis 39 Terraced dwellings
40 Ambulating trees 40 Geyser full of riches 40 Buried ship 40 Crystalline caverns
41 Plants that react to touch 41 Witch’s hut 41 Floating motes of earth and stone 41 Cliff side nests
42 Rejuvenating spring 42 Magic spring 42 Meteor crater 42 Animated stones
43 Mushroom ring or giant fungus 43 Will o’ wisp 43 Animated winds or cyclones 43 Volcanic activity
44 Crystalline earth giving way to green 44 Carapace or stilt hovel 44 Fossilized titanic creature 44 Village clinging to difficult terrain
45 Seasons out of place 45 Talking fish or amphibians 45 Sinkhole leads a hidden refuge 45 Mine or mineral riches

Dangers Dangers Dangers Dangers

1-5 Denizen ambushes from above 1-5 Wetland denizen watches and waits 1-5 Endless trekking depletes resources 1-5 Highlander denizen lairs here
6-10 Woodland denizen lairs here 6-10 Deep water blocks the path 6-10 Hint of salvation baits an ambush 6-10 Perilous climb or descent
11-12 Trap or snare 11-12 Toxic gas, putrefied water 11-12 Mirage or slippery slope 11-12 Altitude leads to exhaustion
13-14 Path leads you astray 13-14 Concealing, disorienting mist & fog 13-14 Extreme hazard is unavoidable 13-14 Avalanche, rock slide, or scree
15-16 Dangerous flora 15-16 Hidden quagmire 15-16 Group of raiding wasteland denizens 15-16 Foul weather

38 39

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