The Great Gatsby Unit Plan Copy For Wesite

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The Great Gatsby

Title of Unit The Great Gatsby Grade 30-1


Curriculum English Language Arts Time 14 Days

Area(s) Frame

Developed by Lavinia Lindsay

Programs of Study Foundations

What program foundations form the emphasis of the unit? What big ideas from the program of studies will you

● Defining “Context”—Purpose, Audience and Situation

● Reading and Writing
● Critical Thinking and Learning through Language

Essential Question

How can a dream shape our perceptions of reality?

Unit Plan Outcomes

GO1: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts,
ideas, feelings and experiences.
● 1.1 Discover possibilities
○ a. draw from a repertoire of effective strategies to form tentative
understandings, interpretations and positions [for example, record initial
thoughts, feelings and observations about a novel in a dialogue journal]
GO2: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend literature
and other texts in oral, print, visual and multimedia forms, and respond personally,
critically and creatively.
● 2.1 Construct meaning from text and context
○ a. explain the text creator’s purpose, including implicit purpose when
applicable; describe whether or not the purpose was achieved [for example,
describe an author’s use of juxtaposition to develop a contradictory
impression of a character]; and assess the suitability of a text to the target
○ c. explain how understanding the interplay between text and context can
influence an audience to appreciate a text from multiple perspectives [for
example, an audience can appreciate how historical and societal forces
present in the context in which a text is set can affect the style, diction and
point of view chosen by the text creator]
GO4: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to create oral, print,
visual and multimedia texts, and enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.
● 4.1 Develop and present a variety of print and nonprint texts
○ e. develop appropriate, relevant and sufficient content to support a
controlling idea or unifying effect [for example, relate supporting details,
examples and illustrations to a controlling idea when creating a critical/
analytical response to literature]
GO5: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to respect, support and
collaborate with others.
● 5.2 Work within a group

What resources will you require? Will there be guest speakers/field trips to plan for?
Will you need particular resources/materials/technologies?

● The Great Gatsby: personal copy to teach from

● The Great Gatsby Google Doc to share with students
● The Great Gatsby audiobook access (YouTube)
● The Great Gatsby film
● Unit PPT: Canva Link
● Daily Journal Prompts
● Literary Circle activities: Booklet printed for each student
● Have You Read It? Short daily quizzes ready
● Gatsby Puzzle Activity
● CARL essay topic
● Barbie Movie & Companion task
What will you accept as evidence that learning has occurred at the conclusion of this unit?

Critical Analytical Response to Text:

● the significance of idealism and
truth in an individual’s life
● The impact of an individual's
ambition on self and others

What is the summative performance ● The human need to reconcile the

assessment for the unit? uncertainties of the past with a
new or present situation
● Discuss the idea(s) developed by
the text creator in your chosen text
about how
● imagination affects an individual’s
willingness to embrace or reject an
uncertain future.

What is the goal of your summative GO2 & GO4: My goal is to assess student
performance assessment as framed within the
ability to interpret text and represent their
outcomes and competencies? What do you
hope to learn? thinking in a critical analytical response.

Essay results will inform how students

How will this assessment inform student
interpreted the novel in addition to their
learning and your practice?
writing abilities.
English 30-1: Ms. Lindsay | The Great Gatsby
Hidden Truths Behind the American Dream
“Optimism means better than reality; pessimism means worse than
reality. I'm a realist.” - Margaret Atwood

As students read F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic novel The Great Gatsby, they will conduct
in-depth character analysis of the novel’s characters and evaluate how Fitzgerald uses
characters, in addition to other literary devices, to comment on the society and values of the
American 1920s.

● Study a full-length novel

● Annotation strategies
● Group discussions & collaboration
● Personal responses to text
● Critical analytical responses to text
● Compare novel to film
DAY 1: Introduction & Annotations | Apr 8, 2024
● Unit PPT: Canva Link
● What is Annotation?
○ This will provide additional context on what annotation is.
■ Read 2 articles (on your own):
■ How to Mark a Book
■ Every Book is a Coloring Book (1 of each color per chapter)
● Annotating in Gatsby PPT
● REMEMBER your master words list (bottom of CLASSWORK)
Each annotation needs a unique linking verb.
● Read & Annotate Chapter 1
○ Chapter 1 Audiobook | 35 minutes (For those that need it and/or SSPs)

Every chapter you will do a few things in addition to your own ANNOTATIONS, these are
the tasks for Chapter 1. You will do this on the GOOGLE DOCUMENT provided to you.
These can count towards your 1 of each color.

• Find and underline/highlight at least 2 specific references:

1. to Nick Carraway’s past
2. to East Egg and West Egg.
3. that explain the characters of Daisy and Tom

• Margin Notes:
1. What are your first impressions of Jordan Baker? Attach to the section where
she is introduced.
2. In what ways is Nick different from those that surround him? Attach to a
relevant section of text dealing with this idea.
3. At the end of the chapter, write a short summary of the first time that Nick sees
Gatsby. What exactly is Gatsby doing?

DAY 2: Chapter 1 | Apr 9, 2024

● Discuss Chapter 1 - PPT
● Did You Read It? Quiz
● Chapter 2: Read & annotate
a. Chapter 2 Audiobook | 25 minutes


● Find and underline/highlight at least three specific details that define the “Valley
of Ashes”
● Find and underline/highlight at least three specific examples of Tom’s boorish
(rude, ill-mannered) behavior.

Margin Notes:
● Why do you think the Billboard of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg is significant?
● Compare and Contrast Myrtle with Daisy.

DAY 3: Chapter 2 | Apr 10, 2024

● Discuss Chapter 2 - PPT
● Did You Read It? Quiz
● Chapter 3: Read & annotate
a. Chapter 3 Audiobook | 34 minutes


● Find and underline/highlight at least three specific details that show the
extravagance of Gatsby’s parties.
● Find and underline/highlight at least three specific details showing specific
behaviors of Gatsby’s guests.
Margin Notes:
a. Who is “Owl Eyes”, and what does he do at Gatsby’s party?
b. Why does Nick believe that Jordan Baker is a Dishonest Person?

DAY 4: Chapter 3 | Apr 11, 2024

● Discuss Chapter 3
● Did You Read It? Quiz
● Chapter 4: Read & annotate
○ Chapter 4 Audiobook 1:30:01

DAY 5: Chapter 4 | shortened day Apr 12, 2024

● Discuss Chapter 4
● Read & Annotate Chapter 5 & 6 over the weekend
○ Will read 5 as a class
○ Chapter 5- Chapter 5 Audiobook | 26 minutes
○ Chapter 6 - Chapter 6 Audiobook | 25 minutes


● When Gatsby sees Nick again, he makes Nick several offers in order to befriend
him. Find and underline/highlight at least three specific offers that Gatsby
makes to Nick in order to win his friendship.

● Find and underline/highlight at least three specific details that show Daisy’s
reaction to Gatsby after all of their years apart.

Margin Notes:
● At Nick’s house, when Gatsby first sees Daisy, he clumsily knocks something
off the mantel. What does Gatsby knock over and WHY might this be
● What is Daisy’s reaction when she sees Gatsby’s collection of shirts? Why
might she react this way?
● At the end of the chapter, Nick details his fears about Gatsby and Daisy’s
relationship. What does Nick mean that he fears that Daisy won’t live up to
Gatsby’s vision of her?


● The opening of Chapter Six details Gatsby’s real history. Find and
underline/highlight the following details about Gatsby’s life: His real name, his
birthplace, his educational history, his first major employer.

● Find and underline/highlight at least three specific details that demonstrate

Tom’s dislike or distrust of Gatsby.

● When Daisy and Tom attend Gatsby’s party, Nick describes the party much
more unfavorably. Find and underline/highlight at least three details that show
how this party might be different from the other parties.

● Margin Notes: Dan Cody was an alcoholic. In what way does this detail shed
light on Gatsby’s behavior?

● Margin Notes: Nick and Gatsby argue over whether or not it is possible to
recreate the past. Who is right?
DAY 6: Chapter 5 & 6 | Apr 15, 2024
● Discuss Chapter 5 & Discuss Chapter 6
● Did You Read It? Quiz
● Read and annotate Chapter 7
○ Chapter 7 Audiobook | 54 minutes


• Find and underline/highlight at least three specific details that show how
Gatsby’s life has changed since he rekindled his relationship with Daisy.
● Find and underline/highlight at least three specific accusations that Tom makes
of Gatsby in the hotel room.
● Find and underline/highlight at least three specific details involving automobiles.

● Margin Notes: How would you describe Gatsby’s reaction to Daisy’s daughter?
Why does he react this way?
● Margin Notes: Describe the decision that Gatsby and Tom force Daisy to make.
Who wins this confrontation?
● Margin Notes: Summarize Myrtle’s accident.
● Margin Notes: Who was really driving the car, and why is Gatsby waiting in the
shadows outside of Daisy’s house

DAY 7: Chapter 7 | Apr 16, 2024

● Discuss Chapter 7
● Did You Read It? Quiz
● Chapter 8: Read & annotate
○ Chapter 8 - Chapter 8 Audiobook | 26:59 minutes
○ Will read Chapter 8 in class


● Find and underline/highlight at least three specific details that show’s

Nick love and affection for Gatsby.
● Find and underline/highlight at least three specific details that show
George Wilson’s

● Margin Notes: What important role does the billboard of Dr. T.J.
Eckleberg play in the scene at Wilson’s garage?
● Margin Notes: Why does Gatsby want to go for a swim? How does this
relate to Gatsby’s relationship with Daisy?
● Margin Notes: How does George Wilson know he must visit Tom
● At the end of the chapter, summarize what happens to Gatsby including
George Wilson’s conversation with Tom. What, exactly, happen to both
Gatsby and Tom?

DAY 8: Chapter 8 | Apr 17, 2024

● Discuss Chapter 8
● Did You Read It? Chapter 8 Quiz
● Chapter 9: Read & Annotate
○ Chapter 9 - Chapter 9 Audiobook


● Find and underline/highlight at least three specific details about Gatsby’s

● Find and underline/highlight at least three specific details about Gatsby’s
● Find and underline/highlight at least three specific details that show Nick’s
displeasure with the East.

● Margin Notes: Why doesn’t Daisy attend Gatsby’s funeral?

● Margin Notes: Summarize the end of Nick and Jordan’s relationship.
● Margin Notes: What excuses do Meyer Wolfshiem and Klipspringer give for
missing Gatsby’s funeral?
● Margin Notes: Summarize Nick’s encounter with Tom on Fifth avenue.

DAY 9: Chapter 9 & CARL writing | Apr 18, 2024

● Discuss Chapter 9
● Lit Chart for Gatsby

DAY 10: CARL WRITING | Shortened Day Apr 19, 2024

○ Review CARL Exemplars
■ Willy's Garden (Excellent Exemplar).pdf
■ Horses of the Night Essay Exemplar with Comments.docx (Not
■ HotN IHCF Exemplar.pdf (Diploma)
■ Gatsby CARL Exemplar.pdf
● Plan your Carl and Begin Writing (TEMPLATE) in Google Classroom. This is part of
your process mark.
● PAST ESSAY EXEMPLARS | Past Diploma Exam Exemplars

DAY 11: CARL WRITING | Apr 22, 2024

● Read the Summary vs Analysis Handout
● Complete the Evidence Activity.
Work on your CARL
Make a copy of your document (Prior to changes. Call new one good copy. This
will allow you to easily complete the final process which is demonstrating a
second draft (will show you in class)

DAY 12: CARL WRITING Apr 23, 2024

● Work on CARL

DAY 13: Barbie | Apr 24, 2024

● Should be finishing up Carl
Complete Self Assessment | Essay checklist.doc
Students will demonstrate that they have revised their original essay - taking it to a
second draft.
■ Use the compare documents feature to show the changes you made.

DAY 14: Barbie/Gatsby task| Apr 25, 2024

● Essay due if students are ready. Begin movie or give more time to write.


● Chapter 1-9 annotations

● Chapter 1-9 Did You Read It? 9 Quizzes
● Film Companion Task (?)
● Gatsby Puzzle (?)
● CARL Essay

Videos & Media

● FULL TEXT of The Great Gatsby (Yours is on Google
○ Chapter 1-
THE GREAT GATSBY - F. Scott Fitzgerald [FUL…
○ Chapter 2- 33:43
○ Chapter 3- 56:56
○ Chapter 4- 1:30:01
○ Chapter 5- 2:00:48
○ Chapter 6- 2:48:11
○ Chapter 7- 2:48:11
○ Chapter 8- 3:37:52
○ Chapter 9- 4:03:20
● Access to the film:
■ The film can be accessed on Criterion on
○ COD username: 9201606
○ COD password: RViewstudent
Annotation Guides:
● Chapter #1 - None
● Chapter 2-4
● Chapter 5-7
● Chapter 8-9

Chapter 1 Annotated and discussed |

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