Group 4 - Social Literacy IM

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Group 4: Members

Dragon, Nicole Siarry

Engracia, Cyrene
Pagaduan, Jennylyn
Velez, Neil Collins

Instructional Material: Social Literacy

The instructional material used for teaching social literacy will revolve around an activity
called "Finding Middle Grounds", wherein NSP learners will interact with their peers through an
agree or disagree segments of questions in which they will line up altogether to show their
different stances on cultural, behavioral and personality-based topics.

At the end of the lesson, the NSP learners will be able:
● To foster communication and reception of different perspectives
● To create safe space for nuanced opinions
● To enhance their social skills by interacting with their peers and listening to their

● Masking tape/Colored Tape
● Cardboard/flashcard (for “AGREE, DISAGREE”)
● PowerPoint or CANVA

Mechanics of the activity:

1. Students will line up at the back of the classroom.
2. The facilitators will ask questions in the front and will count 5 seconds for the students to
choose whether they agree, somewhat agree, disagree and somewhat disagree.
3. After the students have lined up and have chosen their answers, the facilitators will pick one
or two students from the opposing sides to share their answers as to why they chose them. If
there are no opposing sides, a facilitator will play as a devil's advocate and choose the side
where there are no students who are lined up. This is to ignite and engage them further into
the discussion.
4. The facilitator who plays as a devil's advocate will share their opposing stance to the class
and spark small discussion or debate for the students to defend and expound their answers.

1. Shame or “hiya” is a big part of Filipino society. It shapes how people act and relate
with one another. This affects choices, conducts and socializing by stressing on
self-respect as well as saving face. Question: Do you agree or disagree that the cultural
value of "hiya" significantly affects self-expression, decision-making processes, and
interpersonal relationships among individuals in the Filipino community? Furthermore,
do you think this cultural value brings more good than bad, or vice versa?

2. Filipino culture revolves around family where they have strong ties with their relatives.
They consider this unit as their way of life thus being close to them is very important.
They also follow certain practices such as respecting elders, filial piety and making
decisions collectively which are aimed at ensuring that there is unity within these
families however large or small they may be. Question: Do you agree or disagree that
attitudes towards families shape behavior among young people in the Philippines
today? Additionally, do you believe that setting up relationships among distant people,
despite all belonging to a grand family, brings more hardships than benefits?

3. As we all know, the Philippines is known for its lively culture and colorful festivities,
from fiestas and religious celebrations to folk dances and musicals. These cultural
happenings contribute to the communities by glueing communities together,
celebrating culture, and expressing identity or identities. Question: Do you agree or
disagree that Filipino cultural celebrations and traditions matter in Philippine society?
Furthermore, do you think they play an important role in developing a feeling of
belonging, identity, and cultural pride among individuals and communities?

4. The Filipino people highly value "pakikisama", which means cordiality, hospitality and
belongingness wherein everyone is welcome and everyone is considered as friends
regardless of their place of origin or social status. It is the essence of bayanihan, which
is communal unity, and it could be seen in actions like help, sharing and cooperation.
Question: Do you agree or disagree that hospitality is a cultural value deeply ingrained
in day-to-day interactions and social networks in the Philippines? Moreover, do you
believe that it significantly contributes to social harmony and cooperation within the
5. A big part of the Filipino tradition are the superstitions and the folk beliefs that have
already been in the culture and these strongly influence the actions towards luck,
fortune, and the supernatural. These acts include some things done on special days
and getting the blessings of the elders or seeking spiritual healers, the things
considered superstitions can also affect behaviors and decision-making formally.
Question: Do you agree or disagree that superstitions and folk beliefs strongly influence
behavior, decision-making, and cultural practices among Filipinos in contemporary
society? Additionally, do you think these superstitions and folk wisdom have a
significant impact on one's actions and attitudes?


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