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Discrimination mindset forms disguítively by the way humanity is nurtured, not by the

innate genetics. Thus, I believe proper training and education methods are crucial for
raising awareness and improving the level of knowledge nêcsary to detect and prevent
this incidence. The following will answer the question “what” and “how” of the process.

First, training preparation and design should be inclusive, requiring the participation of
all stakeholders and relevant parties such as racialized communities. Those who lead
training should have demonstrated skill and expertise for various reasons. Any
languages, images, and examples used should be inclusive and non-discriminatory.
Training should allow for open and constructive discussions, demonstrating its
relevance not only to current policy challenges, but also to those at the national,
regional and local levels in order to make sure that no disadvantaged groups are left.
Altogether, training and education not only need to focus on racial awareness and
cultural sensitivity but also on advancing deeper understanding of racism and power.

Second, building awareness and providing educational opportunities of racism should

extend to the general public, as broader societal change is essential to support the work
of government and civil society. Any forms such as textbooks, audiovisual or multimedia
documentation, television programmes and social media campaigns need to be utilised.
From 2019, a Cuba government-led programme approved against racism and racial
discrimination broadcasts to raise awareness on issues including the historical and
structural roots of racism. This case explained the needs of education to tackle racism,
racial prejudice and discrimination of all citizens from parents to children in any field.

To sum up, I believe mentoring and education is the utmost solution for the prevention
and detection of racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance.

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