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Esophageal Abnormalities:

Tracheoesophageal fistula results either from

Spontaneous posterior deviation of the tracheoesophageal septum or
From some mechanical factor pushing the dorsal wall of the foregut anteriorly.
In its most common form,
The proximal part of the esophagus ends as a blind sac
The distal part is connected to the trachea by a narrow canal just above the
Atresia of the esophagus prevents normal passage of amniotic fluid into the
intestinal tract,
Resulting in accumulation of excess fluid in the amniotic sac
Stenosis esophageal
the lumen of the esophagus may narrow
may be caused by incomplete recanalization, vascular abnormalities or
accidents that compromise blood flow.
Congenital hiatal hernia
the esophagus fails to lengthen sufficiently
the stomach is pulled up into the esophageal hiatus through the diaphragm.
Stomach Abnormalities:
Pyloric stenosis occur
When the circular and longitudinal musculature of the stomach in the region of
the pylorus hypertrophies
Pancreatic Abnormalities:
Annular pancreas
The right portion of the ventral bud migrates along its normal route
The left migrates in the opposite direction. In this manner, the duodenum is
surrounded by pancreatic tissue > duodenal stenosis.
Body Wall Defects:
Omphalocele involves
Herniation of abdominal viscera through an enlarged umbilical ring.
Viscera, which may include liver, small and large intestines, stomach, spleen,
or gallbladder
Can be diagnosed by ultrasound
Refers to a protrusion of abdominal contents through the body wall directly into
the amniotic cavity.
Occurs lateral to the umbilicus usually on the right
Due to abnormal closure of the body wall around the connecting stalk
Viscera are not covered by peritoneum or amnion
Umbilical fistula or vitelline fistula
The vitelline duct remains patent over its entire length, forming a direct
communication between the umbilicus and the intestinal tract.
Gut Rotation Defects:
Left-sided colon
Normally, the primary intestinal loop rotates 270 counter clockwise.
However, rotation amounts to 90 only
When this occurs,
The colon and cecum are the first portions of the gut to return from the
umbilical cord.
They settle on the left side of the abdominal cavity
Hindgut Abnormalities:
Recto urethral and rectovaginal fistulas,
Caused by abnormalities in formation of the cloaca or the urorectal septum.
Recto anal fistulas and atresia
Leave a narrow tube or fibrous remnant connected to the perineal surface
Due to misexpression of genes during epithelial mesenchymal signaling

Congenital megacolon Hirschsprung disease

due to an absence of parasympathetic ganglia in the bowel wall

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