Guidelines For Collecting and Preserving Plant Specimens

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Practical # 2



A herbarium specimen is an actual record that a particular species of plant grows in a certain locality under
the habitat conditions stated on the label attached to the specimen. Herbarium specimens are extremely
useful to botanists and other scientists studying the vegetation of a region or the biology of a plant species.
The specimen represents a record of the distribution and the life history of the species. If the collection
data are complete and accurate, a biologist can not only compile a floristic list from the herbarium
specimens of a region, he or she can also glean information about the habitat conditions under which a
species is found, how common it is, whether there is variability in the morphology of a species in different
sites, when it comes into flower and/or fruit, and a variety of other data about the species. Because a
herbarium specimen thus represents a piece of data, it is important that the specimen be well displayed
and the label be as complete, accurate, and informative as possible.

Field procedures

When you collect a specimen, look for a plant that is representative of those in the population. If you are
collecting an herb or a grass or other non-woody vascular plant, you should attempt to collect both the
above-ground plant parts and the roots. Often the underground structures are very important in
identifying the species. When possible, choose a specimen that has both flowers and fruits on it. If this is
not possible, but the species is both in flower and in fruit in the population, you should make two
collections. Gently dig up the specimen and shake off the excess soil. Collect enough individuals of the
species to generously fill a herbarium sheet (11.5 x 16.5 inches). Specimens made from woody plants
should be clipped from the shrub, tree, or liana. Try to collect branches that show both flowering and
fruiting material. You may carry the plants in the field by placing them in a plastic bag, preferably not of
black plastic (because it may get very warm), into which you have placed a wet paper towel or wet piece
of newspaper. Place the plants into the bag, with the roots down, so that specimens will not become too
muddy or mixed together. Avoid leaving the collecting bag in the sun, because the specimens may become
baked or steamed, and thus ruined. If you are making a series of collections in slightly different habitats,
you can group specimens from a single collecting site together by wrapping them in several sheets of
newspaper, forming a "trumpet" around the specimens. If you pour a little water into the trumpet and
turn it slowly as it soaks through the newspaper, you will create a humid environment which will help
keep your specimens in good condition. They can be coded as to collection site, and then placed in the
plastic bag. As emphasized above, the data describing the collection are of paramount importance. If the
collection data are scanty or incorrect, the specimen becomes worthless for any scientific purposes. Make
careful and complete notes to describe the plant populations you collect and the habitats in which they
are found. The minimal data for a collection are: the date of the collection, the collecting locality (county,
city, road numbers, legal description, or other directions which are detailed enough so that another
person could stand a good chance of relocating your collecting site), a description of the habitat (woods,
meadow, tallgrass prairie border, barren eroded slope, etc.), the name of the collector (you and anyone
else who is collecting with you) and a collection number. Each specimen you collect will thus have its own
unique designation, and will be coded in your collecting book, so that others can correct any errors which
might creep into the label as it is being prepared. In addition to the above data, it is very helpful to make
notes on other aspects of the biology of the species. For example: How big was the population from which
this collection was made? How abundant was the species? What color are the flowers? (Dried flowers
tend to lose their color when they are pressed.) Were the flowers fragrant? Were the vegetative portions
of the plant fragrant? Was the plant being visited by pollinators? Did you notice any obvious variability in
the species at this site, such as in flower color? Some other kinds of data, such as plant habit, are of
particular importance in identifying species of certain families. As you become familiar with different
families, you will learn what characters deserve special attention, but it is always best to note any
characters you think may be of use to other biologists that will not be preserved with the specimen. You
might choose to make only the minimum of notes while you are in the field; however, be sure to annotate
your collection book as soon as you return, so you do not forget or misremember descriptions.

Drying the specimens

Plants are dried by arranging them inside pieces of newspaper in a standard ‘plant press’. The plant press
consists of an outer wooden frame, within which are pieces of corrugated cardboard that permit air to
circulate through the centre of the press. Specimens are usually dried by placing them over a low heat
source for a number of hours until the moisture is gone. An external heat source is not always necessary,
however, especially when one is drying only a few collections at a time, and the climate is not too humid.
When drying specimens in this way, leave the press in an open place where air can circulate. It helps to
shift the specimens within their paper each day (or remove them entirely) until the specimens are
completely dry.

Press the individuals which represent a single collection on one-half of a single sheet of newspaper. When
folded in half, such a single newspaper sheet is the approximate size of a herbarium sheet. In arranging a
specimen, remember that the way it is bent in drying is the way it will remain permanently.

Large plants may be bent into a “V” or “N” shape to fit them into the folder. Press open the flowers (or
some of them) to show the inside parts. Arrange the leaves, when possible, so they do not overlap. Some
leaves should be turned over to show the back sides. If the root or bulb is very thick, it may be pared in
half; include both pieces in the specimen.

Similarly, twigs or leaves that make the specimen too bushy can be carefully removed and pressed
separately. If the plant has a woody stem, trim the end in an oblique angle to show the colour of the pith.
All parts of the specimen should be included within the newspaper. Flower parts extending beyond the
dimensions of the press will become brittle and broken, and the specimen will not fit on a standard
herbarium sheet. When the specimen has been arranged hold it in that arrangement with one hand and
close the paper.

The newspaper folders will be sandwiched in the press such that there is a corrugate on either side of
them, separating adjacent specimens. You should build your stack of specimens on top of one of the
wooden frames, layering first a corrugate, then the newspaper folder, another corrugate, newspaper,
etc... Each plant should be coded on its newspaper folder with its collection number and the date of the
collection, so you can cross-reference it to your collection book as you prepare the permanent label. When
you have finished with all your specimens, end with a corrugate, place the second wooden frame on top,
and draw the straps tightly around the press. As the plants dry, the straps can be tightened to apply
continuous pressure to the specimens.

Labelling, mounting and filing

When the specimen is dried and ready to be stored, a permanent label is placed with it. A sample label is
shown below. You may vary this format for your own collections as you see fit.

Specimens are mounted (glued, taped, pinned, or sewn, depending on the herbarium) to a heavy sheet of
rag paper, and the label is attached to the lower right-hand corner. After being mounted, the specimens
is filed in herbarium cases in folders, usually sorted by plant family, genus, and broad collecting area (such
as North Pakistan, or Punjab). When mounted and filed in this fashion, the specimens are accessible to
other scientists who may wish to study them for systematic, floristic, ecological or other purposes.
Practical #3


The accurate diagnosis of specific plant diseases depends upon several factors. The specimen must arrive
at the laboratory in a fresh condition, but, just as important, it also must be representative of the
symptoms expressed in the field, lawn, or yard. Also, the complete description of the area, its history of
cultural or chemical practices, and other facts pertinent to the disease occurrence must be supplied in
order to facilitate complete diagnosis of the cause. When specimens arrive in a crushed, wilted condition,
or if they are in advanced stages of decay, diagnosis is often difficult. If nonrepresentative or incomplete
specimens (roots, stems, and soil) are accompanied by insufficient information, accurate diagnosis
becomes impossible.

Leaf Spots

1. Collect leaves showing all stages of infection. Make sure compound leaves are collected with leaflets
attached to petioles. Also include twig segments with leaf samples.

2. Use the plant press to transport from field to office. Once ready to ship (within 24 hours), place the
leaves between heavy paper or thin cardboard and place them in an envelope. They will arrive in a pressed
state, making processing easier.

Galls or Cankers

1. Select several galls along with small portions of twigs or limbs if possible. Include intact leaves if

2. Make sure you include healthy portions of the plant.


1. Send whole plants when possible. Collect several plants, showing all stages of the disease.

2. Dig the plants; do not pull them up. Include a small amount of soil with the root system. Keep soil and
aboveground plant parts separate by placing roots in a plastic bag and sealing with a rubber band. Do not
add moisture to the root sample.

3. If nematodes are suspected, collect approximately 1 pint of soil from a depth of 6–8 inches. Place the
sample in a Nematode Soil Sample Bag or a sealable quart-size bag. Keep soil samples cool and out of
direct sunlight. Do not let samples dry out, but do not add water. Fill out the Nematode Sample Submission
Form, and include it with the labeled sample.
Fruits and Fleshy Organs

1. Do not send specimens of advanced stages of fruit rot. Select plants showing early to intermediate

2. Keep specimens cool until shipped. Wrap several sheets of dry paper towel around the fruit. Do not add
moisture. Pack specimens so that they are not crushed during shipping.

Turfgrass Samples

Turfgrass samples should be taken from the edge of the affected area and include both dying and healthy
plants. Collect several 3-by-3-inch squares of sod (grass with root) with at least 1 inch of soil. Place these
in sealed plastic bags.

Packaging and Mailing

Samples submitted to the diagnostic lab should be accompanied by a check made payable to the
Diagnostic Lab Service. Fees are Rs. 2500 per sample for plant pathogenic testing. Fees are subject to

1. When mailing plant specimens for disease diagnosis, wrap a dry paper towel around the specimen and
place it in a zipper-seal plastic bag. The purpose of the paper towel is to absorb any moisture released
from the plant tissue, thus avoiding bacterial soft rot before it arrives in the laboratory.

2. Use regular mailing envelopes whenever possible to save money on postal fees.

3. Mail early in the week, and be sure to mark the package “First Class.” This will allow us to get the sample
as fast as possible and it will be less likely to spend the weekend in the post office.

4. Fill out the Plant Disease Sample Submission Form for diagnosis as completely as possible. The extra 5
or 10 minutes it might take to fill out the form could save us an hour or more of “barking up the wrong
tree” when examining the specimen in the lab.
5. If sending more than one sample, please be sure to properly label samples and accompanying forms.

6. Make sure packages are wrapped in heavy paper.

Mail samples to:

Plant Diagnostic Lab: Department of Plant Pathology, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi

Do not include the box number for carriers that do not ship to box numbers.

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