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ELSEVIER Earth and PlanetaryScienceLetters 214(2003)605-618

Seismicity induced by seasonal groundwaterrecharge

at Mt. Hood, Oregon
Martin O. Saar , Michael Mangaa
a Departmentof EarthandPlanetaryScience,Universityof California,Berkeley,CA,USA
b EarthSciencesDivision, Lawrence
Received13 March2003;receivedin revised form9 June 2003;accepted18 July 2003


Groundwaterrecharge at Mt. Hood, Oregon, is dominated by spring snow melt which provides a natural large-
amplitude and narrow-widthpore-fluid pressure signal. Timedelays betweenthis seasonal groundwaterrecharge and
seismicity triggered by groundwaterrecharge can thus be used to estimate large-scale hydraulic diffusivities and the
state of stress in the crust. Weapproximateseasonal variations in groundwaterrecharge with discharge in runoff-
dominatedstreams at high elevations. Weinterpolate the time series of numberof earthquakes, N, seismic moment,
Mo,and stream discharge, Q, and determine cross-correlation coefficients at equivalent frequency bands between Q
and both N and Mo.Wefind statistically significant correlation coefficients at a meantime lag of about 151 days.
This time lag and a mean earthquake depth of about 4.5 kmare used in the solution to the pressure diffusion
equation, under periodic (1 year) boundaryconditions, to estimate a hydraulic diffusivity of 1¢= -l m2/s, a
hydraulic conductivity of about Kh=107 m]s, and a permeability of about k=10-L5 m2. Periodic boundary
conditions also allow us to determinea critical pore-fluid pressure fraction, P’/Po = 0.1, of the applied near-surface
pore-fluid pressure perturbation, P0 = 0.1 MPa,that has to be reached at the mean earthquake depth to cause
hydroseismicity. The low magnitudeof P’ =0.01 MPais consistent with other studies that propose 0.01 -< P’ -< 0.1
MPaand suggests that the state of stress in the crust near Mt. Hoodcould be near critical for failure. Therefore, we
concludethat, while earthquakesoccur throughoutthe year at Mt. Hood,elevated seismicity levels along pre-existing
faults south of Mt. Hoodduring summermonthsare hydrologically induced by a reduction in effective stress.
© 2003Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

pore-fluidpressure;permeability;effectivestress; volcano;triggering; stress; earthquake;

1. Introduction sure may trigger earthquakes, a process hereafter

referred to as hydroseismicity. Examples include
Natural or artificial changes in pore-fluid pres- hydroseismicity induced by reservoirs [1 3], by
fluid injection into [4 8] or withdrawal from [9-
11] aquifers or oil reservoirs, or by pore-fluid
pressure changes induced by other earthquakes
* Corresponding
author. Tel.: +1-510-643-5450;
Fax: +1-510-643-9980. [12,13]. It has also been suggested that hydroseis-
(M.O.Saar). micity may be caused by changes in groundwater

- see front matter ©2003ElsevierB.V.All rights reserved.
doi: 10.1016/S0012-821
606 M.O. Saar, M. MangalEarthand Planetary Science Letters 214 (2003) 605418

’-121°50 ’-121030
-121040’ [20]. Moregenerally, understanding the causes
of hydroseismicity mayprovide additional insight
into seismic hazards associated with reservoir
impoundment or injection of fluids into the sub-
surface for exampleduring waste fluid injection,
carbon sequestration, and geothermal energy
exploration. Detection of natural groundwater-re-
charge-induced earthquakes also provides a base-
line against whichreservoir- or fluid-injection-in-
duced seismicity can be measuredto evaluate the
actual extent of human-causedhydroseismicity.
Moreover,natural hydrologic triggering of earth-
quakesprovides insight into the state of stress in
the crust. In addition to tectonic information, the
time lag between groundwater recharge and earth-
[] quakes allows us to determine hydraulic proper-
ties of the upper crust on spatial and temporal
scales that are relevant for studies of regional hy-
Fig. la shows seismicity at Mt. Hood, Oregon,
nl 2 4 6
+ 2kin
10 -- a Quaternary stratovolcano, for the period from
depth(kin) February 4, 1980 through July 11, 2002. Earth-
Fig. 1. (a) Shadedrelief mapof Mt. Hood,Oregon, indicat- quakes occur preferentially on the southern flanks
ing all earthquakes (pink circles and red squares) and se- of the volcano. The off-axis concentration sug-
lected (for criteria see text) earthquakes(red squares), stream gests the possibility that earthquakes are not all
discharge gauging station on SalmonRiver (blue star), sum-
mit of Mt. Hood(large white triangle), and hydrothermal
SwimWarmSprings (western white diamond) and Meadows 1000
Spring (eastern white diamond). Three (small yellow trian-
gles) out of 14 relevant seismometers (AppendixA) are
cated within the mapregion. (b) Seismic moment,Mo,versus
earthquake depth. (c) Histogram of earthquake depths, mean 1 O0
earthquake depth (4.5 km), and range of lc~ standard devia-
tion (2 km). c

recharge rates [14-16] which can be the result of
seasonal snowmelt or variations in precipitation
[16-19]. In this paper we use signal processing
techniques to investigate whether natural ground- 1
-2 -1 0
2 3
, _4
water recharge variations trigger some earth- Mcma~ nitude
quakes in the Cascade volcanic arc, USA.
Fig. 2. Earthquake magnitude, M], binned in half-magnitude
The Cascade arc is located on a tectonically increments, versus logarithmic frequency of occurrence (Gu-
active, and in parts densely populated, convergent tenberg-Richter relationship) for all earthquakesdisplayed in
plate boundary. Thus, for both seismic and vol- Fig. 1. Opencircles, squares, and solid circles indicate seis-
canic hazard assessmentit is important to discern micity during the summer(15-< week-<40,open circles) and
triggers of earthquakes as tectonic, magmatic,or winter (week-41 or week-<14, open squares), and total
years, respectively. Abovethe cut-off magnitudeof M]= 1
hydrologic. Moreover, rapid groundwater re- the decrease in seismicity with increasing magnitudefollows
charge may initiate larger (local magnitude, approximately the expected slope of b =-1. This suggests
M1> 3) earthquakes on critically stressed faults that the data set is completefor M]-> 1.
M.O. Saar, M. MangalEarth and Planetary Science Letters 214 (2003) 605418 607

caused directly by magmaflow although off-cen- Seismic moment, Mo, is approximated by

tered magma-related seismicity can occur when [24]:
volcanic conduits are inclined. Instead, we hy-
Mo= 101’5(Mw+10’73) (2)
pothesize that at least some seismicity could be
triggered by seasonal groundwater recharge that where we assume Mw=M1due to our small
changes pore-fluid pressures on pre-existing crit- earthquake magnitudes of M1- 4.5.
ically stressed faults. Weselect a region of con- Groundwater recharge at Mt. Hood is largely
centrated off-axis seismicity (large open square in due to spring snow melt which provides a natural
Fig. l a) to test this hypothesis. pore-fluid pressure signal of narrow temporal
width and potentially relatively large amplitude.
Groundwater recharge may be approximated by
2. Data and analysis hydrographs of surface-runoff-dominated streams
at high elevations, such as Salmon River, that
The 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption increased show a peak in discharge during snow melt [22]
monitoring efforts at volcanoes in the Cascade (Fig. 3). Groundwater recharge may be delayed
Range. As a result, the Pacific Northwest Seismic from stream discharge due to flow in the unsatu-
Network has maintained short-period vertical- rated zone. This possible delay is not considered
motion seismometers around Mt. Hood since here but may be neglected considering the uncer-
the mid-1980s (Appendix A). To reduce instru- tainty in earthquake depth discussed later.
mentation bias we only use earthquakes with a Salmon River at USGS gauge 14134000 (blue
minimum local magnitude of M1 = 1 (Fig. 2), star in Fig. 1) has a 21 km2 drainage area. Gauge
above which b=-1 holds in the Gutenberg- elevation is 1050 m. Stream discharge for Salmon
Richter [24] relationship: River is only available through September 30,
logl0N = a + bM1 (1) 1995. Thus, we determine a transfer function be-
tween stream discharge of Hood River (USGS
where N is the number of earthquakes of magni- gauge 14120000) and Salmon River using
tude MI and a is the production of seismicity. Box-Jenkins [23] method (Appendix B). Dis-

estimation period evaluation


~Ee- 7-



0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000

days since 01-01-1980
Fig. 3. Stream discharge of Salmon River, Oregon, measured at USGSgauging station 14134000 (red curve) located at an eleva-
tion of 1050 m. During the estimation period, a transfer function between Hood River and Salmon River is determined using a
Box-Jenkins [23] method (Appendix B). The evaluation period shows the fit between predicted (black) and actual (red) data.
prediction period shows the estimated discharge for Salmon River. Intervals I and I+II are used in the analysis and are discussed
in the main text.
608 M.O. Saar, M. Manga/ Earth and Planetary Science Letters 214 (2003) 605-618

intervalI intervalI+II
charge at HoodRiver is available until September 1 , ¯
. .
30, 2001 and is convolvedwith the transfer func-
0.8. "",
tion to extend the discharge data to that date
(Fig. 3). ¯ ¯

For this analysis wedistinguish two time inter- 0.6.

i Mo

vals. Interval I has a lower bound on October 1,

1986, i.e., at the beginningof the water year when ~ 0.4. N ",

most seismometers had been installed. The upper

bound of interval I is set to the last available
discharge date for SalmonRiver, September 30,
1995. Interval II starts on October 1, 1995 and

0g- : ",.:

600 0 200 400

ends whendischarge measurements at HoodRiv- Fig. 5. Period content of time series. Ten-day running aver-
er were discontinued on September30, 2001 (Fig. age power spectra, normalized by their respective maximum
3). Therefore, our analysis focuses on interval I, power, of stream discharge, Q (bold solid line), number
earthquakes, N (thin solid line), and seismic moment,
to allow evaluation of the best-constrained data, (thin dashed line). Dominant periods around one year occur
and on the combinedinterval I+II, to investigate for both interval I (a) and interval I+II (b).
the longest possible time series.
Fig. 4a,b shows histograms for stream dis-
charge, Q, numberof earthquakes, N, and seismic N, and Mohave yearly periodicity, we determine
moment,Mo, binned monthly for intervals I and their power spectra which indeed show dominant
I+II, respectively. Elevated levels of stream dis- periods of about one year (Fig. 5) for both inter-
charge exist from Novemberthrough June with vals I and I+II.
a peak in May due to snow melt. Number of Rather than using monthly binned data aver-
earthquakes and total seismic moment show a aged over all years from Fig. 4 to determinecross-
peak during September and October for both in- correlation coefficients, weuse the actual time se-
tervals I and I+II. In addition, interval I+II ries at a resolution of one day. Seismicity is
shows seismicity in January and February. For binned to yield daily numberof earthquakes, N,
interval I, the time lag betweenpeak stream dis- and total daily seismic moment, Mo. Next, we
charge, a proxy for groundwater recharge, and apply movingleast-squares polynomial fits (Ap-
seismicity is about 5 months. To test whether Q, pendix C) of order -< 5 to Q, N, and Mo(Fig.
6), resulting in the interpolated time series de-
°°°la ’ ’-- ’ ,°,erva,’,,---A
Ax O
12° noted Q, N, and Mo, respectively. This type of
~,o0) ,/No ,’ /’\ ~i2 ~1" interpolation ensures that the data are optimally
/ \,,
"o N
"/\,\’,k_. --’"
i/’ 5-1 ~41o
e=:I,5 ~= 15 matched in a least-squares sense and that later
determinationof cross-correlation coefficients be-
tween time series is based on equivalent frequency
~,oo / / ~~ .... .,’ _ , L__\~i bands. Moreover, interpolation of N and Mopro-
~800 .... 21 61)
~ ’,x, I0
¢~ b
l ~ /~’~~
~"E700r t,3 /~
intervalI+ll ,{- ". o,
~2.5 ~150
/ vides evenly spaced data allowing for standard
--/ ~
o 6oo ~ i ~ ~2 m 40 spectral analysis techniques. For better temporal
comparison, the interpolated data from Fig. 6
..oI ", /\ \ ’/ X (black curves) are shownnormalized by their re-
,oo spective maximum values in Fig. 7.
1io. 10
o o For a lead channel f and a lag channel g, the
normalized cross- (f¢g) and auto- c= g) c orrela-
Fig. 4. Monthly binned histograms showing cumulative mean
tion coefficients, ~fg(t), at a time lag of t, are
daily stream discharge (bold solid line), cumulative number
of earthquakes (thin solid line), and cumulative seismic mo-
given by:
¢fg(t) <1
ment (thin dashed line) for (a) interval I and (b) interval
)-l_<<t>/~(t)= ~/v,,77707v/TT~(o (3)
M.O. Saar, M. Mangal Earth and Planetary Science Letters 214 (2003) 605418 609

/ 10-01 - 1986 09-30-1995 ~ 09-30-2001"~ 1 ~.~"10-01-1986

09-30-1995 ~ 09-30-2001
a A!! I~ interval l A A ~ int
/~ ervalll
x 1021 interval l interval II 0.8 ii ~Mo
ii ii Q
E 0.6 :i,. !i
E ’ ~
O o.4
.o_ 0.2
.m_ 0 ~°"-’"~.....
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Fig. 7. Interpolated time series from Fig. 6, normalized by
each series’ absolute maximumvalue. Local maxima of num-
ber of earthquakes (thin solid line) and seismic moment(thin
20 dashed line) typically follow local maxima of stream dis-
charge (bold solid line) after a time lag of about 151 days.
E m
= 0 efficients, @fg, on overlapping segments within
each time series (AppendixD). The segment width
g6 is 3 years with 30 days shift after each cross-cor-
relation calculation resulting in 75 and 109 seg-
~4 ments for intervals I and I+II, respectively¯ For
each segment20 repetitions are performedso that
E 2
t~ a total of over 1000and 2000 iterations are used
"~ 00 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 to determinethe confidenceintervals for intervals
days since 10-01-1986 I and I+II, respectively (Appendix D). Fig.
Fig. 6. Original (gray) and interpolated (black) time series showsstatistically significant movingcross-corre-
(a) seismic moment, (b) number of earthquakes, and lation coefficients for ~OWand ~oo that are
stream discharge of Salmon River at Mt. Hood. Stream dis- always distinct from the ~0%,and in three quar-
charge includes predicted data from Fig. 3 for interval I]. In-
terpolation is performed using a movingleast-squares poly-
ters of the cases even from the 99%, confidence
nomial fit method of order -< 5 per segment as described in limits for randomearthquake distributions. Re-
the text and in Appendix C. This ensures that the data are sults from all segments are averaged for each
optimally matched in a least-squares sense and that the series
can be compared at equivalent frequency bands (Fig. 7). intervalI

where: c

/2,r) g(t r) dr (4) ~

The normalization ensures that perfect correla-

tion, no correlation, and perfect anticorrelation
are indicated by values of 1, 0, and -1, respec-
Wedetermine normalized unbiased cross-corre- 0 50 100 150 200 250
lation coefficients, qr~o time lag (days)
¯ . Q N and
. aqr0~Mo
Q (Fig¯ 8). for
¯ the
time series. Cross-correlationsshowstatistically Fig. 8. Time lag versus unbiased normalized cross-correlation
significant peaks at 151 days that are distinct coefficients ~ (bold solid line) and O~r0~Mo(bold dashed
from 99%confidence intervals for randomearth- line) for interval I. Thin horizontal lines indicate the respec-
tive upper bounds of the 99% confidence intervals of 1000
quakedistributions (AppendixD).
cross-correlations for randomly assigned phases for each lag
To reduce possible dominanceby a year with channel (Appendix D). Lower bounds are comparable to the
exceptionally high seismicity, we also determine negative of the upper bounds. Both curves suggest a time lag
movingnormalizedunbiasedcross-correlation co- of about 151 days.
610 M.O. Saar, M. MangalEarth and Planetary Science Letters 214 (2003) 605418

I intervalI+11 where"rs, r0,/1 are the fault’s shear strength, co-
hesion, and coefficient of friction, respectively,
~ 0.7 and O’n is the effective normal stress across the
8¢o 0.6 fault. Throughoutthis paper compressivestresses
8 are positive, dn clampsthe fault requiring larger
shear stresses, z, to induce failure (Fig. 10) and
given (Appendix E) by the effective principal
¢~ 0.4
stress tensor:
E o’ = o--ote~ij (6)
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100150 200250
timelag(days) timelag (days) where~ is the (regular) principal stress tensor,
Fig. 9. Timelag versus the meanof the unbiased normalized is the pore-fluid pressure, ~0 is the Kronecker
movingcross-correlation coefficients ~ (bold solid line) delta, and a is the Biot-Willis coefficient, defined
and ~oo (bold dashed line). Thin horizontal lines indicate as:
the respective upper bounds of the 99%(black) and 90%
(white) confidence intervals of over 2000 cross-correlations a : 1--K/Ks (7)
for randomlyassigned phases for each lag channel (Appendix
D). Lower bounds are comparable to the negative of the Here, K and Ks are the bulk moduli (incompres-
upper bounds. Vertical lines at maximum coefficient values sibilities) of the bulk rock matrix and the solid
indicate mean(center line) and mean+lg standard deviation ’grains’, respectively [25]. Deformationcan lead
(outer lines) for the respective time lags determinedfrom to failure, whenthe shear stress, r (Appendix
(a) and 109 (b) moving windowsof 3-year width. The E), exceeds the material’s shear strength, rs, in
meantime lags and respective standard errors are (in days):
(a) 157+2.7(solid line), 152+2.1(dashed line); (b)
(solid line), 139 + 3.9 (dashedline), resulting in a total mean
and standard error of 151 + 6.6 days. a I
ti__melag (bold lines in Fig. 9). For both ~--g and
~-o a maximumis reached for a time lag of
about F= 151 days.

3. Discussion

In the following wedescribe processes that can

cause hydroseismicity and provide a model that
allows us to determine both hydraulic diffusivity,
to, and critical pressure change, P’. Fromt¢ we
then estimate hydraulic conductivity, Kh, and per-
meability, k. Throughoutthe discussion we com-
pare our results with other studies.

3.1. Causesof hydroseismicity

Principal mechanismsinvolved in triggering hy-

droseismicity may be explained by combining Fig. 10. Relationship betweenstresses: (a) pore-fluid pressure
concepts from linear poroelasticity [25] with the is P= 0 so that the effective stress is d = or; (b) pore-fluid
pressure is P~0(the fluid-filled gap is drawnonly for illus-
Coulombfailure criterion: trative purposes) and thus o’ = ~r-aPr~j as described in the
Ts = T0 -~- ~O’tn (5) text; (c) Mohrcircle with Mohr~Coulomb failure envelope
(diagonal line). For explanation see maintext.
M.O. Saar, M. MangalEarth and Planetary Science Letters 214 (2003) 605418 611

Eq. 5, for a given effective normalstress tin. Be- the Earth’s gravity, and h is the height of the
cause dn and ~" dependon both orientation of the water columnabove the point of interest. Reser-
fault within a stress field and on the magnitudeof voirs exhibit both processes and thus typically
the stresses (Eqs. E1 and E2), failure can be trig- cause earthquakes both concurrent with, and de-
gered by changes in both 0 and d (Fig. 10). The layed from, their filling [2,6]. In this paper weare
latter mechanism may induce earthquakes by interested in seismicity induced by groundwater
causing: (1) an increase in if’l, (2) a decrease recharge and are thus focusing on earthquakes
6’3, or (3) an equal decrease in all effective prin- delayed from recharge by pore-fluid pressure dif-
cipal stresses, for exampledue to an increase in P fusion. Here, the load of the additional ground-
(Eq. 6). The first two mechanisms cause failure water is small and thus triggered seismicity due to
increasing the effective differential stress, dl-d3, a (small) increase in d l is neglected. Nonetheless,
and thus shear stress, ~-, in Eq. E2. The third because only the connected pore space is fluid-
mechanisminduces failure by decreasing the effec- filled, relatively high hydrostatic pore-fluid pres-
tive strength of the material caused by a decrease sure changes, P’, may be reached that may be
in Oan which unclamps the fault and moves the sufficient to induce earthquakes.
Mohrcircle closer to the Mohr-Coulomb failure
envelope, while leaving r unchanged(Fig. 10). 3.2. Analytic model
Fluctuations in pore-fluid pressure, P, denoted
P’, on faults due to an increase in dl (e.g., by the We can approximate the effect of seasonal
weightof a filling reservoir that contracts the pore groundwater recharge with periodic yearly (N=
space) occur immediately.In contrast, a local in- 1 year) pore-fluid pressure variations of amplitude
crease in hydrostatic pore-fluid pressure, Ph = P0 at the surface (z = 0 m) as:
pwgh, (e.g., by groundwater recharge, reservoir
impoundment,or injection of fluids at depth), F(t,z=O)= P0cos (~) (8)
maytrigger earthquakes after a time lag, F, that
is related to pressure diffusion to the fault. Here, Pore-fluid pressure evolution below the water
Pwis the density of water, g is acceleration due to table is governedby the (pressure) diffusion equa-
::~ . . tion. In a one-dimensionalhalf-space the diffusion
0.8 equation is given by:
0.6 ~o 02p ’ dP’
0.4 ’I Oz~ -- dt
13o ::
"~z=_ wherethe hydraulic diffusivity:
~" 0
r -Kh -
°’I117 /7 IV" is assumedconstant. Here, Kh, Ss, k, and v are the
ti/ // hydraulic conductivity, specific storage, perme-
t/ , i/ , tJ;
0 200 400 600 800 1000
ability, and kinematic viscosity, respectively. The
solution to Eq. 9, with the boundary condition
days given by Eq. 8 is [26]:
Fig. 11. Periodicpore-fluidpressurefluctuations,P’/Po,at
variousdepths,z (in km),for hydraulicdiffusivity~=0.3 P00 = exp -z cos -z (11)
mZ/s andsurfacepressure perturbationperiodicityi/t= 1 year.
Withincreasingdepth,the amplitude of the pore-fluidpres- and is graphed in Fig. 1 1 for N=1 year and hy-
sureperturbation decreasesandthe phaselag increases.Ata draulic diffusivity to= 0.3 m2/s as determinedlater
depthof 4.5 kin, approximately 10%of the originalpressure
amplitude,P0, remainsandthe delayof the peakis about in Eqs. 13 and 14 for the study region. The ex-
151days(dashed line), i.e., a phaselag of about0.8 ponential term in Eq. 1 1 describes the decrease in
612 M.O. Saar, M. Manga/ Earth and Planetary Science Letters 214 (2003) 605418

the time-dependent pressure amplitude with 3O

depth, z, to P’IPo= 1/e at a characteristic length
scale (skin depth) of:


The cosine term in Eq. 11 describes the periodic

variations of the pressure signal as a function of
both depth, z, and time, t. In addition, both terms
in Eq. 11 are a function of t¢ and ~.
The actual pore-fluid pressure at depth is
P = Ph+P’, i.e., the hydrostatic pore-fluid pressure
with superimposed periodic pore-fluid pressure
fluctuations, P’ (Fig. 12). The argument in the 0
200 400 600 800
cosine in Eq. 11 is expectedto be zero (or a multi- days
ple of 2re) so that the cosine reaches its maximum, Fig. 12. Hydrostatic pressure, Ph, (at depths from 0 to 3 km)
one, during failure (e.g., point C in Fig. 12). with superimposed(for better visibility) 10-fold exaggerated
maybe reasonable to assume that if a critical periodic pore-fluid pressure fluctuations, P = Ph+10P’,versus
time for 1¢=0.3 m2/s and periodicity of ~=1 year. Thecrit-
pore-fluid pressure, Pc, had been reached before
ical pore-fluid pressure for failure should be reached at the
the cosine maximum (e.g., point B in Fig. 12) then maximumof the cosine term and a minimumpossible depth
failure should have occurred at shallower depths (point A) as explained in the main text. At a depth of 3 km,
where a cosine maximum reaches the same critical the peak of the pressure perturbation is delayed (with respect
pore-fluid pressure, Pc, earlier in time (e.g., point to the surface) by 100 days (vertical line). Thus, at the mean
earthquake depth of about 4.5 km the peak is delayed by
A in Fig. 12). Here we assumethat the subsurface
the determined time lag of about 151 days. The upper halves
has a pervasive system of at least one fault along of the sinusoids are filled to better visualize the decrease in
which failure can occur at any depth given appro- amplitudeand increase in phase lag of the pore-fluid pressure
priate stress conditions. Thus, from the condition perturbation with increasing depth.
that the argumentof the cosine term in Eq. 11 has
to be zero, we can determine t¢ from: below stratovolcanoes may thus be relatively
deep. Consequently, pore-fluid pressure diffusion
K"- ~//Z2
24rOt (13) distances to meanseismic depths maybe shorter
than the 4.5 km assumedhere, while relatively
slow flow through the unsaturated zone above
3.3. Hydraulicdiffusivity the water table could delay fluctuations of water
table levels. Furthermore, isotopic contents of
In our case the proposed period of pressure water discharged for example at hydrothermal
perturbation is ~= 1 year and the time lag, F, MeadowsSpring suggest a recharge elevation of
between groundwater recharge and seismicity at 2700 2900 m, i.e., about 600 m below the summit
Mr. Hoodis F= t = 151 with a standard error of of Mt. Hood[28]. However,lowering of the water
+ 7 days (Fig. 9). Earthquake phase data for table not only reduces the available diffusion time,
earthquake relocation were not readily available. t, in the saturated zone but also decreases the
Thus, we could not resolve whether the 16 stan- diffusion depth, z, to the earthquakes. Lowerval-
dard deviation in the earthquake depth distribu- ues of t and z in Eq. 13 tend to cancel each other.
tion, z = 4.5 + 2 km(Fig. lc), reflects error in de- In addition, earthquake depths are determined
termining earthquake locations. Hurwitz et al. relative to a horizontal plane that is approxi-
[27] suggest that ice caps on manyCascade Range mately at the meanelevation (,~ 1 km) of the
volcanoes mayrestrict recharge on their summits relevant seismometersin the region. As a result,
and uppermost flanks and that the water table z and t assumedhere are probably both somewhat
M.O. Saar, M. MangalEarth and Planetary Science Letters 214 (2003) 605~518 613

smaller than maybe expected. Due to the large al fluid pressure variations that may exceed
uncertainty in earthquake depth ( + 2 km)already P0 = 0.1 MPa. Therefore, according to Eq. 15,
considered and due to the cancelling effects of the critical pore-fluid pressure increase at depth
reducing both z and t, we neglect the effects of z=4.5 km may be as low as P’=0.01 MPa,
water table reduction by a possible 0.5 1 kmrel- and possibly lower, at Mt. Hood.
ative to the surface. Whileseveral studies mentionedin Section 1, as
Using N= 1 year, t= 151 days, and z=4.5 km well as this paper, suggest that someearthquakes
in Eq. 13 yields a hydraulic diffusivity of: are triggered by pore-fluid pressure perturbations,
the necessarycritical pore-fluid pressure increase,
t¢ = 0.30 + 0.22 m2/s (14)
P’, is uncertain [1]. However,it is often argued
This value of t¢ agrees with other crustal hydraulic that manyfaults are near critically stressed [36].
diffusivities compiled by Talwani and Acree [1] Therefore, small stress changesinvoked by a vari-
and is in the upper range for fractured igneous ety of different mechanismsmaybe sufficient to
rocks [29]. Gao et al. [30] suggest a value as cause seismicity on somepre-existing faults. Ex-
high as 1 mZ/s for some fractured volcanic sys- amples include earthquake triggering by solid
tems. Earth and ocean tides [37 39], seasonal modula-
tions of seismicity by the load of snow[40], pre-
3.4. Critical pore-fluid pressurechange cipitation- and snow melt-induced seismicity
[16,19] and general fluid-driven seismicity [41].
Thestep-function characteristics of a pore-fluid Lockner and Beeler [42] conduct laboratory stud-
pressure increase due to initial reservoir impound- ies of rock failure along pre-existing faults in-
mentand its error function solution [1,31] do not duced by periodic axial stress changes superim-
allow for evaluation of the critical value of P’/Po posed on a confining pressure of 50 MPa. They
at whichfailure occurs [1]. In contrast, the addi- find a transition from weakto strong correlation
tional temporal information provided here by the between periodic stress and failure at an ampli-
periodicity of the surface pressure perturbation in tude of 0.05 0.1 MPashear stress. Roeloffs [6,29]
the case of seasonal groundwaterrecharge allows suggests that an increase of P’=0.1 MPacan
for estimation of critical P’/Po. Becausefailure is cause reservoir-induced seismicity. Similarly, pos-
likely to occur whenthe cosine term in Eq. 11 is sible triggering of earthquakes by static stress
one, we can determine P’/Po for the above calcu- changes of about 0.1 MPaand less has been pro-
lated value of r=0.3 m2/s at a mean depth of posed by Kinget al. [43] and Stein et al. [4446]
about 4-<z-<4.5 kmand period ~= 1 year as: Harris [47] summarizesthe work of several au-
thors and states that "It appears that static stress
z ox( changes as low as 0.01 MPa(0.1 bar) can affect
the locations of aftershocks".
Thus, about 10%of the estimated amplitude of The examples cited previously as well as our
near-surface pressure variations appears to be suf- results suggest that the necessary stress change
ficient to trigger hydroseismicity at Mr. Hood. for earthquake initiation on pre-existing faults
Average annual precipitation in the (Oregon) may be as low as 0.01~0.1 MPawhich is only a
Cascades, and particularly at Mt. Hood, is about fraction of the coseismic stress drop. Therefore,
3 m [32] of which approximately 50%infiltrates Harris [47] points out that Coulomb stress
the ground [33,34] mostly during spring snow changes are said to ’enhance’ the occurrence of
melt. This leads to infiltration rates of about 1.5 an earthquake, as opposed to generating it. We
m/year concentrated during a few months. Lava support this view and suggest that pore-fluid pres-
flows in the region typically have near-surface po- sure changes due to groundwater recharge at Mt.
rosities of about 15%[35] that decrease with Hoodincrease the probability of seasonal earth-
depth. Thus, groundwaterlevels mayfluctuate an- quake occurrences.
nually by approximately10 m resulting in season- Heki [40] states that seasonal seismicity is not
614 M.O.Saar, )l/L MangalEarth and Planetary Science Letters 214 (2003) 605-618

expectedif the rate of secular (long-term)regional draulic diffusivity range given in Eq. 14, the hy-
stress increase is much larger than the annual draulic conductivity is:
superimposed disturbance. For the case of the 8 x 10-8--<Kh= t¢S~-<5x 10-7 m/s (17)
Cascades subduction zone, and assuming the val-
idity of a characteristic earthquakemodel[48], the which, from Eq. 10 and for a kinematic water
annual secular stress increase maybe estimated by viscosity of v~ 10-7 m2/s at 80°C, corresponds
the (approximately constant) coseismic stress to a permeability range of:
drop, Aa~10 MPa,divided by the average recur- 8)< 10-16-<k<-5× 10-15 2m (18)
rence interval, trY300 years, of large earth-
quakes. Estimatedannual pore-fluid pressure fluc- for the upper ,~ 6 kmof the crust at Mt. Hood.
tuations of 0.01 MPa/yearat Mt. Hoodat a mean Thesuggested permeabilities are relatively high
earthquake depth of z = 4.5 kmare comparableto compared with a maximumof k= 10 -16 m2 re-
Ao’/tr =0.03 MPa/year. Therefore, the pore-fluid quired for mostly conductive heat transfer [52]
pressure fluctuations below Mt. Hoodat depths as suggested for the Oregon Cascades at depths
of about 4.5 km caused by groundwater recharge below about 2 km. However, we suggest two pos-
may be large enough to induce seasonal hydro- sible argumentsthat potentially explain whyk is
seismicity. higher than maybe expected.
The concentration of (hydro-)seismicity south First, a reasonable assumption is that perme-
of Mt. Hood may be due to preferential occur- ability is much higher at shallower depths and
rences of active faults in this region [28,49,50]. decreases with depth due to compaction. There-
Jones and Malone [50] performed earthquake re- fore, pore-fluid diffusion is muchfaster in the
locations and determined focal mechanisms of shallower section and most of the observed time
events from the June-July 2002 swarmwhich re- delay probably occurs at deeper portions of the
veal distinct clusters along normal faults (e.g., profile. Reducingz for exampleby a factor of two
White River fault) located south of Mt. Hood in Eq. 13 woulddecrease to, Kh, and k by a factor
as well as events located beneath the summit of four.
that appear to be magma-related. This relation Second, wesuggest that the region south of Mt.
between snow melt, groundwater recharge, and Hood is anomalous with respect to conductive
seismicity on faults that are kept relatively perme- heat transfer because it hosts the only two hot
able mayalso be reflected by the occurrenceof the springs observed on the flanks of Mt. Hood to
only hydrothermal springs (SwimWarmSprings, date [28]. The presence of hot springs suggests
MeadowsSpring) at Mt. Hood[27,28] in the re- that geothermalfluids rise relatively quickly along
gion south of the volcano(Fig. l a). higher-k paths (e.g., faults) so that time scales for
complete conductive thermal equilibration be-
3.5. Hydraulic conductivity and permeability tween hot fluids and colder surrounding rock
are larger than the travel times of fluids. Indeed,
Oncethe hydraulic diffusivity, to, is known,the Forster and Smith [21] suggest that hot springs
hydraulic conductivity, Kh, permeability, k, or can only be expected for a permeability window
specific storage, S~, can be determined by Eq. of 10-17 -<k-10-15 m2. Our permeability values
10. Thespecific storage is given by: from Eq. 18 fall in the upper range suggested for
hot springs by Forster and Smith [21]. Here, high
Ss = pg(a + nil) (16)
permeabilities lead to increased water fluxes that
where a is the bulk aquifer compressibility (at result in lower geothermal spring temperatures
constant vertical stress and zero lateral strain), that are consistent with those (5°C to about
is the pore fraction, and fl=4.8× 10-1° m2/Nis 25°C [28]) observed at MeadowsSpring and
the compressibility of water. If we assumea mean SwimWarmSprings.
n=0.05 for the study region [33] and a= 10 The magnitudesfor (mostly vertical) permeabil-
m2/Nfor fractured rock [6,51], then, for the hy- ity, k, calculated here, reflect values for a large
M.O. Saar, M. MangalEarthand Planetary Science Letters 214 (2003) 605418 615

spatial scale that includes Mt. Hoodand its near- rice of Science, of the U.S. Departmentof Energy
by active (normal) faults that are kept permeable under Contract No. DE-AC03-76SF00098 and by
by rupture and appear to provide fluid pathways. the Sloan Foundation. Wethank J. Rector for
That the magnitudesof hydraulic diffusivity, ;¢, helpful discussions related to signal processing,
and permeability, k, are plausible further supports J. Kirchner for suggesting the approach to deter-
the hypothesis of seasonal elevated seismicity lev- mine confidence intervals on correlation coeffi-
els due to groundwaterrecharge in this region. cients, M. Singer for helpful insights into Box-
Jenkins methods, and E. Brodsky for discussions
about catalog completeness. Wealso thank C.
4. Conclusions Paffenbarger for efficient computersystem admin-
istration. The reviewers, K. Heki, S. Ingebritsen,
Several arguments support the hypothesis that and L. Wolf, are thanked for their excellent com-
someseismicity at Mt. Hood,Oregon,is triggered ments and suggestions. Earthquake and stream
by pore-fluid pressure diffusion as a result of rap- discharge data were obtained from the Pacific
id groundwater recharge due to seasonal snow Northwest Seismograph Network (PNSN) and
melt. Statistically significant cross-correlation co- from the USGS,respectively. The shaded relief
efficients between groundwaterrecharge and seis- map was made using the Generic MappingTools
micity suggest a time lag of about 151 days. The (GMT)and digital elevation models (DEM)
values of the correlation coefficients are distinct the USGS.[SK]
from those for random temporal earthquake dis-
tributions determined by Monte Carlo simula-
tions. The time lag and mean earthquake depth AppendixA. Seismometerinformation
provide a reasonable (mostly) vertical hydraulic
diffusivity (to= 10-1 m2/s), hydraulic conductivity The information in Table A1 about the short-
(Kh~ 10-7 m]s), and permeability (k~ 10-15 2) m period vertical-motion seismometersin the vicin-
that agree with other studies [1,21,36]. Finally, we ity of Mt. Hood was provided by the Pacific
determinethe critical fraction (P’/Po = 0.1) of the Northwest Seismograph Network. The date col-
periodic near-surface pore-fluid pressure fluctua- umnrefers to the seismometerinstallation date.
tions (P0 = 0.1 MPa)that reach the meanearth-
quake depth, suggesting that P’ =0.01 MPacan
trigger seismicity. This value of P’ =0.01 MPais AppendixB. Box-Jenkins method
at the lower end of the range of critical pore-fluid
pressure changes of 0.01-< P’ -< 0.1 MPasug- The stream discharge of Salmon River is pre-
gested in previous studies [6,29,43,47]. Therefore, dicted beyond its last measurementby employing
while seismicity is distributed throughoutthe year a transfer function between HoodRiver and Sal-
at Mt. Hood, we conclude that some earthquakes monRiver. The transfer function is determined
are hydrologically induced by a reduction in ef- using a Box-Jenkins [23] method. In the case of
fective stress due to a seasonal increase in hydro- a single input channel, Xt, investigated here, the
static pore-fluid pressure, Ph, by a small amount output (or lag) channel, Yt, can depend on both
P’. In fact, elevated seismicity levels due to such current (t = 0) and previous (t < 0) input, Xt, as
small effective stress changessuggestthat the state well as on previous output, Yr. Thus, input and
of stress in the crust at Mt. Hood,Oregon,could output are related by:
be near critical for failure. co(B)
Yt = ~(B)at-b + (B1)

Acknowledgements where:
og(B)_ 090+ o91B+ 0)2 B2 + ... + nog,,B
This work was supported by the Director, Of- ~" (B2)
~(B) ~o -’k 81B + ~zBZ +... + ~nB
616 M.O. Saar, Mi Manga/Earth and Planetary Science Letters 214 (2003) 605418

Table A1
Seismometerlocations and installation dates
Key Latitude Longitude Elevation Date
(km) (mrrdyy)
KMO "45o38’07.80 "-123°29’22.20 0.975 09/82
SSO 44°51’21.60" - 122°27’37.80" 1.242 09/91
TDH 44° 17’ 23.40" - 121047’25.20" 1.541 09/82
VBE 45o03’37.20" -- 121035’ 12.60" 1.544 10/79
VCR 44°58’58.18" ’
- 120059 17.35" 1.015 08/83
VFP 45° 19’05.00" -- 121°27’54.30" 1.716 10/80
VG2 45009’20.00" - 122° 16’ 15.00" 0.823 09/85
VGB 45o30’56.40" - 120o46’39.00" 0.729 04/80
VLL "45o27’48.00 ’-121o40’45.00" 1.195 10/80
VLM 45032 ’ 18.60" - 122002’21.00" 1.150 06/80
PGO "45027’42.60 - 122027 ’ 11.50" 0.253 06/82
AUG ’10.00"
45044 - 121°40’50.00" 0.865 10/81
GUL 45° 55’27.00" - 121°35’44.00" 1.189 07/86
MTM 46001’31.80" - 122° 12’42.00" 1.121 03/80

is the transfer function with coefficients o) and 6. be performed. We apply a moving polynomial
Becausecoefficients in ~o act on current and pre- interpolation, rather than convolution of the
vious input and coefficients in ?’ act on previous data with a Gaussian normal curve, so that no
output, they may be denoted as moving average artificial frequencyis introduced by a convolution
(MA)and auto-regressive (AR) processes and kernel. In addition, the moving polynomial ap-
transfer function as a so-called ARMA model. In proach allows interpolation with low-order (-< 5)
the previous equations, t is a time index, B is the polynomials while ensuring that the data are op-
backshift operator such that l~Xt = ~’~t-b, 17 and 7/ timally matchedin a least-squares sense. For all
are the number of delays for input and output, three series, Q, N, and Mo,the width of the mov-
respectively, and Nt is noise assumedunrelated to ing windowis 1/12th of the total series length and
the input. Therefore,if the noise, Aft, is neglected the step width is 1/10th of the windowwidth. The
and (in our case) 77 = 4 and ?’= 1 is selected then polynomialcoefficients, mLS,are found using the
the output, Yt, at time t is given by: standard least-squares solution from inverse
¢~oYt = ~1Yt-1 + (-DOeSt q- OklXt-1 -~- o)2Xt-2
theory given as mLS=[GTG]-IGTd, where G is
the (up to) fifth-order polynomial model matrix
-~-(-03Xt-3 q.- o)4X’t-4 (B3) and d is the data vector. Multiple interpolation
values for a given time step result from the over-
where ~0 = 1 is commonlyassumed(or else Eq. B3 lap of the moving windowand are averaged.
is divided by ~0). Therefore, in this example,the
current output depends on one (b= 1) previous
output (Salmon River discharge) as well as Appendix
D. Correlationcoefficients
the current (b = 0) and previous four (1- b-<
inputs (HoodRiver discharge). Wedetermine auto- (f= g) and cross- 0C¢g)cor-
relation coefficients for time series f and g as de-
scribed in principle by Eqs. 3 and 4. In practice,
AppendixC. Movingpolynomialinterpolation correlation coefficients, Ofg, for positive time lags,
l, are calculated by:
The daily binned seismic data have to be inter- 1 M-/-1
polated so that continuous time series are ob- ¢)fg(l) -- M-l Z fm+tgm (D1)
tained on which standard spectral analyses can m=0
M.O. Saar, M. Manga/Earthand Planetary Science Letters 214 (2003) 605<618 617

where m and Mare the index and the length of tively, and 0 is the angle between ~1 and the
the (zero-padded)time series, respectively. Divid- normal to the failure plane (Fig. 10a). The shear
ing by (M-/) provides so-called unbiased cross- stress, r, is given by:
correlations where the reduced overlap length of
the series for large time lags is accounted for. r = O’ll~
-- sin(20) (E2)
Correlation coefficients are then normalizedas de-
scribed by Eq. 3.
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