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n many parts of the world
IN CONTEXT people are increasingly moving
towards a cashless society in
which goods are bought with credit
Banking and finance
cards, electronic transfers, and
KEY EVENT mobile-phone chips. But dispensing
Kublai Khan adopts fiat with cash does not mean that money
money in the Mongol Empire is not used. Money remains at the
during the 13th century. heart of all our transactions.
The disturbing effects of money
BEFORE are well known, inciting everything
3000 BCE In Mesopotamia from miserliness to crime and
the shekel is used as a unit of warfare. Money has been used as a
currency: a unit of barley of tribute (sign of respect), in religious
a certain weight equals a rites, and for ornamentation. “Blood
certain value of gold or silver. money” is paid as recompense for
murder; brides are bought with
700 BCE The oldest known
“bride money” or given away with The Tiwa tribal people of Assam,
coins are made on the Greek dowries to enrich their husbands. India, exchange goods through barter
island of Aegina. Money lends status and power to during the Jonbeel Mela, an age-old
festival to preserve harmony and
AFTER individuals, families, and nations.
brotherhood between tribes.
13th century Marco Polo
brings promissory notes from A barter economy
China to Europe, where they Without money, people could only your new car? Barter depends on
are used by Italian bankers. barter. Many of us barter to a small the double coincidence of wants,
extent, when we return favors. where not only does the other
1696 The Bank of Scotland is A man might offer to mend his person happen to have what I want,
the first commercial operation neighbor’s broken door in return but I also have what he wants.
to issue bank notes. for a few hours of babysitting, for Money solves all these problems.
instance. Yet it is hard to imagine There is no need to find someone
1971 President Nixon these personal exchanges working who wants what you have to trade;
cancels the convertibility on a larger scale. What would you simply pay for your goods with
of the US dollar to gold. happen if you wanted a loaf of money. The seller can then take the
bread and all you had to trade was money and buy from someone else.
See also: Financial services 26–29 ■ The quantity theory of money 30–33 ■
Shelling out
The paradox of value 63
Wampum were strings of
white and black shell beads
Money is transferable and deferrable China in the 10th century, is money
treasured by the indigenous
—the seller can hold on to it and buy that is simply a token of exchange North Americans of the
when the time is right. Many argue with no value other than that Eastern Woodland tribes.
that complex civilizations could assigned to it by the government. Before the European settlers
never have arisen without the A paper bank note is fiat money. arrived in the 15th century,
flexibility of exchange that money Many paper currencies were wampum was used mainly for
allows. Money also gives a yardstick initially “promises to pay” against ceremonial purposes. People
for deciding the value of things. If all gold held in reserve. In theory dollars might exchange wampum to
goods have a monetary value, we issued by the US Federal Reserve record an agreement or to pay
can know and compare every cost. could be exchanged for their gold tribute. Its value came from
value. Since 1971, the value of a dollar the immense skill involved
Different kinds of money has no longer been convertible to in making it, and in its
There are two kinds of money: gold and is set entirely by the US ceremonial associations.
commodity and fiat. Commodity Treasury, without reference to its When Europeans arrived,
their tools revolutionized
money has intrinsic value besides gold reserves. Such fiat currencies
wampum making, and Dutch
its specified worth, for example rely on people’s confidence in a
colonizers mass-produced the
when gold coins are used as country’s economic stability, which beads by the million. Soon,
currency. Fiat money, first used in is not always assured. ■ they were using wampum to
trade and buy things from the
native peoples, who had no
interest in coins, but valued
With barter a person wampum. Wampum soon
With money an individual
can only exchange became a currency with
can buy from anyone
with someone who an accepted exchange rate.
who is willing to sell.
wants what he or she In New York eight white or
has to offer. four black wampum equaled
one stuiver (a Dutch coin of
the time). The use and value
of wampum diminished
With money a seller can in the 1670s.
sell to anyone who wants
what the seller has.
But you don’t
need to barter if
you have coins.

Money can be held until

the time is right to buy.

Money helps us measure This Shawnee shoulder bag is

the value of things. decorated with wampum beads,
which developed into a currency
for some North American tribes.

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