Bats Day 2

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Objective: Materials:

Students will learn bats are Bat Facts PowerPoint

nocturnal Chart paper, Post it notes
Book: Bat Loves the Night or Bats
Construction paper
Scissors, markers, crayons, paint
Engage- Would You Like to Be Nocturnal? Have students place a post
it note on yes/no graph to answer question.

Explore- Revisit the KWL chart created the day before with the
students and go over the vocabulary word Nocturnal. We will have
students share their knowledge of any other animals that are
nocturnal. Nocturnal/Diurnal animal sort

Read a book on bats and focus on the fact: “Bats are nocturnal.”

Elaborate- Student’s Choice of activity

Students will elaborate on what they learned by creating a bat art
The students will show what they know through an art medium. We will
allow students to choose the form of how they would like to show the
night sky by laying out a variety of colors of construction paper and
scissors and tell the kids to make an art project that shows that bats
are nocturnal.

Read Aloud: Bats Loves the Night Day 2

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