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Social Media Metrics


Definition: Total number of individuals following a social media account.

Example: A brand has 5,000 followers on Instagram.
Formula: Direct count

Engagement Rate

Definition: The level of interaction (likes, comments, shares) content receives relative to
followers or reach.
Example: A post receives 100 engagements from 1,000 followers.
Formula: (Total Engagements / Total Followers) * 100


Definition: The total number of unique users who see your content.
Example: A Facebook post reaches 2,000 unique users.
Formula: Direct count


Definition: The number of times content is displayed.

Example: A tweet appears 1,200 times in user feeds.
Formula: Direct count

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Definition: The ratio of users who click on a specific link to the number of total users who
view a page, email, or ad.
Example: 50 clicks from 1,000 impressions.
Formula: (Total Clicks / Total Impressions) * 100

Conversion Rate

Definition: The percentage of users who take a desired action.

Example: 10 purchases from 200 clicks.
Formula: (Total Conversions / Total Clicks) * 100

Cost Per Click (CPC)

Definition: The cost incurred for each click in a PPC campaign.

Example: Spending $100 for 50 clicks.
Formula: Total Spent / Total Clicks
Sentiment Analysis

Definition: Determining the attitude or emotion of the writer; positive, negative, or neutral.
Example: Analyzing customer feedback on Twitter for sentiment.
Formula: Direct count (requires specialized tools)

Bounce Rate

Definition: The percentage of visitors who leave the site after viewing only one page.
Example: 50% of visitors leave without interaction.
Formula: (Single Page Visits / Total Visits) * 100

Average Time on Page

Definition: The average duration visitors spend on a specific page.

Example: Users spend an average of 2 minutes on a blog post.
Formula: Total Time on Page / Total Page Visits

Page Views

Definition: The total number of page views.

Example: A website receives 5,000 views in a month.
Formula: Direct count

Video Views

Definition: The number of views a video receives on a social platform.

Example: A promotional video on Instagram gets 10,000 views.
Formula: Direct count

Video Engagement

Definition: Total interactions on a video post.

Example: A YouTube video receives 800 total interactions.
Formula: Total Likes + Comments + Shares

Post Reach

Definition: The number of unique users who saw a specific post.

Example: A Facebook post is seen by 2,000 unique users.
Formula: Direct count
Follower Growth Rate

Definition: The rate at which the number of followers is increasing.

Example: Gaining 100 followers in a month from a base of 1,000.
Formula: (Net New Followers / Total Followers at Start of Period) * 100

Social Media ROI

Definition: The return on investment from social media activities.

Example: $1,000 in sales from a $100 campaign.
Formula: (Social Media Revenue - Social Media Marketing Costs) / Social Media Marketing

Customer Response Rate

Definition: The percentage of customer inquiries or comments responded to.

Example: Responding to 90 out of 100 customer comments.
Formula: (Number of Responses / Number of Inquiries) * 100

Active Followers

Definition: Followers who actively engage with your content.

Example: Out of 5,000 followers, 1,000 regularly interact with posts.
Formula: Direct count

Top Engaging Posts

Definition: Posts that receive the most engagement.

Example: A post receives 500 likes, the highest in the month.
Formula: Direct count


Definition: How often your brand is mentioned on social media.

Example: Your brand is mentioned 150 times in a week.
Formula: Direct count

Hashtag Performance

Definition: The effectiveness and reach of a hashtag used in your posts.

Example: #SummerSale used in posts received 1,000 interactions.
Formula: Direct count
Organic vs Paid Reach

Definition: Comparison of reach without paid promotion versus with paid promotion.
Example: Organic reach is 1,000, paid reach is 2,000.
Formula: Direct count

Traffic Referrals

Definition: The number of visitors sent to your website from social media.
Example: 500 daily visitors to your website from Facebook.
Formula: Direct count

Content Shares

Definition: The number of times your content is shared.

Example: A blog post is shared 200 times on social media.
Formula: Direct count

Influencer Engagement Rate

Definition: Engagement rate for content posted by influencers.

Example: An influencer's post about your product gets a 5% engagement rate.
Formula: (Total Engagements / Total Followers of Influencer) * 100

Story Views

Definition: The number of views your Instagram or Facebook stories receive.

Example: Your Instagram story is viewed by 500 people.
Formula: Direct count

Profile Visits

Definition: The number of times your social media profile is viewed.

Example: Your Twitter profile is visited 300 times in a day.
Formula: Direct count

New Followers

Definition: The number of new followers acquired in a specific period.

Example: Gaining 150 new followers in a week.
Formula: Direct count


Definition: The number of users who have unfollowed your account.

Example: 20 users unfollowed your account last month.
Formula: Direct count
Net Follower Growth

Definition: The net increase or decrease in followers over a period.

Example: Gained 150 followers but lost 20 in a month.
Formula: New Followers - Unfollows

Engagement per Follower

Definition: Average engagement (likes, comments, shares) per follower.

Example: 5,000 engagements divided by 1,000 followers.
Formula: Total Engagements / Total Followers

Post Frequency

Definition: The frequency at which posts are made over a period.

Example: Posting twice a day on average over a month.
Formula: Total Posts / Number of Days

Response Time

Definition: Average time taken to respond to user interactions or queries.

Example: Average response time is 2 hours.
Formula: Total Response Time / Total Responses

Top Performing Keywords

Definition: Keywords that drive the most engagement and traffic.

Example: The keyword "travel tips" brings most engagement.
Formula: Direct count

Audience Demographics

Definition: Characteristics of the audience such as age, gender, location.

Example: 60% female, aged 18-24, mostly from the USA.
Formula: Direct count

Exit Rate

Definition: The percentage of times a user leaves after viewing your story.
Example: 10% exit rate on the third slide of a story.
Formula: (Exits on Slide / Total Story Views) * 100
Event Attendance

Definition: The number of people who attend an event organized on social media.
Example: 100 attendees at a Facebook Live event.
Formula: Direct count

Content Diversity

Definition: The variety in types of content posted (images, videos, text, etc.).
Example: 30% images, 50% videos, 20% text posts.
Formula: Direct count

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